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Guest PWPgreg


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Guest PWPgreg

Hi, my first ever post after registering this afternoon! Yay!!!


I read in Jeremy Borash's article that the Vampire Warrior is in TNA now. I was just wondering what does he look like, can anyone post a picture?


We don't get NWA TNA in the UK yet, so have to rely on tape traders and I'm only up to #44 so far.



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Guest bps "The Truth" 21



He looked a little pudgy during the match but he seemed game to bump anyway.


I can't tell you how he really looks in the ring wince the Hard 10 that he was cometing in isn't really a match. He looked better than most people do trying to have a Hard 10 match....but that doesn't say much.

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Guest TonyJaymzV1

its some kind of roleplaying company that orignally owned the rights to Gangrel....thats why he's vampire warrior now...



what a bland name...

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Guest nl5xsk1

I'm pretty sure he went by Vampire Warrior in the indy's before he was picked up by the then wwf. He was seconded by Luna (his real life wife) in the indy's and I think she's the one that got him hired by the wwf after she was picked up - but I'm not entirely sure.

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Guest ViciousFish

White Wolf is a roleplaying game company that produces the game Vampire: The Masquerade and Gangrel is the name of one of the clans of vampires.

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Guest Dynamite Kido
I'm pretty sure he went by Vampire Warrior in the indy's before he was picked up by the then wwf. He was seconded by Luna (his real life wife) in the indy's and I think she's the one that got him hired by the wwf after she was picked up - but I'm not entirely sure.

My man.....you are right on the money!!!!

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Guest Downhome
I can't tell you how he really looks in the ring wince the Hard 10 that he was cometing in isn't really a match. He looked better than most people do trying to have a Hard 10 match....but that doesn't say much.

What in the hell is a Hard 10 match?

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Guest MrHell

TNA's special version of a hardcore match. It's a point-based system: a wrestler is awarded 1 point every time they use a weapon (either hitting their opponent with it, or placing it for a move to be done in conjunction with it) and 5 points for putting their opponent through a table. The first man to 10 points technically wins the match, but the match will only end if there is at least a 2-point difference between the competitors.


For example: a 10-9 match won't end until either the score goes to 11-9 or the guy running behind can manage to overtake the other guy by at least 2 points. In theory, a match could be like 66-65 and it would keep going as long as it's only a one point gap.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Yep. And they suck harder than normal hardcore matches, you forgot that part.

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Guest MrHell

I did, didn't I?


Yeah, they suck big-time. It's a shame that wrestlers are being put in there with no-talent jackasses like New Jack and Sandman. As for Gangrel, well ... he tried. He busted out the double-underhook belly to belly, which I always mark for, and he reminded me just how weak Edge's Implant DDT is.


Honestly, I wouldn't mind seeing him on a full-time basis as a member of The New Church; he's got a somewhat-unique moveset, is a decent power wrestler, and certainly fits in there better than Mike Awesome.

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Guest nWoScorpion

I'm still mad WWE never gave him ANY kind of push (as a champion)


I thought he had a good character and he definitly wasn't a bad wrestler.


He should join the Church, but I've been saying that for 43 weeks so what Do I know?

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Guest Lemon Drop Kid

In my heart, Gangrel will always be an undefeated European champion, because dammit, he pinned Xpac in that match at RR99!!

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Guest Boomer Sprinklespax

I have a Gangrel-related question, so I figure I'll post it in here instead of creating an entire thread: are the fangs that he wears during matches real (i.e. surgically-placed) or are they some sort of durable snap-ons?


Now that that's out of the way, commentary. I loved Gangrel when I first started watching the WWF again. I thought he was way better than Edge at the time they were feuding, which may or may not have been true. And I remember watching the No Mercy ladder match between the Hardys and E & C and thinking there was no way the New Brood could win because, even in my markishness, I knew they were the bad guys and the good guys always seemed to win the blowoffs back then. Imagine my surprise when the Hardys won. I thought it was a new frontier for Gangrel, managing the bestest tag team in the WWF, not to mention the COOLEST (come on, the Hardy Boyz were awesome as hell back then). Imagine my surprise when Gangrel was shat upon the very next night.


In any event, I still have very fond memories of taking Gangrel to the World Title in WWF Attitude. He was the fucking shit in that game, and I don't think I ever lost to anyone in any match type when I used him.

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Guest nWoScorpion

Not 100% sure, but I THINK his teeth were sharpend down to look like fangs in real life.

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Guest subliminal_animal
What's he like in TNA?

Blood and losing, still.



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