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Guest KJ Brackish

What kind of match are you longing to see?

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Guest Mattdotcom
I want to see a water match in which they only way you can win is by drowing your opponent. Taker - Trips anyone?


HHH would just pose and spit all the water and 'Taker's already dead anyways.


I really want to see a good War Games match. Of course, we'll probably get something like War Games 1998 (shudder) with HHH going over eight people instead of five.


Oh, wait. He lost the Elimination Chamber. Damn, I suck at remembering WWE shit from last year.

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Guest Breetai

TLC in a Cell.


How about this; set up 3 rings. 2 have cages, 1 is normal. 2 wrestlers (1 face, 1 heel) start in each ring. Pinfalls count in the normal ring. The guys in the cage battle to get out and enter the normal ring, in which case it becomes a 2 on 1, and eventually a 2 on 2/3 on 1. The guy who fails to escape the cage first is escorted to the back and cannot help his teammate out.


Edit; elimination rules for the pinfall.

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