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Guest Si82

WCW Halloween Havoc 1995

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Guest Si82

Video Review

WCW Halloween Havoc 1995

By Simon Mulvaney

June 12, 2003


Well I asked if anyone had any requests so kingkamala asked me to review this show. So here it is and don't forget, if you have a review request just let me know. On with the show...


- Live from Detroit, Michigan.


- Your hosts are Tony Schiavone & Bobby Heenan.


- A video package of the Diamond Dallas Page/Johnny B. Badd feud is shown.


- WCW TV Championship Match: WCW TV Champion Diamond Dallas Page vs. Johnny B. Badd - Page has the Diamond Doll (Kimberly) and Max Muscle with him. This match was setup because Page cost Badd his shot at Sting's WCW U.S. Championship. Badd comes through the crowd and sneak attacks Page to start the match. Badd throws Page into the turnbuckles and he goes flying to the outside. Badd follows him and beats on both Page and Muscle. Badd knocks Page into the crowd and they fight in the crowd for a small spell until Badd knocks him back to ringside. Badd finds a bucket in the crowd, puts in on Page's head, and then rams him into the ringpost. Ouch! Back in, Badd hits an armdrag and then slaps on an armbar. Badd works over the arm of Page for a bit. Boy howdy, this match got dull quick. Page makes the comeback with some elbows but ends up being hiptossed for a two count. Badd gets a dropkick and tries to follow it up in the corner but gets hotshotted by Page instead. Page kicks Badd in ribs a few times and then hammers away in the corner. Page hits a kneedrop to the face for two. Page whips Badd to the corner and then hits a suplex coming out. The Diamond Doll gives him a "10" for that move. Her, gimmick was basically to hold up a "10" card whenever Page hit a big move. That will come into play later. Page hits the Pancake for two and then slaps on a chinlock. The Diamond Doll feigns concern on the outside. Badd tries to battle out of it but Page pulls him back down by the hair. There's a fair bit of resting going on here, it must be said. Page goes for a hiptoss but it's reversed to a backslide for two. Page comes back with a clothesline for a two count of his own. Badd goes for a sunset flip off the ropes but Page stops that and gets a two count. Badd reverses that into a sunset flip and he gets a two count. Page hits a powerslam for two and then goes back to the chinlock. How exciting. Although the crowd seem to be into it. Badd attempts a comeback but that get stopped by Max and Page gets a two. Page drops an elbow and then chokes Badd while Max distracts referee Nick Patrick. The Diamond Doll breaks out more of her bad acting skills while Page goes back to the...chinlock! Badd makes the comeback with a suplex and both men are down. Badd nails Page with a couple of atomic drops and then nails with some right hands. Badd gets a headsissors on Page and then hits the double axehandle from the top. That gets a "10" from the Doll and a two count from Nick Patrick. Badd gets a sitdown powerbomb for two. Page gets the Diamond Dream and both men are down. I don't know what the mover was supposed to be so I'm just taking Schiavone's word for it. Probably not a sensible move but I'll get over it. That gets a two. Badd hammers Page in the corner and then sends Page to the outside. Badd hits the Badd Day on both Page and Max on the outside and back in it gets two. Badd looks to go for the Tutti Frutti (left hook) but Max grabs him from the outside. Page goes to hit Badd but he moves and Page stops in time before he hits Max. Badd dropkick Page from behind, taking Max of the apron, and then gets a rollup for two. Pages throws Badd to the outside and Max tries to interfere but gets rammed into the ringpost. Badd get back in and Page grabs him. Max goes for the clothesline but Badd moves and he hits Page instead. Badd knocks Max of the apron with a clothesline of his own and then gets the cover on Page for the win at 17:03. Winner and NEW WCW TV Champion: Johnny B. Badd. It was good in places but there was too much resting in the early going for my liking. **1/2


- Zodiac vs. Macho Man - If Savage wins this match, and Luger wins his match against Meng later, then those two will face off later on. Savage gets a big pop on his entrance. Savage jumps Zodiac before the bell and then some crazy fan jumps in the ring. Is it just me or did that kinda thing happen a lot more in WCW than it has in the WWF/E? Zodiac and Savage head outside while the fan is dealt with and this match just head down the tubes. Back in, Zodiac gets a scoopslam and then misses something from the turnbuckle. Savage heads up top himself and hits the Big Elbow for the win at 1:32. Winner: Macho Man. Rubbish. DUD So now Luger has to beat Meng to get Savage later on.


