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I got kind of bored, and kind of wanted to see what other people would say, so I'm makin a big list of my favorite this, that and the other.  


Favorite Wrestlers:


Ric Flair


Macho Man Randy Savage (c. early 90s)



Brock Lesnar


Favorite Match:

Dude Love vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin (Over The Edge '98)


Close Runners Up:

Austin vs. The Rock (WMXV)

Cactus Jack vs. HHH (2000 Rumble)

Rock vs. Mankind (99 Rumble)


Honorable Mention:

Road Dogg vs. Al Snow (Raw 1.4.99) (For some reason, I was very entertained with this match. I have it on tape)

The Rock vs. Mankind (same show, for the belt.)


Favorite Wrestlemania Matches:

Rock vs Austin (WMXV)

Rock vs. Austin (WMX7)

Austin vs. HBK (WMXIV)

Shawn vs. Razor (WMX)

Warrior vs. Savage (WMVII)

NAO vs. Funk/Cactus (WMXIV)

Bret vs. Yoko then Hogan vs. Yoko (WMIX)

TLC (WM2000)


Favorite Wrestlemania (overall):

Wrestlemania X


Favorite Royal Rumble

Royal Rumble 95 (Royal Rumbles are my favorite event. You get your intense,main eventer stuff, but then you also got the funny stuff, with the jobbers. Like Mantaur)


Favorite Raw:

Jan. 4, 1999 (Road Dogg vs. Snow, Mankind vs. HHH where HHH pedigrees Shane, then Foley demands a title shot,  Austin comes back, hits Rock with a chair, Foley wins the title)


Favorite Tag Team:

New Age Outlaws (before they went downhill)


Favorite Tag Match:

TLC Match (WM2000)


Favorite Feud:

Rock/Austin  c.1999


People that you like that most people don't:

The Genius



Billy & Chuck

Road Dogg (again, till he got Really gay)

Ric Flair (most of my friends don't like him)



Well that's all I can think of.  Go ahead and post your favorites.

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Guest Anglesault

Favorite Wrestlers:

Ric Flair


Macho Man Randy Savage





Favorite Match:

HHH vs. Cactus Jack, Royal Rumble 2000


Close Runners Up:

Austin vs. Angle (Summerslam)



Honorable Mention:

Angle vs. Austin (Raw, January 01)


Favorite Wrestlemania Matches:

Rock vs. Austin (WMX7)

Austin vs. HBK (WMXIV)

Owen vs. Bret(WMX)

Angle vs. Benoit (WMX7)


Favorite Wrestlemania (overall):

Wrestlemania X


Favorite Royal Rumble

Royal Rumble 00 0

Favorite Raw:

The Raw with the Mini Tournament for the number one contendership in January '01


Favorite Tag Team:

E and C


Favorite Tag Match:

Table match (Royal Rumble 2000)


Favorite Feud:

Angle/Austin  c.2001


People that you like that most people don't:




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Guest Austin3164life

Favorite Wrestlers:

Steve Austin

Kurt Angle

Chris Benoit

Brock Lesnar

Triple H (2000)


Favorite Match:

Steve Austin vs. Bret Hart (Survivor Series)



Close Runners Up:

Austin/Michaels vs. Owen/Bulldog (Raw 97, Tag Titles)

Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart (WM 10)


Honorable Mention:

Savage vs. Steamboat WM 3

Owen vs. Bulldog (First European Title Match)


Favorite Wrestlemania Matches:

Austin vs. Bret Hart (WM 13)

Michaels vs. Razor (WM 10)

Savage vs. DiBiase (WM 4)


Favorite Wrestlemania (overall):

Wrestlemania 14


Favorite Royal Rumble

Royal Rumble 1997 (A good Rumble with Austin's funny moments, especially the ending)


Favorite Raw:

April ?, 1997 (The night where it was Austin vs. Hart and the street fight.  This night is an example of how good Austin and Bret were, and how their feud carried the WWF to new heights.)


