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The Raw Review 6/8 - 6/14

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June 14, 1993

Mr. Perfect def. L.A. Gore

Marty Jannety NC Doink; double count out

Owen Hart def. Dan Dubiel

Jerry Lawler def. Mark Thomas


1994 – no show


June 12, 1995

Bam Bam Bigelow def. Duane Gill

Kama def. David Haskins

Man Mountain Rock def. Bob Cook

Team Techno 2000 def. John Crystal & Mike Khoury

Yokozuna def. Lex Luger by count out; KOTR Qualifier


June 10, 1996

Owen Hart def. Yokozuna

Marc Mero def. Skip

The British Bulldog def. The Undertaker by count out


June 9, 1997

The Legion of Doom & Ahmed Johnson def. The Nation of Domination

Davey Boy Smith NC Goldust; double count out; European Title Match

The Headbangers def. Doug Furans & Phil LaFon

Rob Van Dam def. Flash Funk

Sid def. Owen Hart

Rockabilly def. Bart Gunn

Mankind def. Brian Pillman by DQ


June 8, 1998

Ken Shamrock def. Kama; KOTR Qualifier

Faarooq & Steve Blackman def. Jeff Jarrett & Marc Mero

Owen Hart def. Scorpio; KOTR Qualifier

Chainz def. Darren Drozdov

Mark Henry NC Vader

Dan Severn def. D’Lo Brown; KOTR Qualifier

Val Venis NC Dustin Runnels

The New Age Outlaws def. L.O.D. 2000 and D.O.A. in a Triple Threat Tag Match for the Tag Titles


June 14, 1999

Mr. Ass def. Road Dogg in a Dog Collar Match

Ivory def. Debra to win the Women’s Title

Test def. The Big Bossman by DQ in a Blindfold Match

Ken Shamrock def. Jeff Jarrett in a Straitjacket Match

The Acolytes def. Kane in a handicap match for the Tag Titles

The Rock def. Triple H and The Undertaker (pinned) in a Triple Threat Match


June 12, 2000

X-Pac def. Dean Malenko; KOTR Qualifier

Stephanie McMahon def. Lita; Women’s Title Match

Too Cool def. T&A by DQ; Tag Title Match

Vince McMahon & Shane McMahon def. The Dudley Boyz in a tables match

Triple H def. Chris Jericho; WWF Title Match

Chris Benoit def. Matt Hardy; IC Title Match

Jeff Hardy def. Christian; KOTR Qualifier

The Rock NC Kane in a No Holds Barred Match


June 11, 2001

Christian def. Kane; KOTR Qualifier

The Hardy Boyz def. X-Pac & Justin Credible

Rhyno & The Big Show def. Chris Jericho in a handicap match

Perry Saturn def. Steve Blackman; KOTR Qualifier

The Dudley Boyz def. Hardcore Holly, Crash, & Molly Holly

Kurt Angle def. Chris Benoit in a Steel Cage Match


June 10, 2002

Booker T, The Big Show & X-Pac def. Spike Dudley, Tommy Dreamer, & Shawn Stasiak

William Regal def Bradshaw; European Title Match

Molly Holly def. Trish Stratus

Rob Van Dam def. Eddie Guerrero; KOTR Qualifier

Brock Lesnar def. Bubba Ray Dudley

Vince McMahon def. Ric Flair in a No Holds Barred Match

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Old recaps of main events/featured matches/angle developments for this week (got an hour to kill?):


1993 - CRZ, slashwrestling.com


Martyr Jannetty v. Doink (the Clown) - Doink has a squirting Pepsi can,

which he dutifully uses on the commentators. He goes under the ring and

comes back out with a jacket, fooling McMahon and Savage into thinking it

must be a different clown. Boy, it doesn't take much. Doink attacks

Jannetty before he gets into the ring. Jannetty comes back and, with a

bulldog, gets a 2 count. Arm drag. Doink gets out. Doink takes Jannetty

to the buckle, but Jenntty ducks out. We take an ad break with Doink in an

arm bar. When we come back, Jannetty is hurting Doink real bad. High cross

body off the top for 2. Doink manages a powerslam to regain control. Doink

with variety of holds, back suplex, more holds. Doink with bodyslam. Doink

climbs the ropes and does a flying buttdrop (!). Unfortunately, he takes

too long celebrating, so he only gets 2. Doink with yet another submission

hold, which he gets bored with and turns into a neckbreaker. 2. Doink

continues his relentless attack until taking too long to climb the ropes.

Jannetty comes to and tosses him. Marty comes back with a series of punches

and elbows. Jannetty with dropkick, suplex, but only 2. Jannetty with

clothesline for 2. Jannetty with another 2. The commentators are taking

him to task for never hooking the leg. They both end up on the outside

after Marty reverses a Doink suplex attempt. They brawl, and Marty gets

some nice moves on the outside, but neither man pays attention to the 10

count. A yachtful of WWF referees become a human wall.


1995 - Kevin James Posiadilk, RSPW message boards


Yokozuna (w/Cornette and Fuji) vs. Lex Luger (w/flagbearer), KotR



And Yoko is up to 641 pounds by official records. Of course the pound

has been losing value nearly as fast as the dollar has, so in reality

Yokozuna has simply been maintaining his weight in its official unit of

measure, the yen.