- Backstage Gene Okerlund shills the WCW Hotline and interviews Johnny B. Badd. Nothing of interest is said.


- Kurasawa vs. Roadwarrior Hawk - I have no idea who Kurasawa is, but he's managed by Col. Rob Parker (Tennessee Lee). They brawl to start and Hawk hits a shoulderblock. He follows that up with a neckbreaker and then a fistdrop for two. Hawk chops away and then stomps on Kurasawa. Hawk whips him into the turnbuckle and charges, but Kurasawa moves and Hawk eats ringpost. Kurasawa goes for the arm and Hawk no-sells and hammers away on Kurasawa. Hawk hits a powerbomb and the bounces off the ropes but Parker grabs his leg. Kurasawa attacks Hawk from behind while he's distracted and hits a scoopslam. He goes up top but misses and elbowdrop. Hawk clothesline Kurasawa over the top and then clothesline Parker from the apron. Kurasawa rams Hawk into the ringpost and gets a backdrop back in. Kurasawa gets a Samoan drop and the pin, with assistance from Parker at 3:19. Winner: Kurasawa. That was a crappy ending, although the match wasn't too bad. Short, but not bad. *1/2


- Backstage Gene Okerlund interviews the Macho Man. Savage says that will face face Luger tonight cause he's gonna make sure that Luger beats Meng.


- J.L. vs. Sabu - J.L. is Jerry Lynn under a mask. J.L. takes Sabu to the outside with an ensugri to start and follows that up with a baseball slide to the outside. Sabu whips J.L. into the rail and then blasts him, and The Sheik who is accompanying Sabu, with a moonsault. J.L. regains control be whipping Sabu into the railing. Sabu goes for a dive and misses and J.L. hits him with a splash from the top to the outside. Back in, Sabu makes the comeback but ends up missing a moonsault. J.L. heads to the top and gets the moonsault for two. He follows that up with a sitdown powerbomb for another two count. Sabu comes back and hits a slingshot legdrop from the apron on J.L. for two. Sabu starts to climb the turnbuckles but J.L. stops him and hits him with a German suplex for two. J.L. heads up top again but Sabu stops that and get a hurricarana for two. Sabu heads up, I starting to see a pattern here, but J.L. dropkicks off to the outside. Back in, Sabu hits a springboard moonsault for the win at 3:27. Winner: Sabu. A decent little spotfest. ** After the match The Sheik throws a fireball in J.L.'s face.


- It's the "Taskmaster's Lair" time as The Master cuts a totally incoherent promo. Who the Hell thought that this crap was a good idea?


- Backstage Gene Okerlund, Hulk Hogan and Jimmy Hart present the winner of the WCW/Harley Davidson sweepstake with his new bike.


- A promo for the next pay-per-view, World War 3, is shown.


- Meng vs. Lex Luger - Remember if Luger wins he gets Savage later on. Also, Meng is with The Taskmaster. Luger attacks Meng before the bell and beats on Meng in the corner for a bit. Luger gets a headlock but Meng breaks free. Luger comes back and catapults Meng into the corner. Meng comes back with some kicks and gets a small package for two. Meng beats on Luger for a bit until Luger regains control and sends Meng to the outside with clothesline. Luger follows him out and throws Meng into the ringpost. Back in, Luger begins to go to work on the arm but Meng comes back with chops. This is just crap, I mean who came up with putting these two in a match together. Luger throws Meng into the corner but misses the charge. Meng goes for a clothesline but Luger dodges it and gets Meng up in a suplex. Meng manages to reverse it on the way down and that gets a two count. Meng stomps on Luger and then hits a shoulderbreak. Meng gets Luger in the corner and starts to work over the arm of Luger. After that he goes back to the stomping. This guy is so boring. Meng hits a piledriver and that gets two. Meng chokes away on Luger and then slaps on a chinlock. Well, he needed a break from all the fast paced action. Luger battles out and gets a crossbody off the ropes for two. Meng continues with his kicking and then gets a suplex for two. Meng throws Luger to the outside and The Taskmaster taunts him. Back in, Meng continues the beating. Meng goes for a dropkick but Luger avoids it and then sends Meng to the outside. Meng tries to suplex Luger outside but he reverses it. Luger hits a couple of clotheslines and Meng no-sells them but he gets him with a third. Luger gets a back bodydrop and then clotheslines him a couple of times. Luger hits a powerslam. Meng hits Luger with something and goes for the cover but The Taskmaster runs in for the DQ at 13:13. Winner: Lex Luger. A boring match with a stupid finish. 1/2* So we now have Savage vs. Luger later on.