Favorite Tag Team:

Owen Hart/British Bulldog


Favorite Tag Match:

Austin/HBK vs. Owen/Bulldog


Favorite Feud:

Austin/Bret Hart c. 1996-97


People that you like that most people don't:

Triple H (starting to like him less and less though)

Ted DiBiase

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Guest muzanisa

Favorite Wrestlers:

Dynamite Kid







Favorite Match:

92 Rumble


Close Runners Up:

Flair / Funk I quit

Bret Owen WM X

Foley HHH second to last

Fleisch Williams Revival


Honorable Mention:

Dynamite Kid Tiger Mask all still hold up really well

SS 91 Perfect Bret


Favorite Wrestlemania Matches:

Wrestlemania is always overhyped for me and has never lived up to the billing.

Good matches

Steamboat Savage

Bulldogs Dream Team

Austin Bret WM13

Owen Bret



Favorite Wrestlemania (overall):

Wrestlemania X


Favorite Royal Rumble

Royal Rumble 92 RR my favourite  PPV as well


Favorite Raw:

The one where ECW reformed


Favorite Tag Team:

British Bulldogs


Favorite Tag Match:

Harts Bulldogs


Favorite Feud:



People that you like that most people don't:



Ulf Hermann

to much of a conformist to go wayyyyyyyy out there

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Guest dreamer420

Favorite Wrestlers:

tommy dreamer

ric flair

bret hart

owen hart

steve austin

rob van dam

jerry lynn


Favorite Match:

randy savage vs. ricky steamboat (wrestlemania 3)


Close Runners Up:

austin vs. hhh (no way out 2001)

cactus jack vs. rock (royal rumble 99)

undertaker vs. mankind (king of the ring 98)

rob van dam vs. jerry lynn (Living Dangerously 99, Hardcore Heaven 99, Hardcore Heaven 00)


Honorable Mention:

jerry lynn vs. justin credible (anarchy rulz 00)

fbi vs. mikey/tajiri (anytime they hooked it up)


Favorite Wrestlemania Matches:

bulldogs vs. the dream team (wrestlemania 2)

austin vs. michaels (wrestlemania 14)

warrior vs. savage (wrestlemania 7)

savage vs. hogan (wrestlemania 5)

triangle ladder match (wrestlemania 16)

bret vs. owen (wrestlemania 10)

x-pac vs. shane-o-mac (wrestlemania 15)


Favorite Wrestlemania (overall):

Wrestlemania IV


Favorite Royal Rumble

Royal Rumble 92.  WHOOOOO!


Favorite Raw:

July, ?, 2001 when ECW joined the Invasion as Tommy Dreamer and RVD ran through the crowd into the ring, and were then joined by former ECW talent in ECF'NW T-shirts.


Favorite Tag Team:

Hart Foundation and The British Bulldogs.  I couldn't decide because they both ruled so much.


Favorite Tag Match:

TLC2 (summerslam 2000)


Favorite Feud:

Dreamer vs. Raven in ECW


People that you like that most people don't:

Road Dogg

Billy Gunn (not Billy)

The Big Show (he's my comic relief)


Jim Ross

Jerry Lawler

Shane McMahon

Stephanie McMahon

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AustinHHH4life, you know what the funniest moment of the 97 Rumble was? MIl Mascaras eliminating himself then trying to get back in. JR's like "I dont think Mil understands the rules of the Royal Rumble." :D

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Guest AM The Kid

Favorite Wrestlers:

Bret Hart

Hulk Hogan

Steve Austin

Owen Hart


Kurt Angle

Chris Benoit

Roddy Piper


Favorite Match:

Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart (SummerSlam 1994, Cage Match)


Close Runners Up:

Bret/Owen Wrestlemania 10

Bret/Austin Wrestlemania 13


Honorable Mention:

Bret/Micheals Wrestlemania 12

Benoit/Austin Smackdown

Hart Foundation/Bulldogs Stampede Classic


Favorite Wrestlemania Matches:

Bret/Austin Wrestlemania 13

Bret/Owen Wrestlemania 10

Hogan/Slaughter Wrestlemania 7

Piper/Adonis Wrestlemania 3


Favorite Wrestlemania (overall):

Wrestlemania X


Favorite Royal Rumble:

Royal Rumble 1995 or 1997


Favorite Raw:

One of those many from Summer 1997


Favorite Tag Team:

Hart Foundation


Favorite Tag Match:

Hart Foundation/Bulldogs


Favorite Feud:



People that you like that most people don't:


Steven Richards

Kevin Nash


Stephanie Mcmahon

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Guest Austin3164life

"AustinHHH4life, you know what the funniest moment of the 97 Rumble was? MIl Mascaras eliminating himself then trying to get back in. JR's like "I dont think Mil understands the rules of the Royal Rumble."  


