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Keiji muto possibly to wwf?

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I caught this rumor around the way that I'm (sorta) hoping is true.  Has anyone else heard of this and do you have any info?

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Guest Brian

I heard it a while ago, I hope it doesn't happen.


"Hey Vince, can we squash the Jap tonight."

- Kevin Nash

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Guest J*ingus

Mutoh claims that he had a phone conversation with Shane McMahon, and that they talked about bringing the old Great Muta gimmick to the WWF.  Personally I don't see it, just cuz Mutoh is pretty much bald now, plus he can't do all the old flashy Muta moves anymore.  He's got a booking position and percentage in the company over at All Japan, I doubt he'd give it up just to go get the TAKA treatment over here.

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Guest swan

God I hope not, its bad enough we have Hogan moving around the ring the way he does we don't need another. When the joints are bone and bone its time for a break.

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Guest Brian

Swan, do you think Mutoh's horrible or something. He almost won WON Wrestler of the Year.

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Guest Ace309



I'd mark, as long as he only worked the gimmick and didn't try to be a top worker. That's his place in America, sad to say. Wear the paint, spit the mist, work in some flashy stuff here and there and finish him off with the moonsault.

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As much as it'd be cool to see Keiji Mutoh in the WWF, there's a few things to remember:


- He's been known to get quite lazy on North American soil. Even though he was quite improved last year, don't be surprised if it happens again.


- Hey, with all the politics happening in the WWF right now, you don't suppose Mutoh would be stuck in a program in the lower midcard?


- Not many WWF fans have a clue who Mutoh is. On the same day Chris Jericho posted his commentary mentioning Mutoh, a lot of people on the Jericho board wondering who the heck Mutoh is. It's not as easy to build him up as it was to build up someone like Chris Benoit, who was never in the WWF (at least on TV or a major role before 2000), because people still knew who Benoit was.


Mutoh in the WWF? It ain't gonna happen.

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Guest Goodear

Mutoh's reportedly gotten very good in the last year and I have no reason to doubt those reports.  But I'll be damned if that whenever he hits the U.S. shores, Mutoh reverts back to his lazy mode like someone shoved a handful of kryptonite in his socks.  Let him stay in Japan, where he cares and people care about him.

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Guest muzanisa

No moonsault, Shining Wizard. I know I know that's Mutoh but I'd mark dammit.

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Guest Anglesault
- Hey, with all the politics happening in the WWF right now, you don't suppose Mutoh would be stuck in a program in the lower midcard?

Nah, they'll just have him feud with Angle so Kurt can elevate another midcarder.

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Anglesault if you just want to respond to bitch about Kurt Angle...dont respond. Everyone gets that you think Kurt is going to be a Jacked Jobber soon if he keeps having midcard matches. Let me repeat, WE GET IT.


Id like to Muta back. Him being bald doesnt really matter because his head is shaved now. He could do upper midcard work for around four months and help get people over.

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Guest Human Fly

Everyone who is so worried about Muta becoming stuck in the lower midcard, do you honestly think Muta will come over here if he was just going to be stuck in a feud with Maven? He'll only come over if he can work with the top guys. Also, I don't think anyone has to worry if Muta can still work.

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Guest razazteca

I remember Muta as part of the Dark Carnival with Vampiro, Demon and ICP!!!!  It was not acceptable, who is WWF going to do any better?


Will Muta speak english?

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Guest swan
Swan, do you think Mutoh's horrible or something. He almost won WON Wrestler of the Year.

I know the guy had a great year but he ain't the same guy from a few years ago. He has had alot of knee problems and I think the guy is on the verge of being useless unless he does something about it.

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I remember the last WCW run. Anyone recall that US Title Tournement? I think Shane Douglas won. Anyway Muto and Vampiro had one of the worst matches I ever saw in my life in round one excluding any geriatric guys like Abdullah and Iron Sheik.

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Guest nl5xsk1

As someone who's been a huge Mutoh mark since his run as Muta in the old NWA, I'd be stoked to see him in the WWF.  Mutoh at 75% would be better than many wrestlers at their best.  Plus, today's WWF is made up of 2-5 minute matches with little innovation.  Even with his bad knees he could handle that.


I think I'd rather have him in the midcard rather than just jobbing to the "stars" in the ME scene. As a mid-carder, he could have matches with Storm, or Jericho, or Tajiri, or Benoit, or Tajiri, or Angle or ...  

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Guest godthedog

a lot of the young, healthy guys aren't handling the wwf's 2-5 minute match schedule now.  it's very sad & telling of the toll their style takes on the body when jim ross has to devote a page to the injured wrestlers every week.  i don't think muta would be able to handle it.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

I thought he won the 2001 Wrestler of the Year....or did Steve Austin?

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Guest The Man in Blak

I'm not really sure if Mutoh would really fit into the 2-5 minute style of matches that are starting to become the norm on Raw/Smackdown these days.  It'd really handcuff his ability and we'd probably end up with what we had in 1999 - the mess that was the Dark Carnival-era Muta.


It wouldn't even be the full Muta - it's be half of a Muta, a "Mu" if you will.

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Guest TheHulkster

I think a lot more north american fans would remember Muta than you would think. He was a pretty big staple of WCW throughout its entire history along with Liger and Chono.

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Guest Anglesault
I thought he won the 2001 Wrestler of the Year....or did Steve Austin?

What contest was that? I mean who voted on it?

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Guest saturnmark4life

I hope not. i'd rather Steve Austin went to Japan than Mutoh to the USA. Cos Mutoh would almost certainly be on raw (they have less stars) where he'd have more classics with kane, nash, hall and show. Austin won't hold the belt again (and certianly won't beat his 2001 run) and has pretty much done it all in the WWF so if he does walk out leaving for Japan is the only way he'll stay fresh.

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Guest ratboy

Hell, why not? Go ahead and sign Muta. While you're at it, sign Sting (markmarkmark) and we'll go full-blown NWA '89. Beats what we're going to be subjected to on Mondays.

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Guest Sandman9000

Go ahead and sign Muta, and watch his credibility that he spent so long building up be shot down in record time.  2 to 1 he jobs to HHH clean in under 3 minutes on a show sometime if that happens.

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Guest Brian

Anglesault, burying Angle for Mutoh's sake isn't a bad thing. It's a good thing. A real good thing.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

The WON awards Anglesault....I'm pretty sure Mutoh won that.....didn't he?

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Guest ratboy

Now, last summer on the other hand, when the green/red/fuschia mist was over (via Tye-jiri), Mutoh had a shot. But it would've been some cutesy comedy angle, in all likelihood. Maybe he should just stay put, although I'd love to see him compete at a certain level against certain competitors once more. That, and the Shining Wizard--I'd pay to see it.

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