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Guest bravesfan

Mick Foley on WOL...TONIGHT!

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Guest bravesfan

NOTE: Yes, I know, this belongs in general wrestling, but this forum will generate more views so that everyone knows about this. Besides, we already have a Kevin Kelly interview posted below this topic. If you have the time, listen in, or catch the replay later tonight.


from the Meltz....

Don't forget Bryan Alvarez and I are back on Sunday tonight from 8-10 p.m. Eastern time and 5-7 p.m. Pacific time with Wrestling Observer Live, in what should be a great show, as we've got Mick Foley as guest. The show airs on the Sports Byline USA radio network from coast-to-coast. You can access the station list, or listen to the show live on the internet, at www.sportsbyline.com. We also have a replay show at 6 a.m. Eastern time on Monday.


We'll be taking phone calls on the current scene early in the show, and Foley will join us for a lengthy interview later. We'll be talking to Foley about his new book, "Tietam Brown," which will be released in early July, how life away from wrestling has been, as well as his thoughts on the current wrestling scene and the injury rate in wrestling as a follow-up to the Observer article he helped us so much with a few months back.


To join in the fun, and like last week, it should be a lot of fun, you can call in at 1-800-878-play. The show also airs live on Sirius Satellite radio Ch. 123 and you can also access it through this site and at www.dragonkingpress.com. A lot of people have also been able to access it through the web site of the affiliate (CFTB) in St. Catherines, ONT.

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Guest Choken One

I'd Mark if Foley came back as dueling commish with Austin...


mix that duo with a weekly dose of Vitamin C, a little X and Blackgold should make a POTENT shake of awesomeness...

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Guest bravesfan
Tietam Brown???


Released on July 8th, here is a synopsis:


A remarkable debut novel—given extraordinary life by its amalgam of energy, raw authentic language, and, at the core, a surprising gentleness.


It is the work of the constantly amazing wrestler-writer Mick Foley, whose two volumes of autobiography, Have a Nice Day! and Foley Is Good, were each number one on the New York Times National Best-seller List.


It tells the story and speaks in the voice—at once innocent and too knowing for his age—of Antietam (Andy) Brown, named for the great-great-great- grandfather who died on that Civil War battlefield. Andy at seventeen is himself the veteran of a violent boyhood, having been locked up in the Northern Virginia Juvenile Detention Center for killing a teenager who attempted to rape him.


Now, after seven years, he is out, free, at a crossroads, trying to make a fresh start, to fit into the life of Conestoga High School in the small upstate New York town to which he has been brought by his father—absent from his life since he was a month old. The man is certainly charismatic. He is also crude, apparently addicted to bodybuilding, beer swilling, and (his own words for his serial womanizing) “bareback riding.” He has no visible job, no known past.


Associated by the town with his father’s coarseness, hectored by the boorish football coach and the coach’s pack of steroid-pumping teens, feeling himself losing ground, Andy is stunned to discover that the most popular girl in town is attracted to him. Terri, the homecoming queen, the school beauty, every boy’s dream girl, a born-again Christian, a really nice girl. Andy can’t believe it. He is immediately head over heels in love—first love—and determined to protect Terri from everything bad on earth. Worried that his father, even he himself, might contaminate her, and determined for her sake to discover what his father is, Andy begins to delve into the locked rooms and dangerous currents of the elder Tietam Brown’s past and present.


What happens is told in a novel that is appealingly direct, moving, and altogether pleasurable in its superb storytelling and celebration of the human spirit.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

"Celebration of the Human Spirit"


Tsk, Tsk, Tsk. So it has come to this...

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Guest AndrewTS

Mick with a serious book? Hmm...interesting.


I don't want Mick involved with WWE again. I like him and and probably would enjoy seeing him on a weekly basis, but another authority figure isn't going to solve WWE's problems.


And for the sake of his sanity, I hope he doesn't decide to become a writer for WWE--he's already far above those hacks, and shouldn't have to write what Vince dictates.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Let's hope that Foley doesn't want to come back... that means he'll be a whole lot more honest :)

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Guest TheHulkster

Damn, I thought it was going to be Superstar Billy Graham after last week's show. Foley should be a good guest though.

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Guest JAxlMorrison

I can't get it to work.......anyone else having a problem?

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Guest Lord of The Curry

Shit.......Dave Meltzer has the greatest laugh in the history of mankind.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416



This is the first time I've listened to WOL...they talked about Pride for a bit, now they're talking OVW...

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Guest MrHell

Not following OVW, I had no idea that Basham and Damaja were in the middle of a feud. Corny needs nothing short of divine inspiration to explain this one.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Not sure about the background of the feud, but them being "brothers" could be introduced.

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Guest tpww7

He said Foley would be on in a few minutes for anyone not currently hearing.

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Guest MrHell

That comment about Angle being better than Thesz is somehow finding it's way into a sigpic.


And Meltzer just made the obvious statement of the decade when he said that Jamie Noble's doomed.

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Guest tpww7

Meltzer's Wrestler of the Year as of now would be Kenta Kobashi. Don't follow Japan, how would you compare him to other guys?

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Guest MrHell

I've yet to see the Misawa/Kobashi match in question, but from what I've read, it's one of those matches that half the fans pimp as one of the best matches ever and the other half don't see anything spectacular about.

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