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Does anyone not listen to death metal in here?

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Fuck, people only yap about crap like Rob Zombie, Slayer, Metallica, and shite like that. Jesus, broaden you damned horizons. One can't have an actual debate about anything either than heavy metal music. It sucks.

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Guest razazteca

I copied a few death metal albums but can't get past the yelling and growling. I can't hate Cannibal Corpse since they are Jim Carey's favorite band.

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Guest Nanks

I certainly don't, every bloody thread is either about death metal or full of indie love. Boring.

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Guest Kibagami

I've tried listening to metal based on the sheer number of recommendations it gets in here, but aside from Katatonia and some Nevermore, it doesn't really do anything for me.



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Guest DrTom

I tried several years ago, but I just couldn't. A friend recommended Napalm Death to me, so I gave them a listen. While the music was good, the singer sounded like he had a mouthful of mashed potatoes, shit, glue, and nails when he did whatever he does that approximates "singing." Imagine the adults on the Charlie Brown cartoons with more angst in their voices and you're pretty close. I can't listen to something where the words are an unintelligible garble. After that, I just wrote the genre off and never looked back.

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Guest Heavy As Hell
DrTom Posted on Jun 2 2003, 01:16 AM


I tried several years ago, but I just couldn't. A friend recommended Napalm Death to me, so I gave them a listen. While the music was good, the singer sounded like he had a mouthful of mashed potatoes, shit, glue, and nails when he did whatever he does that approximates "singing." Imagine the adults on the Charlie Brown cartoons with more angst in their voices and you're pretty close. I can't listen to something where the words are an unintelligible garble. After that, I just wrote the genre off and never looked back.


Based on the band that you wrote the genre off on, I'm not suprised. Napalm Death isnt exactly the thing I would want someone to listen to in order to give the more extreme realms of Heavy Metal a chance.


BANKYWOOD Posted on Jun 2 2003, 12:06 AM


Fuck, people only yap about crap like Rob Zombie, Slayer, Metallica, and shite like that. Jesus, broaden you damned horizons. One can't have an actual debate about anything either than heavy metal music. It sucks. 


Then start a discussion about something else instead of starting another Heavy Metal discussion.

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I've tried. Look at it, a guy from Mars Volta died, but no one replied. it was was some dude from 'Cannibal Corpse' everyone's shades would be drawn, and weeping would ensue.

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Guest Heavy As Hell

I have never heard a Mars Volta song. Heard of them, never any of their stuff. recommendations?



Cannible Corpse is second rate Gimmick death metal. So I would not shed a tear if one of there guys died. Not that I hope that on them. I just think they are lousy.

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Cut that City and Concertina.


They are an ATDI spin off band with elements of funk, blues, jazz, and all that weird shit.


It may not be likeable for some.


Their new album is coming out this July, the EP has been out for about a year.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I listen to all kinds of stuff that's not death metal, even if it happens to be my favorite genre.


Would anyone like to discuss King Crimson or Frank Zappa?

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Guest Heavy As Hell

I just listened to one of the mars volta songs you recommended. Good background music is what my first impression of it is. Something I could probably throw in a car for late night listening.


To be fair, I'm not really a death metal guy. More in Black metal and atmospheric stuff really.

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Guest spiny norman

Hey, my favourites are Beatles, Prince, The Pretenders and Madonna! Hardly death metal.


And yeah, they're too broad-minded.

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Guest Rob Edwards

don't like it , there were a few death metal bands at Leeds festival last year, I think I understood 5 words, I'll stick with QOTSA, Air, Electric 6 etc


EDIT - best change fans to bands otherwise it doesn't make a lot of sense!

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Guest the holy grail

Well i'm looking for some people who are really into punk, not so much hard punk but more ska punk. Like madness and The Clash, and especially Sponge

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Guest gangsteruwa

I don't really care what the genre is, if I like it, I like it. I don't like every Death Metal band, but there are a lot I do like. Sure the lyrics are rediculous sometimes but there is some excellent music backing that stuff up (I'm sure many will disagree with me though). The vocals don't really bother me. In fact I prefer to not know what they are singing about.


