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Guest bravesfan

Mick Foley on WOL...TONIGHT!

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Guest ViciousFish
Let's hope Vince was listening.










Now that is priceless......Vice listen to the internet. BWAHAHAHAHA!!!

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Or they could just give Benoit a gimmick where he gets a pet cat (call it Dynamite Kitty) and he becomes a gentler man. He could team up with another Canuck and can be called the Canadian Calico's and one day someone catnaps his cat and Benoit goes insane.


..or not.


But they should do something to make him more 'human'.

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Guest alkeiper

Why? So he can hire Tony Schiavone?


"Benoit's covering Triple H. 1....2....We're out of time!!"

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Guest Vyce

I'm very much interested in reading Foley's novel. I hope it's good too, because I very much want him to succeed.

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Guest godthedog
Or they could just give Benoit a gimmick where he gets a pet cat (call it Dynamite Kitty) and he becomes a gentler man. He could team up with another Canuck and can be called the Canadian Calico's and one day someone catnaps his cat and Benoit goes insane.


..or not.


But they should do something to make him more 'human'.

funaki could steal the cat, then cook it & feed it to him.

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Guest RedJed

Wasnt a whole lot to the Foley deal sadly. He sounded more together in the head than I ever have heard him though. I suppose not taking any chairshots anymore for two years brings back all those braincells after all ;)


From the sounds of it he seemed soured on ever having another match again though. I was interested to hear on his thoughts on TNA, oh well.

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Guest Vyce

This will be a stupid question to some of you but here goes anyway: do any of you know where (or if) WOL is archived someplace? I missed tonight's broadcast. And, honestly, I've NEVER listened to a WOL broadcast before (well....maybe a loooong time ago). So I need a little help from any compassionate soul willing to give it to me.

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Guest RedJed

They will have a full recap on the Observer site later tonight or at the latest sometime tomorrow.


As for where to find archived stuff, I believe there is a site maybe within sportsbyline.com that has them updated and archived. Dont quote me on that though. I have heard of a fan site that has them all archived, but I have no clue what the URL is.


If you ever want to catch it live, there is a link at the Observer site. In fact explore around there, they may have some more info on what you are looking for.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

There wasn't really anything remarkable about the interview other than Foley saying that his ties with Vince got cut because of the XFL and had a communication breakdown which eventually led to Foley becoming very unhappy in the company.


Foley goes around to help sick kids/kids with disabilities and watches Raw with them, so he doesn't feel the need to get back in the ring because he still gets the cheers and admiration. Writing has helped him vent creatively, which is another thing that has helped him stay away from the ring.

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Guest RedJed

I wish him all the luck in the world, but I wonder what will happen if this book venture fails? First initial thought is that its going to be a bitch to get word out to the masses that there is even a novel he wrote in the first place.

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Guest Vyce
I wish him all the luck in the world, but I wonder what will happen if this book venture fails? First initial thought is that its going to be a bitch to get word out to the masses that there is even a novel he wrote in the first place.

I think he'll be alright.


He has at least a little name recognition, which gives him at least some thing of an advantage, no matter how slim.


I figure he'll be able to sell at least a few thousand copies, quite realistically it wouldn't be a stretch to say he will probably sell 100,000 or more. I'd love for him to sell at least a million, but I don't know how many of his wrestling fans will be willing to embrace a dramatic novel that isn't full of Al Snow jokes. I honestly think he'll do okay, but if he doesn't, it's not the end of the world for him. He would just likely have to start out on the "bottom rung" as a novice novelist, and work his way back up the totem pole until he's built enough of a solid fanbase for his non-wresltling material.


I mean hell, if Greg "I lost on Jeopardy!" Kihn can become a moderately successful novelist, Mick can do it.

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Guest The Decadent Slacker

Mick's probably finacially set from the past few years of work. Besides, his book will rule in at least some way. I look forward to it.


& i don't care if i see Mick on WWE TV again, even though i love the guy. It's like seeing Ozzy on MTV: great, but sad at the same time. Of course for differing reasons

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Guest JAxlMorrison

Now that i listened to the replay, and even though there were a lot of commercials, I realize how much I miss Mick on WWE television.

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Guest Slapnuts00

I missed the show...Is there any place that has the show saved so I can listen to it? I know www.observerlivechat.com usually streams the previous night's show all monday long but its been DOWN all day. Wonderful. So anyone else have a solution?

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Guest sean pyro

on the prowrestling newsgroup they have it capped in mp3 form.

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Guest Slapnuts00
on the prowrestling newsgroup they have it capped in mp3 form.

Hi, what's the full adress for this newsgroup? I've gone through a half a dozen "pro-wrestilng" newsgroups and haven't found it.

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Guest Slapnuts00

Better yet, if anyone has an mp3 of it, could you please PM me? :) Thanks.

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Guest Slapnuts00

Yeah, I'm pretty newsgroup ignorant, and from that site it seems like I'd have to pay to access it. That's ok. Again though if anyone finds it and can send it to me, PM me.

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Guest sean pyro

Most Internet providers have Newsgroup support for free.


All you really need to know is your ISP's newsgroup server address, it should be on their website.


Make sure you have WinRAR, Xnews and SmartPAR after you find it.

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Guest sean pyro

I'm downloading it now for ya.. do you have AIM? so I can send it to you.

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