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Guest Frankie Williams


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Guest Frankie Williams

I mean from 94-01, it was fun, but now its like, big deal. Before Nitro, was there really a big deal over what rating Raw got? No.


We all know that unless WWE goes under, Raw aint going nowhere. Even though it no longer gets the ratings it got 3-4 years ago, its still one of the top shows on cable and by far the number one show on THE NEW TNN.


Like Eric Bischoff once said, Tuesdays arent as fun as they used to be.

Edited by Frankie Williams

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Guest Youth N Asia

Unless it can hold a solid 4.0+ or a 2.9- I don't think they matter. If they can keep above a 4 Vince will think they're doing the right thing...but if they fall under 3 and stay there they'll get desperate.

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Guest AndrewTS

Ditto. I want to see some 2.6-9's coming in soon, and maybe then we'll see some changes for the better.

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Guest Aero

I'm somewhat curious to see them this week, mainly to see if the "big boycott" made a difference.

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Guest Aero

Double post...


I'll just add that I agree with the original statement that ratings aren't as exciting. But then again, they stopped being exciting around late 2000.

Edited by Aero

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Guest Showstoppa Icon
Ditto. I want to see some 2.6-9's coming in soon, and maybe then we'll see some changes for the better.

Psycho Sid- World Heavyweight Champion

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Not on a day-to-day period, but it's nice to look at em in 3 month spans.

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Guest Sakura

I can think of a few people here who probably get all happy when ratings go up.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Why would anyone get happy when the ratings go up? I mean, that would mean they like product as it is and hope for success under the current, incredibly flawed, model. In essense, for them to be happy for a ratings rise is for them to be happy with bad matches, bad storylines, bad angles, bad wrestlers, bad commentary, ba.... well let's just say "the wwe".


Who would ever want such things?

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

now sakura, that's not really faIr. nAminG Random pEoplE is one Thing, but let's nOt get intO specifics here. Look, that's just not nice.

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Guest Coffey
Ratings, does anyone care anymore?


I never cared. I watch what I like regardless of if other people are watching it. I watch any and all wrestling that is available. I buy tapes. I watch WWE. I watch NWA. Anything that I can get my hands on that's wrestling related. I got some Super J tapes. I got some AJPW tapes. I got a RoH comp. tape coming...but I still watch RAW, Smackdown (when I can), Heat, Velocity, Confidential, WWE PPV's & NWA on Wednesdays.

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Guest Anglesault
now sakura, that's not really faIr. nAminG Random pEoplE is one Thing, but let's nOt get intO specifics here. Look, that's just not nice.





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Guest Austin3164life
now sakura, that's not really faIr. nAminG Random pEoplE is one Thing, but let's nOt get intO specifics here. Look, that's just not nice.

Best. Hidden message. Ever.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

What is everyone talking about? Hidden Message? I don't get it. My keyboard fucks up every now-and-then, so sometimes there are inappropriate capitalizations in the text, I can't help it. It's sortof a digital tourettes syndrome... DTS... yeah, that's the ticket... DTS...

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Guest Trivia247

like many here I believe too that the rating system at least from our point of view is meaningless..


it was better served when it was show vs show Raw vs Nitro, and Smackdown vs Thunder, until Thunder was moved to Wednesday


or at least there was a wrestling company to compete weekly on Cable and not only PPVs

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

It's still good in tracking the WWE's progress over a long period of time. Like, this year's May sweeps was 0.1 rating lower than last years - and all the other sweeps ratings periods are down too - showing that the WWE is still falling.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

How is it flame-baiting? I was merely telling Sakura that singling out someone was just wrong...

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Guest Coffey

The same way you're doing it right now by trying to insult my intelligence. You're a troll and should've been banned a long time ago anyway. You ruin this entire folder with your petty elitist attitude. No one gives a shit if you don't like the WWE. YAY! GOOD POINT! IT SUCKS! YOU DONT SUPPORT IT YIPPEEE! We don't want to hear you run your fucking mouth in every goddamn post either.


You know what, if I could make a deal where I would get banned if you got banned too...I would do it in a heartbeat. I'd probably make friends over it. Fucking hostess.

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Guest Coffey

Good for you. I'm reporting this post too to guarantee that Dames sees it.

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Guest Sakura

It's not flame baiting. It's the truth. I seriously believe Downhome would be happy for WWE if their ratings improved. I don't see how that is flame baiting when he makes it clear he is a loyal fan of them and generally likes the product, overall.



The only trolls and thread killers are the people who throw a fit everytime we hate on the WWE.

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