In other news, Razor Ramon, not content to sit back and wait for a

challenger to be determined, went and got himself injured over the

weekend. So maybe if this match goes indecisive they ought to just

scrap the fourth match altogether and put the Roadie in the KotR final

to face Shawn. Hey, it'd be good for a laugh.


Lex has a meatier flagbearer this time, so they let him stay at

ringside, hopefully to counter Fuji's waving of the Japanese flag.

While Yoko and Lex have their own flag-waving competition to begin the

match, Jerry Lawler steals not one, but two of my jokes from last week.


Yoko with some vicious finger pointing, which Lex furiously deflects,

after which they go straight into the classic "I block your punch, you

don't block mine" routine, after which Luger sets himself up quite

nicely for a body slam. Yoko misses an elbow drop, and Lex seizes the

opportunity to apply his favored arm twist hold. Yoko tosses Lex into

a corner, then waddles into the turnbuckle, whereupon Luger resumes the

hold. Yoko backs Lex into another corner, hits him with the fore of

his free arm, then offers Luger a bite of turnbuckle. Lex refuses, and

offers it to Yoko instead. Yoko, not quite having digested that bowl

of rice just yet, hesitates, but an elbow to the chest convinces him to

dig in. Ten helpings later Luger hits him in the chest, and a few

moments later Yoko reacts and tumbles out of the ring. While Cornette

tries to revive his man, McMahon asserts that Luger does not want to

win this match by countdown. In Heaven's name, why not?? Is Luger so

stupid he thinks you can only qualify for KotR via pinfall or

submission? On second thought, don't answer that. At any rate, with

Luger helpfully breaking the count at regular intervals, Yoko has

plenty of time to revive, recoup, and discuss that Geisha he and Fuji

met last night at the massage parlor. Yoko finally re-enters,

whereupon Luger pushes him into the corner to give him the Infuriating

Enemy Pummel. He gets six punches of the ten in before a seriously

annoyed Yokozuna pushes him off. Yoko waddles over and misses a leg

drop. Lex is right back up, but Yokozuna is not, so while Lex ponders

what to do next (note that covering Yoko never occurs to him), Lex

eventually wanders over and asks Fuji about how he might go about

getting around that 100% tariff on luxury cars in the future. Yoko

finds the time to get up and blindside Luger, and a series of punches

to the corner-bound Luger sends him to the mat the slow, hard way. Yoko

with a series of choke holds and satellite misfeeds. But the flagbearer

seems unperturbed.


-- ad break --


We return just in time for the Ritual of Elbowing Out, presumably of a

nerve hold since Yoko's arms are too large for a reverse chinlock. Out

of the hold, Lex ducks one clothesline, then doesn't duck another.

Yoko with some mysterious hand signals to Fuji. While Yoko goes

through the motions of getting Luger up and having him go stand in the

corner, McMahon reveals that while Owen Hart and Davey Boy Smith are

present in the arena, they will *not* be making an appearance at

ringside, despite the fact that Jack Tunney ordered them not to. Yoko

with a cross-corner whip (call it two inches), then backs up for the

charge... and Luger beats the ten-second time limit to get out of the

way. Luger, getting over what little fatigue he has built up, starts

hammering away on Yoko, first with punches, then with shoulderblocks,

then flying double axehandles, then clotheslines, and it's just

occurring to Yokozuna that someone is attacking him. Finally, a flying

clothesline from the second rope takes the sumo down. Luger stands up

and celebrates, while at the same time priming his famous metal

forearm. Unfortunately, that weapon is really only useful against a

standing enemy, so all Luger can do is keep strutting around slapping

his forearm until Yokozuna decides to stand up and take his medicine.

Meanwhile, Mr. Fuji, feeling the need to do something, decides to play

capture the flag. The ancient Fuji calmly pushes over the fit young

man carrying the American flag and duly obtains Old Glory, which he

will no doubt be in a hurry to have his way with before that anti

flag-burning amendment gets passed. Luger, no fool, notices that the

Japanese flag Fuji is carrying has a bit too much red, not enough

white, and a very suspicious-looking patch of what just might be blue,

and deduces the truth of the matter, which is of course that he is

supposed to drop everything and go confront Mr. Fuji. Cornette makes a

stab at a disqualifying sneak attack, but Luger is too fast for that

and down Jim goes. Lex deftly snatches the flag, proudly returns it to

its bearer, and wafts in the patriotic glow of the aftermath as he

struggles to remember just what it was he was doing before the

interruption. A highly impatient Yokozuna walks up and provides a

reminder by ramming Lex into the nearest steel post. Yokozuna adds a

leg drop for good measure before tackling the most challenging part of

the match -- getting himself back in the ring before the count of ten.

He manages it, and thus Lex is the only one counted out. Once back on

his feet, Yoko gets a chuckle out of the matter, while Lex is mumbling

something about trucks and license plate numbers...


1996 - Kevin James Posiadilk, RSPW message boards


British Bulldog (w/Cornette, Owen Hart and "Stone Cold" Diana Smith) vs.

