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Guest Downhome

Great news concerning The Hulk...

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Guest Downhome

I will not try to sum everything up, so just click here to listen/watch a review of this film. The film was made as a deep, dark, psychological drama and I had heard rumors that they were going to cut out almost all of those types of parts and make this a balls out action film, and thank GOD they didn't do that. They kept the film as it was meant to be, and it just sounds great.




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Guest bob_barron

The previews make it look absolutely awful. Must miss for me

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Guest Anglesault
I will not try to sum everything up, so just click here to listen/watch a review of this film. The film was made as a deep, dark, psychological drama

Based on a comic book where a guy who was hit with a frigging gamma bomb gets mad and turns green?

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Guest Downhome
The previews make it look absolutely awful. Must miss for me

I know, even in this review they say that the trailer and the such makes the film to be NOTHING like it really is. They obviously put all of that in there to attract the hardcore action fans, and the kids.

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Guest Mole
The previews make it look absolutely awful. Must miss for me

I think this is the first time you and I agreed on something.


I have ZERO intentions in seeing this movie. The trailer makes it looked horrible, and the Hulk looks so fake. They could of done a better job with him.


Plus, I don't read comic books.

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Guest MaxPower27

I'm going to see it, but I'm not setting my expectations too high

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Guest El Satanico

I was happy when I heard Ang Lee was getting the job, because I had faith that he'd make a superhero movie with a brain. I'm glad to hear he pulled it off.


I say bah to the people whining "but the Hulk looks fake". It's a giant green dude that can throw tanks like they were nerf balls. How the hell are you going to make it look realistic. What would you rather have a meatheaded muscleman painted green? The Hulk would've seemed fake, regardless of what they did.


I'd rather have "looks fake cgi HULK that can do the things Hulk is able to do" over "looks fake green painted meathead muscleman who can only grunt and pick up plastic beams and boulders".

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Guest DrTom
I'd rather have "looks fake cgi HULK that can do the things Hulk is able to do" over "looks fake green painted meathead muscleman who can only grunt and pick up plastic beams and boulders". 

Agreed 1000%.


Chrissakes, the Hulk isn't even human. There's no reason he has to look exactly like a human, albeit with green skin and freakish physical dimensions. The Hulk is one man's dark, twisted rage strangely come to life. If he looks like a big green vaguely man-like monster, that's because it's what he is.


I'm definitely seeing this one.

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Guest Mole

It's just that he looks like a cartoon character. I believe with the technology we have today, they could have done a better job making him. Yes, a guy painted in green, throwing a tank would of looked dumb. I just think he looks fake, but that isn't why I won't see the movie. I just don't want to, that's all.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

I'm actually getting more and more interested in this movie as I see more previews of it. The Hulk CGI thing was an issue for me too, but after a while your mind adjusts to it. I like the whole idea of "I lose control... but the thing is, I like it" - it's such a dark concept.

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Guest Downhome
I'm actually getting more and more interested in this movie as I see more previews of it. The Hulk CGI thing was an issue for me too, but after a while your mind adjusts to it. I like the whole idea of "I lose control... but the thing is, I like it" - it's such a dark concept.

I've always found The Hulk to just be overall dark in the first place, I've always felt connected to it.

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Guest El Satanico
The Hulk CGI thing was an issue for me too, but after a while your mind adjusts to it.

That's another thing.


When someone sees a giant green dude throwing tanks around their first reaction will be "that's fucking fake looking". That's to be expected seeing as how a giant green man is unnatural so it should look fake to us. After the initial "it's a giant green guy" shock wears off it shouldn't look as fake to you. Well that is unless you dwell on it and refuse to get over it.

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Guest Crucifixio Jones

In this week's Entertainment Weekly it seems as if Ang Lee's heart is in the right place where it concerns The Hulk. He definitely went the psychological drama route rather than your run of the mill summer superhero movie. But at the same time it doesn't sound as if anyone, fans and filmmakers alike, have much faith in this film actually succeeding.


I think it's an elaborate plot to give Lee a huge black mark on his resume and get him out of Hollywood. That damn Woo just won't go away regardless of how many bombs he directs in America.

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Guest Downhome

I think The Hulk will be a huge success, but that's just me. I think it'll do pretty good the first weekend, and then it'll obviously drop. I think where it'll really do good however is day-by-day, I think it'll remain constant for a good while by word-of-mouth.

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Guest El Satanico

How popular is Hulk outside of the comic world?


I know he probably isn't on the Batman/Superman level, but is he on the Xmen level?

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Guest Downhome
How popular is Hulk outside of the comic world?


I know he probably isn't on the Batman/Superman level, but is he on the Xmen level?

Maybe not right now, but after this film is released, I bet he will be.


It's just such an interesting and emotional concept, it could be a great film and it could be something that even non-comic fans can really get behind.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

I dunno...I never got into the Hulk. He had boring villains. I mean when he fought someone like Spider-Man or Wolverine then it was cool.

But I dunno......I'm just getting tired of Comic Book movies deviating from the actual comic to the point it looks like the director made it up himself. I hope this movie doesn't do that.

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Guest Vern Gagne
How popular is Hulk outside of the comic world? 


I know he probably isn't on the Batman/Superman level, but is he on the Xmen level?

Maybe not right now, but after this film is released, I bet he will be.