Yeah that was a very funny moment.  1997 was a colorful Royal Rumble because you had your Mexican wrestlers, the terrible workers, and some good wrestlers.....What made it good was how many people Austin threw out and that one 15 minute streak where he threw out like 6 in a row.....

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I know it, it was a great show. That might actually be my favorite Rumble, but I haven't seen it in a Long time.  Actually though, tomorrow in the mail I should get the tape I ordered with the 94 and 97 Rumbles on it. So that'll be sweet.

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Guest The Man They Call Texas Blu

Favorite Wrestlers:




Ric Flair

Steve Austin

The 3 faces of Foley

Razor Ramon (F' Scott Hall bitch)


Favorite Match:

Cactus Jack vs. HHH (No Way Out 2000)


Close Runners Up:

Razor Ramon vs. HBK (Summerslam 95)

DDP vs. Benoit vs. Raven (Uncensored 98)

Ric Flair vs. Arn Anderson (Fall Brawl 95)


Honorable Mention:

Rock vs. Mankind (Royal Rumble 99)

Wargames 92


Favorite Wrestlemania Matches:

Ultimate Warrior vs. Hulk Hogan (WM 6)

Ric Flair vs. Randy Savage (WM 8)

HBK vs. Razor (WM 10)

HBK vs. Austin (WM 14)

TLC (WM 2000)


Favorite Wrestlemania (overall):

Wrestlemania 8


Favorite Royal Rumble

Royal Rumble 2001


Favorite Raw:

The night Foley won the WWF title


Favorite Tag Team:

Owen Hart and The British Bulldog


Favorite Tag Match:

TLC Match (WM2000)


Favorite Feud:



People that you like that most people don't:

Disco Inferno

Tommy Dreamer


The West Texas Rednecks

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Guest Youth N Asia

Favorite Wrestlers:

Mikey Whipwreck (all time)

Kurt Angle

Steve Corino

Chris Benoit

Lance Storm

Brock Lesnar


Favorite Match:

-Credible vs Douglas..ECW Cyberslam 99

-Benoit vs Lyger...NJPW J CUP 94

-Whipwreck vs Guido...BCW MIkey Whipwreck Retirement show


Close Runners Up:

-Whipwreck vs Candido...ECW N2R 96

-Jericho vs HHH...Last Man Standing

-Dreamer vs Raven...ECW Wrestlepalooza 97


Favorite Wrestlemania Matches:

-Hart vs Hart...WM X

-Hart vs Austin...WM XIII

-Savage vs Warrior...WM VII

-Hart vs Piper...WM VIII

-Michaels vs Razor...WM X


Favorite Wrestlemania (overall):



Favorite Royal Rumble

-Hate Rumbles...but I like when one of the Bushwackers marched to the ring...got knocked out in 1 second and marched right back


Favorite Raw:

-From late 98...Austin on Zambonie...Taker and Kane break McMahon's ankle...main event was Rock/Foley/Shamrock vs Kane/Taker


Favorite Tag Team:

-Whipwreck/Cactus Jack

-Dudley Boys (ECW)



Favorite Tag Match:

-Whipwreck and Tajiri vs THe FBI 8/26/00


Favorite Feud:

-Dreamer vs Raven 1995-1997


People that you like that most people don't:

Too Much

"Raw Talent" Steve Nixon (local)

Whalen Mercy

Repo Man

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Favorite Wrestlers


Chris Benoit

Chris Jericho

Lance Storm

Ric Flair

Dynamite Kid


Favorite Match

Flair v.s Steamboat (Spring Stampede 94)


Close Runners up

Benoit v.s Jericho (Backlash)

Raven v.s Benoit (Souled Out)


Honorable Mention

Benoit v.s Austin (Smackdown)