I like lots of other stuff though. Anything from Jazz to Rap (oldschool rap/intellegent rap/violent rap) to Deathcore.


As for Mars Volta, I've heard one song (Concertina) and I liked it. I definately would buy their EP, and once the new CD comes out (if it does) I'll get it. Excellent atmosphere from that one song, eventhough I felt like a hippie. B-)

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Guest nl5xsk1
Well i'm looking for some people who are really into punk, not so much hard punk but more ska punk. Like madness and The Clash, and especially Sponge

I'm not a fan new ska, but I do dig the old stuff: Specials, Selecter, Madness, English Beat, etc (most of the Two-Tone artists are fine by me) and the oldschool punk-ska crossover acts like Operation Ivy and Citizen Fish.

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Guest Brian

I'm into all the punk stuff, and a lot of the "new wave" that went up around the same time. Especially the Clash.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I have almost zero trouble picking out death metal lyrics.


It's a tricky thing to write good lyrics that can be sung like that. Obviously, a traditional singer is going to be using an infinitely larger range than someone barking out death growls really goddamn fast, which gives the vocals less to work with overall, IMO.


Although, when it's done successfully, and a singer makes the most of what can be put with the music, It just totally gels together perfectly, and hits evenly and hard like a sledgehammer wreathed in flame.


The growling factor that most folks tend to hate is there out of necessity, though. Take the content of the lyrics. Everything from almost-comical detailed gore like Lividity, to inspired anger like Dying Fetus, absolutely would not work in any way shape or form without the intense vocal work.


Seriously, there's no way to use any vocals OTHER than growls for most brutal death music. I can't see how people can like one half of it but not the other.


If you don't like it, don't sweat it, you're in the majority, but as it's been stated here repeatedly by various people..good tunes is good tunes, so I don't think it's fair to write off the entire genre based on a bad experience with Napalm Death or some Chris Barnes circus.


I'd like to see Freddy Mercury do some Mortician.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Hey, it's the prodigal mod, Brian.


*does something with palm fronds, possibly anointed ones.*

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Guest Heavy As Hell

One thing I will say in favour of death metal is that the vocals take a lot of skill and control. More than most people think. I try and I try to get down to those ultra low turnyoursissybonestodust growls and it is impossible. Takes a special breed i guess.

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Guest nl5xsk1

My only real complaint with death metal is that it seems like it borders on self-parody. I saw 6 Feet Under (I think that's what they were called) play with Danzig and Converge a few years ago, and they seemed like a parody of a death metal band. Then one of the kids who I was at the show with (a friend of a friend) announced how awesome they were and ran down as close to the stage as possible.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

See, that's the very thing I was talking about. People see a band like Six Feet Under, or some REALLY cheesy Cannibal Corpse, and assume the whole genre's like that. Some is excellent, some sucks, just like everything else.

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Guest godthedog
broaden you damned horizons.


...anything either than heavy metal music. It sucks.


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Guest the holy grail
[i'm not a fan new ska, but I do dig the old stuff: Specials, Selecter, Madness, English Beat, etc (most of the Two-Tone artists are fine by me) and the oldschool punk-ska crossover acts like Operation Ivy and Citizen Fish.

The one and only Bad Manners, saw them last year at a local joint, Buster Bloodvessel is the man



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Guest notJames

I cut my teeth on the "alternative" scene of the late '80s/early '90s, with everything from punk to ska to synth-pop to "college rock" to industrial to folk to garage and everything in between.


Unfortunately, death metal and hip-hop didn't fall into "everything in between"... unless you count Consolidated and Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy as hip-hop.

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Guest NoCalMike

umm, Cannibal Corpse does NOT suck.


I think they have become a little more cartoony than before, but Butchered at Birth, Tomb of the Mutilated and The Bleeding are 3 great albums.

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Guest redbaron51

Death Metal is to me 2-3 notes/choreds at a fast tempo, with insanse double bass, and a non existant bass

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