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Guest Austin3164life

Conspiracy theory

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Guest Austin3164life

Recent events surrounding the WWF this past couple of months have been, somewhat intruiging, to say the least.  We've seen Triple H come back, looking much bulkier than before, and working so-so matches.  Yet Triple H was put into the highest position possible.  Meanwhile, Chris Jericho, the supposed #1 man in the business, the Undisputed World Champion, was put into the position of Stephanie McMahon's whipping boy.  Cut to February of this year, the nWo (Hogan, Hall, Nash) are brought in, and are immediately put in the spotlight by being booked against Austin and Rock.  Scott Hall and Kevin Nash are Triple H's good friends, Triple H is the boyfriend of Stephanie, Hall and Nash have good relationships with Vince McMahon, and the three clique members are in the top spots of the company.  Chris Jericho, the MAN of the business, was a secondary figure in the Main Event feud of Wrestlemania, for Christ's sake.  THe focus was all on Triple H winning the belts.  This is all well for one Triple H, but not good for the man who should get the most air-time, Chris Jericho.


If we go back to February of this year, we also notice that the nWo, Hogan and the clique guys, were placed into top feuds with Steve Austin and The Rock (Symbolically, the two top wrestlers in the WWF).  Austin, protecting his own interests, refused to work a program with one Hollywood Hogan, since it was Hogan who had a hand in Austin's backstage mess at WCW.  So thus, The Rock was substituted as Hogan's opponent for Wrestlemania, and as a punishment, Austin was put into a midcard feud against a clique guy Scott Hall (good friends with Triple H).  This raises Austin's temper more, so he's booked to look a lot tougher than Hall, and refuses to lose by a screwjob victory for Hall.  The Rock, all the while complying to everything that's proposed, is in a second ME with Hogan, in a "dream-matchup".  Take into notice that Chris Jericho is being buried by Triple H and Steph's feud.  


Steve Austin, the symbolic "#1 man in wrestling", and Chris Jericho the actual "#1 man in wrestling" were both being removed of their main event status, and both are being pushed down further and further.  Vince McMahon will always try to remain in control, so he probably tells Austin to take some time off.  Austin leaves television for one whole week after Wrestlemania.  Chris Jericho is then booked in a Main Event in which focuses on Triple H and his girlfriend.  Triple H had stated once a couple years back that he had been envious of Austin's star power.  My theory, is that Triple H wanted to kill two birds with one stone, to get to the top again.  He had the help of his clique buddies to take Austin out of the top spot (not to mention Stephanie's booking "expertise").  Triple H is now the man with the most airtime.  There's too many coincidences for this to be a work by Vince and Austin.  


In 1997, Vince and Shawn Michaels realized that Bret Hart had been becoming somewhat of a problem in the WWF.  So when Bret Hart had his last match, and was about to leave the WWF, Vince screwed him out of the World Title, and has never spoken to him since.  Bret Hart, at that time, was Vince's most valuable guy (also HBK and Austin).  Bret had been in the major storylines, and he was delivering, as promised, to do all the things he was booked to do.  The only problem was that Bret Hart did not want to drop the title in Montreal cleanly to Shawn.  This was the only thing that Bret and Vince could not agree on.  Vince then wanted to cement his CEO presence, so he canned Bret Hart, and showed to the locker room that his word is final.  


Cut forward now to March of 2002.  Steve Austin had been put into a semi-good feud with Boooker T, and had no problem working with him.  But then Vince forces Austin to work with the nWoites, and Austin doesn't like it, but he does.  Vince then offers a work where Vince costs Austin his victory at WM with Scott Hall.  Austin refused this finish stubbornly, feeling that it might kill his heat, since he was already in the midcard.  Now, Austin has been off television for a week, and has not had his name mentioned all over the internet, at a time where Vince will need him most.  


I know this might sound like I'm just a depressed mark who's ranting, but I can't help but think if this is a political ploy by Triple H, to give him all of the star power that he has always craved.  Chris Jericho now, in the fans' eyes, does not matter, and Steve Austin is now off television, possibly contemplating his fate.  Austin's name was mentioned on Raw as a "free agent", implying that this might be a work for the 'net fans, but this could also be a ploy to throw the 'net fans off the inside story.  Jericho and Austin, two of the WWF's best wrestlers, are now secondary figures to Hogan, Rock, Triple H, Nash, Hall, and X-Pac, for crying out loud.  Basically, what I am saying, is that this is the clique 2002.  This whole powerplay thing is getting rediculous, and I hope Vince realizes his actions, before it's too late.  I hope Austin doens't end up on the wrong end of the stick like Bret Hart did.  I hope Chris Jericho isn't further pushed lower on the card, to the point where he's unhappy, and cannot renew his contract (so then he quits).  There's been too many coincidences for this to be one giant work.  Let's hope it is, for Jericho and Austin's sake....

