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Guest OnlyMe

WWE Screw-ups: An A-Z

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Guest Lightning Flik
WWE Screw-ups: An A-Z now up at thesmartmarks.com


Feedback? Comments?



Great listing. Nice column.


Except for Q, it should be.


Q - Quiting Angles in Midstream. How is it that the WWE continually creates angles that build up in heat, but then go absolutely NOWHERE. [insert prime example here]

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Guest edotherocket

Q is for Duchess of Queensbury match: Chris Jericho v. William Regal at Backlash 2001.


...actually, Lightning Flik's is better. Its more current and actually starts with a Q.

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Q: Quebecers - Bringing back one of the greatest tag teams ever in 1998 without their (Not the) Mountie costumes and jobbing them to the Godwins.


Q: Queers - The Billy and Chuck saga ending with Stephanie McMahon making out with Rikishi in drag.

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Guest Lightning Flik
Q: Queers - The Billy and Chuck saga ending with Stephanie McMahon making out with Rikishi in drag.

Ok... You beat mine.

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Guest OnlyMe

Q: Queers - The Billy and Chuck saga ending with Stephanie McMahon making out with Rikishi in drag.


Good call... that's probably my favourite so far. I *love* the caption you e-mailled to me. I'm seriously laughing out loud here :)

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Guest Mole

That was a good column. I disagree with Survivor Series because even when they had the elimination matches, SS sucked.

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Guest OnlyMe

That was a good column. I disagree with Survivor Series because even when they had the elimination matches, SS sucked.


True, but it was a different kind of suck. It was new and interesting suck :) It offered something different to all the other PPVs, and offered a reason to watch it.


Now they are trying to recapture that with the Elimination Chamber, but I think Survivor Series is pretty much dead as a "Big X" PPV.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

R should have been RVD...or V should have been Van DAm.


Even if you hate him it's undeniable that he got WAY more over than many of the people you did bring up...and got the same treatment

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Guest OnlyMe

I really wanted to include Van Dam. He fits in the same category as Jericho, really, in that they never capitalised on him.


I think Ric Flair was different enough to warrant inclusion.


Believe me though - I changed the letters around so many times to try and include Van Dam, Benoit and Nathan Jones :(

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Guest Goodear

Only problem I have is that the column is a little shallow in that it seems to be "This guy sucks, why do they push him" and "This guy rules, why don't they push him" over and over again without any deeper commentary. It's one thing to say X-Pac sucks (although I would disagree that he's always sucked) but you never say why its such a big deal or why we need to know that.

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Guest OnlyMe

Okay, cool. It was meant to be a light-hearted, brief look. I see your point though. Thanks.

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Guest Mattdotcom

Good column, just like your others.


And on a completely unrelated note, thanks for the e-mail and liking my caption.

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