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Guest Cancer Marney

FTC do not call registry fast-tracked

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Guest Cancer Marney
Telemarketers say the registry will devastate their industry and have sued the FTC on grounds the registry amounts to an unlawful restriction on free speech.
- CNN story


Cry us all a fucking river. Your "industry" is a God-mocking abomination and deserves to be wiped off the face of the earth. Frankly, this is the best news I've heard all day.

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Guest HungryJack

Telemarketing sucks.


Assholes. Except I can't hassle them when they call, because then I would feel like a bastard.

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Guest Ripper

Okay...devils advocate here...


Boo freakin hoo, you get annoyed by telemarketers, hang up. This will put a ungodly amount of people out of work and that is just what we need right now. Even more job losses.

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Guest Spicy McHaggis
Telemarketing sucks.


Assholes. Except I can't hassle them when they call, because then I would feel like a bastard.



When they say, "Is Jon there?"


Tell them, "Yes, hold on..." and put the phone down and make them wait until they give up. It wastes a ton of their time.


Or, if you have time, answer all of their questions and try to keep them on the line as long as possible. Then at the end, tell them you're not interested.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

telemarketers are a pain in the ass. this one telemarketer filled up my answering machine once, when i complained to the company they said he was doing his job...and then asked if I wanted to buy something!

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Guest Vyce
Telemarketing sucks.


Assholes. Except I can't hassle them when they call, because then I would feel like a bastard.

Hassling telemarketers right back is always fun.


Ever hear any of Jim Florentine's calls? Good stuff.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

Thank the Lord for Caller I.D. Without as many telemarketers I'm sure demand for these devices will go down, thus putting many people in Asia, where these things are made, out of work...

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Guest Hogan Made Wrestling

When a telemarketer calls, cut a Rock promo on them. They will hang up after you tell them to know their role and ask if they want you to taste their poontang pie.

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Guest MaxPower27

I hang up now. They have been calling more and more in the past week.

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Guest J*ingus

The biggest problem is that they don't abide by the laws that are already out there. When you say "No, I'm not interested" for the FIRST time, they're supposed to leave you alone and hang up; obviously, that never happenes. And while I've told countless telemarketers to put our number on their "do not call" list, I think they actually do that only half of the time.

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Guest MaxPower27

I don't think they do anymore. I personally take pride in hanging up on them, but a few people have said that they have told telemarketers to put them on the "no call" and the same company called again.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

I read where some guy sued a telemarketing firm over this and won $500...

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I always whisper obscene language and confess both real and false perverse desires to them. Generally, they get flustered and hang up.

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Guest godthedog
"People?" Since when were telemarketers human?

i do cold calling for a living now. i'm quite human.


but since i just do phone surveys, i don't technically work for a telemarketing company & we're not subject to the same laws, so i don't really care.

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