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Guest Austin3164life

Wow, I guess this was too long of a post.  Well, if anyone ever does care to reply, I would like to hear some opinions, because, imo, I don't think this is a stupid subject to talk about.....

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Guest humongous2002

They don't call HGH the cerebral assasin for nothing. He's been planning this all along since 1999 when he got the big push. Now he's half assing matches saying that his puss....I mean his quad still hurts, burying Jericho all the way down to midcard limbo(now Y2J is feuding with Matt Hardy according to the Smackdown spoilers), the Clique is back in full force backstage  and main eventing in the shows, Austin has also been buried all the way back to midcarder even though he is the best and most over wrestler in the world , The Rock has become the Hulkster's buddy, Angle is feuding with .....what??...Edge....what???, and why is HGH carrying 2 belts instead of just one since there's no more WCW what's the point of carrying a belt that should be put to rest already?Just to piss Ted Turner off?? The WWF should retire or just merge it with the WWF title and turn it into a new belt.The WWF split I could tell that is going nowhere and to me it looks like the WWF is turning more and more into the final days of WCW. When will Vince realize that he's got to put his foot down on this Clique bulls#it ???!!!

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Guest godthedog

i agree that vince is pushing the wrong people, but it seems that trips isn't getting the most tv time right now.  rock & hogan are.  this past raw, he was only on to wrestle in the main event; no pre-fight promos (unlike hogan & rock).  on last week's raw, he was the new damn champion of the company & he didn't come out until an hour & a half into the show.  i've fought way too long on this board about why trips doesn't really have it out for jericho to bother with going through my reasons again.  i think the bookers are just expecting jericho to work miracles with what he's given, & then somehow get pissed when he doesn't deliver.


i don't think the biggest problem right now is trips, i think it's the new world older.  the wwf shows are turning more and more into typical new world older shows (with almost no real wrestling, crappy finishes from the 80s & insanely boring promos).  if vince gets rid of them, he can put austin back on top & we can at least return to mid-2001 crappiness, instead of this new, scary 2002 crappiness that's crap on a whole new level.

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Guest Sandman9000

If your conspiracy idea is true, then the next step that would be taken is that Jericho will be low-balled big time (dunno what he makes now, but probably be only offered around 60%, "plus incentives") and out of the massive pay cut that the roster is taking, the ones immune will be HHH, nWo, Rock, Austin, Justin Credible, HBK, Shane's Buds (since Shane will fight for them, which means Show and Test won't be going to the mafia for money), and Regal.  


If all this becomes truth, then the WWF is more screwed up then the U.S. Government.

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Guest Risk

I would love to see an Austin-HHH-Jericho shoot match.  Man, they would kill him.

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Guest mastermind

I have read everything so far. This is what I think really about Triple H. Triple H is smooth and does PLAY THE GAME. I mean if anyone saw him on OTR knows what I'm talking about. He put over the right people NOT to piss off and made himself out to be the best in the business. His wording about Hogan's return put a smile on my face because he is pretty good at spinning things by calling Hogan the Babe Ruth of wrestling and that it's like Jordan coming back being the top storyline in the nba, but it's questionable if he is the best at this moment. When he was interviewed for a wwf mag he stated he didn't really dig Hogan because he was just a poser really(I guess he hates it so much that he had to steal that with that stupid hands in the air pose).


How he spinned things around by saying UT gave him the okay from the locker room about him and Steph at meetings. The guy is a good smoocher and I think he learned real well from Shawn Michaels. All the crap about being a student of the game and whatnot. I don't know, but he really looks like he can talk his way into doing things that is "best for business". On that level I cannot fault Paul Levesque.