I don't know about that. The Incredible Hulk was a well known TV show in the 70's. I would wager that most people who aren't comic book readers would know Hulk is the big green guy.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

I think its Kinda sad that the only movie Im sort of looking forward to see for the whole summer aside from something I haven't heard about, is the Pirates of the Carribean movie.


Im surprised that they would go for a dark, psychological movie and then market the hell out of it to kids (green Hershey's syrup anyone?)

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Guest JMA

I predict this movie will gross huge. Maybe not on Spider-Man level, but huge nonetheless. I'm a big comic-book fan (of both Marvel and DC). I can't wait.

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Guest Marshall

Every movie that comes out now makes a lot of money. Even 2 Fast 2 Crappy scored big. The Hulk will make a lot of money, no doubt. It might even be good.


BTW, I'm seeing The Hulk This week. Who wants to touch me?

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Guest Alcohol Fueled

The Hulk doesn't look anymore fake then SpiderMan did and look how well it did.

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Guest Nevermortal

I fucking hate all these comic book movies coming out lately.

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Guest razazteca
I was happy when I heard Ang Lee was getting the job, because I had faith that he'd make a superhero movie with a brain. I'm glad to hear he pulled it off.

I am a huge fan of Ang Lee, he is probably the best director out today that can make a successful movie that combines drama with action. Just look what he did with Couching Tiger, he took the martial arts movie which has been considered a genre of pointless action and gave it a dramatic backstory with several subplots. I can expect no less from The Hulk.


Most of Ang Lee's movies are about the human condition of how people control their emotions, everything else it just filler.

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Guest Crazy Dan

I am Ang Lee fan myself. With the Ice Storm and Crouching Tiger being two of my favorites. So this movie has avery good director at the helm. I do think that if anyone can pull this one off, it's Ang. Also, this movie has been getting a lot of commercial time to hype it up, so I think that it will pullin a pretty penny come opening weekend. Also, I have seen some screen shots of the Hulk close up, and he looks more realistic than the commercial lets on.

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Guest Crucifixio Jones

I saw the Ice Storm DVD for $6.98 at Circuit City. EW claims that all the early trailers for the Hulk contained FX that were unfinished, hence his "fake" look. They've since gone back and fixed this and improved upon it (they claim) with some new technology the effects people were working on.


Personally, I don't think there's a huge mainstream interest in the Hulk and with no big villain to carry it or for Hulk to oppose, I don't see it doing well with the same crowds who went to see X-Men or Spiderman. I think the geeks of course will flock, but the casual moviegoer will stay away.


And once word gets out that Lee chose to explore the human condition and get all "smart" on the audience instead of just randomly blowing up shit ala "XXX" then even more people will pass on it. Dummies.

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Guest Alcohol Fueled
I am Ang Lee fan myself. With the Ice Storm and Crouching Tiger being two of my favorites. So this movie has avery good director at the helm. I do think that if anyone can pull this one off, it's Ang. Also, this movie has been getting a lot of commercial time to hype it up, so I think that it will pullin a pretty penny come opening weekend. Also, I have seen some screen shots of the Hulk close up, and he looks more realistic than the commercial lets on.

There is a close-up pic of the Hulk, from the movie on the table of contents of some new mag out right now. I saw it flipping through books at the stand the other day. It look quite realistic. As you said, more so then the previews let on.

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Guest godthedog

i've never liked the hulk at all, but i think ang lee will make it all worth it. the man's almost godlike with being able to turn genre films into something intelligent & worthwhile, and i've yet to see a bad movie by him. i wouldn't be ashamed to buy a ticket for it.

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Guest DrTom
Personally, I don't think there's a huge mainstream interest in the Hulk and with no big villain to carry it or for Hulk to oppose, I don't see it doing well with the same crowds who went to see X-Men or Spiderman.

Agreed, sadly. The Hulk is a more interesting character than Spider-Man or anyone in the X-Men, but he lacks the big breakout appeal. In the late 1970s, he might have had it, with the success of the TV show, but people who grew up watching that (like me) are probably going to see the movie anyway, and those too young to have caught it have only seen the Hulk in comic books they don't buy.


And once word gets out that Lee chose to explore the human condition and get all "smart" on the audience instead of just randomly blowing up shit ala "XXX" then even more people will pass on it. Dummies.

I'm sure the Hulk will wreak his fair share of havoc and cause some destrcution. Still, I'd be disappointed if blowing shit up became the focus of the movie, and it's good to hear the preliminary reports that the movie's going for the dark psychological aspects of the character. That'll probably turn the casual fans away, but fuck 'em.


I think The Hulk will turn a profit from the comic geek audience, the late-20's-early-30's folks who fondly remember Bixby and Ferrigno, and people who like more than just car chases, explosions, and trite dialog. We'll see if it'll be successful enough to spawn a sequel.

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Guest El Satanico

I think it will easily be number 1 at the box office it's first weekend, unless something big like Bad Boys 2 also comes out that week.


The "shit gets blown up" audience will be attracted to it from the previews and most of these people won't know it's not all about blowing shit up until they see it. It may suffer a big 2nd week drop when the mindless action fans hear that it's action movie with a mind and deepness. However, The Hulk should still have enough action to keep the mindless action fans happy. It's not going to be a full on drama, it's just putting the focus on the story instead of balls out full speed ahead action.

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