Guest Zack Malibu Report post Posted June 5, 2003 (Get your minds outta the gutter, folks.) Here is the OFFICIAL PREVIEW for HeldDOWN~! As always, the show shall be up within a few hours. MIS-MATCH Brock Ausstin and Crystal have not seen eye to eye as of late, especially after last week when Crystal ran off the Unstable Monster with a chair. Then why are these two athletes partners this week? One simple reason. A World Heavyweight Title Shot. The Female Phenom has agreed to team up with the undefeated beast to do battle with another Odd Couple, the rock sensation Foshi and the cocky-yet-cool K Money. The winning team will then compete in the main event in a Three Way Dance, where the third competitor will be the OAOAST World Champion, Zack Malibu. 24/7th HEAVEN Last week, Peter Knight of The Dream Machines turned the war with Totally Endorsed to the DM's favor by capturing the 24/7 Title from Calvin Szechstein. This week, PK will be in the building to "run the T.E. gauntlet" as he says. Which member of Totally Endorsed will step up to the plate? And just who else could have 24/7 Title dreams, since the belt is constantly on the line? STING OF THE SCORPION Last week, OAOAST legend CWM made his final appearance in the company, stating that nothing and no one could change his mind. Tonight, the mysterious Blacker Scorpion says he WILL in fact speak out on CWM's decision, and sway him into the ring one more time. All this and more, TONIGHT, only in the OAOAST HeldDOWN~! folder! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Zack Malibu Report post Posted June 6, 2003 Coming to you LIVE from the HeldDOWN Arena~! Your hosts for the evening: MC:"It's a clear June night, it's a Thursday, and that can mean only one thing..." Coach:"Reruns of Must See TV on NBC?" MC:"No Coach, we all know about your Matthew Perry fetish, but tonight it's HeldDOWN~! I'm Michael Cole, along with Jonathan Coachman, coming to you live tonight with a card full of high impact, hard hitting action." Coach:"That's right, because TONIGHT, the World Champion is putting his belt on the line in a Three Way Dance...and he has no idea against who!" MC:"Very true, Coach. Tonight, we're going to have a tag team contest, with two teams that are pretty mismatched. The Female Phenom Crystal will tag with the man whom she's had run-ins with as of late, Brock Ausstin. That duo will battle the team of the hot prospect K Money, and Japanese music legend, FOSHI~!" Coach:"FOSHI!" MC:"Also tonight, Hex Machina will do battle, one on one, with Caboose!" Coach:"That one has been brewing for a few weeks." MC:" hell with the intro, lets head to the ring!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Zack Malibu Report post Posted June 6, 2003 *Oh Hell Yeah begins as the arena goes dark and the blue lights strobe. Peter Knight walks through the curtain alone and gets a bit of a pop as he walks down to the ring.* Coach: “Knight’s taking a BIG chance coming down here all by himself, Cole.” Cole: “TE must be either licking their chops at this development or they know Knight has something up his sleeve.” *PK steps into the ring and gets a mic. The crowd settles down as the music fades, waiting to hear what he has to say about his partner’s challenge last week* PK: A few weeks ago, I experienced the worst pain I’ve ever felt in my life after I went through that glass. That night in the hospital, having to endure the EMTs picking shards of glass from places I never wanted ANYTHING sharp to touch. It was hell…… ……But it was worth it. *Crowd buzzes, wondering what he means by that* PK: I was worth it because it did something to me, something that hasn’t happened since I’ve come to the OaOast: IT PISSED ME THE FUCK OFF!!!! *Crowd pops* It stoked a fire that I haven’t had since I had to fight to survive after my dick stepfather kicked me out when I was a kid. It made me realize that Totally Endorsed has a mean streak, but there’s NO WAY it’s as long as mine. When Parka told me of his idea for the Bash, I didn’t look at him like he was nuts. I didn’t try to talk him out of it. I smiled. I smiled because it would let me do something that straight wrestling doesn’t really let me do fully; beat the shit out of someone. At the Great Angle Bash, in the glass table match, there won’t be any countouts, no refs to tell me to break while I choke the life out of Calvin, no one to stop me when I Knightmare some TE ass through a table and hear the same crashing sound that was the last thing I heard two weeks ago. But that’s at the PPV; I also have an announcement for TONIGHT. *The crowd pops big, since PK seems in a fighting mood* So far in my tenure here, I really haven’t gone at it alone much. It’s great to have a guy like Parka backing you up, but sometimes you have to take things into your own hands. So today, I went to Commissioner Moysey, and asked for something. Something that will keep TE guessing and gets me back into my element of fighting for myself. Tonight, I begin to run the TE Gauntlet. *The crowd pops* Cole: “He’s gonna fight all of Totally Endorsed by himself?!”PK: Now before you get any ideas in your head, Calvin, let me read you a statement from the Commish. *PK pulls a piece of paper from his tights and unfolds it, reading aloud* “Each week on HeldDown, Peter Knight, and only Mr. Knight, shall choose a member of Totally Endorsed to face in a singles match that night. All other members of Totally Endorsed are barred from ringside before, during, and after the match, under penalty of a one year suspension, without pay. By request of Mr. Knight, the rules of the 24/7 title will be suspended during these matches, but are in effect at any other time. The same penalty also applies to either the Parka or Eddy Kalm, should they try to assist Mr. Knight.” *He folds it back up and drops it to the mat* Since it’s MY choice, I think I’ll spare everyone the guessing games and reveal who is first right now. Put that picture on the screen. *A group photo of TE comes up on the HeldTron and Knight studies it while the crowd shouts out suggestions like he’s a contestant on the Price is Right* PK: Eeenie, meenie, miney moe With which TE member will I go? Not Meat Loaf or Robin Givens Victim #1 is Terry Simmons! Coach: “It’s Terry Simmons! Knight’s chosen the biggest TE member to start!” Cole: “We’ll see later tonight if Knight thought this through enough.” Coach: “If he did at all.” Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Zack Malibu Report post Posted June 6, 2003 Coach:"We are back from commercial, and what a stunning announcement by Peter Knight! He's going to run through the members of Totally Endorsed, starting tonight with Terry Simmons!" MC:"With the 24/7 Rule in effect, ANYTHING can happen. Speaking of such, let's take you now to some footage provided by Foshi. This was to be a part of an upcoming video release for the band, but things took a weird turn when they arrived in Detroit. Here's the footage." Mongoose Foshi and Dimebag Foshi are walking down the streets of Detroit on a slightly cloudy day. Some bystanders recognize them, and the duo happily oblige when asked for autographs. Mongoose:"Where did the others say they were going?" Dimebag:"They didn't. However, they were ordering seconds...and thirds, when we left the restaurant." Mongoose:"I swear, if either one of them pukes on stage again, I'm taking away the X-Box." The two members of FOSHI continue walking, until Mongoose stops in his tracks. Dimebag:"What?" Mongoose:"Listen." The duo becomes silent, and a song is audible to those watching at home. "...this time I know it there's no doubt in my mind..." Dimebag:"Someone's covering KISS songs. This IS Detroit." Mongoose:"I know that voice though..." Mongoose and Dimebag turn a corner and peer down an alley. Several bums are seated against the wall, while one continue to scrounge around a stack of garbage. In the middle of the alley, a man in dirty, tattered denim shorts and a black T shirt is playing an acoustic guitar. Mongoose:"Paul?" Dimebag:"The dude we beat in the Battle of the Bands?" Mongoose:"Yeah." Mongoose goes walking down the alley. Meanwhile, Paul continues to entertain. Paul:"And now for my next might know this one, so if you do, sing along." "Johnny saw her ridin' on