- Backstage Gene Okerlund interview Giant (Big Show) about both his Sumo Monster Truck and his WCW Championship matches tonight against Hulk Hogan. He promises to throw Hogan off the roof of Cobo Hall, foreshadowing perhaps, and then he'll take the title.


- Arn Anderson & Flyin' Brian vs. Ric Flair & Sting - It should be noted that Ric Flair was attacked by Anderson and Pillman earlier on in the night and, seemingly, leaving Sting partnerless. Sting comes out on his own and the match begins with Sting and Anderson. They lockup and Anderson gets a hammerlock which Sting reverses but Arn makes the ropes. Arn hits a knee and gets a full nelson. Arn brings him over to the corner but Sting kicks Pillman off the apron and then reverses the hold on Anderson who he then drops. They regroup on the outside and then Arn gets back in. The crowd starts up a "We Want Flair!" chant. Arn gets a headlock and knocks down Sting with a shoulderblock. Sting comes back with a bulldog and fights off both Anderson and Pillman and they get out of the ring to regroup again. Pillman comes in, slaps Sting, and then rolls to the outside. Sting follows him out. Arn and Pillman try to attack Sting but he fight them both off and heads back in the ring. Pillman offers a handshake but Sting, being a poor sport, kicks him instead and then press slams him. Pillman tags in Anderson and he works over Sting. Arn goes for piledriver but Sting blocks it and catapults him into Pillman. Then he throws Pillman from the ring to the rail. Back in, Sting continues to dominate both men but Arn regains control. Ric Flair comes out of nowhere, in his street clothes and now he's officially in the match. Meanwhile, Arn throws Sting to the outside and Pillman throws him into the railing. The crowd is going nuts for Flair and he hasn't even done anything yet. Pillman comes in and Sting tries to comeback until Pillman trips him in the corner and tags in Anderson. Anderson slaps on a chinlock while Flair shouts encouragement. Flair comes in and tries to hit Arn with his shoe but the ref puts a stop to that. Arn hits Sting with a scoopslam and then tags in Pillman. Pillman goes for a splash from the top but Sting gets his knees up to stop that. Pillman tags in Anderson who stops Sting from making the tag to Flair with a suplex for two. Arn makes another cover, for two, but Sting fights back and tries for the tag again. Arn grabs the leg of Sting to stop that and Pillman distracts Flair. Meanwhile, Arn slaps an abdominal stretch on Sting. Arn tags in Pillman slaps on a headlock and then lays in with chops. Sting tries to crawl over to make the tag to Flair put Pillman cuts him over and puts on a half-crab. Pillman gets a few two counts and then tags Arn back in. Sting starts to fight back but Arn gets a spinebuster for two. Pillman comes in works over the legs of Sting. Flair is going nuts in the corner while Anderson comes in and continues the work on Stings legs. Arn picks up Sting and gets him in a bearhug. Sting fights out of it and starts to crawl to the corner but Pillman tags in and chops Sting in the corner. Pillman continues to work over Sting until he begins to fight back and takes out Pillman and Anderson by ramming their heads together. Sting crawls to the corner and finally makes the tag to Flair. Flair comes in and beats the crap out of Sting for the DQ at 16:58. Winners: Arn Anderson & Flyin' Brian. Anderson, Pillman and Flair continue to beat the shit out of Sting as we find that it was a setup all along. Fantastic, that whole thing was just so well done. ***1/2 After the match Gene Okerlund, who makes sure to shill the WCW Hotline, interviews Flair, Anderson and Pillman who tell the world that the Horsemen are back.


