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Guest Damn You Helmsley

More news on Austin's car accident

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Guest Damn You Helmsley

More details on Steve Austin's car accident a couple weeks ago have been revealed. Apparently it was a single vehicle accident in which Austin was not wearing a seatbelt. Not only did he suffer a black eye, but the right side of his body was scraped up and he busted up his nose. Before Raw, he was given heavy make-up and during the show, the camera crew tried to tape him from the left side to hide most of the effects of the accident. However, since it was so obvious they had to reference it but made up the "fell in the shower" excuse. Austin was said to have told people backstage that he felt better than he looked.


Wrestling Observer Newsletter

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

Im gonna go out on a limb and guess that he was probably drunk at the time..

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Guest Vern Gagne

Why do people not wear seatbelts? I can never understand why you wouldn't. For me it comes with driving. I feel weird not having my seatbelt on.

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Guest Slapnuts00

Yeah I already posted the drunk speculation when it happened. He hasn't drank any beer on RAW since it happened. Hopefully Austin is pulling himself together.

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Guest nl5xsk1
Why do people not wear seatbelts? I can never understand why you wouldn't. For me it comes with driving. I feel weird not having my seatbelt on.

I hate wearing seatbelts ... they're just too uncomfortable for me.


Plus, having Big Brother tell me that I must wear one or face the consequences makes me NOT want to wear one even more.

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Guest HellSpawn
I hate wearing seatbelts ... they're just too uncomfortable for me.


Plus, having Big Brother tell me that I must wear one or face the consequences makes me NOT want to wear one even more.

Well, I guess wearing...


A) a Pinebox


B) a Bodycast


C) a Bodybag


D) or a weelchair


is way more uncomfortable.


Dont you think?

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Guest Nanks

Seatbelts are compulsory in Australia, and fair enough in my view, why wouldn't you wear one, that's just out and out stupid

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Guest MixxMaster

Since Austin didn't "Click it" did he get a "Ticket"????


Something tells me...no.

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Guest phoenixrising

I never understood the whole not wearing seatbelt thing either. You're getting into a one to two ton vehicle, and will be propelling yourself from 30-100 mph in said vehicle. Would you not want to take every safety precaution available? I don't think an F-16 pilot says "Gee whiz, before I make this 9G turn I think I'll leave my seatbelt off cause it's uncomfortable". And Big Brother wouldn't worry about seatbelts if people would wear the damned things.


Rant over. Buckle up.

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Guest evilhomer
Why do people not wear seatbelts? I can never understand why you wouldn't. For me it comes with driving. I feel weird not having my seatbelt on.

My opinion is that if you start the car without buckling up the headrest should throw your head into the steering wheel and/or windshield at 50 mph, just to let you know what you're in for. It can let them go "geez, that fucking hurt... but I'm still not buckling up."



Personally I always buckle up, but I disagree with making it mandatory. If someone wants to qualify themselves for a Darwin Award, that's their business.

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Guest nl5xsk1

wow ... I never thought my comment about not wearing seat belts would garner such a response.


I personally just don't like them, and am willing to risk the consequences of my choice. If I end up dead or crippled, sucks to be me, I have no one to blame but myself. I just don't think the government has any right to establish laws that infringe on my rights to make my own choices.


What's next, mandatory condom usage to limit the chance of AIDS and unwanted kids? Limiting beer sales to 6-packs so people don't overdrink?

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Guest Dmann2000

Actually the reason it's a law is so that when your body gets thrown out at 60mph it doesn't hit someone's car or knock into an unsuspecting pedestrian.


See it's not to impeed your freedoms it's to prevent your CORPSE FROM HARMING OTHERS

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Guest Flyboy

Wearing your seat belt should be optional. Just like wearing a helmet when you motorcycle is optional in Texas. If you want to take the chance, then go ahead. But, you shouldn't be forced to.

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Guest ManKinnd

It's actually a case of insurance. If one is to cause an accident and you are seriously injured, the insurance company will be forced to hand out a large amount of money. However, if you were wearing a seatbelt, you most likely would have been less injured, and therefore the insurance company would have had to shell out less money.

You need to make yourself safest so in the case of an accident there is minimal money from insurance companies going back and forth.

THAT is why they're mandatory.

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Guest Slapnuts00
DMann. Where is that photo in your sig from?

I know he can answer that but I'll chime in, it's from the RAW a few weeks ago in North Carolina where after the Triple H vs. Ric Flair match (and after TV) all the wrestlers came out in tribute and paraded Flair around the ring.

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Guest Rob Edwards
Wearing your seat belt should be optional. Just like wearing a helmet when you motorcycle is optional in Texas. If you want to take the chance, then go ahead. But, you shouldn't be forced to.

It certainly should be a law for those seated in the back incase they fly forward and crush one of the front seat passengers


I actually know someone who's seatbelt caused them breathing problems during a crash (nearly choked him) and he'll no longer wear them


I'll go with not having to wear them if you're driving alone but mandatory if theres more than one person in the car

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Guest Trivia247

well gee, I know what the Marks would think..


Well at least he wasn't drunk at the show so he didn't get in trouble...I don't care if he kills himself in private but I want him to ENTERTAIN ME On my TV! Damn it!!!! its all About ME!!! AHHHHHH


Im paraphrasing of course.

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