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Guest Wild Italiano

New SfA: Begging for feedback

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Guest Wild Italiano

Following the trends of such luminaries as J-Hawk, Dames and Nick, I shall post here and beg for feedback on my Kurt's return column. Feel free to give suggestions on the new feature.


Why Damnit Why (SfA 6/06/03)

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Guest goodhelmet

While I understand your disgust, I don't think they will throw Brock vs. Show on the main of another PPV (wait, it's the wwe, yes they will). Then again, look at the bright side.. Angle is back!!! He has been made a joke his entire heel run so why should now be any different?

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Guest MrRant

Bitch...moan... complain. Rinse and repeat.


What did you expect? A main event push?

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Guest OnlyMe

- You spelled my name wrong. :(


- You stole my "steal images from wwe.com" gimmick


- Other than that, good stuff. You make some good points about using it to further Show/Lesnar. Although they are building to Angle/Lesnar, so who knows what they are doing...


- I would liked to have seen some thoughts on how they should have done it though.

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