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Guest MillenniumMan831

One and Only HeAT Thread

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Guest MillenniumMan831

I'm bored, so let's have a HeAT thread . . .


Dreamer/Maven just pinned 3MW after Dreamer's DDT.


Thuggin and Buggin w/ Jazz is next.


Steiner vs. Storm is the Main Event, sorta.

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Guest JRE

That first match wasn't bad, especially for 3MW. Rosey even did the HBK kick-up, surprising. I liked the Dreamer backstage segment before the match too.


Other than that...they really need to turn up Heat so that it can be beneficial to storylines.

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Guest MillenniumMan831

They actually are putting nice, little touches to this week's show already.


The opening skit w/ Dreamer putting over Maven.

Plus, the quick shot of Teddy Long pumping up Jazz.


These little touches make the matches seem a little more important. Plus, having one 'Megastar' a week doesn't hurt.

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Guest Downhome

I enjoyed the first match also, and it was great to see Dreamer pick up a win.

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Guest Eric the Eagle

I always thought it stood for Stepover Toehold Facelock.

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Guest Eagan469
I always thought it stood for Stepover Toehold Facelock.

I did some research, and the correct name for STF is indeed "Stepover Toehold Facelock".


It turns out Eric Watts called it "Submission Through Fear" when he used it for his finisher in WCW, and that's how the confusion began.

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Guest razazteca

Lance Storm sold it well also.

Edited by razazteca

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Guest Will Scarlet
It turns out Eric Watts called it "Submission Through Fear" when he used it for his finisher in WCW, and that's how the confusion began.


Well, it's Eric Watts, how else could he possibly get the submission?

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Guest DerangedHermit
It turns out Eric Watts called it "Submission Through Fear" when he used it for his finisher in WCW, and that's how the confusion began.


Well, it's Eric Watts, how else could he possibly get the submission?

A huge vacuum of suck?

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