Bored 0 Report post Posted June 8, 2003 June 10, 1996 Scott Steiner def. Booker T Diamond Dallas Page def. Jim Powers Sting def. Meng Jim Duggan def. Dave Taylor The Giant def. Scott Norton Steven Regal def. Kidman The Public Enemy def. The Nasty Boys by DQ Sting & Lex Luger def. Ric Flair & Arn Anderson; Tag Title Match June 9, 1997 Ultimo Dragon, Juventud Guerrera, & Super Calo def. La Parka, Psichosis, & Silver King Alex Wright def. Chris Jericho Akira Hokuto def. Malia Hosaka; Women’s Title Match Lex Luger def. Hollywood Hulk Hogan Jeff Jarrett def. Dean Malenko to win the United States Title Ric Flair & Roddy Piper def. The Outsiders by DQ; Tag Title Match June 8, 1998 Yuji Nagata def. Jerry Flynn Horace & Reese def. Juventud Guerrera & Van Hammer Eddy Guerrero def. Scott Putski by DQ Booker T def. Chris Benoit Fit Finlay def. Norman Smiley; TV Title Match Dean Malenko def. Disco Inferno; CW Title Match Goldberg def. Chavo Guerrero Jr.; U.S. Title Match June 14, 1999 Curt Hennig & Barry Windham def. Brian Adams & Vincent Kidman def. Hugh Morrus The Cat def. Scott Norton Van Hammer def. Disco Inferno Fit Finlay def. Brian Knobbs in a hardcore match Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko, Buff Bagwell, & Perry Saturn def. Ric Flair, Roddy Piper, Diamond Dallas Page, & Kanyon Rick Steiner NC Hak; TV Title Match Konnan & Rey Misterio Jr. def. La Parka & Psicosis Kevin Nash def. Randy Savage by DQ; WCW Title Match June 12, 2000 Big Vito def. Terry Funk; HC Title Match Kronik def. Shane Douglas & Buff Bagwell Lt. Loco def. The Artist; CW Title Match Jeff Jarret NC Hulk Hogan; Special Referee, Billy Kidman; WCW Title Match Vampiro NC The Demon Scott Steiner def. Kanyon by DQ; U.S. Title Match David Flair & Vince Russo def. Ric Flair & Reid Flair Kevin Nash NC Goldberg Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bored 0 Report post Posted June 8, 2003 Old recaps of main events/featured matches/major angles developments for this week: 1996 - John Petrie, - Cut to the booth for the wrap-up. In strolls (TMFKA) Razor Ramon. Bischoff asks where his "surprise" is. Enter (TMFKA) Diesel. (TMF... forget it!) Diesel grabs the mic. "For six months you've been running your mouth off! This is where the Big Boys play. Look at the adjective... PLAY! We don't PLAY!" (Actually Kev, that should be "the verb." The adjective would have been "big.") "This show is about as interesting as Marge Schott reading excerpts of 'Mein Mampf!' What's the matter... you couldn't get a paleontologist to clear some of these fossils to wrestle... couldn't get enough of these geezers off dialysis... ?! Where's Hogan - off filming another episode of "Blunder in Paradise! Where's the Nacho Man? Off shooting another 'Slim Jim' commercial?!" All though this Razor is mussing up Biscoff hair. Bischoff says he doesn't have the authority to confirm anything now, but that if they show up at the Great American Bash next week - he'll get them a fight. 1997 - John Petrie, - THE OUTSIDERS (w/ Syxx) vs. RIC FLAIR/"ROWDY" RODDY PIPER At first the ref can't get the four men out of the ring to really start the match. Nitro then takes a break. WCW, breaking with form somewhat, takes a closeup shot of a "WWF Sucks" sign. The match, meanwhile, has commenced and pretty much consists of one hot tag sequence. Piper is kept in the ring and Flair can't tag in. They do all the old favorites where Flair gets drawn in, only to be forced out by the ref as Piper receives a double beating. Before any tag is made, though, Flair starts to chase Syxx around the ring. Flair corners Syxx, but is hit from behind by Hall. The ref calls for the bell, DQ'ing the Outsiders. The bell rings continually. The fight continues. Out comes Jarrett, McMichael and Benoit. The fight continues. Out comes Buff Bagwell and Scott "Flash" Norton. The fight continues. Out comes Kevin Greene. The fight continues. Out comes Harlem Heat and the Steiner Brothers. The fight continues. Out comes Glacier, Wrath and Mortis. The fight continues. Out comes the Mexican wrestlers. The fight continues. Out comes Kevin Sullivan, Barbarian and Meng. The fight continues. Out comes Randy Savage and Dallas Page. Hogan nails Page from behind with the World Title belt. Page flops to the floor at ringside. The fight continues. Sting drops from the ceiling, whacks Nash, Norton and Bagwell with a baseball bat, hooks the unconscious Page to his cable, and rides on Page's back as the two are raised to the top of the arena. The fight continues as the show ends. 1998 - CRZ, BOOKER T. (2) v. CHRIS BENOIT (3) in Match 6 of the best of Seven Series to determine the #1 Contender for the World Television Title - I suppose they could REALLY shock me and give Benoit the victory, but I wouldn't bet on it. Again, the *Public Relations Office* and their big announcement is hyped - oh, come on. Benoit pushes T. after thirty seconds of ... feeling out? Shove, and we're back to the pacing. At one minute, we start, and T. takes him down. They do that mat wrestling thing, and Benoit secures a wristlock. Back up, Benoit ducks a kick and they're separated. Crowd seems to dig it. Lock up, gobehind, wristlock, standing switch, Benoit elbows out, no, T slams him. Pacing. Looks like the old test of strentgh, but Benoit kicks a hand away and goes to another wristlock. Now they're back in test of strength mode, Benoit to the bridge, back up, Booker T with a kick to break the hold and another kick to take Benoit down. Benoit rolls out and walks around the ringside area. Benoit back in. Knee to the gut by Booker T, whip, elbow for 2. T to the armbar. Kick and a nice suplex for 2, and back to the armbar. Back up but T stays on him with a knee - Benoit ducks a forearm and T lands on the ropes. Benoit gets on him now, kicking away and hitting a kneelift. European forearm from Benoit. Benoit drops him on the ropes and then hits him until he falls to the floor. As Booker T rolls back in, Benoit whips him into the ropes and hits an elbow for 2. Benoit tries a suplex but T rolls him up in an inside cradle for 2. Benoit gets back on T and gets another near fall. Benoit picks up T and chops him in the corner (woooo!). Punch to the head, another. Benoit with a whip and Booker T falls out of the corner. 