a streetcar named desire, his fate was sealed. She could see him comin' like a hundred other liars, it was no big deal. Rosa had a lover on the shady side of town, Tito, he was..." A bottle flies by Paul's head, interrupting the song. Paul:"Hey man, watch it!" Whino:"Yoooooo it, ya stupit pish of crap! I'm a tryin' to relash and youse is gettin' on mah nervsh." Paul scowls at the belligerent man, and takes the guitar off his shoulders. He lifts it up and goes to bring it down on the man's head, but Mongoose steps in the way. Mongoose:"PAUL! What are you doing, man?" Paul:"Who? I'm sorry, I think you have me mistaken with someone else. Around here, I'm known as Rocky Roll." Mongoose:"Rocky Roll? Who gave you that name, one of these guys?" All the whinos let out a "Hey!" Mongoose:"Er...sorry. Look, Paul, I don't know what's wrong with you, but we haven't seen you since the attack." Paul:"Sir, really, I'm fine. I think you have made a mistake, and..." Mongoose:"C'mon man, just come with me, I'll get you a meal, some clothes, whatever. I can prove what I say is true." Dimebag:"Hey 'Goose, you sure about this? I mean, yeah it looks like him, but..." Mongoose:"I'm sure." Mongoose and Dimebag stare at Paul/Rocky, waiting for his answer. Paul:"OK, I'll go with you. I just think that this is all a big mixup." Mongoose:"Only one way to find out. Mac, turn the camera off, we're not gonna be sightseeing today." *fade to black* MC:"Well, that was odd. That WAS Paul Stanley, wasn't it?" Coach:"I'm pretty sure, but why would he be living on the streets? There has to be more to this." MC:"Mongoose Foshi told me backstage earlier that Paul has no recollection of his OAOAST career. I understand the other members of Foshi are tending to him back at a hotel in Detroit, but when we come back, Mongoose Foshi looks to advance to the World Title match later tonight. The tag team bout to determine the contenders is NEXT!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Zack Malibu Report post Posted June 6, 2003 MC:"We're back, and it's time for the tag match!" Coach:"This one should tear the roof off, if the competitors don't tear each other's HEADS off!" Announcer: The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall and will decide the two opponents for Zack Malibu's World title! The crowd pops. Cue: "Working Man" by Rush. Announcer: First from Japan, weighing in at 208 lbs: Mongoose Foshi! Foshi gets a nice pop as he makes his way to the ring. He warms up as his music dies down. Cue: "Kick Start My Heart" by Motley Crue. A mixed reaction from the crowd as K-Money comes down the aisle. Announcer: And his partner from Hollywood, California weighing in at 200 lbs: K-Money! K-Money gets in the ring and Foshi offers a handshake. K-Money ignores him at first but then accepts without much care. Cue: "I'm Just A Girl" by No Doubt. Announcer: And their opponents, introducing first from Coquitlam, British Columbia weighing in at 128 lbs: Crystal! Crystal gets a very nice pop as she makes her way to ringside and waits for her partner. Cue: "War Ensemble" by Slayer. Announcer: And her partner being accompanied by Rick Heyross from Victoria, Minnesota weighing in at 700 lbs: Brock Ausstin! Brock slowly makes his way to the ring to a chorus of boos. He walks right past Crystal, totally ignoring her, and enters the ring. He is met with a double assault from Foshi and K-Money. Brock shoves Foshi aside and goes to work just on K-Money, but Foshi hits a kick to the back of the leg of Brock that gives K-Money the advantage and he quickly dropkicks Brock who stumbles out of the ring. Foshi and K-Money follow out and none of them notices as Crystal ascends the ropes from the inside. She hits a corkscrew landing on all three men taking them down. Crystal slides back in the ring to a big pop from the crowd. Having taken the least of the corkscrew, K-Money climbs in after her as Foshi and Brock gradually retreat to their corners. DING DING DING Crystal and KM circle around each other. They lock up in the center. K-Money takes her down and goes into an armbar which Crystal flips out of and goes into a hammerlock of her own. KM reaches back and flips behind Crystal and drives her into the ropes, but Crystal hangs on as KM rolls back. Crystal turns to KM running at her and she ducks back bodydropping him over, but he lands on the mat. Crystal hits a kick to his midsection and starts to run towards the opposite ropes, but KM yanks her down by the hair sparking huge heel heat. He comes back in with a slingshot elbow and covers. 1... 2... Kick out. KM scoops her up and slams her down. He comes off the ropes with a knee drop, but Crystal gets out of the way and gets up hitting a dropkick to KM's back sending him into the ropes, she catches him on the rebound with a roll-up. 1... 2... Kick out. Crystal runs off the ropes, but Brock gets the blind tag. She hits a crossbody on KM, but the ref makes no count. She gets up and Brock shoves her out of the ring. He turns to KM who has quickly backed into his team's corner to tag in Foshi. Foshi and Brock meet in the center. Brock shoves him away. Foshi comes back at him. Brock shoves him once more and Foshi again comes back at him. Foshi ducks a Brock punch and hits a hard kick to the ribs. Brock throws another punch and Foshi again ducks it and follows up with a series of punches to the midsection and kicks to the legs. Brock is dazed as Foshi runs off the ropes, but Brock recovers and hits a powerslam. He covers. 1... 2... Kick out. Brock picks him up and tosses him into the corner. He hits a series of knees and then an elbow to the head. He whips Foshi to the far corner and comes at him with an avalanche. Foshi falls, but Brock picks him up and hits a devestating powerbomb. He covers. 1... 2... Kick out. Brock scoops up Foshi and applies a horribly uncomfortable bearhug. He holds it for a good few minutes before the ref begins to check the arm. Arm drops once... Arm drops twice... Foshi keeps the arm up the third time and begins to punch his way free. Brock releases and Foshi runs off the ropes. He ducks a clothesline from Brock but falls to a sidewalk slam on the rebound. Brock covers. 1... 2... Kick out. Foshi begins to stand up in the corner as Brock charges at him. Foshi gets out of the way and Brock hits the corner hard. As he turns, Foshi jumps onto the second rope with one foot and hits a kick to the head of Brock with the other finally taking him down. Foshi begins to crawl to his corner. He tags in KM who quickly runs over to cover Brock. 1.... Kick out. KM is sent flying from the hard kickout. Brock stands up as KM tells Brock to tag in Crystal. Brock looks at Crystal, laughs, and then turns back to KM. Crystal tags herself in infuriating Brock. He does, however, eventually return to his corner as Crystal and KM square off again. They lock up and KM sends her into the ropes. He looks for the back bodydrop, but she hits the sunset flip. 1... 2... Kick out. KM throws a punch at her which she ducks and goes into a german suplex. 1... 2... Kick out. KM is becoming frustrated now. He hits a clothesline taking her down. He sets Crystal off the ropes and looks for a dropkick, but she hooks the ropes and he goes down. She runs, hooks the legs, and flips over into the roll-up. 1... 2... Kick out. KM takes his time getting back to his feet as Crystal goes to the outside and climbs up. As she's about to come off, Brock steps in and shoves KM out of the way. He catches her off the top and sets her down gently. There is a moment of confusion before Brock hits a devestating clothesline that actually takes himself down as well. Coach:"YOU SON OF A BITCH! LET ME AT 'EM!" MC:"COACH! SIT DOWN!" Brock rolls to the outside and he and Heyross depart together without looking back to massive boos. Foshi comes in and goes over to Crystal to check on her. As he does, KM shoves him to the outside and places Crystal in the Bounced Check. As Crystal is already out, the ref calls for the match. DING DING DING Coach:"I don't believe it! Brock Ausstin cost himself the match!" MC:"I think he felt a bit overshadowed by Crystal tonight, and that temper of his got the best of him. They don't call him Unstable for nothing." Announcer: Here are your winners: Foshi and K-Money! KM doesn't let go, however. Foshi comes back in the ring and stands in front of KM. He hits a roundhouse kick to the side of KM's head taking him down. KM rolls to the outside as Foshi checks on Crystal again. Just as he bends down, the lights flicker on and off and then go totally out. MC:"Great, first that fire a few weeks ago, now a blackout. OAOAST-we love natural disasters!" When they come back on, the masked individual who attacked Paul Stanley is standing behind Foshi. Coach:"Michael, it's that same guy who took out Stanley!" He spins Foshi around and nails him with a book before dropping it. He hits a kick to the midsection and piledrives Foshi onto the book. The masked man grabs the book and exits the ring leaving Foshi out cold. MC:"He's got a title match tonight!" Coach:"He may not now." The referee returns to the ring to check on Foshi, as we cut to break. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Zack Malibu Report post Posted June 6, 2003 We open in a park. We see Mad Matt sitting on a park bench. Mad Matt:The time for talking is done. You have seen me for about a month but now I am done talking. It is time for drastic action. It is time to prove myself, that I belong in the ring. [Mad Matt gets up and paces around before talking again) Mad Matt:Next week. HeldDown, I want to make my in ring debut. It doesn't matter against who. I have an open contract. All I want is a challenge. [Mad Matt looks into the camera] Mad Matt:So next week, anybody, it really doesn't matter. If you can wrestle, you are qualified for the open challenge. I will give my fans 100 percent next week. [Mad Matt gets up and we see an extreme closeup of his face] Mad Matt:Next week...the real fun begins. [Mad Matt gets up and walks out of the park. He has made the open challenge. Who will accept it?] HeldDOWN~! cuts back to Michael and Coach. MC:"Fans, we've gotten word from backstage that Foshi is a bit groggy. A concussion was feared but it doesn't seem to be the case, and we can expect him to compete here later tonight in the World Title match!" Coach:"You know, we've had our share of mysteries on this show Michael, but I still can't figure out that individuals deal. First Paul, now Foshi...and what gives with the childhood references?" MC:"I can't answer that Coach. And how about Mad Matt, coming NEXT WEEK!" Coach:"We've seen the hype, now you'll believe it when Mad Matt makes his in-ring debut next week!" MC:"Right now though, lets take you to some footage given to us by the other member of The Dream's The Parka." (Earlier this week) (An El Camino pulls up to an old building in the middle of nowhere. Parka and Eddy get out and take a look.) PARKA This brings back memories. I remember hot summer days of training to be a wrestler in this building with hardly any air conditioning. EDDY Sounds rough. PARKA Yeah, but I loved it. I was doing what I had always wanted to do. I wonder if Stinky Joe still runs this place? EDDY Stinky Joe?? (Eddy looks confused as they walk into the building) PARKA Yo! Anyone home? (Parka looks around. There is an old wrestling ring in the middle of the room, which doubles as a boxing ring for the boxing classes. Old, taped up, punching bags hang from the ceiling. The lights are out, but the sunlight from outside dimly lights the room. In the far corner a little office can be seen) PARKA That's where he probably is. Hey Joe! You back there? You better not be looking at those old nudie magazines or something back there. (A middle aged man walks out. His hairline has receded almost all the way back and he has a small comb over. The man gives Parka a funny look) OLD MAN What do you want? PARKA Is Joe Blanchet here? OLD MAN Joe died about five years ago. Can I help you? PARKA I used to train here. Joe and I were friends. OLD MAN I'm sorry you had to learn of his death this way. You can take a look around, but I'm locking up in an hour. PARKA Thank you. My name is Leroy. What's your name? JAMES James Thorton. I bought this place from Joe when he took ill. (James returns to his office as Parka and Eddy climb into the ring) EDDY You okay? PARKA Yeah I'm fine. Part of me knew he wouldn't be here, but it would have been nice to talk about old times... (Parka looks into the distance with a thoughtful look) EDDY What is it? PARKA There used to be a bench over against that wall. For awhile that's where I slept until I could find a place. Joe gave me some blankets and a pillow and I just slept there. When morning came Joe brought me some doughnuts and a coffee and we started training. Quite a few times the other trainees would play pranks on me if I didn't wake up before they got there. EDDY I don't think I could ever do this. It's made you strong willed. Maybe that's why you are so stubborn sometimes. (Eddy laughs) PARKA Heh...whatever. Sometimes during training I would be so sore that I would want to die. I broke my arm one time and missed training for awhile, but I was there watching everyday....listen to me I'm complaining about soreness and broken arms when I'm about to do a Glass Table Match. I'm scared Eddy...have I made a mistake? I worry that I'm leading you and PK into a massacre, but I know this is what we need to put ourselves on the map and to end this thing with Totally Endorsed. EDDY In a strange way you make sense. Every ounce of logic in me tells me to tell you to stop, but then I realize my job is to get you focused, not to be a father to you. PARKA My father thought I was a fool to want to be a wrestler. Sometimes I felt he was right. I called him the day I was hired by the OAOAST. You know what he said? EDDY What did he say? PARKA He said, "That's nice son." He then babbled on about the dog or some crap like that. It's always been just my Dad and I since my mother passed away when I was young. My dad felt wrestling was a joke. He said I should play real sports and quit thinking about fake sports. When I broke my arm during training he told me to come home and get a real job. Instead I stayed here and cleaned up around the place the best I could with one arm. I even painted the walls. Joe paid me whatever he could. Once my arm healed I took up waiting tables for money and got a cheap room that was being rented out and lived there. EDDY So your Dad never sent you money? PARKA My Dad never helped me with my dream. He wanted me to learn the hard way that it wouldn't work out so that I'd end up coming home like some Prodigal Son. Except he wouldn't throw a feast for me if I returned. He'd probably put me straight to work and forget I was even there. Those who helped me I met during my training. Joe...and especially Adolfo helped me. EDDY Adolfo? PARKA La Parka. When I wrestled in Mexico he pretty much helped me survive down there. When I told him I was taking on aspects of his gimmick for mine he said he was honored. He gave me one of his masks to wear to the ring. I told him I wanted to wear one to the ring as a tribute. I don't know what happened to that mask though. (Parka turns around to see James standing outside the ring holding a box) JAMES Forgive me. I was listening in on your conversation and I realized this is for you. Joe left this box incase you ever came back. (Parka exits the ring and takes the box to a small table by one of the windows. He opens it and his face lights up) PARKA (A tear rolls down his face) Do you believe in coincidences Eddy? EDDY No. I believe everything happens for a reason. PARKA Me too Eddy. (Finally we see the box and inside is the La Parka mask) PARKA Let's go home Eddy. (Parka takes the mask and shakes hands with James. Parka and Eddy leave the building and drive away in the El Camino) (Fade to black) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Zack Malibu Report post Posted June 6, 2003 MC:"That was a side we've never seen of The Dream Machines. Pretty touching if you ask me." Coach:"The DM's have really done a 180 since HeldDOWN~! started, Michael. You remember our first show, Zack Malibu ran the gauntlet against the three of them at the time, and they damn near took the champ out. Lately though, the fans have opened up to them, and Parka and PK have loved the response." MC:"Speaking of PK and gauntlets, it's time for the 24/7 Title Match!" I Ran (from