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Guest tpww7

NWA World Wide (7/12/1990)

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Guest tpww7

NWA World Wide Wrestling (7/12/1990)



- I'm bored so I figured I'd do a rant of a show I downloaded for fun so here we go. This is being shown just days after the 1990 Great American Bash which is mentioned numerous times.




- Show starts off with a small clip of the opening to the Great American Bash with some fireworks.




- Paul Orndorff vs. Snake Watson. ---- Your announcers are Fat Tony and Dutch Mantell. This is during Orndorff's period of being a Dude With Attitude along with Junkyard Dog, Lex Luger and Sting to counteract the Four Horsemen. Orndorff starts off with a few armdrags and knee lifts Watson out of the ring. Back in, Orndorff continues to work the arm with a hammerlock. Rake of the eyes by Watson but Orndorff shrugs it off and clotheslines Watson down. Orndorff then hits a back body drop and a back suplex in succession. Orndoff hits the piledriver for the 3 count. 1/2 *




- Wrestling Wrapup with Fat Tony. Footage of Sting vs Flair from the Great American Bash and Sting's aftermatch celebration in the locker room.




- Midnight Express vs. Joe Defuria and Mike Steel. ---- Bobby Eaton sucker punches Steel to start off. A pre - taped promo of the Steiners is shown. They want to face the Midnight Express for the U.S. Tag Titles very soon. Stan Lane is tagged in and he nails Steel with a thrust kick. Eaton and Dufuria both get tagged in and Defuria takes Eaton down with a few arm drags. Eaton comes back and nails him with a swinging neckbreaker. Tag to Stan Lane who comes in and hits Defuria with a butterfly suplex. Double Team neck snap/ elbow drop combo by the Midnights. Lane throws Defuria to the outside where Cornette gets in a few shots. Good ole Corny. Steel tagged in but falls right into a Lane powerslam. Lane then picks Steel up and holds him for Bobby who comes off the top with the Alabama Jam for the 1-2-3. Promptly called the Vegimatic by Dutch Mantell *



- WCW This Week with small little promos with the heels. First the Horsemen who call out the Dudes With Attitudes. Next is Stan Hansen who rambles on about Turner trying to keep him out of the US. Then it's Corny who talks about the challengers for the Midnight Express such as the Steiners and the Southern Boys.




- Brian Pillman vs. Fred Avery ---- Noticeable weight difference here as Avery is 345 lbs. Pre- taped promo with Paul Heyman at the start who is speaking for Mean Mark against Pillman. I didnt know Pillman - Taker feuded. Can someone fill me in? Anyways... Avery starts off throwing Pillman around with a few hip tosses and a body slam. Avery goes for a splash but Pillman dodges and goes on the offensive. Pillman hits a few dropkicks and a elbow drop to try and keep Avery down. The more I see this..the more I think Avery is One Man Gang. Pillman spin kicks Avery down then hits the Flying Body Press for the 3 count. 1/4*




- Sid Vicious vs. John Faulkner ---- Oh joy, a Sid match. Pre-Taped promo with Sid to talk about Luger beating him at the recent Clash of Champions as a fluke. Sid hits Faulkner with a stiff clothesline. Sid wips Faulkner into the ropes and just throws him down with one hand. Sid crotches Faulkner throat-first on the ropes, hits a Powerbomb and wins in short fashion. - 1/4*



- Pre-Taped Samoan Swat Team Promo--- They want to have a chance in the NWA. Great.



- Lex Luger vs.Tony Burton ---- Fat Tony gawks at Lex's body. Pre-Taped Luger promo. He talks of wrestling the best, and the best are in the NWA. Okay, Lex, what was the point of that? As soon as I type the last sentence out, Luger already has the torture rack on Burton and a submission victory. Um... 1/4*?



- Another Horsemen Promo, only Arn and Sid this time. Arn and Sid talk about taking out Lex Luger. Sid promises that no matter what, he will destroy him.



- Barry Windham and Arn Anderon vs. Joe Cazana and Paul Simpson ---- Anderson puts Cazana to school to start with some nice mat work. Tag in to Windham who takes up where Arn left off and schools young Joe Cazana. DDT by Barry who then promptly throws him out of the ring. Norman the Lunatic comes out to ringside beeping a horn. Then Norman leaves....Okay... Paul Simpson tags in and Dutch Mantell says that Simpson should shave his body (Simpson's body is COVERED in hair). Arn gets his Spinebuster on Simpson. Tag in to Windham who hits not one but two lariats on Simpson and it is over. 1/2*



- WCW This Week with promos from the faces. First the Southern Boys who challenge the Fabulous Freebirds. Next is El Gigante and I can't understand one fucking word he says. Finally is the Steiners, Rick Steiner seems confused throughout the whole promo.



- Closing Promo with the Four Horsemen --- They are still mad at the Dudes With Attitudes as established 4 other times this hour. Arn Anderson was a fucking great promo man.




- Well the show was basically a bunch of jobber squashes, but it was pretty fun to sit back and watch TV from so long ago. I think this might of had more match time than Raw has had in forever. Better too.

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