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Guest Deebo

Goodbye Rich Eisen

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Guest Deebo

This Blows



I can't believe a fucktard like Stuart Scott is still at ESPN but Eisen is gone. Man this sucks. The only good anchor on ESPN now is Kenny Mayne and he never even does Sportscenter. Scott Van Pelt is ok sometimes.

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Guest MaxPower27

Eisen got on my nerves.


I agree about Mayne though. Where is he?

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Guest MentallyNormal

Everytime I saw him I kept thinking WTF is that Andy Richter?

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Guest MaxPower27
Everytime I saw him I kept thinking WTF is that Andy Richter?









I don't see it.

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Guest MentallyNormal

Okay he doesn't exactly look like him,but he could pass as his brother maybe.

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Guest razazteca

Is that Coach at the left of the picture?


Sweet Sassy Mooooooolassy another good announcer leaves ESPN for a real job? I just hope Eisen does not end up like Andy Richter............quits a good job to get bit parts in movies and a tv series that nobody watches.

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Guest Vern Gagne

All the names mentioned except Robin Roberts still work for ESPN. They might do more than SportCenter, but Patrick is the lead anchor, and Berman shows up every 3 months or so.

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Guest alkeiper
All the names mentioned except Robin Roberts still work for ESPN. They might do more than SportCenter, but Patrick is the lead anchor, and Berman shows up every 3 months or so.


Robin Roberts is sort of with ESPN as well. She just got moved to ABC.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

Somehow I'll manage to sleep at night now that Eisen won't be telling me who won the Yankees/Red Sox game...

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Guest nl5xsk1

It's funny that they mentioned his upcoming wedding, as I know the girl that he's marrying and I declined the invitation to go. Who knew that if I had decided to go that I could dig out the information and provide a smartmarks exclusive.


But, I think that she's a bitch and he's a dick, so I'm still glad that I'm not going.

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Guest The Tino Standard
It's funny that they mentioned his upcoming wedding, as I know the girl that he's marrying and I declined the invitation to go. Who knew that if I had decided to go that I could dig out the information and provide a smartmarks exclusive.


But, I think that she's a bitch and he's a dick, so I'm still glad that I'm not going.

Rich Eisen is NOT a dick. He came here to OU back in January to give a talk at Mem Aud and the place was packed. He interacted with the crowd EXTREMELY well and afterwards, went uptown with the students and hung out at the bars with everybody, just a really cool, laid-back guy. He talked with everyone, signed every autograph and took every picture all night. Totally classy guy and an absolute riot to listen to as well.


I seriously hope he comes up with a kick-ass new job after this.

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Guest MaxPower27
...but now who will host Beg, Borrow and Deal? Who?

Is that ever going to come back or what? I loved that show.

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Guest The Tino Standard

Besides Eisen getting shafted, I think ESPN is sending a horrible message to future sports journalists (the field I'm entering right now in college).


Basically every editor you work for via internships and such will tell you the best way to get yourself hired is to be able to set yourself apart from the crowd. Anybody can do basic 15-inch game stories and previews, but the people that get noticed are the ones that branch out and start thinking creatively.


Having said this, ESPN basically shit-cans Eisen because he wanted to branch out and do more. Considering how much "ESPN Original Entertainment" shows they've come out with in the last year and a half, this is mind-boggling. ESPN, in effect, is telling Eisen (a seven-year veteran who has earned his stripes, mind you) that they don't want him thinking outside the box and they want him to be a mindless drone on SC.


That's a horrible message to be sending to aspiring journalists, especially coming from the self-proclaimed "Worldwide Leader in Sports."

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Guest Zero_Cool

Hey, I'll miss Eisen, as he and Stuart Scott were a good team, and hopefully he won't pull an Andy Richter and wind up doing nothing. I can't believe he's been there for six years, he's only freaking 33.

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Guest Bruiser Chong

I've always enjoyed Eisen and he was one of the few guys left from the days when I first watched Sportscenter. Hard to say if he'll make it with something else, as the success/failure ratio with these sorts of things seems to be about equal. I mean, look no further than former Talk Soup host John Henson if you want a perfect example of that.

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

I can't stand these highlight guys. Just say who won so I can turn off your channel, if I wanted jokes I'd be watching something funny, now wouldn't I?

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Guest Flyboy

Rich Eisen always bored me for some reason. I won't lose any sleep over it.

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Guest The Tino Standard
Rich Eisen always bored me for some reason. I won't lose any sleep over it.

It's not necessarily losing Rich Eisen in specific that is wrong with this situation. Whether you like his style on the air or not is your own call. What sucks is WHY he was let go. It's a bad precedent to be setting for the reasons I outlined above.

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Guest Vern Gagne
Besides Eisen getting shafted, I think ESPN is sending a horrible message to future sports journalists (the field I'm entering right now in college).

How is Rich Eisen being shafted? It's his choice to leave the station.


I can't stand most of the people on ESPN. They think their the stars and the highlights aren't has important as saying all their little catch phrases. That and the dreaded, I talked with MJ, or whatever athlete you know because you kiss their ass.

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Guest nl5xsk1
It's funny that they mentioned his upcoming wedding, as I know the girl that he's marrying and I declined the invitation to go.  Who knew that if I had decided to go that I could dig out the information and provide a smartmarks exclusive.


But, I think that she's a bitch and he's a dick, so I'm still glad that I'm not going.

Rich Eisen is NOT a dick. He came here to OU back in January to give a talk at Mem Aud and the place was packed. He interacted with the crowd EXTREMELY well and afterwards, went uptown with the students and hung out at the bars with everybody, just a really cool, laid-back guy. He talked with everyone, signed every autograph and took every picture all night. Totally classy guy and an absolute riot to listen to as well.


I seriously hope he comes up with a kick-ass new job after this.

I've got to stay with my "he's a dick" theory ... I've met him a whole bunch of times (the girl that he's marrying is virtually family with me, I've known her for about 20 years and so have known him since they started dating) and he's been a prick as often than not.


Perhaps he just figured it was advantageous to be pleasant to the college kids, or just wanted to go out drinking with kids 10-12 years younger than him, or something. But I've got to stick with my knowing him for a few years over the one night at OU.

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Guest JangoFett4Hire

Ugh, no offense, but I hate OU. My ex went to grad school there. Maybe you had sex with her, if not you'd be in the minority. I'd like fill the stream that cuts thru the campus up with pirahnas, and toss her in it.


Oh, to keep this on-topic RIP Rich Eisen ('s career).

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