Triple H has been planning to be the Babe Ruth as he was quoted in the wwf mag. Whether it was a work or not is besides the point because he said it. He said he wondered why guys never took Vince up on the offer which obviously the REAL person who owns that accolade has done so. He has been planning to takeover the wwf since hooking up with Steph plain and simple. I'm not saying their relationship is based on that because honestly its their business and WE don't know for sure, but they way he ended up with Steph and dropped Chyna Trips does have some playa in him(although his choice of woman for his status is suspect to me in terms of the looks department imo). Again, on that level I can't put the man down. He's smooth.


When he got the strap and was booked the way he was in early 2000 I gotta give it up to Triple H he was badass. I even thought Trips winning Mania was good booking. However ever since the debacle known as the love triangle's "finish" this guy has been messing with my entertainment plain and simple. He has been cutting people short that should have been elevated. Whether this is by his doing or not I don't know, but he is somehow apart of it. I will give REASONS for why I think some people think he is poison. The truth is WE really don't know, but the signs are there and get this I'm a Trips mark. I do remember he was given his spot only because the wwf lacked Austin at the time and Foley was about to retire. He should really remember that. The wwf needed someone strong for Rock. He won because the wwf was so weak on the heel side after Mania that Rock winning the title would cause a downfall as no one seemed to touch the guy at least in the eyes of the masses.


He had an awesome match with Jericho at Fully Loaded. He was in the top storyline of the summer with Angle and Stephanie(which imo started the idea that Steph was a drawing power and creeped into every damn major angle since to our dismay). Notice the wwf started to slide soon after?


Kurt Angle was hot as even marks wanted to start cheering him. It was becoming kind of obvious that Angle wasn't really a dork, but a smart guy who played that role to get where he wanted with the boss' wife. Somehow, he is in a hotel room with Stephanie it seems. Angle would take off if he did get with Steph, so what happens? The obvious doesn't occur because MAYBE Trips doesn't want his real life girlfriend being with Angle a lot in fear he would replace him. The storyline is cut short in that aspect.


Then the two have the match and the finish is anti-climatic because now Trips is slowly becoming a tweener. Kurt Angle gets a match with Trips again at the Rumble and is anti-climatic as Angle is a transitional sitting suck champion. Kurt Angle is cut short of the main event status that could have really blossomed if he was with Stephanie from the night after SummerSlam. Winning the title and having Trips push of earlier in the year and Angle would be a legit main eventer. That is one person who should have been mega-elevated.


He goes into a mini program with Benoit and then poof it's gone as fans were actually marking out for the wrestlig on the ppv. I don't know maybe a sign to get rid of the wrestling talent above him who knows. I'm just stating all these things which I guess can be "coincidental". Benoit was a top contender to Rock prior to that. Rock then loses to Angle for the title. A person who couldn't beat Triple H. He gets put into the convoluted whodunnit angle which we know stunk up the joint. We then get Triple H surviving death at Survivor Series, but the important thing was he didn't lose. This is against freaking Austin. He then goes on to beat Austin in the rematch.


He starts to get some heat as a politician and he is booked into a match with Undertaker at WrestleMania. This only happening because his match with Hogan assumingly didn't come through. Hogan even hinted that he should have been at Mania last year on the website when he showed up. He jobs to Taker the locker room leader and the man who doesn't lose at Mania. Political job to make himself look good. At least he put on a solid match, so not too bad.


He then gets put into the biggest angle again with Austin's heel turn. I talked before about why I thought the wwf really did think it was smart. However, his wiping of Jericho and then Jeff Hardy was uncalled for. He was already a monster and the two man power trip could have worked regardless. Now he is gone and comes back and we know the rest. He has really helped cut short Jericho and Angle who should be much more over than they are. It bothers me also when he will be getting praise for rising ratings and we know it has to do with other things. So basically I'm saying the is ample reason without even internet knowledge for smarks to think something is up. Add the fact now he IS on the meetings and you can't, but call this guy THE politician in the company. It wasn't bad when he was putting on stellar matches, but now he isn't. He has surpass his predecessors of political manuevering imo.

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Guest mastermind

Sorry for the long post, but since you started it to show in detail your reasoning I thought I would do the same. I really wanted to get across HOW Triple H is playing a game without even having to know backstage stuff. All you need to know is he participates in the booking.

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Guest KTA

He went out with Steph and left Chyna RIGHT the moment he was in for a huge M E push with his belt.




He fucks everybody up and can be VInce ' s son soon enough. Then some JTTS is going to beat his ass outside a hotel room and cripple him.