GTA:Vice City, also see Grand Theft Auto III, now only $19.99!) and the crowd instinctively rains down the boos as Terry Simmons makes his way alone to the ring. He steps over the top rope and removes his jacket, looking like an oversized Irwin R. Schyster. Coach: “At least TE is adhering to the Commissioner’s rule, Cole.” Cole: “Don’t tell me you TRUST them?” Coach: “Hey, Calvin recommended a tanning lotion that works wonders! Look how dark I am!” Cole: “…” Oh Hell Yeah starts and the blue lights strobe as Peter Knight makes his way to the ring with an even bigger pop from the crowd than when he first came out tonight. He steps into the ring and looks down the big man. *DING DING* They circle each other before locking up. Terry backs Knight into the corner and slaps his chest hard, the *SMACK* echoing through the arena. He slaps it again and whips Knight into the corner, but he charges into an elbow. Knight gives him a few right hands and bounces off the ropes, but Terry uses his size to shoulder him down. Knight tries again, but gets the same result. Knight ducks a clothesline and drops down, kicking his right leg. Cole: “He’s remembered Parka’s strategy of taking his wheels out from under him.” PK works the leg, getting some more kicks in and finally bringing Terry to his knees by dropkicking it. Knight pounds away some more and whips him into the ropes, hitting a clothesline but not knocking him down. He tries again, and Terry wobbles but doesn’t fall down. PK goes to the second rope and jumps with a double axe, but Terry catches him and hits a belly to belly suplex and then bounces off the ropes and drives a few big elbows into his chest. He goes for the kill with a big splash, but Knight moves and Terry bounces off the mat. Knight goes back to the knee, kicking and driving his own knee into it. Knight slaps on a single leg lock, trying to pull his leg out of the socket. Terry grabs him by the head and hits a few headbutts to break, but has trouble putting weight on his leg when he gets up. Knight charges, but Terry catches him with a powerslam. 1….2….kickout. He chokes Knight while he’s down for a while and bodyslams him, driving a legdrop (with his good left leg) and covers. 1…2…kickout. Terry whips Knight, but he reverses and drop toe holds him to the mat, picking up the right leg and driving the knee to the mat. He does it again, and Terry screams in pain. Coach: “Nice job picking a bodypart and sticking with it, here.” Knight signals for a figure-four, but Terry blocks it and kicks Knight away, but PK kicks him in the gut and starts the Knight Roll. He hits the first suplex, grimacing from the weight on his back, holds on and hits the second suplex, not quite getting Terry as far off the mat this time. He picks him up for the finish, trying to hold him up and parading him around the ring, but his back can’t take it so Terry reverses it and suplexes Knight, who hold his back and yells in pain. Knight rolls onto his stomach, so Terry just splashes him, the crowd “Ohhhhhhhh”-ing that. Terry stalks him, and slaps on the bearhug when Knight gets up, really applying the pressure. The crowd claps to help try to rally Knight, but Terry has the hold on very tightly. Knight tries to break the grip with his hands, but fails, so he tries to kick the injured leg, but that just causes Terry to squeeze tighter. PK rapidly kicks the leg, and that is enough to break. Terry hobbles away and charges for a clothesline, but Knight ducks it and PICKS HIM UP IN POSITION FOR THE KNIGHTMARE!! Cole: “No way, with his back, there’s no way.” Knight strains under the weight and pain, but manages to keep him held. Knight takes a very deep breath and HITS IT! The crowd goes NUTS. Cole: “HE GOT IT!! He had just Knightmared the 350 pounder with an injured back!!” Coach: “But look, that took a lot out of him and he can’t follow up.” The crowd claps for Knight as he slowly crawls over to Simmons, flopping on top of him for the cover. The crowd counts along. 1….. 2….. SHOULDER UP!!!! Cole: “Oooooooohhhh, Terry was able to recover enough to BARELY kick out!” They both slowly get to their feet and slug it out. Terry wins the slugfest and whips Knight to the ropes, but he rolls under a clothesline and chop blocks Terry, getting up and wrapping Terry’s legs in a Sharpshooter-like hold before turning him over in the middle of the ring. Coach: “Edgucator!!! He hasn’t used this in a while!!” Knight keeps the pressure on the leg and keeps him in the center so Terry can’t reach the ropes. Terry tries to hold on for as long as he can, but the pain becomes too much and he has no choice but to tap! *DING DING* *The crowd pops huge as Knight’s hand is raised. He raises his other hand and holds out all five fingers before drawing his thumb back* Winner: Peter Knight, via submission at 8:42 Cole: “Wow, Knight really had to work for that one.” Coach: “It only gets tougher from here. I wonder who it’s going to be next week.” Cut to the backstage area. Some Guy is shown walking into Commissioner Tim Moysey's office. MC:"Some Guy is paying a visit to our General Manager!" Coach:"Why do I have the feeling this involves Anglesault?" MC:"It could be, and we'll find out when we come back!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Zack Malibu Report post Posted June 6, 2003 ::Back from break:: Anglesault barges into Moysey's office. AS: What the hell is going on here? The last time you two were talking I got stuck in a HiaC match against this guy ::points to SG:: and I already beat him! This is a conspiracy! Cleft, you've been plotting against me since you got this job and I don't trust you. ::Tim and Some Guy look at AS in disbelief:: AS: If you want to prove to me that you aren't out to get me then give me a World Title shot next week! I lost the belt months ago and having gotten a rematch. Instead of being allowed to get my belt back I get stuck in a Hell in a Cell match with my old lackey. I beat him twice at School's Out, why should I have to again? SG: Shut your mouth! You know full well that you couldn't take me one-on-one without the attack before the match and you know you can't beat me in the Cell. The way I see it, I'm just as entitled to a title shot as you are. I've lost one match since I've come back. How about you 'Sault? ::AS and SG get into each other's faces and start butting heads yelling:: ::Tim slowly gets up from behind his desk and steps in between the two men:: Tim: Cut the crap, I don't want any blood in my office! AS: Get your fucking hands off me you child molesting bitch! ::Tim is seething with anger after that comment:: Tim: (Yelling) You know up until you said that I was going to give you a title shot next week, but now you get nothing! On second thought, I'll give you shot for the title. ::AS interrupts:: AS: Finally some fairness around here. Tim: As I was saying I'll give you a shot for the title on the heldDOWN after The Great Angle Bash but you have to beat Some Guy in the Hell in a Cell match. From now on that's a #1 contenders match. ::AS is visibly pissed off and SG is happy:: Cole: Wow! The winner of the HiaC match between Anglesault and Some Guy get a shot at the winner of the Zack Malibu/Stephen Joseph title match on the heldDOWN right after The Great Angle Bash! Coach: That's four possible matches and all of them are PPV quality! Cole: Yeah, we could get a rematch from Anglemania II or SG and Joseph could get it on for the first time and you know they hate each other's guts! Coach: Or we could see 'Sault vs. Joseph which would be interesting to say the least or Some Guy vs. Zack, that could definitely affect their new found friendship! What an announcement form Commissioner Moysey! ::Break:: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Zack Malibu Report post Posted June 6, 2003 MC:"WOW! Talk about something to fight for. That Hell In A Cell would have been vicious enough considering the rivalry with Anglesault and Some Guy, but now the #1 Contendership is on the line!" Coach:"That's going to be amazing, Michael. I'm really looking forward to the Great Angle Bash." Satan hits and Hex Machina appears on the stage to a mixed reaction. He strides down to the ring. Announcer: Coming down the aisle, from Hollwood, Florida, weighing in at 225 pounds... Hex... Machina! Hex leans against the ropes, facing the stage and awaits his opponent. Cole: Hex looking very confident in his OAOAST debut match tonight. Coachman: Well it's going to take more than confidence to get past Caboose. Hex certainly has his work cut out for him. Cole: Indeed he does. Cochise blares through the speakers and and the crowd is on it's feet. Announcer: And making his way to the ring, from Derby, England, weighing in at 230 pounds... Ca... BOOSE! The crowd cheers it's approval. Cole: I think it's pretty clear who the fan favorite is in this match. But Caboose has yet to appear. Cochise fades out, and the crowd murmurs in restless anticipation. Hex glances around and beckons towards the entrance. Cochise starts again, and the crowd snaps back to attention, but Caboose is still nowhere to be seen. Coachman: What's going on here? If Caboose doesn't show up soon, he's going to be forced to forfeit this match. Cole: And the fans aren't going to be happy about that, especially after last week's explosive confrontation. Cochise plays out and the ref reluctantly begins a ten count. Coachman: Where could Caboose be? He's not one to back down from a fight. Cole: I've never seen Caboose back down from a fight. The ref makes it to ten and the crowd explodes in a hail of boos. Hex shrugs, and with a smirk on his face, allows his hand to be raised. Announcer: The winner of the match, as a result of a forfeiture... Hex Machina! The crowd boos even louder as Hex steps through the ropes and makes his way back up the ramp. Coachman: Hex Machina has won this match... but the bigger story here is what's happened to Caboose? Hex pauses on the stage and raises on arm in victory, then disapears through the curtain. A camera picks him up on the other side as an interviewer sticks a mic in his face. interviewer: Hex! Hex, what is your reaction to Caboose no showing your debut OAOAST match? Hex keeps walking through the backstage area as he talks. Hex: I expected as much. Caboose is afraid of me. I could have told you that last week. Soon everyone in the OAOAST will fear the name of Hex. Caboose was smart enough to be the first to recognize that, and I applaud him for it. But I'm not letting him off the hook that easy. Hex reaches the parking garage and stops in front of a black Mercedes, and starts to get in, but then turns back toward the camera. Hex: If - and that's a big if - Caboose ever shows his face in the OAOAST again, he's getting in that ring with me, I don't care if he has to be dragged kicking and screaming. I'm giving him the ass kicking I promised. A loud bang is heard from the trunk of the Mercedes. Hex turns toward it. Hex: (long pause) Pay no attention to... The trunk pops out and Caboose jumps out. He heads straight for Hex. Hex: Oh shi- Caboose tackles Hex to the pavement and starts raining punches into his face. Hex flails his arms and manages to smack Caboose in the ear and crawl away. They both get to their feet and Hex springs forward, spearing Caboose into the side of the Mercedes. Hex pulls back and charges again, but Caboose dodges and pushes Hex's head into the window, breaking it. Hex yells and and falls to the ground. He rolls around into a sitting position, holding his bloody forehead. Hex: You son of a bitch! Caboose walks toward Hex, but Hex brings his foot up into Caboose's crotch. Caboose drops to one knee, and Hex kips up and hits Caboose with a shining wizard. Hex: Ha ha ha ha! I got you, you dumb- Caboose grabs a handful of broken glass from the Mercedes' window and throws it in Hex's face. Hex: Aaargh! God DAMMIT! Caboose stands and moves toward Hex, but security finally arrives and drags him away. As he's being taken out, Caboose yells after Hex. Caboose: You're dead! You hear me, you're dead, Hex! You better pray I don't find out where you're staying tonight! You're gonna DIE! Hex: Yeah, run your mouth now! They better hold me back! You settle this in the ring! With a referee! And millions of witnesses! I mean fans, I meant to say fans! What the hell were you doing in my trunk anyway? You're a vandal and a spy! Hex turns to the cameraman. Hex: Get this out of my face! Hex grabs the camera and throws it into the wall. Static. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Zack Malibu Report post Posted June 6, 2003 Coach:"I think that was just as good as if they had an actual match!" MC:"Another rivalry heats up here on HeldDOWN, folks. Expect the unexpected. It's an old phrase, but it's so true here in the OAOAST." The AngleTron lights up, the entrance video of Stephen Joseph and the Trinity flashing before the HeldDown audience for only the second time, though the first for the "true" trinity. MC:"Perfect example. I wasn't expecting this." Stephen appears on the Tron, with the two Tag Team Title Belts, each on one of his arms. With a smirk... So, this is the lovely world of HeldDown, finally graced by those who can save it...isn't it lovely? Oh, yeah probably wondering why I have these titles here, when I'm supposed to hate them and all. I don't like what they stand for, their gold shine, their attributed importance. But they can help save you. Some would say you'd be saving these titles...Bah, complete rubbish...Fact is, coming to fight us, you'll save yourself. Next week on hD, we will be here, and we will accept a sacrifice...Who amongst the HeldDown quackery wishes to find redemption, to find salvation...Which two of you, shall be purified? Purity through Pain Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Zack Malibu Report post Posted June 6, 2003 Coach:"More challenges laid out. You know, we said last week that things always heat up during the summer. Look at how focused our roster is right now, setting their sights on certain rivals and goals." Cole: Speaking of feuds, Coach, I want to talk about this feud between Shattered Dreams and The Slacker. Coach: I knew you would. What a wild match those two had at Schools Out. We sure played an active role in that match! Cole: You're telling me. I've got bruises all over my body! These two have gone back and forth for the past couple of weeks. Slacker has broke Dreams' nose and Dreams got revenge at Schools out. But now we've got this tag team match. I wonder if these two will finally settle their differences tonight? Coach: What about Slacker's has a new tag team partner named Choko? She's making her OAOAST debut tonight! The scouts tell me she's one of the toughest female wrestler's they've ever seen. I'm scared. Cole: Let's do a 180 and talk about Shattered Dreams' Personal Assistant and tag team partner Alix Spezia. Coach: She is gorgeous. I mean wow. She's da bomb diggity! She's a hoppity with insurance! Cole: Yeah she's hot, but she's no wrestler. She didn't want to be in the match but as we can see Shattered Dreams pretty much forced her into it. Coach: I think that will come back to haunt him during this match Cole: We'll see. "Back up" by 12 stones plays over the arena's speakers. Slacker walks out from the back and stops in stops in his tracks when "Stupid Girl" by Coldplay replaces his entrance music. Slacker begins to smile as Choko emerges from the gorilla position. The pair walk down the ramp and enter the ring. Crowd: Penis pump! Penis pump! Penis pump! Coach: So that's Choko? She looks like she can do some big time damage. "Fighter" blasts over the sound system as Shattered Dreams makes his way towards the ring. Alix is pleading with him to let her out of the match, but he ignores her cries and keeps his focus on Slacker. Alix tentatively gets onto the apron while Dreams gets into the ring. He shoves Choko to the ground and slaps Slacker in the face. Dreams makes the quick tag to Alix, who makes the quick tag to Dreams. Dreams tags Alix. Alix tags Dreams. Dreams tags Alix, again. Alix tags Dreams, again. Cole: Come on! Let's get this match started. Coach: Very odd behavior by Dreams. He's always eager to get in the ring. Now he wants and untrained girl to do his work. The ref intervenes in Alix and Dreams' tagging war and forces Dreams to start the match. He and Slacker lock up. Slacker forces Dreams into the corner and begins to chop him. Dreams pokes Slacker in the eye and calls for a timeout. Cole: There aren't any