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Guest Trivia247

WWE news and Interviews

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Guest Trivia247

This week on the No Holds Barred radio show we had the pleasure of catching up with Rey Mysterio to discuss a bunch of different wrestling related topics. No Holds Barred features interviews with many of your favorite wrestling superstars and personalities and in an attempt to bring the show to the national listening audience, we are asking you to visit our website www.noholdsbarredwrestling.com and fill out the petition you see listed at the top of our main page. NHB appreciates your support and will keep you posted on any developments pertaining to our expansion. Now here are the highlights from the Rey Mysterio interview.


Rey started out by putting over the release of his new DVD titled "619" and encouraged his fans to pick up a copy. He said the DVD gives the fans a closer look at the real Rey Mysterio and they should thoroughly enjoy it.


On the injury front, Rey said he is feeling better then last week and is recovering from a pulled right groin. He said he has been undergoing treatment but he is still very sore.


He talked about the incident that occurred with the Big Show and stated that Big Show dropped him right on his face and if he hadn't been as hurt as he was, he would have expressed his displeasure with the stretcher spot. He did say sometimes mistakes do happen in the ring but at other times guys can go overboard and when those situations unfold, you have to handle your business and stand on your own.


When Rey debuted in the WWE he was very nervous. He mentioned always watching stars like the Undertaker, Kurt Angle and Eddie Guerrero and was thrilled when the door opened for him to perform with these guys. He added that at first he was in awe of the talent he was working with and now says that it's great because you know you're working with the best the world has to offer.


Rey said the WWE gave him a shot to perform with the big boys but said that it was similar how WCW used him at first. He mentioned how both companies viewed him as a smaller guy who was a cruiserweight wrestler but then decided to use him with guys who were bigger and stronger. He listed his work with the Undertaker and Kurt Angle as proof that he could take on all comers. He noted that WCW did not give him the same chances to perform at the top level and feels that if you want to be a star then the WWE is the place to be.


Rey said he is focused on winning the cruiserweight title. He proved he could wrestle with the heavyweights and now he craves the title belt from Matt Hardy. He also felt their match at WrestleMania 19 was very solid.


Rey talked about his relationship with Konnan and said that he would love to see him and even Juventud Guerrera become part of the WWE. He said that if they were added they would raise the spirit of the crowd in any building they performed in and they would be able to get respect from the boys backstage by being team players. He talked in further detail about the influence Konnan has played on his career and brought up the examples of Konan helping him get his foot in the door in Mexico, ECW and WCW.


Mysterio said the name for his finisher (The "619") was created following a conversation with Michael Cole and Tazz. He said he wanted a cool idea for the move and threw "619" out there because it would allow him to represent his hometown of San Diego and he said that Tazz loved the idea because he felt numbers were very catchy with fans. Rey loves the fact that he can incorporate his hometown zip code everytime he hits his finishing maneuver."


When asked about the Amazing Red using the same move and calling it the "718" Rey calls it flattering. He said he has no animosity towards Red and hopes when fans see the move they say "Wow, that was the "619".


Rey talked about adding the mask to his character once again. He mentioned that it was a company decision for him to don the mask and while he may have been a little hesitant at first due to not using it for more then 2 years, he now likes wearing the mask and he feels the fans identify with him better. He calls the mask a part of him and said that he feels it adds to his character.


To hear the entire interview log on to www.noholdsbarredwrestling.com. The No Holds Barred radio show is hosted by Jason Barrett and George Farmer and airs in parts of NY,NJ,PA and CT ON 101.5 WPDH. NHB is also in the process of adding a new opening theme song for the show and you can choose from 1 of the 3 potential titles by logging on to our website.


Recap by George Farmer


This week on the No Holds Barred radio show we had the pleasure of catching up with Tommy Dreamer to discuss a plethora of great wrestling topics. No Holds Barred features interviews with many of your favorite wrestling superstars and personalities and in an attempt to bring the show to the national listening audience, we are asking you to visit our website www.noholdsbarredwrestling.com and fill out the petition you see listed at the top of our main page. NHB appreciates your support and will keep you posted on any developments pertaining to our expansion. Now here are the highlights from the interview.


Tommy began by expressing his excitement for returning to the Mid Hudson Civic Center in Poughkeepsie, NY on Friday June 27th when the WWE return to the building. He mentioned that he has injured himself more in the Mid Hudson Civic Center then in any other building. He added that he will face Randy Orton when the WWE returns and between the two of them, someone is bound to get injured. However if he gets hurt he'll just tape up but if Randy gets hurt then expect him to be on the shelf for a while since he's such a "pretty boy".


He talked about his time in ECW mentioning all of the different roles he had but added that ECW is his past and the WWE is his future.


He talked a little about the differences between ECW and WWE and said that the WWE stars are more hardcore than ECW's stars simply because of the grueling travel schedule. He said that while in ECW, everyone was labeled as weekend warriors because they could do their spots and then take a week off to heal where as in the WWE, talent have 1-2 days to heal up before getting back in the ring.


He discussed the angle he took part in a few months ago when he was doing crazy stunts to shock and disgust wrestling fans. He said that while drinking The Undertaker's tobacco spit made him feel shaky, nothing was as bad as eating his own hair simply because it took him 4-5 days to get it all out of his mouth.


Tommy mentioned that he wanted to go his entire ECW career without holding titles but because of talent leaving, he had no choice but to add gold to his resume. He also talked about Raven and their best of friends/worst of enemies relationship.