Undertaker (w/Paul Bearer)


Both introductions include scenes from their respective, less than

successful, matches at IYH. But while Lawler tries to maneuver into

getting Cornette a guest commentator spot, and the Bulldog continues to

whine about not being WWF champ, let's cut over to...


Shawn Michaels, having a very intimate moment with his belt. He's going

to go out there at King of the Ring and do what he does best. Vince

points out that that means entertaining, not wrestling. Just as the

interview is petering out, however, Jimmy Cornette manages to barge his

way into the conversation. How did it feel to think you'd lost the

title, Cornette asks. How do you think it felt, rebutts Michaels.

Having duly warmed up, Cornette starts that famous chant, 'I know

something you don't knowwwwww..." Apparently, the aggravated assault

and battery charge, with all those camera shots and exhibits and the

forty-two eight-by-eleven glossy photos of the quote scene of the crime

unquote, all that has been settled out of court in exchange for a simple

stipulation added to the Michaels/Bulldog title match: Cornette and co.

get to choose the referee. Michaels, clearly perturbed, asks Vince if

Cornette is doing this off-script or this has actually become part of

the angle. Vince has no satisfactory answer, so Michaels terminates the

interview to go in search of an aspirin.


Meanwhile, the interview was just long enough to cover the Undertaker's

full introduction, so we can go right ahead with the match. Or maybe

not, as the Bulldog cannot seem to decide whether he'd rather be inside

the ring or outside it. And while the Bulldog makes that decision,

Cornette decides to keep the actual identity of the chosen referee a

secret until the night of the match. So, let the speculation begin.


With both men now inside the ring, the Undertaker makes the first move,

but the Bulldog ducks out of the way. Over to the other corner, same

thing. Third attack, third miss, and this time the Bulldog capitalizes

by going on the attack himself with a set of head shots. Unfortunately

they were of the Undertaker's bad side, and the Undertaker replies by

sending both hands to meet the Bulldog's considerable neck. The Bulldog

is lifted up and slammed into the corner for a series of body blows,

then a cross-corner whip, which the Bulldog bounces out of into an

elevated choke hold. The referee bravely forces the Undertaker to

release it, and the Bulldog, deciding maybe outside was better after

all, rolls out. Ever considerate, however, the Bulldog maintains the

choke hold on himself. After slapping himself out of it a la Curly, the

Bulldog re-enters the ring to enthusiastic applause from Diana, or at

least as enthusiastic as she gets. Lockup, or not, as the Undertaker

gets an elbow shot in, a big boot, a turnbuckle shot, an uppercut,

another boot, and finally a cross-corner whip, this time followed up by

the more legal wristlock. Which of course mean it's time for the

Undertaker's usual stroll along the top rope. Cornette asks like he

never saw the move before. And down comes the axehandle. At this point

McMahon starts up the theme of accusing Cornette of malpractice, signing

the Bulldog to such a rough match so soon before a title shot. Cornette

now claims the match was Gorilla Monsoon's doing, perhaps as revenge for

having to add the title match referee clause. For an encore, McMahon

now questions Monsoon's integrity; for allowing the referee clause, not

for imposing the current match, of course. But (as the Undertaker marks

time with a choke hold), McMahon emphasizes that Cornette's claim has

not yet been confirmed, so don't go switching the channel to see if Hall

and Nash have shown up yet. 'Taker with the scoop and slam, and the leg

drop. Cover, two count. Turnbuckle shot, cross-corner (one inch), and

in for... an elbow from the Bulldog. My turn, says the wrestler who

doesn't want to be called Davey Boy anymore, Boot, punch, punch,

headbutt, and the half-hour suplex, presumably to cause all the

embalming fluid to rush to the Undertaker's head. Sit... up! Undertaker

deals more more punishment, then sends the Bulldog for the ride, but the

Bulldog reverses and gets a nice slam out of it. Cover, two count.