timeouts in wrestling! Flatliner by Dreams. Pin attempt 1...kick out. Dreams picks Slacker up and nails him with a pair of stiff forearms to the neck. Slacker reverses an Irish whip attempt and powerslams his adversary. Dreams picks himself up and crawls towards Alix. Before he can attempt a tag, Slacker kicks him in the back. Liontamer is locked on but Dreams is too close to the ropes. Slacker tries a powerbomb but Dreams hits a low blow and sling shots Slacker into the ropes. The crowd murmurs as Dreams rolls out of the ring and starts walking up the ramp. Cole: Where the hell is he going? Is he leaving? That's pure cowardice. Coach: Show some respect for the man who saved your life! The ref rolls out of the ring, grabs Dreams by the hair and tosses him back into the ring. The crowd doesn't know whether to boo or cheer. Slacker gets back up and hits Dreams' with a side walk slam. He makes the tag to Choko. Cole: This is it! The first taste of in ring action for the youngest competitor on Heldown! Lets see if she can handle the pressure of being in the big time. Choko charges at Dreams who knocks her down with a clothesline. Dreams stumbles around like a drunk and falls on top of Choko. He dry humps the young competitor much to the delight of the perverted crowd. Coach: Boomshakalaka! What a ladies man. Slacker tries to get into the ring but the ref holds him back. Dreams kisses Choko on the forehead and makes the tag to Alix who meekly steps in the ring. Cole: Now we see Alix! Coach: I love a good cat fight. Meow! Meow! This is going to be great. Alix tries to pin Choko but only gets a one count. Alix starts to cry and runs back to her corner and tags Dreams. Cole: That was quick. Probably a good idea, Choko looked like she was getting her second wind. Coach: Alix come here. Let Big Daddy C comfort you! Choko rises to her feet and side steps a super kick from Dreams. She hits him with a Mera-Mera sending him crashing to the mat! Coach: What a move! Her version of the complete shot. Dreams stands up and starts shouting obscenities at Choko. She finally shuts him up with a double arm DDT. Pin attempt 1..2.....Kick out. Cole: Bit of a slow count, wouldn't you say? Coach: No. Choko makes the tag to Slacker. Dreams tries to make the tag to Alix but she jumps off the ring apron. Slacker starts to hammer Dreams with vicious right hands. Dreams tries to fight back with a vertical suplex but Slacker blocks it and hits him with a SLACK OFF! Pin attempt 1..2..3! The crowd begins to boo as Slacker and Choko have their arms raised in victory. The team mates get out of the ring and head towards the back. Cole: What a match! A clean victory for Slacker and Choko. Is this the end of the war between Slacker and Shattered Dreams? Coach: I doubt it. I doubt it....We'll be right back! (cut to commercial) (return from commercial) Cole: We're back here on heldDOWN! Alix has left and Shattered Dreams is still in the ring. It looks like he has a microphone. Dreams: I am in absolute shock at the horrendous treatment I just received at the hands of an OAOAST referee. I injure myself performing the most lethal maneuver in pro wrestling, the sling shot. I try to walk to the back to seek out the medical care I urgently needed. Instead of getting a team of doctors and an ambulance, I was grabbed by the hair and genitals and tossed back into the ring by a man who I assumed was an impartial and trusted official. Upon returning to said ring, I was left to be assaulted and abused by a savage underage prostitute and her shady pimp. Cole: Give me a break! Is this guy for real? Dreams: I feel like my trust and my value system have been brutally raped. I just want an apology and for the decision of the match to be overturned. It's only fair. Coach: He really makes a good point. If he was hurt shouldn't the match have been stopped? Cole: Puhleaze! He wasn't injured. He was in good enough health to hump Choko. I think his pride is the only thing that's injured. Dreams: Hurry up! Now! Now! Now! I want my apology. I want it! I want it! I want it! Cole: For heavens sake. Somebody get him out the ring. We've got a show to do. Dreams: Listen up monkeys. I'm not leaving this ring until I get the apology that's due me! I'll stay in this damn ring all night! I'll burn this fucking building to the ground, baby! Coach (standing up): Fight the power! Dreams(singing): Coom-bye-ya my lord. Coom-bye-ya. Coom-bye-ya my lord. Coom-bye-ya. Ooooooh lord, Coom-bye-ya Suddenly "Back up" starts to play causing Shattered Dreams to drop his mic. Dreams tries to run out of the ring but is hit in the face with a chair by the Slacker! Most of the crowd roars in anger. Cole: My God! It's the Slacker! Coach: He must've come from audience. Dreams tries to crawl out of the squared circle but gets blasted in the back with the chair. Before Slacker can do more damage, security guards and OAOAST road agents led by Alix Spezia rush into the ring to protect Shattered Dreams. Slacker sneers at his fallen rival and tosses the chair to the ground. He leaves the ring, ignoring the jeers and taunts the crowd is directing at him. MC:"The crowd doesn't seem too happy with Dreams' tonight..." Coach:"And their mood is about to get worse. Look at the format, Michael. The Blacker Scorpion is next!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Zack Malibu Report post Posted June 6, 2003 ::The Lights turn off and "Another Brick in the wall" by Pink FLoyd plays. When the lights come on in the arena TBS is standing alone in the ring. TBS: Last week your hero Cobainwasmurdered proved to be nothing more that a common yellow backed COWARD. I dared him to fight me and yet he walked off with his tail between his legs. Have I proven t you all yet that CWM is nothing but one giant lie?!? You all worship him as some sort of legend when he is merely a hasbeen. He used his booking power to make himself a Champion and then when thigs got to hard for him he ran off. Well now he's going to pay for his misdeeds. I, The Blacker Scorpion will do whatever I need to get CWM to fight me. I will stalk him. I will harrass his family, kidnap his dog, steal his beer, and wreck his lawn gnomes eve... *Cue "Everybody Dance Now" by C&C Music Factory* MC:"WAIT A MINUTE!!!" Coach:"MICHAEL, LOOK WHO IT IS!" The crowd ROARS, leaping to their feet, as ANGLE-PLEX~! comes storming out of the back, a microphone in his hand. TBS is taken aback by this intrusion. The music fades out, and the "AP" chants are DEAFENING!" Angle-plex: That's just about enough out of you! I don't know who the hell you are and I don't care. But you've pissed me off enough to make me come out of retirement to KICK YOUR ASS! CWM is a good friend of mine and I won't listen to anymore of your bullshit about him. You and me. Next week right here on HELDDOWN! TBS: I always heard you were stupid Angleplex, but I didn't think you'd be stupid enough to challange me. Next week I'll end your career forever...unless cobainwasmurdered has the Guts to stop me. *Angle-plex rushes the ring but TBS heads him off and stomps him in the head when he slides in. TBS pulls out a nightstick from his jacket and beats Angle-plex over the head with it until he stops fighting back.