Raven, Saturn v.s Benoit, Malenko v.s Kidman, Mysterio

Benoit, Jericho v.s Austin, Triple H (Raw)

Bret v.s Owen (Summerslam)

Bret v.s Benoit (Nitro)

Jericho v.s Rock (No Mercy)

Triple H v.s Jericho (Fully Loaded)


Favorite Wrestlemania Matches

Steamboat v.s Savage (WMIII)

Savage v.s Hogan (WMV)

Hogan v.s Warrior (WMVI)

Bret v.s Owen (WMX)


Austin v.s Rock (WMXVII)


Favorite Wrestlemania (overall)

Wresltemania XVII


Favorite Royal Rumble

Royal Rumble 92'


Favorite Raw

The Raw when ECW reunited


Favorite Tag Team

British Bulldogs


Favorite Tag Match

Raven, Saturn v.s Benoit, Malenko


Favorite Feud

Raven v.s Benoit


People you like that most people don't

Dancing Fools

Billy Kidman

Lita(she just needs to go to OVW for awhile)

Kona Hawaiin Crush

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Guest 5_moves_of_doom

Favorite Wrestlers:

Ric Flair


Owen Hart

Bret Hart

Shawn Micheals

Mick Foley

Kurt Angle

Chris Benoit

Ultimo Dragon


Favorite Match:

Cactus Jack vs. HHH HIAC(No Way Out 2000)


Close Runners Up:

HBK vs. Undertaker (Badd Blood)

Cactus Jack vs. HHH Street Fight (Royal Rumble 2000)

Bret Hart vs. Shawn Micheals Iron Man (Wrestlemania X)

Ricky Steamboat vs. Ric Flair (all of their matches)


Honorable Mention:

SCSA vs. Bret Hart Submission Match (Wrestlemania 13)

Rock vs. HHH Iron Man (Judgement Day 2000)


Favorite Wrestlemania Matches:

Ricky Steamboat vs. Randy Savage (WMIII)

Rock vs. Austin (WMXII)

Bret Hart vs. HBK (WMXII)

Shawn vs. Razor (WMX)

Warrior vs. Savage (WMVII)

Chris Benoit vs. Kurt Angle (WMXVII)

Bret Hart vs. Steve Austin (WMXIII)

Ladders Tag Match (WM2000)

Owen Hart vs. Bret Hart (WMX)


Favorite Wrestlemania (overall):

Wrestlemania XVII


Favorite Royal Rumble

Royal Rumble 92


Favorite Raw:

Jan. 4, 1999 (Foley wins the title)


Favorite Tag Teams:

Edge and Christian

The Rockers

The Hart Foundation


Favorite Tag Matches:

Chris Benoit + Chris Jericho vs. HHH + SCSA (RAW)

HBK + SCSA vs. Owen Hart + British Bulldog (RAW)


Favorite Feud:

Foley/HHH  c.2000


People that you like that most people don't:

Hulk Hogan


Brooklyn Brawler

The Hardyz

The Dudleyz

Scott Hall

Andre the Giant

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Guest DaddyRecklessEric

Favorite Wrestlers:

Chris Benoit


Chris Jericho

Kurt Angle

Ric Flair

Mick Foley

The Rock



Favorite Match

Jericho/Benoit v. Austin/HHH may 2001 raw


Close Runners up


Benoit/Jericho Ladder match



Honorable Mention



Favorite Wrestlemania Matches


Rock Austin (both of them)




Favorite Wrestlemania (overall)



Favorite Royal Rumble

1992- Flair is God


Favorite Raw

The one where Flair returned and the aforementioned tag match(tie)


Favorite Tag Team

The Dudleyz


Favorite Tag Match

see favorite match


Favorite Feud

Rock-Austin (when Austin was HEEL)


People you like that most people don't


Lance Storm (if you listen to marks)

Undertaker (if you listen to smarks)

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Guest razazteca

Fav Luchadores:


Electro Shock

Dr Wanger

Blue Panther

Fueza & Juvi Guerrera

Los Guerreros de Inferno:  Tarzan boy, Ultimo Guerrero, Rey Buccanero

Rey Misterio

Nicho de Millinario:  the real Psicosis

Super Crazy

Mr Aguila

all of the minis from AAA




the Canadians sans Test



Billy Kidman



NWA Wildside:

AJ Styles




Masato Tanaka

Megumi Kudo



UFC and Pride FC

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Guest goodhelmet

Favorite Wrestler of all time- Ricky Steamboat


Favorite wrestler still employed- Chris Benoit


Favorite wrestler from San Antonio- Shawn Micheals


Favorite wrestler from Japan- Toshiaki Kawada


Favorite Wrestlemania match- Owen vs. Bret


Favorite Match in 2001- Stone Cold vs. Benoit from Smackdown

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Guest Makaveli

Beware...I'm a Hart mark...


Favorite Wrestlers:

Bret Hart

Owen Hart

Kurt Angle

Mr. Perfect


Favorite Match:

Bret Vs. Owen Cage Match (SummerSlam 94)


Close Runners Up:

Bret Vs. Undertaker (SummerSlam 97) (love the ending)

Canadian Stampede 10 Man Tag


Honorable Mention:

Bret Vs. Bob Backlund (Survivor Series 94) (Great acting by Owen.)

Bret Vs. Perfect (SummerSlam 91)

Final Four (Bret Vs. Austin Vs. Taker Vs. Vader)

Shawn Vs. Razor (Ladder Match 2)

Bret Vs. Austin (Survivor Series 96)


Favorite Wrestlemania Matches:

Bret Vs. Shawn (WMXII)

Bret Vs. Owen (WMX)

Bret Vs. Austin (WM13)

Bret Vs. Piper (WMVIII)

Rock Vs. Austin (WMX7)

Shawn Vs. Razor (WMX)

Angle Vs. Beniot (WMX7)

Hogan Vs. Warrior (WMVI)

Flair Vs. Savage (WMVIII)


Favorite Wrestlemania (overall):

Wrestlemania X


Favorite Royal Rumble

Royal Rumble 2000 i guess...


Favorite Raw:

Not one in particular, i loved most of the ones in the summer of 97 with the USA vs. Canada, and the Bret Vs. Austin stuff.


Favorite Tag Team:

Owen & Bulldog


Favorite Tag Match:

Canadian Stampede 10 Man Tag


Favorite Feud:

Bret Vs. Austin

Bret Vs. Shawn


People that you like that most people don't:


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Guest Makaveli

Beware...I'm a Hart mark...


Favorite Wrestlers:

Bret Hart

Owen Hart

Kurt Angle

Mr. Perfect

Chris Jericho


Favorite Match:

Bret Vs. Owen Cage Match (SummerSlam 94)


Close Runners Up:

Bret Vs. Undertaker (SummerSlam 97) (love the ending)

Canadian Stampede 10 Man Tag


Honorable Mention:

Bret Vs. Bob Backlund (Survivor Series 94) (Great acting by Owen.)

Bret Vs. Perfect (SummerSlam 91)

Final Four (Bret Vs. Austin Vs. Taker Vs. Vader)

Shawn Vs. Razor (Ladder Match 2)

Bret Vs. Austin (Survivor Series 96)


Favorite Wrestlemania Matches:

Bret Vs. Shawn (WMXII)

Bret Vs. Owen (WMX)

Bret Vs. Austin (WM13)

Bret Vs. Piper (WMVIII)

Rock Vs. Austin (WMX7)

Shawn Vs. Razor (WMX)

Angle Vs. Beniot (WMX7)

Hogan Vs. Warrior (WMVI)

Flair Vs. Savage (WMVIII)


Favorite Wrestlemania (overall):

Wrestlemania X


Favorite Royal Rumble

Royal Rumble 2000 i guess...


Favorite Raw:

Not one in particular, i loved most of the ones in the summer of 97 with the USA vs. Canada, and the Bret Vs. Austin stuff.


