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Guest RavishingRickRudo

HTM on HHH love

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Guest CanadianChris
Maybe the "only on top because of Steph" remark is a tad off.  After all, Nash got NINE MONTHS to suck away in the main event scene holding the WWF title until Vince pulled the plug.

I thought it was like two weeks shy of a year.

I thought it was only 9 months, but maybe Nash's beer gut made me think of the time range of the average human pregnancy.

He beat Backlund shortly after Bob beat Bret in 1994 and lost at 1995 SurSer, IIRC.


Maybe I'm wrong

Yeah, that's right.

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Guest AndrewTS
Actually, I have heard some people say that HHH slept his way to the top in 99/00. Though at that time I'd say it was with Vince rather than Steph :)

Naw...Vince needed to make another main eventer. HHH was there, was very over in DX, was big, and needed just a slight "enhancement" to be the kind of star Vince wanted. So HHH got lucky and was picked for that push.


Funny thing is, sleeping his way to the top was HHH's big main event gimmick for a long time, and now it's reality.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

But they were really trying hard with HHH - and the thing is, he didn't return that investment (He didn't put over Jericho, Angle, or Benoit). Now they are doing the exact same thing, trying to build him up as an uber-heel, and he didn't put over Kane, RVD, or even Booker freaking T... there has to be something sexual in it :)

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Guest TheGame2705

Oh yay another bitter wrestler making comments about HHH. Since Honky knows history so much, how come he doesn't remember he's one of the bigger douches in the wrestling world?


he didn't put over Kane, RVD, or even Booker freaking T

Hmmm put over a guy he used to beat weekly on Smackdown in 1999 and he already had a shitty program with before in May 2001, a guy who even if he is over has a lack of good wrestling and mic skills, and a guy who only gets pops for twirling around and saying sucka. For all the flaws everyone can find in HHH, there are some glaring ones with who he should have put over.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

You _do_ know the purpose of a heel is to put over a face, right? And you do know that HHH hasn't put over _anyone_ right? Yet he still gets a push... Where is the return on the investment?

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Guest Phr33k
I really can't see how we will be stopped... All they have is a bunch of big, moronic, roided up goofballs who couldn't put on a good wrestling show if they had magical good wrestling show beans and planted them in fertile good wrestling show soil... but enough about Vince and Steph...

Knowing Vince, if he had those beans, he'd simply eat them, and the quality of the show we'd be getting would be more like the farts he'd have to live with afterwards.

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Guest CanadianChick
he didn't put over Kane, RVD, or even Booker freaking T

Hmmm put over a guy he used to beat weekly on Smackdown in 1999 and he already had a shitty program with before in May 2001, a guy who even if he is over has a lack of good wrestling and mic skills, and a guy who only gets pops for twirling around and saying sucka. For all the flaws everyone can find in HHH, there are some glaring ones with who he should have put over.

So he's over. That is the most important aspect. Hogan sucked ass in the ring, but made how much money? Don't think I'm comparing RVD and Hogan, but the point still stands. Oh, and being over with questionable mic skills and ring skills (both which I still think are better than Trips) is more than what HHH has going for him.

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Guest AndrewTS

Well, the point stands that HHH hasn't earned his keep and actively has undermined any push for his challengers. Now the only challengers that they push are WCW has beens.


I swear my cats would book better than Vince. At least they know how to bury turds properly.

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Guest jester
I swear my cats would book better than Vince. At least they know how to bury turds properly.



This thread has produced some great sig material.

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Guest AndrewTS

Thank you. Coming from you, that's an honor, Jester.


Oh, and about Diesel's title reign? Courtesy of ChrisMWaters...


"Diesel's Title reign...11/26/94-11/19/95"


Damn it, Anglesault--a winner is you.

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Guest Hogan Made Wrestling

I bet that before posting this rant, Honky called up the WWE to make sure they weren't going to be offering him any more guest appearances at Royal Rumble in the near future.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Maybe some people really do think that every single person that covers and every single person that follows wrestling just woke up one day and decided to blame HHH for no reason.


Cause some of the denial I see here is astounding.

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Guest Redhawk
HTM makes himself look like such a ranting moron...a boycot? Please Honky.


Anyways....am I the only one that thought Triple H's "12 Year Old Kid" comments were just a modern kayfabe that even smarks were fooled by? Seriously, I never believed Sid was the master and ruler of the world- and I never believed Triple H thought everyone on the internet wasn't justified in having an opinion.

You could think that this is HHH's attempt to work smarks into giving him more heel heat, but consider that his attitude is shared by a lot of wrestlers. They don't like anyone who criticizes their work or who doesn't think every WWE show is outstanding. And given that Bradshaw -- who is a babyface and should not be doing what HHH does -- says the same types of things about Internet fans on WWE's own website, I doubt HHH is just trying to work the smarks.

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Guest Big McLargeHuge
Being over doesn't necessarily=$$$

But getting a massive push, exposure and being the focal point of the show should.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

I definately agree with him.....which scares me considering I think that most of the time that HTM is a total assmaster.........

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Guest mach7

Hey, I could be wrong here, but is that link in the original post acting as a back door to Honky's pay-site?




EDIT: Upon further inspection it appears that the site is no longer a pay-site. Nevermind. :P

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Guest Austin3164life

Nash beat Backlund in MSG shortly after SS94, and lost it to Bret at SS95 *Survivor Series*. The title reign lasted perhaps a week shy of a year, and it was the worst drawing reign in history.


Honky Tonk Man touches on some good points, but boycotting Badd Blood might not prove effective.

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Guest HellSpawn

Just some questions about all this boycott thing.


How many smartmarks are in the net?


How many actually have Nielsen boxes on their TVs ?



Lookin at this very forum:


We have 3387 registered members

Most users ever online was 293 on Mar 31 2003, 12:12 AM


And I guess this could be a good and known SM forum.


Less than 3500 SM and the highest peek... 300?


So, the WWE Must listen to 3500 fans? 10,000? 20 K?


Im not saying that the WWE isnt bad, but its not 100% bad.


Oh well, I know this a lost battle so...



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Guest RavishingRickRudo

WWE.com get's about 8 million "unique" visits a month.

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Guest Rob Edwards

What were the figures for the Raw boycott (I can't bebothered to put any effort into finding them) Thats our best guide

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Guest Ghettoman

What was it, 3.5 with a 3.3 and 3.7, down from 3.9 going against game 7 hockey which drew a 4.6, I'd say max the boycott represented .1, anything more I'd say is not possible.

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Guest Rob Edwards

I'd say it'd be a little stronger on ppv though seeing as people won't catch it through channel surfing or watch it because theres nothing better to do

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Guest Ghettoman

Well a boycott with the purpose of helping a product thats hurting because its not being watched in a sense is not too bright, so you can't expect much when it comes to planning.

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