On the topic of being a part of the RAW writing team, he stated that it was a fun process but that the writers are constantly under a lot of pressure and most of the time they don't receive enough credit when they create good ideas. He said when his career is over he would like to become part of the writing team but that it's really hard to be a talent and also work on the writing of the show week in week out.


Tommy blames ECW for the fans expectations being as high as they are. He said the company raised the bar as far as what fans expect to see these days but also said that fans have been strong to support a great show when they see one, as proven by the reaction the company received for the WrestleMania 19 show in Seattle.


To hear the entire interview log on to www.noholdsbarredwrestling.com. The No Holds Barred radio show is hosted by Jason Barrett and George Farmer and airs in parts of NY,NJ,PA and CT ON 101.5 WPDH. NHB is also in the process of adding a new opening theme song for the show and you can choose from 1 of the 3 potential titles by logging on to our website.


Recap by Jason Barrett


# Jackie Gayda, who worked weekend house shows as Rico's valet, may debut on tonight's RAW in the same role.


# OVW wrestler Orlando Jordan, who worked Smackdown brand house shows last week as Orlando Johnson, has been called up to the main roster and will debut at Tuesday's Smackdown taping.


(Thanks to WrestlingObserver.com)



# Oakland fans get 'One' big return

OAKLAND, Calif. -– June 1, 2003 –- Billy Gunn made his first appearance in nearly eight months in front of a WWE crowd tonight and, not surprisingly, the multi-time Tag Team Champion was ecstatic to be back.



# Visa renewal process gives Finlay the fits

WWE agent Dave “Fit” Finlay returned to work recently after being stuck for two weeks in Northern Ireland. He was part of May’s SmackDown! tour of Europe, but ran into an incredible amount of red tape when he attempted to renew his visa.



(Thanks to WWE.com)


# Triple H recently suggested to WWE management that William Regal should serve as a road agent while recovering from his illness. It was originally believed that the illness would force him into early retirement, but an in-ring return looks very possible at this point.


# Dave Lagana, who is the head writer for the Smackdown brand, is the person behind the Brock Lesnar/Rey Mysterio "big brother" storyline. The feeling is that it makes Lesnar look good by rescuing the underdog, and also helps elevate Mysterio by having him work with the main eventers.


# Early estimates for the Backlash buyrate are around 300,000 buys (0.56 buyrate). This has to be considered a huge letdown, since the company was expecting a huge number due to it being the in-ring debut of Goldberg.


(Thanks to The Wrestling Observer Newsletter)


# There are rumors that "Superstar" Billy Graham may make a few appearances on WWE television to promote his new book, which is scheduled to be released early next year.


(Thanks to The Wrestling Observer Newsletter)


# Despite tons of speculation, The Rock will be appearing in person at tonight's RAW in San Diego. As you probably know by now, he will be the special guest on Chris Jericho's "Highlight Reel" segment.


# Rob Van Dam will be featured as a guest star on the 45th episode of VIP (Survi-Val). The show will air on June 4th at 9:00 p.m. EST on TNN.


# WWE has opened a website to promote Jim Ross's new cookbook, which includes not only recipes, but stories of his career in the wrestling business. To check out the site, click here.


(Thanks to 1wrestling.com)

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Guest Spaceman Spiff
When asked about the Amazing Red using the same move and calling it the "718" Rey calls it flattering. He said he has no animosity towards Red and hopes when fans see the move they say "Wow, that was the "619".

Hey, just like when Misterio "borrowed" Red's "Code Red" ;)

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Guest bob_barron

Okay Goldberg apologists- justify that buyrate.


Good to hear Regal may be coming back- Lance needs him

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Guest Brian

I'll do it for them:


"They handled him poorly."


What the fuck did you expect out of creative.

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Guest SP-1

Considering what we got with the Invasion . . . I see no reason why anyone expects WWE to handle any WCW or ECW star correctly.

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Guest Choken One

<-Trying to think of an example...



Umm...What about...No...If you think about it...Nah...Jobbed a bunch....What about...oh yeah...Dead and all...


Ok...I can't think of ONE example...


Benoit for the first 12 months...and then it went down hill...

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Guest Mole

I think it is cool that Rey didn't get pissed off about Red using the 619.

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Guest Mindless_Aggression

Rey didn't get pissed because he knows he took one of Red's moves. Red more or less does the move as a mocking of Rey I believe, it's like a joke, a wink to people who know the whole story.

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Guest AndrewTS
Rey talked about adding the mask to his character once again. He mentioned that it was a company decision for him to don the mask and while he may have been a little hesitant at first due to not using it for more then 2 years, he now likes wearing the mask and he feels the fans identify with him better. He calls the mask a part of him and said that he feels it adds to his character.



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Guest Coffey
Good to hear Regal may be coming back- Lance needs him

No, no he doesn't. Regal is boring to pretty much everyone but you. He takes bad bumps and his offense sucks. I'm sure he's a great person, but he's a terrible wrestler nowadays. His style clashes with everyone elses.

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Guest two_tuff_toddy

"No, no he doesn't. Regal is boring to pretty much everyone but you. He takes bad bumps and his offense sucks. I'm sure he's a great person, but he's a terrible wrestler nowadays. His style clashes with everyone elses."


As much as I like Regal I have to agree with this statement. Although he is very intelligent about the business so I like the idea of him being a road agent or possibly even a trainer.


Regal vs Benoit from the 2000 Pillman Show is still the best match I have ever seen in person.

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