Ahh, the drama that may be


And he sucks in the ring holmes.


He already let the Rock get stale and put over Ryhno and Bossmn.


What's his rationale for letting evrybody lose their feuds with him when he's already over and should elevate guys




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Guest cobainwasmurdered

to me what's really scary is that if HHH marrrys stephanie he would become a stock holder.


i strongly dislike HHH the person and i defenitly am not a fan of HHH the face. but i really enjoyed his heel work even though all the shit he pulled backstage.


but in the end what's more important having a cohesive happy locker room or having one big star running the show?

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Guest X-Factor Corperation
(now Y2J is feuding with Matt Hardy according to the Smackdown spoilers

You know, it works best when you say spoiler at the start.


I don't think it's a political ploy by vince.

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Guest mastermind

I read somewhere I can't recall right now that Triple H said that when Rock loses its for storyline purposes. Take that how you want.

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Guest KTA

I take that as he has no storyline and never will against workers like Jerico cause it's not their - TIME. Like his time is now sistas!!










Then he spits water at the interviewer and walks away into his mini golf cart around the Joe Loius arena hiding away from the Underman and his uber-cool wicked biker's pipe fashioned of blood, sweat, and hard STEEL.


Actualy I don't think that he's found the right script. Nothing that he can sink his teeth into yet.

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I wonder if there was ever a time Kevin nash, Hulk Hogan,Steve Austin, chris jericho, HHH, and Chris Benoit  all got together and laughed over the smarks.

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Guest KTA

Not. They never have and they never will.


Every shoot interview seems way to brutal and shit to be fake or a '"work"


JAke has a web page.


Jake the Snake turned all crazy and knows everything about Vince. Read his page, read truth. Heh heh


Also Ted Dibas has a sight given from God, and he talks of evil doing in the McMahon house.


And Also Jesse has nothing to lose now, he can't work with VInce and he talks about anything.


Also Steamboat doesn't think this is too funny. Backstabbers are a bitch y'know

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How the hell do you know? Really KTA, How the hell do you know? Because the 411 newsboard doesnt post it?  I would not be the least bit surprised if HHH  steph & Jericho all had a good laugh over these conspiracies or if Benoit and Nash are golf buddies

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Guest evenflowDDT

Wow, and to think I just thought HHH was a terrible face who cut boring promo's and just as dull ring-work.  Kudos to mastermind and AustinHHH4Life for well put-together arguments that were long, but presented many solid facts.  Like many, I was angry with how Jericho's title reign quickly became a Steph/HHH storyline after No Way Out.  Jericho was the Undisputed Champion, and yet it seemed like he never got to defend the title or do anything on free TV (Maven doesn't count...), and now that HHH stole the belt from him, he didn't even make the damn TV draft pick! I fell asleep during RAW (happens all the time now... hmmmm....), so when I logged on WWF.com and discovered Jericho's pick didn't make TV (when terrible wrestlers like Mark Henry, Lita, Big Show, etc. did), I was PISSED! Can someone say Conspiracy Victim 2K2? Only this time, unfortunately its not an angle... I'm honestly not sure, but isn't this kind of stuff similar to what started the poor management that led to the downfall of WCW?

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Guest KTA

How the hell do you know? Really KTA, How the hell do you know? Because the 411 newsboard doesnt post it?  I would not be the least bit surprised if HHH  steph & Jericho all had a good laugh over these conspiracies or if Benoit and Nash are golf buddies


Again, look



And Also Jesse has nothing to lose now, he can't work with VInce and he talks about anything. Hogan fucked over the Union.


Also Steamboat doesn't think this is too funny. Backstabbers are a bitch y'know


So when do I go to 411?


Then, why does Ricky have to lie to us? And why is there not One shred of evidence that they all hang out?


Benoit and HHH? You craked out? Or that 'mythical' relationship b/w Woman and C Benoit didn't piss K Sullivan enough so that Benoit left the HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP the next day, And join the wwf for fear of Sullivans poor booking/burials?


And yet he's stayed with Russo?


Right they all get tea and party like HHH isn't fucking RVD and Jer over. "get the lotion Undisputed Champion. Hurry whippping boy." Okay

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Guest Vern Gagne

Jericho wasn't allowed to be in the lottery because of the match. I did find it interesting that Tajirii and Kidman where listed ahead of him on the Smackdown roster.

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