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The Smackdown Review 6/8 - 6/14

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June 8, 2000

Chris Jericho def. Test; KOTR Qualifier

Too Cool def. The Godfather & Dean Malenko; Tag Title Match

Chris Benoit def. Jeff Hardy; IC Title Match

The Dudley Boyz def. Edge & Christian, & Kurt Angle in a handicap match

Lita wins a Women’s Battle Royal

Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley def. Lita; Special Referee, Tori; Women’s Title Match

Eddie Guerrero def. Matt Hardy; KOTR Qualifier

Rikishi def. Val Venis by DQ

The Rock, The Undertaker, & Kane def. D-Generation X


June 14, 2001

Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit def. Edge & Christian; Tag Title Match

The Big Show def. Raven; KOTR Qualifier

Matt Hardy def. K-Kwik; European Title Match

Kurt Angle def. The Undertaker by DQ

Test def. Rhyno to win the Hardcore Title

Tajiri def. Crash; KOTR Qualifier

Kane def. Albert; IC Title Match

Steve Austin def. Spike Dudley; WWF Title Match


June 13, 2002

Test def. The Hurricane; KOTR Qualifier

Hardcore Holly def. Tajiri; KOTR Qualifier

The Big Valbowski & Billy Kidman def. Chris Jericho & Lance Storm

Faarooq def. Rev. D-Von

Trish Stratus & Linda Miles def. Ivory & Jackie Gayda

The Undertaker & Kurt Angle def. Triple H by DQ in a handicap match

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Old recaps of main events/featured matches/angle devleopments for this week (credit: CRZ, slashwrestling.com):




D-GENERATION X (with Tori, Stephanie Ono, Big Skippy, Patterson & Brisco) v. KANE and THE GHOST RIDER (presented by Kid Rock's CD cover) and LA ROCA - As Lawler makes special note of the separate entrances, we start after the first, as DX attacks Kane one at a time so Kane can knock them all down. As a tripleteam begins to develop, Undertaker's entrance starts and he walks out, giving lip the whole way down. I don't know, he doesn't look any MORE fat than he was LAST year...here comes the Rock, who promptly knocks down Triple H, unleashes a series of rights, kisses a right, then goes outside to put H into the STEEL steps. Undertaker is content to watch this from the ring, while the rest of the Faction stays out of the way. Kane puts Dogg in the ring while Undertaker gives a back elbow to X-Pac. Undertaker with a soupbone for Dogg to chew on. Head to the buckle. Back elbow. Undertaker says "shut up!" just as I start to think it - eerie. Into the opposite corner, boot up from Dogg - Undertaker retaliates with a boot of his own. Undertaker puts him in the corner hard, right, left, right, left, right, elbow, rather rough tag to Kane. Uppercut for Dogg. Right hand. I would categorize these blows as "deliberate." Into the ropes, Dogg ducks, but gets in a choke - here comes X-Pac, choke for HIM. H figures "no more hands, I might as well come in" but eats a boot. X-Pac manages to kick the abs and break it up - D & X work a double suplex - nope - KANE with a double suplex to counter! Big press of X-Pac - and big ol' slam. Rock tags himself in and spinebusters Dogg, spinebuster for X-pac, right for H on the apron, gutshot for Dogg, DDT, 1, 2, no. Right, into the ropes is reversed, and Rock goes outside when Triple H lowers the bridge. Triple H and X-Pac doubleteaming on the outside as Road Dogg distracts referee "Blind" Earl Hebner in the ring. Rock meets the STEEL steps. Chop from X-Pac, thrown back in - Dogg covers for BARELY 2. "Rock E!" Dogg goes to the rear chinlock - that doesn't last. Right, right, off the ropes but Triple H puts a bit fist in the back of the head. Tag to Triple H. Right, right, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, threatening move towards Hebner. Back to the Rock, but the right hand is blocked, Rock with a right, H fires back, Rock, H, Rock, H, Rock, Rock, Rock, Rock, into the ropes, H manages a facebuster - and a clothesline - for 2. Tag to X-Pac. Open kick. Kick, right, right, kick, arm wringer, Rock punches back, right, right, right, into the ropes is reversed, spinning heel kick by X-Pac - 1, 2, no. Tag to Road Dogg - breakdancin' open kick. Right hand, right, right, into the ropes, Rock ducks, but Dogg is ready to jab - left, left, left, juke, jive, block, Rock right, right, right, into the ropes, Dogg holds on, Rock pulls him back, belly-to-belly suplex! Now both men are down - crowd chants "Rock E!" and both men crawl to their corner - tag to Triple H - tag to Undertaker! Down you go, down you go agin, into the ropes, big boot, D & X both in, and both down. It's all breaking down now. Kane takes Dogg outside and follows. Undertaker with a fifteen storey back body drop for X-Pac. Scoops him up - ready to deliver the tombstone but Triple H is over with a gutshot. Pedigree setup, but Undertaker backdrops out of that.. X-Pac in a choke - chokeslam! Rock taking Triple H out in the meantime - Undertaker covers X-Pac - 1, 2, 3! (8:44) Kane gives Dogg one more shot into the STEEL steps on the outside. Undertaker giving a look to Rock - Rock and Kane on the ramp while, in the ring, Triple H comes to and attacks Undertaker from behind. Rock and Kane come BACK to get them some more - Katie, bar the door, would you? Shane decides it's time to get involved, and brings in a chair - Rock takes Shane out with one punch - naturally, he drops the chair so Rock can pick it up. And, as you might start to expect - Shane ducks Rock's chairshot and it ends up hitting an unintended target - *Kane*. Triple H puts Rock down with a forearm to the back, Undertaker knocks H out of the ring...Rock turns around to see who knocked him down and only sees the Undertaker in the ring - so he waffles HIM with the chair. The Rock's music plays as the Faction scatters up the ramp. Stephanie smiles when she shouldn't. Rock chases after them with the chair - but turns back at the top...to see Kane and Undertaker staring him down.




WWF CHAMPIONSHIP: SPIKE DAMN DUDLEY (by his damn self) v. MY NAME IS STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN (with what's left of his petition) - Austin wastes no time running into Spike, running over Spike, and raining down on Spike with punches in bunches. Spike quickly leaves his feet - Austin just won't stop stomping. I think that's eighteen. Austin runs Spike into a cornerpost as MOLLY HOLLY bounds out. Austin using his own boot and the bottom rope as a vice on Spike's neck. Austin using BOTH boots on Spike's face. Big boot drop. Austin with a threatening glance to referee "Blind" Earl Hebner. Spike tries to pull himself up by Austin's leg - right hand, right, right, right, no effect - Austin rakes the eyes. "Austin sucks!" Head to the buckle. And again. Austin sails Spike over the top to the floor - and then goes out after him. Head to the STEEL steps. Scooped up - and throated on the barricade. Austin readies Spike - but Spike manages to counter, and it's *Austin* going over the commentary table! Austin rolls back to the floor - Spike barrels over him again! Spike with right hands - Spike is BITING him! Spike stomping away - but the whip into the steps is reversed and Spike hits hard. Austin rams Dudley's head into the commentary table. Back into the ring we go - CROSSFACE!! Austin lets go before Spike can tap - Austin with the WALLS OF JERICHO!! Look at Austin's eyes. Austin lets THAT hold go - he is a wild man, letting everyone in the audience look into his eyes. Austin picks Dudley up - and rams his head into the turnbuckle again. Forearm to the back - again - again - head to the turnbuckle. Spike's trick knee manages to act up just when Hebner finds himself not watching the action. Spike runs at Austin - but ends up running into a big spinebuster. Double bird, KICK WHAM STUNNER, Austin hooks both legs AND grabs the pants (just in case) - 1, 2, 3. (4:32) Austin grabs his belt and curls up his lips as he climbs the corner. Replay of the finish. Molly is in to check on her boyfriend...Austin turns back, looks in the ring....and heads back in - but not before waylaying TONY CHIMEL and grabbing his chair. Molly runs out - but Spike is a dead duck. Point of the chair right in Spike's sternum - again - three times. WHACK to the back! WHACK! WHACK! Molly comes in to check on Spike as Austin rants to the crowd - he turns back...and sees Molly in front of him...his eyes light up and he starts SMILING. Will he? No! Because CHRIS THURSDAY JERICHO & CHRIS BENOIT are out and THEY also carry STEEL chairs. Austin swings for Benoit and misses - Jericho with a shot in the back! Austin rolls under the bottom rope and back up the ramp - play Benoit's music! Benoit and Jericho help Molly check on Dudley....while Austin grabs his back. Credits are up and we're out.




THE AWESOME UNDERTAKER (Undisputed Champion - Houston, Texas - 305 pounds - on his Beautiful Bourget Python Bike) and KURT ANGLE (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - 237 pounds) v. TRIPLE H (Greenwich, Connecticut - 272 pounds) in a "tag" match

referee: Hebner

No sooner has Angle's pyro finished than Triple H comes barrelling down the ramp, taking him out with a clothesline in the back! He points to the ring, and it's on. H ducks the swing, right, Taker soupbone, right, soupbone, right, soupbone, right, knee by Taker, soupbone, into the ropes, head down, facebuster by H. H with a clothesline. Right, head to the buckle, into the opposite corner, running clothesline. Angle finally back in - right hand by H - head to the buckle, kick, kick, stomp. Angle whipped, reversal into Taker's boot. Taker soupbone, soupbone soupbone soupbone - Angle stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp. Vertical suplex. Right hand. Right, right, right, right, kick, kick, kick, kick. Right is blocked - H comes back - right, right, Angle to the eyes. Right, into the ropes, reversed, Angle ducks, but H hits the high knee. H dares Taker to come at him - but Taker keeps him looking long enough for Angle to club him in the back. Right, knee in the back with his neck on the rope. Angle breaks at 4. Angle right, right, Hebner pulls him off - but Taker runs the apron to clothesline H behind his back. Laid across the apron - Taker with an elbow. Angle stomp, stomp, foot on the throat and pulls on the ropes for leverage. Again Hebner pulls him back - again, Taker strikes while the ref's back is turned - this time with a legdrop. In the corner, Angle chops, chop, into the opposite corner, but H manages a clothesline out. H manages a free shot for Taker as well. But Angle ducks the next swing and hits a German suplex - holding on for two - wants three and GETS IT. Leg is hooked - 1, 2, no. Taker gets the tag. Angle holds him up for the free kick. Back elbow puts H down. "Oh, you wanted me, didja?" Soupbone. "I don't think you want me." Stomp - soupbone - chasing off Hebner - but gave H an opening and he took him down with a clothesline into a choke. Free shot for Angle - but Taker clotheslines him down when he turns back. H tossed through the ropes and while Taker chats with Hebner, Angle lays in the right hands - and a kick. Angle helpfully puts H back in the ring for Taker. Head to the buckle by Taker. Kidney soupbone. Taker opens up the ribs for another soupbone. Soupbone. There's a big headbutt and down goes Triple H. Cover - 1, 2, no. Tag to Angle. Taker holds him for the kick. Right by Angle, right, into the ropes, head down, H kicks - H right, right, off the ropes but Angle catches him with the sleeper. Hebner checks the arm - arm falls once - arm falls twice - arm does not fall thrice. H back to his feet - turns in - and hits the death suplex to break up the hold! Both men are down and it's time for the mandatory ten count. At five, Angle makes the tag. Somehow H puts up the elbow before he comes in - right, soupbone, right, soupbone, soupbone, soupbone, into the ropes is reversed, duck, duck, double clothesline puts both men down. Let's do the count again. Angle reaches - gets the tag at 3. H to his feet - Angle runs in but nobody's home, and Angle puts the shoulder on the ringpost. H with a neckbreaker. Taker in - H gives HIM an Andersonbuster. Angle gets tossed over the top rope and H follows out, whipping him HARD into the STEEL steps. Taker out with an uppercut, soupbone, headbutt, but the whip into the barricade is reversed. Right hand by H, right, head to the ringpost - H grabs a chair - WHACK! I have no idea how Hebner missed that - maybe they've "relaxed" the DQ, who can say. Taker back in the ring - and now H finds his sledgehammer one more time. Man, somebody's gotta start checking for those ahead of time! Sledgehammer in the gut - Hebner decides "well, I guess I can't let THAT go" and calls for the bell. (DQ 9:56) H is ready to swing - but Taker saves himself with a gutshot - soupbone, soupbone, tossed through the ropes - soupbone - out after him - H with a gutshot - sledgehammer in the gut - and one more - and one to the face to put him over the barricade. Angle's up from behind - right, right, right, and bad elbow into the ringpost! H put in the ring - he's already dropped his sledgehammer. Angle ducks, gutshot, OLYMPIC SLAM!!!! Angle celebrates - and has Hebner raise his arm in victory. DOWN COME THE STRAPS! Play his music! Wow, I wonder what happened to Taker. Angle backs up the ramp...which can only mean one thing. Sure enough, YOU KNOW WHO emerges from the ramp and punks him out from behind - right, right, right, into the ring where H is back up - right hand from him. Right, pinballing to Hogan for a right, back to H, Hogan, H, Hogan and Angle goes down. While Hogan rips off his shirt, H sets up Angle for a Pedigree...nope, Angle with a backdrop out - but H yanks on Angle's tights OH MAN KURT'S NICE ASS!!! Angle spends so much time trying to get his tights back up that his headgear and wig are easy pickings for Hogan right after a right hand - Angle walks right into a gutshot and Pedigree from H as Hogan puts in the headgear in comical fashion - then gives Angle the legdrop. The smell of Voodoo Chili fills the air as Hogan makes the "He want the belt" motion on H's abdomen. Tazz: "Finally, the top of Hogan's head matches his beard!" Here's your replay of the ass - the dehairing - and the Pedigree. But we can't leave before Triple H coaxes Hogan back into the ring by doing his very unmanly Hogan impersonation. What will SmackDown! be like in Sacramento? Tazz promises "Wacko in Sacko" and you can tell he's east coast, 'cause NOBODY calls it "Sacko." Also he fails to say "Tobacco." Also, credits are up and I'm walking out.

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