Sit... up! This being a pattern the Bulldog does not wish to continue,

he beats the Undertaker back down quickly, then seals his advantage with



-- ad break --


The Bulldog is yelling at Paul Bearer, while at the same time trying to

hide the reverse chinlock he has on the Undertaker. And meanwhile, over

the break, McMahon made a quick phone call to Monsoon, and, well,

Cornette's story checks out after all. At this point, the chinlock has

actually gotten serious, as the referee is now dropping the Undertaker's

arm. Paul Bearer raises up his magic urn, while Owen Hart counters by

raising his Slammy award. Which goofy piece of metal will prove more

powerful? After 2.9 arm drops (and the referee nearly signaling for

the bell), the Undertaker snaps to life, battles out, sends the Bulldog

for the ride... and puts his head down for a neckbreaker. Bulldog drops

the leg, covers... you notice he never seems to remember to hook the

leg? Two count. Sit... up! Bulldog holds his own, however, with an

even exchange of blows until the Bulldog gets two inches worth of

cross-corner whip out of the phenom. And even though the Undertaker is

now lying on his side, the Bulldog nevertheless goes right back in

for... the chinlock. McMahon finds the Bulldog's current run of control

even more unexpected than the double-pin draw at IYH. Wonder how he

figures that. And it's down to the battle of the Urn vs. the Slammy

again. The Undertaker gets up to his knees, but the Bulldog isn't ready

for action yet, so he clings tenaciously to the hold, and the

Undertaker's power-out stalls so the referee can drop his arm a couple

more times. On the second drop, both the Undertaker's arms wrap

themselves around the Bulldog's waist, in a manner which is grossly

oversold by the Bulldog. But that is soon made moot anyway as the

Undertaker converts it into a suplex. And with both men down, once

again the artifacts are called into use... and the urn wins the race by

a hair. The Undertaker gets the edge, and hoists the Bulldog up on his

shoulder in preparation for a running slam!! The Bulldog protests that

this is his move, and duly slips off the back of the Undertaker,

snatches him up, and goes to show him how to do it right! But the

Undertaker, too, slips out of the grasp, and the match moves into a

slugfest stage, also knows as "I don't block your punch, you don't block

mine". Even so, the Undertaker wins the exchange, gives the Bulldog a

turnbuckle shot to rub it in, and moves on to a


-- 900 line plug -- (Brian Pillman, ask for him by name!)


-- ad break --


And it's all Undertaker. Headbutt. Whip, Bulldog reverses, but misses

the clothesline which the Undertaker hits on the next pass. Diana

wonders how she'd look in a black dress. McMahon revives his accusation

that this match is Cornette's fault, and Cornette has to go and deny it

again. Choke slam, and we all know what's next. Clothesline, and the

Bulldog tumbles over the top rope and out of the ring. Wait, that

wasn't it. The Undertaker recognizes his oversight, and goes to pull

the Bulldog back in, but the Bulldog suggests the Undertaker come on

outside to finish him off. All right, says the Undertaker, but first

takes the toll of a couple of punches and a fairly weak ring post shot.

Next a whip into the stairs... but the Undertaker reverses it! And it

looks like it's all over, the Undertaker picks up the Bulldog rolls him

in, moves to follow, there's the bell, yep, it's all over. Hold on a

sec. Who's that nibbling at my leg? 'Tis Mankind, getting the best of

the Undertaker yet again! The Bulldog, most grateful for the victory,

repays Mankind by cutting his celebration short to hold the Undertaker

back for Mankind to do whatever he will. Cornette, who does not share

the Bulldog's trust of Mankind, rushes from the announcer's booth in

order to collect his team and hit the road.


1997 - Eric Bell, RSPW message boards


Brian Pillman Vs Steve Austin

Before the match could get under way, as Austin was approaching the ring,

the Hart Foundation brutally attacked Austin. Mankind came running down to

the ring to help Austin and got in the ring with Pillman so...


Brian Pillman Vs Mankind

Pillman slapped and humiliated Mankind. Pillman took Mankind's hair and

his mask started coming off. Mankind hit an inverted atomic drop on

Pillman and followed that with a double armed DDT. Next, the mandible claw

was applied. The Hart Foundation attacked Mankind and Shamrock made the

save. Then, coming from the back was Steve Austin. Austin was upset that

Mankind took his place in the match. Raw ended with Austin giving Shamrock

the Stone Cold Stunner and walking away from the ring.


WINNER: Mankind by DQ


1998 - CRZ, slashwrestling.com


KEVIN KELLY introduces Mr. McMahon. Someone has gussied up the ring with that stuff you put on Christmas trees (probably cheap in June!) - Of course, McMahon is flanked by Patterson and Brisco. Backstage, we see a phalanx of cops marching towards - we don't know. Oh wait, there we go. They're keeping the Undertaker at bay. Kelly introduces STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN, who comes to the ring in his normal outfit - oh yes, and a black tie. GEORGE MARTIN from the New York Giants represents M.A.N., and DARNELL AUTRY is the representative of the Halas-Payton Foundation. Martin: "Mr. McMahon, I have been given the dubious distinction of recognising you for your contribution to our organisation. And I"d like to say that we did receive your very generous contribution, even though it was significantly less than what we had originally been promised. I'd also like to say, Mr. McMahon, that after not one but two attempts, that that cheque finally cleared, and finally Mr. McMahon, I'd like to say that the chlidren of our organisation have been very understanding of your very busy schedule and you not being able to come to our organisation so with that, Mr. McMahon, I'd like to say to you that it is my pleasure to recognise you for your contribution as our Humanitarian of the Year and by the way Mr. McMAhon, on a personal note, I'd just like you to know that my favourite WWF SUperstar happens to be SCSA!" Autry: "I too like my colleague would like to present Mr. McMahon with the George Halas-Walter Payton Humanitarian award - but I don't remember him giving us the cheque - whatever. Um, anyway, I would like to present this Humanitarian award to Vince McMahon and Mr. McMahon I would also like to let you know that my favourite superstar is also Stone Cold Steve Austin." McMahon: "I must say that your attempt at humour is only exceeded by my generosity but nonetheless I would like to thank you, and also to each and every one of you [the fans]. I believe, that indeed I humbly but yet deservedly accept this award tonight - there may be a few of you who disagree but the vast majority of you would concur that I deserve such an accolade based upon my efforts as of late to turn the other cheek, so to speak, and even tonight in a magnamonous gesture as I extend friendship to Steve Austin - and no doubt, my dedication and loyalty to each and every one of you all over the world. I vow that I will take these awards tonight and place them on the very same wall as all the other awards I have received over my lifetime - and one day they will be presented in a future WWF Hall of Fame. I thank you, thank you very much - hey! That's my money!" Austin has just lifted a wad of 50's from McMahon's back pocket. "There's exactly 1200 bucks here, and on behalf of the tightest sonofabitch in the world, Vincent K. McMahon, I'd like to donate these funds to a worthy cause, and I don't know if he should be Humanitarian of the Year, but if you think he should be Jackass of the Year, give me a hell yeah!" Autry and Martin split the cash and leave as BONG...BONG...six druids bring out a casket. The Undertaker's music is playing and we are left to wonder if the Undertaker is hear for McMahon - or Austin - or both. Suddenly, MANKIND, who was under the ring, attacks Austin from behind, as KANE exits the casket. The doubleteam is on, and Vince is cheering them on! At PAUL BEARER's direction, Austin is stuffed in the casket by Kane and Mankind - and that's it!


1999 - CRZ, slashwrestling.com


ROCK v. UNDERTAKER (with Paul Bearer) for the #1 Contendership in some sort of stipulation match - Before Undertaker enters the ring, we hear the dying seagulls and there's TRIPLE H with THAT SLUT CHYNA. The stipulation, which Triple H apparently knows, is that tonight's match is really a Triple Threat match. Rock starts out attacking Undertaker, but Triple H comes in and the two quickly outman the one. Rock to the outside, and his opponents follow. Rock takes several spills on the commentary table. Notice how the tables only break on pay-per-views? Anyway, Triple H with an axehandle off the table to the floor. Back in the ring, they're just taking turns on the Rock in the corner. Triple H holding him for the hard right from the Undertaker. Right hand from Triple H. Undertaker covers but only gets 2. For the millionth time tonight, Lawler says "not tonight, not any night" and Ross says "I still think that's B.S." so it must be important. "Rock-key" chant from the crowd but it's not helping. Into the corner, clothesline ducked, and Rock hits one on Undertaker, but Triple H hits a clothesline of his own. Off the ropes, high knee from Triple H! Elbow from Undertaker. Another "not tonight, not any night"/"that's BS" moment - ALL RIGHT, I "GOT IT" GUYS. Triple H standing on the neck, and when referee "Blind" Earl Hebner takes exception to this bending of the rules and stops Triple H to talk about it, Undertaker gets a choke on behind his back. Off the ropes, Rock with a swinging neckbreaker on Triple H, but Undertaker hits a clothesline. Outside, Bossman-esque uppercut. Thrown through the ropes - both men out after him. Punch, right, Rock with right, right, right, Triple H with right. Undertaker with a shot as Triple H holds him. Now they're on the stage. Rock almost gets Undertaker to the edge of the stage, but Triple H stops him. HE gets run into the scaffolding, however. Undertaker runs Rock into the scaffolding. Chyna and Bearer discussing hairstyles, I guess. Choke with the shin from Undertaker. Is this a no countout match? I guess so. Where's the ref, anyway? Pedigree - no, a piledriver attempt - Rock reverses into a double leg, though, then hits a knee to the grawn. Now he's on the Undertaker - they're back down the ramp but Undertaker manages to reverse and take Rock's head to the STEEL steps. Undertaker with a straight right. Helmsley's caught up and HE hits a right, and now he's stomping away. Choke. Anybody seen Hebner lately? Ah, there he is - in the ring. We can only assume the managers have him tied up. Rock rolled back in the ring (!) and everybody's back in now. Right hand takes Rock to the mat. Undertaker picks him up, and hits another uppercut, there's another. Ross said "Onslaught!" He's thinking of Rick! More rights from the Undertaker, more kicks from Triple H. Out of the corner, boot up - clothesline on Triple H - Undertaker with another short, straight right hand. Arm wringer - is he gonna climb the ropes? Yup - but Rock pushes Triple H into the top rope and Undertaker falls to the apron. Rock firing back with a second win on Triple H - whip into the corner reversed - Pedigree attempt - no, another double leg to counter - catapult, but Triple H lands on Hebner! Rock Bottom coming up - but Undertaker is in and he's got him in the chokeslam! Undertaker moves his thumb 'cross his throat. Scoop - Rock pushes him off and into Triple H - and Undertaker comes back into the Rock Bottom! Can it be - the People's Elbow? Yup - stopping along the way to knock Triple H off the apron to the floor. Rock covers - but Hebner's still not ready. Referee "BLIND" MIKE CHIODA comes in and counts - 1, 2...Chyna pulls him out, then throws an elbow. Hebner, meanwhile, has recovered - 1...2....Helmsley makes a save. Triple H blocks a punch and throws one of his own. Undertaker right. Another. Off the ropes, reversal, Chyna grabs the legs, thinking it was the Rock - but it's the Undertaker who falls. Undertaker clotheslined out of the ring, and he decides to go for Chyan- putting her in a choke - Triple H grabs the Undertaker's hair, but Undertaker turns it into a hot shot on his "partner." Meanwhile, Rock's ready with the Rock Bottom! Hebner's in position - 1, 2, Undertaker's too late - 3!!! (11:13) The Rock is your winner and he'll get his title shot at King of the Ring. And NOW Triple H and the Undertaker are trading blows! The rest of the CORPORATE MINISTRY comes out and manages to separate the two as Ross proclaims that disintegration has begun. And we're gone!


2000 - CRZ, slashwrestling.com


WWF CHAMPIONSHIP: THE NEW MAN (with Stephanie Ono) v. ? - Champion enters first because his opponent is a MYSTERY. After a respectful pause.....the Y2J countdown starts up and out comes CHRIS MONDAY JERICHO. Hey, all those people that whined about Jericho being buried, go bury your head. H rushes him, duck, Jericho right, right, right, into the ropes, back elbow. Right, right, chop, chop, into the opposite corner, big back body drop, clothesline, cover, 2. Right, chop, chop, into the ropes is reversed, head down, kick by Jericho - Jericho gets dumped out onto the apron, landing on his feet, climbing the corner - missile dropkick - 1, 2, NO! Just barely, says referee "Blind" Mike Chioda. Right, right, whip is reversed, H picks him up and drops him in a stun gun onto the top rope. A brief rest as both men are down - back up - right by H, right by Jericho off the ropes, right, right, chop, chop, into the ropes is reversed, Jericho ducks the clothesline, but not the high knee. Head to the top turnbuckle - H repeatedly driving his shoulder into the abdomen - 6, 7, 8, 9 times. Into the ropes, knee to the gut flips Jericho - 1, 2, no. "Y 2 J" chant. H picks him up by the hair - right hand, Jericho slumps in the corner - H bringing him out - vertical suplex. H with a crotch chop for the crowd...and a running kneedrop for Jericho - 1, 2, Jericho slips out a shoulder. Jericho blocks and hits a right, right, right, into the ropes, head down and Triple H DDT's him. 1, 2, no! Hey, aren't DDT's illegal these days? Into the ropes, Triple H clamps on the sleeper. Jericho is fading... Matt Hardy meets Chris Benoit for the intercontinental title later tonight! Jericho trying to come back - elbowing out - elbow to the mush in the corner, to the opposite corne, but Triple H puts up a boot and Jericho meets it with his face. Triple H up to the second rung - a kiss blown to his wife - Jericho with a dropkick while he's busy making eyes! Jericho with a Frankensteiner! Both men are down and Chioda puts on the count ... 5...6....7...Jericho is up - so is H, Jericho ducks, right, right, into the ropes is reversed, Jericho with a flying jalapeno! Bulldog! 1, 2, NO! Jericho's got one more left. Gutshot, into the ropes, head down, Triple H hits his facebuster. Gutshot for Jericho - Pedigree? No, Jericho counters and takes him down with a double leg. WALLS OF JERICHO! But it's not on "good" - Triple H rolling onto his back - punching Jericho into the corner hard - Jericho falls - timberrrr - the head hits the crotch. Oh my. Stephanie up on the apron as if to supply the Women's title for use as weapon. While Chioda tussles with her (what a weakling! He's having problems with a GIRL!) - H goes for his OWN belt, but Jericho manages a heel kick before he can us it. LIONSAULT! Jericho covers and hooks the leg - the CROWD counts to 3 but Chioda is steal dealing with Stephanie on the apron. Jericho finally lets go of the leg and turns Chioda around. As they talk, H goes off the ropes, Jericho sidesteps the collision, but Chioda takes the brunt and goes through the ropes. Jericho with a double leg takedown - WALLS OF JERICHO! Stephanie in the ring and ready to slap - Jericho blocks it and - HE'S GONNA PUT STEPHANIE IN IT! Oh, no he's not. Triple H waffles Jericho with the title belt - Pedigree coming up - oh well, it was fun while it lasted - Chioda back in with help from Stephanie...and counting slow - 1.....2......3. (7:56) Chris Jericho is almost there, guys. Damn, but he'd be SO much better off somewhere else...RIGHT?


2001 - CRZ, slashwrestling.com


KING KURT ANGLE v. CHRIS BENOIT within the confines of the STEEL cage - "I hate it when those guys have their little sparklers and the explosions. ... You probably liked that Angleslam, didn'tya? You think he deserved that, huh? Huh LOOK AT ME HILLBILLY BOY! You're damn right it don't, I don't give a damn WHAT you like. Don't even look at me. No, look at me, you ain't gonna look at me when I'm talking to ya? You disrespecting me? Look at me, JR. I said look at me. That's right. Boy, I'll run right over you like a speedbump. Don't get nervous. Stop sweatin'." Dammit, is this guy the most awesome guy ever or what? Okay, here we go. Angle awaits Benoit through the cage door - big shoulder in the gut, to a waistlock - back up, knee - pulling Benoit into a belly-to-belly overhead suplex! Angle pulls him into ANOTHER belly-to-belly! "I HATE him! I hate that little snaggletooth bastard. Can I go on record saying that, Jim? Does that offend you?" Angle picks up Benoit, again trying to whip him and pull him back into the suplex, but this time Benoit grabs his arm and tries for the crossface! Angle rolls under to break the hold, runs at Benoit who AGAIN gets the arm, arm wringer counter by Angle, Benoit counters back - Angle runs Benoit into the wall of the cage to evade the threat. Wow, this "over the back" shot of the commentators brings back old-timey memories of the weekend syndies - remember that? Angle rams Benoit into the cage wall again. Stomp, stomp, stomp. Head to the buckle, right, right, kick, kick, kick, right, Benoit reverses positions - chop! Chop! Chop! Right! Right, chop, Euro elbow, whip is reversed, boot up by Benoit, chop, chop, ("I hate those knife-edge chops!") into the corner, but Angle grabs Benoit on the charge and uplifts him into the corner of the cage! Angle puts Benoit's back into the wall of the cage. Stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp. Head to the cage. Angle lifts Benoit up, but Benoit comes back with another chop. Chop! Chop! Gutshot, snap suplex - and holding on for a second snap suplex! Trying for a third, but Angle puts a knee in the gut. Knee, knee. Angle with a gutwrench suplex! Angle brings Benoit back up - ANOTHER gutwrench suplex! Ross wonders if Austin will have a match with Benoit after THIS match. "You sassin' me? It ain't none of your business - don't sass me! You lookin' at me through your stupid little glasses." Angle with a THIRD gutwrench suplex - man, he makes it look so easy. And now Angle climbs the wall of the cage - umm - THE DOOR IS RIGHT THERE - Benoit up from behind - Angle kicks him away - Benoit grabs again - Angle kicks again - Benoit climbing up after him - Angle rams his head into the top of the cage - three times - but Benoit STILL stands on the top rope - now directly behind Angle, and - holy shit - applying the waistlock - he's not gonna - three forearms in the back - trying again - six more forearms in the back - he's - HE DID - GERMAN SUPLEX FROM THE TOP ROPE! Ho-lee SHIT. "I hope they both stay down, I'm gettin' sick of it." Combos Double Feature of that suplex. DAMN. Both men are down...no, Benoit is up! And now Benoit climbs up the corner (THE DOOR! IT'S *RIGHT THERE!*) as we take one more Combos Double Feature but Angle pops up after him, climbs up the corner, and shoves Benoit off. Angle with a Savage elbow. Both men slowly up. Benoit with "Iblockyourpunchyoudon'tblockmine," again, right, right, Angle rakes the face, into the ropes is reversed - Benoit sends Angle into the wall of the cage. Benoit throws him into the cage wall again. And now Benoit runs Angle into the wall one more time. Benoit with a stomp. Benoit climbing up the corner - but Angle is up from behind with the uppernut. Benoit falls back to the mat. OLYMPIC SLAM!! Does Angle try to pin him? Does Angle use the door? No, he's climbing up the corner again. "Pin him! Angle's an idiot, why didn't he pin him? Olympic Slam, what the hell's he thinking?" Angle up atop the cage...FUCK! MOONSAULT FROM THE TOP OF THE CAGE! AND NOBODY HOME! "He had him right where he wanted with the Olympic Slam, he does a belly flop off the top of the cage - what a jackass!" Combos Double Feature of the missed moonsault. Benoit is back up - stomp. Into the ropes, knee in the midsection. Into the ropes, ANOTHER big knee buried in the gut. Again he tries to put Angle in the ropes, but Angle reverses...then sends Benoit into the cage wall. "I can't believe Angle's so damn stupid. Now he's getting smart again. STAY ON HIM, KURT. Jesus... STAY ON HIM!" Angle picks up Benoit...on the shoulder - javelin into the cyclone fencing. "Angle sux!" Angle puts him on his shoulder again - THIS time Benoit goes down the back, shoves Angle into the fence, and catches Angle with a German suplex (Crowd: "ONE!") - holding on for another ("TWO!") and holding on for the third ("THREE!") - Angle finally blocks the attempt, back elbow, back elbow, trying a clothesline but Benoit ducks and reclasps the waistlock - German suplex ("FOUR!"), holding on again for two ("FIVE!") and again ("SIX!") Benoit is up first, and heads for the door (well it's ABOUT TIME somebody did that) - Angle desperately lunging for him - Benoit lets him run into the door, then reapplies the waistlock - "SEVEN!" - "EIGHT!" - "NINE!" That's THREE triples by Benoit - wow. Benoit climbs the corner - he's gonna make it this time - no, wait, Austin is off headset, grabbing his chair - and swinging it on the cage! Another swing! Benoit perches on top - he should leap onto Austin, but I doubt that's gonna happen....instead, he looks back to Angle - and decides "well, if I did it on Thunder for NO viewers, I might as well bust it out for the overrun of the War Zone, too" - OH YEAH, SWANDIVE HEADBUTT FROM THE TOP OF THE CAGE!! Both men are down, and STAYING down, which allows us another set of Combos Double Features. Austin is screaming "Get your ass up!" but I don't think Angle is listening to him right now. It's been almost a minute since Benoit hit the headbutt - only NOW is he stirring - Austin runs over and shoves doorminder Teddy Long into the barricade, then grabs the door himself. Benoit wants out but Austin stands in the way - Benoit *dropkicks* the door into Austin! Benoit crawling out...but Angle is over - ANGLELOCK!! Benoit has the bottom rope but this it's no DQ in the cage - will Benoit tap? Benoit pushes himself up, turns around - enzuigiri!! Again Benoit slowly crawls to the door...but Austin slams the door! Apparently, the ringing sound was really close to his ears, because Benoit falls backwards to the mat. Angle, head in the clouds, looks to the door and sees Austin...so he decides to climb the opposite wall - he's up - on top - legs over - and drops down for the win. (14:30) Psst, let me tell you a secret. I think we have a ready-made #1 Contender just in case Benoit wins the title. Austin grabs his chair and comes into the cage - WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! Point of the cahir in the sternum - THIRTEEN times! WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! Again with the point of the chair - again - WHACK! And a stomp for good measure. Austin's music plays - Austin grabs his belt - and heads up the ramp....and stops at the top to look back at his handiwork. Benoit is out cold. Austin paces across the stage - then starts back down...and stops halfway. Benoit STILL hasn't managed to get up from the beating...Austin's expression is vacant. War Zone credits are up, WWF logo, it's 11:11 and we are outta here!