Favorite Tag Team:

Owen & Bulldog


Favorite Tag Match:

Canadian Stampede 10 Man Tag


Favorite Feud:

Bret Vs. Austin

Bret Vs. Shawn


People that you like that most people don't:


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Guest The Man in Blak

Favorite Wrestlers:

Bret Hart

Jake "The Snake" Roberts

Steve Austin


Mick Foley

Randy Savage

Chris Benoit

Kurt Angle (but only as a HEEL)

Kid Kash

Rick Rude

Super Crazy


Favorite Match:

Razor Ramon v. Shawn Michaels - Ladder Match (WMX)


Close Runners Up:

Bret Hart v. Steve Austin (SS '96)

Edge & Christian v. The Hardyz - Ladder Match (No Mercy '99)

Tajiri v. Psicosis (8/20/2000)

Triple H v. Chris Jericho - Last Man Standing (Fully Loaded '00)

Rick Rude v. Ricky Steamboat - Iron Man Match (Beach Blast '92)

Triple H v. Cactus Jack - Street Fight (Royal Rumble '00)


Favorite Wrestlemania Matches:

Savage/Warrior (WM VII)

Savage/Flair (WM VIII)

Hart/Austin (WM XIII)

TLC 2 (WM X-Seven)

Rock/Austin (WM X-Seven)


Favorite Wrestlemania (overall):

Wrestlemania X-Seven


Favorite Royal Rumble

Royal BY-GAWD Rumble '92


Favorite Raw:

The "Austin Zamboni" incident Raw in late '98 (Youth N Asia already mentioned it)


Favorite Tag Team:

The Hart Foundation


Favorite Tag Match:

Benoit & Jericho v. The Two Man Power Trip (RAW, May 2001)


Favorite Feud:

Hart v. Austin


People that you like that most people don't:


The Hardyz


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Guest treble charged

Favorite Wrestlers:

Steve Austin

Chris Benoit

Lance Storm


Favorite Match:

Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon (SummerSlam '95)


Close Runners Up:

Cactus Jack vs. HHH (Royal Rumble 2000)

Owen Hart vs. Bret Hart (WrestleMania X)


Favorite Wrestlemania Matches:

Owen Hart vs. Bret Hart (WM X)

Michaels vs. Razor (WM X)

Benoit vs. Jericho vs. Angle (WM 2000)


Favorite Wrestlemania (overall):

Tie: Wrestlemania X and WrestleMania XVII


Favorite Royal Rumble

Royal Rumble 2000


Favorite Raw:

February 7, 2000

Radicalz turn on Foley.  Main event is 10 man tag (X-Pac, HHH, Benoit, Saturn, Malenko vs. Cactus, Rock, Rikishi, Too Cool)


Favorite Tag Team:

New Age Outlaws


Favorite Tag Match:

Don't really have one.


Favorite Feud:

Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart


People that you like that most people don't:


Scott Hall

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Guest alfdogg















Bret-Owen (WMX & SS94)

Shawn-Razor (WMX & SS95)

Savage-Warrior (WM7 & SS92)





Bret-Austin (WM13)

Rock-Foley (RAW 1-4, RR99, St. VDM)

Foley-HHH (RR2000, NWO2000)

E&C/Hardys/Dudleys (WM2000, TLC 1/2)


HHH/Jericho (FL2000)

HHH/Austin (SS2000...hey, HHH got dropped from a forklift)

HIAC (Armageddon2000)





Austin/HHH vs CVC(RAW 5-21) (HHH's quad tear wasn't bad enough to JOB TO JERICHO OR BENOIT...GOD FORBID)

Austin/Benoit(RAW 5-28)




War Games 1991

Sting/Luger vs Steiners (SuperBrawl 1)

Rey Jr/Kidman/Juvi (Starrcade 98)


Favorite WM

7, 10, 16, 17 (would've said 18...but HHH won :angry: )


Favorite RR



Favorite RAW

5-21-01 CVC wins the belts


Tag Team

Steiner Brothers, LOD


Tag match

Steiners vs Bret/Owen (Wrestlefest '94)

CVC vs Austin/HHH

Sting/Luger vs Steiners





People I like that most people don't:



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Favorite Wrestlers:

Rob Van Dam

Chris Beniot

Ric Flair

Chris Jericho

Triple H (2000)

Mick Foley


Favorite Match:

RVD VS Jerry Lynn (Living Dangerously)


Close Runners Up:

Flair VS Steamboat 2/3 Falls

Cactus VS Triple H (Rumble)

RVD VS Jeff Hardy (Summerslam)


Honorable Mention:

Austin VS Angle (1/1)

Austin VS Beniot (Smackdown)


Favorite Wrestlemania Matches:

Macho vs Steamboat (WM3)

Rock vs. Austin (WMX7)

Shawn vs. Razor (WMX)

Warrior vs. Savage (WMVII)

TLC (WM2000)


Favorite Wrestlemania (overall):

Wrestlemania X7


Favorite Royal Rumble

Royal Rumble 1993


Favorite Raw:

25/03/02 Roster Split


Favorite Tag Team:

British Bulldogs

New Age Outlaws

E&C (The Greatest Off All Time)


Favorite Tag Match:

Hardyz VS E&C


Favorite Feud:



People that you like that most people don't:

Ric Flair (My Stupid ASS Mark friends hate him)

Booker T (See Above)

Test (Thank god I learnt from my mistakes)

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Guest saturnmark4life













Austin/HHH No way out 2001


Runners up:

Canadian stampede 10 man

Raven/Rhyno backlash 2001

austin/Angle summerslam 2001

austin/angle unforgiven 2001


honourable mention

radz/too cool n rikishi no way out 2000

Taker/mankind HITC (just cos it got be back into wrestling)

Saturn/Malenko/Guerrero judgement day 2000


Wrestlemania matches

rock/austin WMX7


shawn/raxor WMX


fave wrestlemania



Royal rumble

92 rumble itself

2000 as a show


fave raw

radz heel turn


Tag teams

E & C

Dudleys (occasionally)

Saturn n Raven by gawd

Saturn n Malenko by gawd

Benoit n malenko


Tag match

dudz/hardyz rumble 2k or Radz/too cool & rikishi no way out 2000








People i like that people who are wrong don't


big show


albert (before he was with scotty)


CW anderson

tommy Dreamer


AND people who other people like whom I DO NOT LIKE

Shane Douglas

Scott Steiner


HHH (even if he has had great matches)

Kidman :)

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Guest What?!

Favorite Wrestlers:

Current and in order:





Rob Van Dam


Favorite Match:

Stone Cold Steve Austin vs The Rock at WMX7


Favorite Wrestlemania Matches:

Rock vs Austin WMX7

Hardcore Battle Royal WM2000


HBK vs Razor WMX


Favorite Wrestlemania (overall):

Wrestlemania X7


Favorite Royal Rumble

Royal Rumble 2001


Favorite Raw:

The one after WM14


Favorite Tag Team:

Edge and Christian


Favorite Tag Match:

TLC at SummerSlam 2000


Favorite Feud

Vince vs Austin 1998 and Nation vs DX in 1998 as well


People that you like that most people don't:

Big Show

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Favorite Wrestlers:

Bret Hart

Ricky Steamboat

Owen Hart

Bad News Allen/Brown

Randy Savage


Favorite Match:

10 man Tag from IYH: Canadian Stampede


Favorite Wrestlemania Match:

Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart, WrestleMania X


Favorite Wrestlemania (overall):

Wrestlemania VIII


Favorite Royal Rumble:

1990 Royal Rumble match


Favorite Raw:

The one when Bret Hart reformed the Hart Foundation


Favorite Tag Team:

Either the British Bulldogs or the Quebecers


Favorite Tag Match:

Tag team Survivor Series match from 1988 Survivor Series.



Hart Foundation vs. The USA


People that you like that most people don't:


Shane Douglas

The Berzerker

Repo Man

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Favorite Wrestlers:

Bret Hart

Chris Benoit

Shawn Michaels (love his matches, hate his Non-Jobbing/politic ass)

Randy Savage

Ric Flair

Triple H


Favorite Match:

Bret Hart Vs Steve Austin (Survivor Series 96)


Close Runners Up:

Bret Vs Austin (WM13)

Flair Vs Steamboat (Clash 6)

HBK Vs Undertaker (Hell In The Cell, Badd Blood)

Bret Vs Owen (WM10)

Savage vs Steamboat (WM3)

Bret Vs HBK (WM12)

Bret Hart Vs Chris Benoit (Nitro,Tribute To Owen)


Honorable Mention:

Triple H Vs Rock (Iron Man Match)