1, 2, no. Benoit with a backbreaker for 2. Benoit with a clothesline and a "thumb-'cross-the-throat" sign. That means it's time for that flying headbutt that hurts Benoit more than his opponent. Well, both men are down. 1, 2, foot on the rope. Cue STEVIE RAY. Benoit, hopefully, won't fall for THAT again. Benoit stomps mercilessly while Stevie Ray puts on the badmouth - THEN he pulls Booker T. out of the ring and tries to talk some sense into him. Benoit calmly walks over, and puts Booker T. back in the ring. Benoit with a kick, and another, but Booker T comes back with forearms. Whip into the rope, Benoit ducks and hits a German suplex for - 2! Whip, reversal, knee by Booker T. Spinkick from T! He's groggy, though. Picks up Benoit and whips, reversal, ducks a clothesline from Benoit, and hits the spinebuster ("sidewalk slam"), and then the pancake/breakdance combo, but Benoit must have seen this before because he took Booker T's face right to the second turnbuckle. Big time stompin' from Benoit, another chop (woooo!) Kicks a plenty from Benoit. Stevie Ray is cheerleading but it isn't helping. Beonit whips into the corner, Benoit leaps over Benoit and uses a COOL leg scissors-type move to roll up Benoit's shoulders for the pin! (11:14) Benoit's had just about enough of this, and kicks Booker T's leg from behind, taking T down hard. He stays on him until Stevie Ray comes in to make the save. Sigh. 1999 - CRZ, BIG POOCHIE v. RANDY SAVAGE (with Madusa 6) for the World Heavyweight Championship - Nash loses the advantage when Gorgeous George ... umm, distracts ... him. Savage hits a Golotta from behind. Savage holding him as Mona scales the ropes - missile dropkick hits Savage, however. Madusa in - Nash has HER, leg trip to take her down as we FINALLY see SID VISCOUS for the first time of the night. He's in - Nash ducks a clothesline and hits a knee, right, knee, powerbomb set up but Savage strikes. Off the ropes - sidewalk slam by Nash on Savage. Vicious with a clothesline and Patrick calls for the bell again (DQ 1:13) and boy was *I* a sucker for expecting a match tonight. I fall for that EVERY week, don't I? Ha! Savage and Vicious continue on the doubleteam while the crowd works up a "Goldberg" chant (ha!) Vicious with several rights to the temple. Savage with a right for Patrick. Now (THIS IS) STING is out and he's got the bat. See ya Sid. See ya Savage. Sting is back in black. Nash is up and they're good pals. What a heartwarming ending. The perfect way to end the perfect night. Let Bischoff's voice be the last one I hear. 2000 - CRZ, KEVIN NASH (with TV-14-DL ratings box) v. COLD BEER (with the Filthy Animals, the Mamalukes, Shane Douglas, Perfectshawn Stasiak and the Event Chuck Palumbo) - we're already five minutes over as the entrances start. Nash with a right as Goldberg enters the ring. Goldberg with a right. Right! Nash comes back with a right! Goldberg with a right! Right! Right! Right! Knee! Right! Into the ropes is reversed, big boot by Nash! Goldberg goes to the outside and smiles and sneers at Nash. Did they just call him Nikita Koloff? Ooo-eee. Goldberg back through the ropes, ducking a clothesline and hitting a superkick to Nash. Stomp. Stomp. Goldberg pick up Nash and puts on the badmouth. Choke. Referee "Blind" Billy Silverman feels intimidated. Goldber with a right, right, right, right. Right! Nash to one knee. "Gold Berg Sux!" Goldberg with a punch to the 'nads. Stomp, stomp, stomp. Pause for an Okie blow! Nash manages to pull Goldberg's head into a turnbuckle. Douglas up on the apron - Nash punches him down. Stasiak, Guerrera, Konnan, Goldberg with a chair that misses by a MILE, but Nash goes down. Stomp. Spit in the crowd's direction. Goldberg removing his glove - or trying to...Right, right, right, right, right, right, we take a look at HUNTER who has mysteriously reappeared on the ring steps. VIC VENOM is out to take advantage of this fortuitous apperance - grabs him and forces him to watch. Goldberg pulls up Nash by the head and turns him to his nephew. Goldberg kisses him! He's probably wanted to do that for YEARS! Now SUPERSTAR SCOTT STEINER is out to take down the New Blood, one at a time - now beating up some COPS (beating up cops equals FACE!) but now, more cops are out and bashing him down with nightsticks. Geez, let's re-enact the Rodney King video while we're at it. THE NEW GODFATHER OF SOUL is out to lay a couple shots into Steiner - the cops grab HIM as well. Back in the ring, where Goldberg has left Nash laying long enough for Hunter to come in and check on Unky Kev. Russo in the ring - and hugging Goldberg. Hey, Goldberg really should try to pin him. Oops, show's over. Oh well. (No contest? 5:16?) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites