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Guest thebear

What 3 things would you change about the draft

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Guest thebear

If you were allowed to change 3 things about the draft (I.E.- Trades, assigning austin or other injured people, having a full 60 man draft done by mcmahon/flair instead of the random drawing) what three would you do...


My Three:

1. Trade Jericho/nWo

2. Do 40 Men on TV, have the last 20 drafted on byte this, or smackdown...

3. Austin to Raw, to get him away from the nwo, and start a Austin/Jericho fued

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Guest tombstone

1 - make sure there is a balance of heels to faces

2 - hardcore title to RAW as they can be more HARDCORE on a TV 14 show.

3 - Smackdown more wrestle oriented (Austin, Angle, benoit) while RAW more attitude & bi guys (nWo, Taker, Rock)

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Guest muzanisa

Austin assigned

everyone picked on TV

none of that you want Brock, I'm going to have him, You want the Dudley's TOUGH I'm going to split them up shit. The draft should have been booked as too important for petty crap.

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Guest Anglesault

1. Send Test to Raw so I don't have to see him.Get RVD or Lesnar.

2. Keep the aPa a team

3. Keep the Dudleyz a team

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Guest What?!

1. Have Angle be chosen number one just so he can brag about being picked number one. Basically a selfish promo reason for me.

2. Nothing. I'm pleased with it.

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Guest Will Scarlet

1. Split the Hardy Boyz with Lita's name not being mentioned as a draft pick on tv.

2. Do not draft Brock Lesnar.  Have him instead be played off as a free agent who shows off his skills on both shows, and plays them against each other, for awhile.  Use this as a way to give Brock more exposure, make him seem more important, and gives him more jobbers to squash, initially. Also, it can be used for a way to explain why Heyman is back on tv.   Have it be that if the WWF's sides want Brock and other blue chip free agents, they have to put Heyman back on tv, and he will be able to give them the best talent available.  Kind of as a way of tying up logic gaps like "Why is Heyman with Brock Lesnar? and Why has Heyman returned despite being thrown out of the WWF?"

3. Trade NWO for Jericho and 2 or 3 other talented midcarders.  I really do not get this booking.  Jericho would seem to do better feuding with RVD or Flair, in my opinion, while the NWO is already in an unsettled feud with Hulk Hogan and the Rock.  So why the heck are they on separate sides with the NWO feuding with Kane, presumably, and Hulk Hogan and Rock feuding with ?.  I mean, really, the talented wrestler to hoss ratio is just too uneven between the shows, and really should be fixed.

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Guest El Satanico

Draft more lesser known guys instead of useless has beens like Bossman

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Guest notJames
2. Do not draft Brock Lesnar.  Have him instead be played off as a free agent who shows off his skills on both shows, and plays them against each other, for awhile.  Use this as a way to give Brock more exposure, make him seem more important, and gives him more jobbers to squash, initially. Also, it can be used for a way to explain why Heyman is back on tv.   Have it be that if the WWF's sides want Brock and other blue chip free agents, they have to put Heyman back on tv, and he will be able to give them the best talent available.  Kind of as a way of tying up logic gaps like "Why is Heyman with Brock Lesnar? and Why has Heyman returned despite being thrown out of the WWF?"


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1.  Added suprises.  When Angle was talking to Vince about the #3 pick and about how there was this guy out back that was ready to return and was looking great, etc...the entire room of people I was with was all thinking that it was Goldberg.  When they said Benoit they were all disappointed and couldn't understand why Benoit went so high.  The draft needed suprises and when you build someone up like Angle did to Vince, don't let it be the Vanilla Midget for goodness sakes.  Instant disappointment.


2.  An actual clock for each pick.

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

Goldberg? Since he has never been in the WWF, why would you think he was returning?


No one wants to see him anyway.

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Guest gangsteruwa
... the entire room of people I was with was all thinking that it was Goldberg.  When they said Benoit they were all disappointed and couldn't understand why Benoit went so high.

that just proves how retarded marks are.  i can't believe people like Goldberg.  then again i shouldn't judge.

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Yeah it is hard to believe that a bunch of people would like a 290 lb beast that is quicker and stronger and more intense (combination wise) than any heavyweight main eventer ever.


I like how you snuck calling me a mark in there.  That was clever.  I like to refer to myself as a fan though.  


I have a hard time understanding how people enjoy watching The Rock, but I do.

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

INTENSE? surely HHH is the only INTENSE wrestler around.


But seriously, goldberg has no interest in wrestling now, if he came back it'd only be for the money.


And quicker than any main eventer? oh, quicker than Angle, Jericho or Austin? I don't think so.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

1)  Bring the Euro Title to Smackdown.  I would have jobbed Regal to a Smackdown guy in order to get the Euro to Smackdown.


2)  Have Faarooq switch spots with Bubba Ray Dudley.  Keep the teams together.


3)  Have the Tag Titles as a floating title like the World & Women's.

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Guest RedJed

1. Trade Taker and Big Show for Benoit & Jericho to even up the sides better, IMO. Jericho and Benoit could shake it up great with guys like RVD and Booker T in feuds that would help them all out. More big men need to be on Smackdown, even that out with Taker and Show. Also, split up the Hardys in a trade (get rid of Matt) to get D-Von to Raw to reuinte the Dudleys.


2. I would have brought in more of the old WCW/ECW guys like Kanyon, Awesome, Rhino, etc in the draft and eliminated the women and guys like Bossman from it.


3. Had a seperate draft for all of the ladies & announcers on either Heat or Excess this coming weekend.

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Guest Risk

These may be a little intense, proceed with caution...



1) Since Flair is in complete control of RAW, have the WWFE buy the NWA name.  Then call RAW "NWA RAW".  Have Vince call Smackdown "WWF Smackdown".


2) Call the Undisputed Heavyweight title "The Double Crown Champion".  Have Jericho be the first champion since Ric Flair in 91.  Give RVD the Junior Heavyweight title, ditch the Hardcore, European, and Light Heavyweight titles.  Keep the tag belts on B and C and keep the Cruiserweight on Tajiri.


Not use the word "World" on any title.


3) Fire the following people:













Big Show

Tommy Dreamer




Triple H



Mr. Perfect


Shawn Michaels (Why is he still being paid?)

Billy Gunn


Michael Cole

Kevin Dunn

Matt Hardy

Jeff Hardy

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Guest Risk

Ooops, I put Billy on the firing list and also said keep him the champion.  Replace Billy with O'Haire.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

If I didn't know any better, I'd say you would be a pretty terrible boss...


And to the Goldberg fan, if you were expecting that they'd draft him, I'd say you and the room of people you watched RAW with were a little bit delusional.

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Guest Risk
If I didn't know any better, I'd say you would be a pretty terrible boss...


Not really, everyone has been fired before.  Most of the people on the list CAN'T carry their weight(because of SEVERE injuries), have no heat(Such as Test), are embarASSing(Rikishi), or suck at their jobs(See Dunn, Kevin and McMahon, Stephanie).

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Guest RedJed

I agree with some of those firings but there is a problem.....if you got rid of that many people, the rosters would be very minimal. You have to remember they split off the companies in the first place. That might be good if it was still one company, but for right now at least you need at least some of those guys like Taker, for example, to be around still to be main event players to put lesser established guys over to be main event players as well. Then maybe trim fat after more main eventers are established.


I don't understand the point in releasing these guys: Hardys, Crash, Perfect (who is credible in elevating talent as well in a midcard sense), Albert, Kane, Regal, Dreamer, and Goldust. In my opinion if used right they all can add to a product. They aren't problems backstage and are perfectly fine midcard talent. None of these guys really have any severe injuries and can carry their own weight fine, to my recollection.


As for Kevin Dunn, if you release him, the production values on the WWF shows would probably go way down, and quite honestly, that is one of the only constants about the WWF that is good, the production.

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Trade Benoit and Regal. Smackdown needs a secondary singles title and RAW has more people that Benoit has never feuded with.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff
If I didn't know any better, I'd say you would be a pretty terrible boss...


Not really, everyone has been fired before.  Most of the people on the list CAN'T carry their weight(because of SEVERE injuries), have no heat(Such as Test), are embarASSing(Rikishi), or suck at their jobs(See Dunn, Kevin and McMahon, Stephanie).

If you are going to fire people in the midcard who have no heat, then Lance Storm, Christian, and Hurricane have to go as well. And there are plenty of top tier workers who have been "embarassing" before, so there goes Angle, RVD, Taker, Kane, Rock, the NWO, and Austin.


So basically, unless you go the full monty on these stips for firing people, you'll come off like a complete hypocrite.

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Guest Risk
If you are going to fire people in the midcard who have no heat, then Lance Storm, Christian, and Hurricane have to go as well. And there are plenty of top tier workers who have been "embarassing" before, so there goes Angle, RVD, Taker, Kane, Rock, the NWO, and Austin.


So basically, unless you go the full monty on these stips for firing people, you'll come off like a complete hypocrite.


Hm.  Lance, Christian, and Hurricane have heat, they just aren't used right.  I could give back Hurricane his Shane Helms gimmick, and push Christian and Lance over established stars with VERY clean finishes.  I already fired the NWO because they are backstage cancers.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

Bullshit, Lance is as heatless as they come, I'm not saying like I hate Lance or anything, but as much as I like him, he is very heatless. And Christian gets NOTHING for his entrance and with his very vanilla ringwork(much like Lance) he doesn't really seem to be able to break away from the "cheap heat" heel schtick. Clean finishes just isn't going to help these two get over by any means. They need complete character overhauls with some depth besides the emotionless Canadian and the tantrum-throwing Jericho wannabe.


Hurricane might as well stay away forever since the gimmick ceased being over a long time ago and the fans probably won't buy dragging Shane Helms, regular Joe Schmoe cruiserweight, back from the pits of Gimmick Hell. Much like Storm and Christian, it would take some MAJOR retooling and probably a very extended stay in the developmentals to actually get people to buy into the characters again.

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Guest Risk

I'm willing to sit in a dark room with strange writings and work on major overhauls for their gimmicks.

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Guest Risk

I'm willing to sit in a dark room with strange writers and work on major overhauls for their gimmicks.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

Well, that's all fine and dandy, but if you spent long hours working on those three alone and fired most of the other guys you listed for not having any heat, you'd still come off as a hypocrite using favoritism to your advantage.

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Guest Risk
sounds like perfect material for a wwf writer


What exactly do you mean?  Anyways, I think hiring all those WCW wrestlers really screwed the WWF in the long run.  They are going to need someone to really help them out with this.

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Guest KOR420
Hurricane might as well stay away forever since the gimmick ceased being over a long time ago and the fans probably won't buy dragging Shane Helms, regular Joe Schmoe cruiserweight, back from the pits of Gimmick Hell. Much like Storm and Christian, it would take some MAJOR retooling and probably a very extended stay in the developmentals to actually get people to buy into the characters again.


didn't Austin have shitty gimmicks the whole time,stunning steve was good but they made him look bad,he even had a shitty gimmick in the WWF,the Ringmaster regular Joe Schmoe heavyweight Steve Austin became the biggest star since hogan so they can do anything with Helms

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