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Rob E Dangerously

Baltimoron runs onto field, throws cork at Sosa

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from ESPN


"Take That (Cork), Sammy

Sammy Sosa played with a corked bat last week, and nobody is letting him forget it -- at least not in Baltimore. A fan ran onto the field during the eighth inning of the Cubs-Orioles game at Camden Yards and threw cork at Sosa before he was subdued and arrested. Sosa had officially appealed his suspension for corking his bat earlier Tuesday."


Jesus f'n Christ.. what a god damn stupid son of a bitch.


2003: the year of stupid people at Baseball games

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Guest CED Ordonez

They should have rules that a fan's safety is not guaranteed once they step into the field of play. You step onto the field, you risk getting your ass beaten by a swarm of players "defending themselves". They don't need more Kansas City incidents and sometimes swift asskickings are in order to show that rushing the field will not be tolerated.

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Guest phoenixrising
They should have rules that a fan's safety is not guaranteed once they step into the field of play. You step onto the field, you risk getting your ass beaten by a swarm of players "defending themselves". They don't need more Kansas City incidents and sometimes swift asskickings are in order to show that rushing the field will not be tolerated.

Kinda like wrestling and how wrestlers will beat up fans that run in?


Yeah, the fan thing is getting insane now. It was slightly annoying when the fan was a streaker, but now for some reasons some fans feel like they are allowed to run out and beat up players and coaches. Either they tighten up security, or put a barrier up between the fans and the field.

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Guest MaxPower27

Or, they could have the punishment being a Kerry Wood fastball to the groin.

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Guest Choken One

Or rather...Blindfold Pedro and let him play Pin the 98 MPH fastball on your ass.

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

So Sosa should have beat the crap outta the guy for throwing cork at him?

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Guest MaxPower27

Someone should have beaten the crap out of the guy for running onto the field.

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Guest Tyler McClelland

I was at the game, and the fans were throwing corks at Sammy all night from right field. It was a rather pathetic show of sportsmanship.


Sammy looked like he was about to absolutely fucking murder that guy, and the Baltimore stadium police didn't help the situation by taking their sweet-ass time to get to the drunken idiot. The majority of fans bood him, though.

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Guest CED Ordonez

I feel that field security should show that jumping onto the field and interfering in the game will not be tolerated. If they get to the players, it's the judgement of the players to decide whether or not to physically assault the perpetrator. The message should be made clear that fans should not be on the field for the safety of themselves and the players.

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jailarity ensues


Looks like someone is a Fark.com visitor.

Uh huh.. i've been there.. :lol: (521 submitted links approved.. hehehe)


as for Sosa's reaction. Even with his evil goatee, he never really seemed like the type that would get angry that easily. Although when people throw cork like morons at you, your patience will leave you

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Guest Tyler McClelland

He stared straight ahead and fumed... it looked like he was trying to keep his cool, but it was fairly tough.


He did get a bigger ovation than the entire Baltimore team, though.

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Guest Vern Gagne

Maybe worse than anything it's not funny or cleavor. The Sosa cork jokes where never that funny, but a week later.

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Guest geniusMoment

I have it on good authority Sosa picked one up off the ground and put it in his pocket. I wonder what he is going to use it for.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

Well, something tells me that Peter Angelos probably gave the cork to the fans personally to throw at him as a show of thanks for ruining a guaranteed draw of 35-40k fans for the rest of the series on Wednesday Thursday night.


And I don't see anything wrong with throwing cork at him. Even if he got hit by every piece of cork, Im sure he'd make it out with not even a bruise. Its completely different from throwing glass bottles, cell phones, batteries and stuff that would actually put players in actual danger.

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Guest nl5xsk1
Or rather...Blindfold Pedro and let him play Pin the 98 MPH fastball on your ass.

Pedro would just get hurt doing this and then blame the racist white media for something or other.

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Guest Ripper
Well, something tells me that Peter Angelos probably gave the cork to the fans personally to throw at him as a show of thanks for ruining a guaranteed draw of 35-40k fans for the rest of the series on Wednesday Thursday night.


And I don't see anything wrong with throwing cork at him. Even if he got hit by every piece of cork, Im sure he'd make it out with not even a bruise. Its completely different from throwing glass bottles, cell phones, batteries and stuff that would actually put players in actual danger.

You can't really believe that it is cool to throw shit at playersat the game. I don't care if you are throwing marshmellows, you are hurling shit at another human being just because you know he will get in trouble for wooping your ass.

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