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Guest Trivia247

Radio Reviews Voice of Wrestling

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Guest Trivia247

Reported by Steve Fox on June 05, 2003 at 17:41:08


Radio Review: Ron "The Truth" Killings, David Penzer, Mean Gene Okerlund

Show: "Voice of Wrestling"

Site: Audio version available on the internet at voiceofwrestling.com

Date: June 1, 2003

Hosts: Chris Chisum and Molly Brown

Report By: VoiceofWrestling.com


Ron Killings


-He was told that once him and Road Dogg were split up in WWE, creative had nothing for him, so he was one of the first cut.


-He said that the atmosphere in TNA is much different than the WWE because TNA has no problem giving everyone a chance.


-He said that he loves Vince Russo and that he is the best writer in the business. Vince is open to ideas from everyone whereas it was like talking to a wall in WWE.


-He thinks the WWE is ripping him off with the Teddy Long/Rodney Mack and that he could do it better.



David Penzer


-He said that before WCW was bought out, it was great, but then Hogan got big, Nash and Hall came, Savage came, and it seemed like overnight they went to selling out 25,000 seat buildings in two hours.


-During the times before WCW crashed, it was very frustrating and tiring, but in the same sentence, it was one hell of a rush and he had a great time.


-He stated that Eric Bischoff wasn't the friendliest person in the world, but he had a plan before they went out of business and David thinks it would have worked.


-He said Brad Siegal was the one man that made the decision to go over Ted Turner's head and get the television pulled on WCW and without TV., they had no show. He said Brad doesn't work with Turner anymore, "Thank God." He added that Siegal is the one man that he would use the word "hate" around, as he is the reason for the demise of WCW. This is the first time he has ever stated that in public.


-He said that WWE is still using the "Boss vs. Top Face" angle that helped them compete with WCW during the late '90s, and that they aren't being forced to change since WCW is not around anymore.


-He said that he doesn't know if TNA is capable of being the competition of the WWE and he thinks that some of the people involved there has the wrong concept of wrestling because they do not have enough emotion in their product. He said he thinks wrestling needs some more emotion.


-He said that the necrophilia angle is not a reason that he wants to see two people wrestle and that they need some more reality.


-He also gave his pick for the rumored Goldberg vs. Austin match at Wrestlemania XX if Austin is able to wrestle given his injury status. He said this match would be like an Andre vs. Hogan match where you really don't know who would put over the other one and that's what is great about wrestling.



"Mean" Gene Okerlund


-Gene disagreed with Triple H's comments on Confidential exposing too much of the business and he said that he thought the show actually enhanced the wrestling fans' total experience.


-He doesn't think the internet fans have anything to do with ratings being low and that they probably help spark interest rather hurt it.


-Gene didn't have too many good things to say about Vince Russo and said that putting the WCW Title on someone like David Arquette the way Russo did lowers the value of the title.


-When asked for his response toward some people thinking that Confidential went too far with the piece they aired on Miss Elizabeth's death and Lex Luger's involvement in the event, he disagreed and said he felt they did a good job covering the story.


Chris and Molly also debated the news of the week and top issues. The always opinionated Molly Brown didn't censor her views and had a few retorts back to Tim Stein after last week's radical thoughts.


The show is jam-packed with great interviews, news and views, and much, much more! Head over to http://www.voiceofwrestling.com now to listen to the full show available in Real Media and Windows Media Player.


Live Show this Friday with Sean Waltman


This Friday June 6 the Voice of Wrestling will be live with Sean Waltman, formally X-Pac at 9:00 pm Central 8:00pm Eastern. Voiceofwrestling.com will also have a chat room open during the show so fans can ask Sean their questions.


For show information, guests, or other inquiries please contact Molly Brown via [email protected].

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