* TBS: Look at you! next week it will be even worse. and when I'm done with you i'll destroy everyone CWM knows until he gets the courage to face me. *TBS drops the mic and walks off as EMT's attend to Angle-plex* (Backstage) Black Widow emerges from the ladies' locker room, looking a bit shaken. She begins walking down the hall until she finds a payphone, which she promptly yanks up and dials a number. Widow I - I didn't know who to call. (Silence) Widow I think he's here. . . . No. No, I don't know. I haven't seen him but my things were strewn all around the locker room and I've just got a bad feeling. (Silence) Widow Okay. I'll be waiting out back. Please hurry. *Commerical Break* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Zack Malibu Report post Posted June 6, 2003 OAOAST World Title Zack Malibu vs. K Money vs. Foshi "Kickstart My Heart" sounds, and K Money, along with his luscious valet, Josie, walk out to the entrance stage, signifying that it's title match time here on HeldDOWN~! Money holds Josie's hand, nodding his head to the beat of the song, then breaks away from her and does a twirl, into a gloating pose for the crowd. Love him or hate him, K Money is one of the most talented individuals in the OAOAST today, and tonight he gets a shot at the gold. MC:"Money is certainly very confident. This was supposed to be a Three Way Dance, but after the attack on Foshi earlier tonight..." "Working Man" by Rush overpowers "Kickstart My Heart". The fans pop, as a groggy Foshi slowly comes out from the back. Even K Money is shocked. Coach:"He's back, Michael! Foshi won't be denied tonight!" Foshi walks to the ring slowly, still visibly a bit worse for wear. As he enters the ring, Money asks "What are you doing here? Go get some rest!" and waves him on to the back. Foshi shoots an unpleased glare in the direction of Money, and takes a spot in one of the corners, as the lights dim. MC:"Only one man left to introduce, Coach." Coach:"Ssssh..." The announcers stop talking, and the fans go hush, until the pyro EXPLODES~!, welcoming Zack Malibu and Alison out, as "Bring Me To Life" plays during their entrance. MC:"He's dealt with the onslaught of The Trinity. He's defended the title against all comers. Last week he retired The Purist, a former X Champion! Tonight, Zack Malibu takes on two of the technical wizards on the HeldDOWN roster, with the title at stake!" Zack gets his traditional kiss on the cheek from Alison, and climbs up the steps into the ring. Both Foshi and K Money eye Zack, as well as the prize that is wrapped around his waist. Zack unstraps the belt, raising it up high, as the fans cheer wildly in response. Malibu hands the belt over to the referee, who again raises it up, signalling that this is a title match. The timekeeper takes the belt, and rings the bell, as we are now underway! All three men meet in the center of the ring, and start circling each other. Zack extends a hand to both men, and it is accepted. K Money and Foshi also trade the gesture of respect, as they continue to feel each other out. Suddenly, Money grabs Zack, locking up with him in the center of the ring, and then pushing Zack to the mat, then backing up! Foshi quickly grabs Money in a lockup, and after a second of struggling, Money pushes him backwards as well! Money backs up, shrugging his shoulders, and both Zack and Foshi run forward, hitting low dropkicks to Money's knees and taking him to the mat! They each grab an arm, and Irish Whip him into the ropes. They catch him coming off, and toss him up like a flapjack, but Money comes down with his arms around their heads, countering with a DDT...NO! Foshi and Zack hold onto him, and then carry him over with a double team overhead toss! Money slides out under the bottom rope, getting comfort and affection from Josie at ringside. In the ring, Zack and Foshi lock up,and Zack goes for an arm wringer, only to have it countered by Foshi. Zack counters with one of his own, into a hammerlock, but Foshi spins out of the hammerlock, and uses a schoolboy on Zack...quick kickout at 1 by Zack! Zack gets up, and gets arm dragged over by the Rock Superstar. Foshi tries to follow up with a high kick, but Zack manages to duck in time, and takes Foshi to the mat with a sweep kick! Zack looks to drop an elbow, but Foshi rolls out of the way. Foshi tries one of his own, but Zack gets out of the way of his. Both men get up facing each other, and Foshi charges Zack. The champion sidesteps it, and Foshi goes bouncing off the ropes. Zack ducks, and Foshi leapfrogs over, but as he's leapfrogging Zack, K Money springboards in with a dropkick, nailing Foshi while he's in the air! Foshi rolls out of the way, as Money gets up and charges Zack, who ducks and backdrops him over, only to have Money land on his feet,and grabs Zack's legs out from under him, taking him to the mat facefirst, and then using a surfboard! MC:"Excellent move by K Money. Zack's ribs took a beating last week,and by focusing on the sore ribs, he should be able to wear Zack down easily." Money keeps pulling back, as Zack is being held up and stretched by the move. Foshi gets up, and sees Zack in the surfboard. He jumps up to the second rope, springboards off,and hits a Lionsault on Zack while he's in the surfboard! Coach:"THAT will take care of those ribs, Michael!" Money lets go, and Zack rolls off to the side. Foshi comes at Money with kicks to the legs and midsection, but K Money manages to block each one. Foshi leaves himself exposed for a moment,and K Money boots him in the midsection, then lifts him for a powerbomb, countered into a huracanrana by Foshi! He hooks the legs on the way over...Money kicks out by 2! K Money gets up, and Foshi watches him. As Money turns around, Foshi levels him with a chop across the chest, the impact leaving a red mark on Money. Money responds with a chop of his own, sending Foshi reeling back. Money readies for another, but Zack is up, and chops Money himself! Before Zack can do it again, Foshi has recovered, and chops HIM! All three men stagger for a moment, each one stunned by the onslaught of chops. Foshi grabs Money in a waistlock, but Money counters, going behind with one of his own. He lifts Foshi for a German Suplex, and Foshi comes off the mat, kicking Zack with both feet as he goes over! Money bridges with the suplex, but Foshi gets a shoulder up at 2! Before K Money can get up, Zack grabs his legs, and then flips over while holding them, catching Money in a pinning predicament...another 2 Count! Before Zack can completely get up, Foshi hits a snap suplex that puts him on the mat, looking up at the lights. Foshi then picks up K Money, and chops him again, then takes him by the arm and Irish Whips him into the corner. Foshi follows him to the corner, and climbs up on the ropes, and looks out to the crowd, raising his fist to signal a punching spree. Money grabs Foshi by the legs, and throws him off. Foshi lands on his feet, but Zack is up, and grabs him for a back suplex, but instead throws him forward, into a huracanrana on K Money! MC:"What a double team manuever!" Coach:"I'm impressed, Michael!" Foshi gets up, and gets armdragged over as he goes for Zack. Both men get up, and Foshi armdrags Zack over, and holds onto the arm, keeping it locked as they get to their feet, holding a standing armbar. Zack kicks at Foshi's knee, causing enough damage to get him to break the armbar, and then grabs the Japanese Rock Sensation in a headlock. Foshi pushes Zack off, to the ropes. Zack hops over K Money, and comes off the otherside. He ducks under a K Money leapfrog, but before he can lift his head, Foshi leaps over his back with a sunset flip! Foshi has him down for the count, but K Money bounces off the ropes and SMACKS Foshi in the face with a basement dropkick, breaking up the pin! MC:"It looks like a game of one-upmanship here, Coach. Typically, you'd figure the two challengers would double up on the champion first. K Money and Foshi have far too much pride though, and both men are working to eliminate the champion first." K Money picks Zack up, and tosses him into the corner. He starts kicking Zack in the ribs, and then stomping him down in the corner. He backs up a bit, and then comes running, going for a low dropkick to catch Zack, but Malibu rolls out of the way! K Money slides out through the middle and bottom rope, landing on his feet like a cat! He turns to show off, but is then nailed by a pescado from the World Champion! Zack wastes no time in picking Money back up, but before anything can be done, Foshi goes aerial, diving onto both men with a tope con hilo! MC:"OH MY GOD!" Coach:"...I think Joey Styles is going to have his lawyer get in touch with you, Michael." Many fans begin a "FOSHI" chant, as the superstar acknowledges the cheers. He rolls Zack into the ring, and then K Money, so that they are laid out next to each other. Foshi jumps up to the apron, and slingshots in, dropping onto both his opponents with a Guerrero style slingshot senton! He covers K Money...KICKOUT at 2! Foshi doesn't hesitate, and then goes to cover Zack! 2 count only! Coach:"What a great move by Foshi! He didn't get one down, so he tried to eliminate the other. Great thinking by that young man!" MC:"You sound like you're 60, Coach. Save the senility for