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Um, I just submitted my stuff to whats-his-face(Kidding, I know very well who the people in charge are at this point), and I hope to be joining you people very soon.


I obviously won't be on this week's card, but there's always next week. I just wanted to pop in and say hello to everyone, and hope I can fit into the SJL style, since I'm used to a roleplay-based system, not match writing-based. Oh well.


Have a nice day!


"Am I what you think I am, or are you what I think I am?" - The Spoon

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Guest El Luchadore Magnifico

Great! We are in need of new people, so this is very good news. Good luck to you, I'm sure your past experience wil help.

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Guest Shawn

Awesome. First a bunch of Vets return and now we're getting some more new comers. I think the JL's roster is already back up to it's normal size.


And Spoon, I hope you like the match writing part. That's what I like about this e-fed above all others. Plus, if you still want to RP, check the JL board. Once Crusen gives you the 'okay' we'd love to see you RP. In fact, we have a few RPers down in the League.


If you need help or have any questions, you can PM me.


-Shawn Brody, TV Champ of the JL

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Guest AnnieEclectic

Promos are an integral, but not unavoidable part of the league, I actually haven't out-of-card promoed in... quite a while now...




Welcome to the league, and remember, scary blood-drinking geek chicks are cool :D



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Guest midnight_burn

If you want to go well in the JL, challenge the world champ in your first match, anytime you lose send 10 hate-filled PM's to your marker telling them that they suck and your match was better, have lots of important storylines in your matches and don't tell your opponent about them, and post heaps of illogical messages with poor grammer all over the boards, you'll be on top in no time.



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Guest Chaos

Listen to Midnight_Burn, he knows what he's talking about.


All that, plus jobbing himself left, right, and centre got Stryke straight into the main event.



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PM? Ugh, so... boring. My AIM name is Kotzenjunge. Hit me up if you want to talk.


By the way, I'm in. Just thought you should know that.

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Welcome to the SJL! Good luck in your match writing.

So thats five returns of a few people and now three new n00bs. The fed is really coming back together again...


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Don't remind me of the match writing, I'm afraid to even try to write a match, I've only done one before.

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