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Guest Goodear

Uncensored '99 Review

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Guest Goodear

Hey everyone,


I wrote a review for the site but I think it lasted about fourteen seconds on the main page before getting shoved to the bottom of the page by newer content evidentally about Beauty and The Beast. So for those of you that actually might be interested, here be a preview ... but go check out the actual page for the good stuff.




Make with the feedback, I was trying something different with the commentary and was wondering what people thought of it.




Barbed Wire First Blood Cage Match for WCW World Title with Ric Flair’s career on the line: ‘Hollywood’ Hulk Hogan © vs. ‘Nature Boy’ Ric Flair


This is every late 90’s Flair match combined with every Hulk Hogan match ever. The formulas are just too damn ingrained anymore in their heads for these guys to do anything different. Toss in the atrocious booking and terrible execution and it just destroys any hope of having a good time in this match. First of all they have a first blood stipulation that they make completely clear with the announcers and the crowd. This is so when Flair blades in his usual fashion off of a bite of all things, we are supposed to figure out that something is very wrong with the officiating (done by Charles Robinson who would go on to be a Flair lackey off of this event). But the problem is that no one in the actual ring reacts to the blood.


Hogan doesn’t point it out to the official, Robinson doesn’t go in to check the cut to declare it incidental, and Flair doesn’t show any emotion over what would be the end of his career if the referee wasn’t in his pocket. So what happens to the crowd is that they get immediately confused and bewildered, especially considering that Flair came into the match as a face.


The booking only gets more wretched from there as David Flair comes out to cheer Hogan on before he gets blindsided by Anderson. Now with a group that has about fifteen members at this point, you would think the nWo would play a bigger part but they’re no where to be seen while their boss is getting screwed. But evidently they are all busy playing Madden ’98 to actually do anything as Arn passes Flair a tire iron to put Hogan down at 14:21. The finish only adds to the confusion of the booking since Anderson just did the same thing as a face in the Tag Team Title match it doesn’t help the fans understand that Flair is now your villain. This was a massive fumble of bad wrestling and terrible story construction.

Match Rating: DUD

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Guest Goodear

I'm bumping this because I'm a complete and total whore for attention.

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Guest MillenniumMan831

I liked the review but thought you were a wee bit harsh on it. Was Uncensored bad? Kinda. Was it any worse than the ppvs before and after it? Not really. At least the faces went over . . . kinda. I suppose any late 1990s ppv ending with Flair going over, no matter how shady the circumstances, should be treasured since they are few and f a r between. But I still liked the style.

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