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Rob E Dangerously

Steinbrenner: "We have to play tough teams and

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Guest geniusMoment

Who called Wilson keeping the reds in the game. Thats right me. All must worship me.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway
Its Mussina vs. Wilson and Wilson has kept the reds in almost every game this year so don't be so sure.

You were right. Man, I couldn't believe that game. Mike gave up almost as many home runs that night as he did all season.


When that guy subbed in for Griffey after he hit his home run the stadium let out a collective moan -- funny stuff...

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Guest Grand Slam

In Griffey's defense (I seem to be saying that a lot lately) he just strained his arm a little. Apparently, they told him it might happen if he took an awkward swing after his shoulder was dislocated. He didn't finish the game last night and might not start tonight, but he will be back in the lineup Friday against Toronto.


To be frank, I really don't understand where all this hate of Griffey came from. He's been injured and it isn't like he was doing it on purpose, nor is he over-the-hill and washed up like some people say.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

I'm not Griffey hatin'. The moan was like a "oh no, he's injured again."


Nobody knew what the cause of the substitution was. That's all...

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Guest Grand Slam

Fair enough... fair enough...


I guess I'm getting a little defensive on the whole thing. You wouldn't believe the amount of crap I got from my buddies when I took Griffey in my fantasy draft.

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Guest Some Guy

Well, so far it looks like George was right. Sox 2-0, Yanks 0-2. I know there are a lot more of these foolish games left though.


I really like Interleague play and always have, you know when it's the All Star Game and the World Series. I hate this shit. It's fucking stupid. Why do I want to see Dereck Lowe bat? Why do I want to watch my AL team not have their DH? Why do I care about the Pirates? I suppose a re-match form the 1903 WS is cute and all but who fucking cares?


The Griffey hate stems from the way he played or was perceived to have played his first year in Cincy and then constantly getting injured. Who gets hurt rounding 3rd or making a diving catch? It's just weird and if I cared about the Reds i'd be pissed off.

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Guest Choken One

umm...Jeter got hurt diving too...It's a common injury stupid fuck.

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Guest JangoFett4Hire

Memo to Mr Whinebrenner... Tom Hanks said, and say it with me... "Are you crying? Crying?!?!? There's no crying in beisbol!"


Sorry your 150 million dollar payroll dropped 2 of 3 to a midmarket team...:(

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To be frank, I really don't understand where all this hate of Griffey came from.  He's been injured and it isn't like he was doing it on purpose, nor is he over-the-hill and washed up like some people say.

Griffey is treated badly because of the fact that during his first year as a Red, Griffey acted like a spoiled, self-absorbed piece of shit who would whine like a little girl at the fact that the local media was refusing to treat him like Jesus ala the Seattle media and over how the media was giving Jim Edmonds more coverage do to Jim having a break-out year with the Cardinals...

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