JR." Foshi picks Zack up first, and Irish Whips him into the corner. The champion hits hard, and then is crushed~ as K Money is also sent into the corner, sandwiching the OAOAST Champ! Foshi comes charging into the corner, and then sandwhiches BOTH Zack and Money, as he crushes them with a Stinger Splash! K Money flops forward, and Zack is slumped against the ropes. Foshi grabs Zack and places him on the top rope, and then goes up, grabbing him in a facelock, but Zack blocks the superplex attempt! Foshi pulls for him to go over again, but Zack won't budge. Zack hammers Foshi in the midsection, dazing him, and then grabs him in a headlock, then sends him flying off the top rope, ONTO K MONEY WITH A FACEFIRST SUPLEX~! MC:"DID YOU SEE THAT!" Foshi landed right on K Money, and the referee DIVES at them to make the count...MONEY GETS A SHOULDER UP! Foshi rolls off of K Money, holding HIS ribs, as they took the impact of that move. As he rolls off, Zack starts to stand on the top rope, and then comes off with a GUILLOTINE LEGDROP ONTO K MONEY! Zack hooks the leg...2 3/4 COUNT! K MONEY KICKS OUT! Coach:"How is he not legally DEAD after those two moves, Michael?" The crowd is on their feet, battling each other with chants of "Zack", "Foshi" and "Money". All three men are taking this to the next level, and the fans are highly appreciative. Zack picks K Money up, and stands him up. Money looks to be out on his feet, and Zack sends him staggering back with an elbow to the cheek, followed by another, followed by the ROARING ELBOW~!, but MONEY DUCKS, and Zack nails FOSHI with the blow! Foshi goes down, as Money goes behind Zack with a waistlock, but Zack fires an elbow back, making Money break his grip. Zack turns to him, and then rotates around, and this time nails the Roaring Elbow! K Money goes down, and Zack follows him to the mat, going for a cover...KICKOUT AT 2 7/8~! Zack picks Money up off the mat, and sends him to the ropes, only for him to be caught by a recovering Foshi! Foshi drops K Money with an inverted atomic drop, then jumps up and kicks him in the back of the head with an enzugiri! Money rolls out to the floor, having taken a ton of punishment in the last few minutes. Josie scurries over to him, leaning over and tending to him while he tries to recover. Zack and Foshi go to lock up, but Foshi ducks under his arms and hooks them from behind, going for a backslide! Both men try to pull the other over, with neither gaining a clear advantage. Foshi kicks off the mat, flipping back over in front of Zack. He kicks him in the gut, and then hooks both arms, then plants Zack on the mat with a sitout Tiger Bomb! Foshi keeps Zack cradled, but the champ gets a shoulder up at 2 1/2! Foshi stands up, titling his head back and taking a deep breath. He pulls Malibu up off the mat, and again uses knife edge chops to daze his rival. Foshi backs him into one corner, and then Irish whips him across the ring, into the opposite one. Zack hits hard, and leans up against the ropes. Foshi prepares to charge, but K Money gets up on the apron,and pulls Foshi back to the mat by his head, slamming it on the canvas! Money comes in,and runs in place for a minute, then uses a full head of steam and charges Zack with DOCTOR SMOOTH'S SECRET RECIPE~!, landing on his feet, and gleefully taunting Zack, not seeing Foshi come up behind him! Foshi locks on a full nelson, and K Money starts squirming, trying to wriggle free. Zack comes blazing out of the corner with a SCHOOL'S OUT to the chin of K Money, just as Foshi brings him up and over with a DRAGON SUPLEX~! Coach:"WHAT A COMBINATION!" Zack leans on the top rope, still drained, as Foshi has the cover with the suplex...3 COUNT! MC:"He's out! It's down to 2!" ELIMINATED:K Money @ 13:47 (School's Out/Dragon Suplex Combo) K Money rolls out of the ring, into the waiting arms of Josie. In the ring, Zack tries coming out of the corner with a School's Out~!, but Foshi catches Zack's leg,and brings him to the mat with a Dragon Screw! Foshi immediately applies a single leg crab, as it appears he's going to take away one of Zack's main offensive moves! MC:"Foshi may not get a tap out right away, but the damage will be done. If he manages to weaken Zack's leg enough, that eliminates his use of School's Out!" Zack tries crawling towards the ropes, moving very slightly as he struggles. Alison calls to him, cheering him on, and leads the crowd in supporting the Preppy One. Foshi pulls back a bit harder, and Zack will not give up. He continues to struggle forward, just a bit more...and FINALLY reaches out to grab the bottom rope! Foshi relinquishes the hold, and backs away as Zack gets up. Before Zack can turn around, Foshi delivers a dropkick that sends him tumbling over the top rope, but Zack SKINS THE CAT~! back into the ring! Foshi charges, and Zack backdrops him out to the apron, where Foshi lands on his feet! He shoulderblocks Zack through the middle rope, and dives in with a sunset flip, but Zack sits on his shoulders! 1! 2!! NO! FOSHI REACHES OUT AND GRABS THE ROPES! Coach:"What a spectacle these guys have put on tonight!" Zack gets up, and as Foshi does, he stuns him with a throat thrust. As Zack staggers back, Foshi bounces off the ropes, and nails Zack with a spinning wheel kick! Foshi hooks the leg...KICKOUT BY ZACK! Foshi gets up, and measures Zack as he's recovering. Zack gets up, and Foshi tries a kick with his left leg, only to have Zack catch it in his left hand! He pulls Foshi in close, hooking the opposite leg so that Foshi's legs are crossed,and then lifting him up... MC:"What in the..." Zack lifts Foshi up, and then drops him STRAIGHT ON HIS HEAD! A CROSS SPECIAL POP DROP~!?!??!?! Coach:"GOOD NIGHT FOSHI!" Zack hooks the leg, as Foshi's eyes have rolled back. The referee makes the count. 1! 2!! 3!!! ELIMINATED:Foshi in 20:58 (Cross Special POP Drop) WINNER:Zack Malibu MC:"What a move, we NEED to see that again!" *Instant replay is shown* Coach:"Michael, Foshi survived a tag match earlier. He survived the attack from that masked man who put out Paul Stanley, we still don't know his whole agenda. And he damn near won the World Title tonight. You have to give Mongoose Foshi credit where it is due!" In the ring,a groggy Foshi is slowly getting up, when Zack and Alison help him to his feet. Though he may not know where he is, Foshi has his arms raised by the champ and his main squeeze, as fans greet these guys with a racous ovation. MC:"K Money, Foshi, Zack Malibu...if you want excitement like what you've just seen, then you need to join us every week! For Jonathan Coachman, I'm Michael Cole. We'll see you next time on HeldDOWN~!" Coach:"Hold on Michael, before we go, our cameras have caught Black Widow again, this time in the parking lot. We have time, right?" MC:"Sure, go right ahead, let's go to that. Russ, if you will, cut to the parking lot." (Cut to the parking lot, where a black Honda Accord drives up. Black Widow comes running from the building to meet it. A man gets out - it's SPIDERPOET! Without his costume or mask, he's dressed in normal jeans and a T-shirt. He gets out of his car and jogs up to meet Widow, and the two embrace.) SP Are you alright? Widow (Hysterical) I think I'm going insane! I can't see him but I can FEEL him. Everywhere. I just -- I didn't know who else to call. I'm sorry . . . SP Hey . . . (He offers a boyish smile despite a bruised face). Don't ever hesitate to call me. I mean that. Ok? Widow (Nods, and smiles.) Poet picks up her duffel and her suitcase, which she dropped when she met him, and the two turn back towards his car. BOOM! Poet's car has exploded, the force of the explosion knocking both of them back off their feet. As they fall, Poet instinctively whirls around to put his back to the blaze and cover Widow. After a moment, the two stir, and Widow nods to him that she's alright. We fade out as the camera man moves up beside them and aims his camera down at them. The look on Poet's face could destroy mountains. (Fade Out) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Zack Malibu Report post Posted June 6, 2003 CREDIT/PROPS/THANKS go to: Foshi IDRM SpiderPoet Shattered Dreams PK Parka Mad Matt Zack Malibu TBS AGNES~! AS Some Guy Tim Share this post Link to post Share on other sites