2002 - CRZ, slashwrestling.com


MR. McMAHON (co-owner, SmackDown! - Greenwich, Connecticut - 255 pounds - with Snickers Cruncher presents King of the Ring!) v. RIC FLAIR (co-owner, RAW - Charlotte, North Carolina - 234 pounds) in a No Holds Barred match for 100%, complete ownership of the WWE

referee: EARL HEBNER

Say, is this our first post-split RAW vs. SmackDown! matchup? And if so, isn't THAT ironic. Vince wears his usual black tank and jeans; Flair opts for the red trunks, kneepads and boots. Flair runs to the ring and we're off on the floor - chop, chop, chop, chop - uppercut, uppercut, head to the barricade, chop, chop, McMahon to the eyes to turn it around - right, right, kick, chop by Flair, right by McMahon, running knee, FLair switches positions, tries to clothesline him over the barricade but he ain't budging. So - get this - they redo the spot! How INDY! Flair out after him - chop, now going through the crowd - very brave of McMahon to let Flair grab him by the hair you know...walk, walk, walk, all the way around this section - scoop - and a slam on the concrete! Flair lifts him up by the jowls - chop - and back over the barricade. McMahon put in the ring and they're all in the ring for the first time this match (almost two minutes in) - chop, chop, McMahon with a thumb to the eye - HE scoops up Flair - and a slam! McMahon outside - walks around the commentators, finds the ring bell and goes back inside. Vince runs at Flair, then clocks him with the board of the bell! McMahon and Hebner have a few words - McMahon shoves him away but does let go of the bell. McMahon outside, where Flair has tapped a vein. Right by McMahon, right, right, right, right, into the ringpost, and Flair leaps onto the commentary table. McMahon keys on the cut - right, right, right, Flair's blood all over the place. Right. Flair fires back - gutshot, chop, goes for the chair but Vince chokes him with a cable before he can grab it. Again, McMahon takes Flair to the post - and now to the STEEL steps. McMahon with a running kick to the face - yikes! McMahon puts Flair back in the ring, and follows. Snickers Cruncher of the kick which sure looked like it landed flush. McMahon with a right - Flair with a FLAIR FLOP!! McMahon keying off - right hand and Flair goes down again. Flair slowly back to his feet - McMahon is shuffling - another right hand - hooks the leg - 1, 2, no! Flair manages a kick in the guts - chop, chop, chop, left, right, left, right, into the opposite corner is reversed - McMahon with a clothesline. McMahon waits for Flair to get up - and clotheslines him down again. 1, 2, no. McMahon demands he get up - then kicks him right in the nuts! Flair doubles over and goes down - McMahon hooks the leg - 1, 2, NO! McMahon outside again - grabs a chair and comes back in - runs at Flair but Flair gets two boots up! I think Vince managed to part Flair's feet with his head but it still looked good - DOWN GOES VINCE! Flair picks up the chair - WHACK! Flair pulls up McMahon - running kick to the left knee - another kick on the same knee. In the corner, gunshot chop - chop - grabs the leg and drapes it across the bottom rope - sits on the knee - and again. You know, there was ONE other thing I was worried about, and watching ARN ANDERSON walk down to ringside, I'm starting to worry again. Flair parts McMahon's legs and gives him an uppernut - make it double! Flair goes into a .6 Muta strut - grabs the leg and says "Now." Flair walks to and fro - and locks in the figure four! Anderson in the ring - oh no - but praise the Lord he does NOT turn on Flair...all he's doing is laying the verbal smack down on Vince - well now that they've swerved me out of the swerve, it's time for the real story and it's BROCK LESNAR. Anderson's eyes turn to saucers and he backs out of the ring and back up the ramp. Lesnar with an elbowdrop on Flair - picks him up and gives him The Move with No Name. Lesnar & Heyman go up the ramp after Anderson while McMahon hooks the leg...1, 2, 3. (9:01) Lawler breaks into a standing ovation as McMahon leaves the ring and limps up the ramp. "It's MINE! It's MINE! It's all mine!" Credits are up. Ross: "Satan...is back...in business!"

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Guest Insane Bump Machine
June 11, 2001

Kurt Angle def. Chris Benoit in a Steel Cage Match

Damn, that match was mark-out city! Unbelievable action and great commentary by heel Austin.

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