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Guest Redhawk

Stealing signs (baseball)

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Guest Redhawk

I've always thought baseball had the dumbest set of "unwritten rules," but one of the ones I really don't understand is stealing signs, and everyone acting like it's such a terrible crime.


If a runner on 2nd base can see that the catcher is signaling the pitcher to throw a certain pitch, why shouldn't he alert his teammate who's at bat? But even if he does do this, how much does it REALLY help the batter? Just because you know a forkball is coming doesn't mean you know where it'll be or how fast it'll be.


And what's wrong with stealing signs in the first place? In other sports, stealing signs is natural and expected, but in baseball it's supposedly unethical. In football, when you're playing defense and you see the offense come out a certain way, what does everyone do? "They're running left! Watch the screen! Pass, pass!" That's what we were taught since Little League. If you can detect what the other team is going to run, call that shit out and stop it.


Someone want to explain why it's considered bad in baseball?

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Guest Tyler McClelland

It really isn't, unless you're the one being stolen from :P

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Guest alkeiper

Nothing is wrong with stealing signs, per say. That's why they have signs in the first place. It is considered unprofessional to steal them via otside help (i.e. someone in the center field bleachers relaying them).

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Guest cartman

Players ON FIELD have every right to steal sings and help the batter. It's those asswads that use camera's or people in center field seats to do it.

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Guest Brush with Greatness

How's that different than football or hockey teams having members of the coaching staff up in the press box?

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Guest Some Guy

Because baseball is not a technological game. It's very pastural.


If a player on 2nd can learn the order of the signs and figure out the pitch and/or location of pitches and relay them to the batter then that's a fair thing, same goes for managers figuring out the 3rd base coach's signs. Jimy Williams is very good at that and often "guesses" right on pitchouts and such.


If a camera is used as the Indians may or may not have done in the past is cheating. A guy in the back can watch the whole game, see every single sign and figure them out and then call the dugout, tell someone and then it's gets passed on.

It's just not how the game should be played. Just like corked bats or scuffing the ball, you're supposed to win by naturally being better than your opponent and figuring out their signs on your own is being better, haveing someone else figure them out with teh use of a camera and chart is not being better, it's cheating.

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Guest Redhawk

So by the time the guy in centerfield...


1. figures out the sign

2. calls the dugout

3. they alert the base coach

4. he signals to the batter....


wouldn't the pitch have already been thrown by then?


It all seems too convoluted to make much of a difference. And again, just because I know you're throwing a curveball doesn't mean I'm going to hit it. Yet baseball teams accuse others of stealing signs all the time like it's actually the reason they lost.

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Guest Spaceman Spiff
So by the time the guy in centerfield...


1. figures out the sign

2. calls the dugout

3. they alert the base coach

4. he signals to the batter....


wouldn't the pitch have already been thrown by then?


It all seems too convoluted to make much of a difference. And again, just because I know you're throwing a curveball doesn't mean I'm going to hit it. Yet baseball teams accuse others of stealing signs all the time like it's actually the reason they lost.

Yes, but then you've got it figured out for subsequent innings. It's not like they switch up signs every inning.

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Guest PimpMasterSuaz

I don't think there's anything wrong with stealing signs. There are also things like scouting reports on pitchers that help out. For pitchers that have been around for a while, you eventually get a grasp of what pitches they throw in certain situations. Like if the count is 3-0 and the bases are loaded, you know a fastball down the middle is coming. Well that's kind of an easy one, but you get the point.

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