RVD Vs Jerry Lynn

Savage Vs Warrior (WM7)


Favorite Wrestlemania Matches:

Bret Hart Vs Steve Austin (WM13)

Bret Vs Shawn (WM12)

Savage Vs Steamboat (WM3)

Bret Vs Owen (WM10)

Angle Vs Benoit (WM17)


Favorite Wrestlemania (overall):

Wrestlemania X


Favorite Royal Rumble

Royal Rumble 97


Favorite Raw:

2001 - ECW Debut. (That was Great until Stephanie was announced as the ECW owner)


Favorite Tag Team:

Edge & Christian


Favorite Tag Match:

TLC Match (WM2000)


Favorite Feud:

Bret Hart/Steve Austin


People that you like that most people don't:

Lance Storm

Ultimo Dragon

Kurt Angle


Eddie Guerrero

Shawn Michaels

Jeff Jarrett


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Guest ArkhamGlobe

Favorite Wrestlers:

Ric Flair

Ricky Steamboat

Dynamite Kid

Curt Hennig

Shawn Michaels

Owen Hart

Randy Savage


Chris Benoit

Dean Malenko

Eddy Guererro

Bret Hart


Favorite Match:

Ric Flair vs Ricky Steamboat (Chi-Town Rumble 1989)


Close Runners Up:

Shawn Michaels Vs the Undertaker (Hell In The Cell, Badd Blood)

Randy Savage vs Ricky Steamboat (WrestleMania III)

Shawn Michaels vs Razor Ramon (Ladder Match, WrestleMania X)


Honorable Mention:

Bret Hart vs Owen Hart (WrestleMania X)

Sting vs Vader (Strap Match, SuperBrawl III)

Shawn Michaels vs Mankind (In Your House 10: Mind Games)

1992 Royal Rumble Match

Bret Hart vs Shawn Michaels (Iron Man Match, WrestleMania XII)


Favorite Wrestlemania Matches:

Randy Savage vs Ricky Steamboat (WrestleMania III)

Shawn Michaels vs Razor Ramon (WrestleMania X)

Bret Hart vs Owen (WrestleMania X)

Steve Austin vs The Rock (WrestleMania X7)

Bret Hart vs Shawn Michaels (WrestleMania XII)


Favorite Wrestlemania (overall):

Wrestlemania X7


Favorite Royal Rumble

Royal Rumble 1992


Favorite Raw:

No clue.


Favorite Tag Team:

The Brain Busters (Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard)


Favorite Tag Match:

Probably the Midnigh Express vs the Southern Boys (Great American Bash 1990)


Favorite Feud:

Flair vs Steamboat


People that you like that most people don't:

None of my friends are wrestling fans so I have no answer to that question.

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Guest ManKinnd

Favorite Wrestlers:

Foley (all time)






Favorite Match:

Tie: HHH vs. Cactus Jack HIAC

     HHH vs. Cactus Jack Street Fight


Close Runners Up:

Bret vs. Owen WMX

Bret vs. Owen Cage

Austin vs. HHH 2/3 falls

Raven/Richards vs. Pitbulls Double Dog Collar

Misawa vs. Kobashi 10/97

Cactus Jack vs. Mikey Whipwreck

Rock vs. Jericho No Mercy



Honorable Mention:

Mankind vs. Rock (Foley's 1st Title. It goes here because it's not a great technical match, but I marked big big time. The emotion is off the page.)

HHH vs. Jericho Last Man Standing

Cactus Jack vs. W*ING Kanermura Death Match

Austin vs. Angle Summerslam 01


Favorite Wrestlemania Matches:

Flair vs. Macho (8)

Bret vs. Owen (10)

HBK vs. Razor (10)

Austin vs. Bret (13)

Triangle Ladder Match (16)

Angle vs. Benoit (17)

Austin vs. Rock (17)


Favorite Wrestlemania (overall):

Wrestlemania X7


Favorite Royal Rumble

Royal Rumble 01


Favorite Raw:

The Jan 00 one with the infamous 10 man tag


Favorite Tag Team:

Hardys (so sue me)


Favorite Tag Match:



Favorite Feud:



People that you like that most people don't:

Jeff Hardy

can't think of any others right now.

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