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Guest Trivia247

Smackdown House show results

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Guest Trivia247

Estimated Attendance: 2,500


(1) John Cena over Billy Gunn. Cena did his usual hometown insulting mic work. Gunn did his usual 5 minute run really fast and blow up sequence. Decent match. (*)


(2) Spanky & Funaki over Crash & Shannon Moore. Very nice match. Spanky was over big. (***)


(3) Kanyon over Orlando Johnson. Orlando has a certain Billy Taebo look to him. Surprisingly, he did some mic work before the match announcing that he was happy to be in WWE and this was, in fact, his 6th match. Who knew? Looked alright, Kanyon gave him a lot of offense and near falls. He put Kanyon right on his head with a nasty, sloppy back suplex, though. Wicked. Otherwise okay. Ain't nobody betta than Kanyon. Especially you. (**)


(4) Matt Hardy over Jamie Noble. Noble is awesome. So is Hardy. Match was great, if a little confusing as far as the heel/face roles. Finish came when Shannon cracked Noble with the book. (***)


(5) Rey Mysterio & Rikishi & Bill Demott over A-Train & The Basham Brothers. Rey and Rikishi were over like mad. Huge pops. Doug Basham has a definite in-ring charisma about him. Very entertaining. Otherwise, standard Rikishi fare. After the match, they called in a few Raiders teammates from the crowd (although I don't think anyone recognized them as such) and danced the night away to deafening applause. Rikishi, one of life's great wonders. How can he still be so over after doing the same tired act for so long? (**)


(6) Chris Benoit over Sean O'Haire. Benoit had a bad looking black eye. Meanwhile, O' Haire worked particularly stiff, delivering some vicious kicks to Benoit's back and chest. Benoit was a pro and never gave him any payback. About as good as O'Haire will probably ever look. (**)


(7) Tajiri & Eddie Guerrero over Team Angle. Awesome match. 20+ mins. Best on the show. Lots of nearfalls, all believable (if you forgot that you were at a house show anyway). Eddie played up to the crowd beautifully while Team Angle, Benjamin especially, seemed to really be taking a hold of getting the boos to pour in. Everything looked crisp and the timing was tremendous. One of the best pure matches I've seen at a house show in some time. (****)


(8) Torrie over Nidia. Sable was the guest announcer while Dawn Marie was the guest ref. You have a crackwhore, a grandmother, a trailer park trash stripper, and a dimwit blonde. Connect the name to the description. I just don't understand what's so thrilling about seeing a Playboy bunny getting her tits chopped or chopping another girl's tits. Am I alone in this? (-*)


(9) Brock Lesnar & Undertaker over FBI. Taker had his moments but, thankfully allowed Brock to shine as the force of the team and annihilate Nunzio, Palumbo, and Stamboli. Good match. Everyone worked hard. Brock was over huge. (**1/2)


Overall: (8.0): Best house show I've seen in years. Everyone worked hard; no one dogged it. Spirited effort all around. Very inspired. Not sure what the plan is for Billy Gunn (as if he warrants one), but I'd keep an eye on Doug Basham in particular. Very promising character.


The attendance was scary low but everyone worked like it was 20,000 instead of 2,000. Very nice to see a good show in an old school environment where the psychology came together and the crowd popped like crazy off a simple punch to the face. Just old school goodness.

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