- Backstage Mike Tenay interviews Lex Luger about his upcoming match with Randy Savage.


- A video package of the Hulk Hogan/Giant feud is shown.


- Sumo Monster Truck Match: Hulk Hogan vs. Giant - This isn't a match, so it isn't getting a rating. But it would be a DUD if it did. They trash talk before the "match" starts and then we get a few minutes of totally dull monster truck rubbish. I swear this crap is totally retarded. It is not worth your, mine or anyone's time. Anyway, Hogan wins the thing and then the two guys get into a brawl which ends with Hogan pushing Giant off the roof of Cobo Hall. Complete crap.


- Lex Luger vs. Macho Man - Luger offers handshake to start but Savage kicks him instead. More poor sportsmanship for the so-called "good guys". Savage throws Luger into the corner but Luger comes straight out and takes down Savage with a clothesline. Luger hammers Savage in the corner while Jimmy Hart makes his way to ringside. Luger continues to beat on Savage and then chokes him on the ropes. Savage attempts a comeback but Luger continues to dominate and send Savage to the outside. This is so damn dull. Luger follows him out and gets thrown into the rail and the steps by Savage. Back in, Savage nails Luger with a clothesline but gets nailed himself coming off the top. Luger gets a pin but Jimmy Hart is distracting the referee. Luger gets whipped into the ropes and hits Jimmy Hart. Savage comes off the top with the Big Elbow for the win at 5:27. Winner: Macho Man. Nothing more than a pointless bore. 1/4*


- WCW Championship Match: WCW Champion Hulk Hogan vs. Giant - Before they start Hogan takes off his bandana to reveal Taskmaster style drawings on his head. Must be some kind of psychological tactic or something. Hogan hammers on Giant to start but he no-sells them. Hogan continues and Giant starts to stagger. Hogan tries to slam him but he can't do it so Giant beats the crap out of him for a bit. Giant lays in with some chops in the corner and then chokes him. Giant knocks down Hogan with a boot and gets him in a knucklelock. This is almost too exciting to watch. I am joking of course. Hogan starts to make the comeback but Giant stops that with a boot and follows that up with an elbow to the back of the head of Hogan. Giant scoopslams Hogan and goes for a legdrop but misses. Hulk comes back with right hands and then rams him into the turnbuckles. Hogan hammers Giant in the corner and then unleashes the almighty back scratch. The sheer horror of it all. Hogan tries to knock Giant down with a couple of clotheslines and then finally knocks him out the ring with one. Hogan follows him out and knocks the heads of both Giant and The Taskmaster together. Back in, Hogan continues to beat on Giant and tries to knock him down again, this time with a shoulderblock. That doesn't work so Hogan goes back to his punches but Giant gets a backbreaker. That gets a two count. Giant whips Hogan into the ropes and catches him with a bearhug. Actually, this match isn't as bad as I expected. Not that it's good or anything. It does get worse those, believe me. Hogan fights out of the bearhug but Giant retains control and scoopslams Hogan. Giant goes back to the bearhug again. Hogan battles out again and hammers on Giant. Giant comes back with the chokeslam and that gets a two count. Hogan starts to "Hulk Up". The finger point and the usual follows. Hogan hits the big boot but Giant is still standing so Hogan slams him instead. Hogan hits the Legdrop but Jimmy Hart takes out the referee with the WCW Championship for the DQ at 13:48. Winner: Giant. Well it's wasn't too bad but it was still pretty boring. * Hogan and Hart pick up the referee but Hart takes out the referee again and then attacks Hogan. Hogan goes after Hart but Giant comes gets Hogan in the bearhug. Savage and Luger come out and Luger beats the crap out of Savage. The Yeti, don't ask, comes down and he and Giant double-bearhug Hogan in a rather gay looking fashion. This is insanely overbooked. Luger racks Hogan, then Savage, and then the heels celebrate. The next night on Nitro Jimmy Hart revealed that he had signed a special contract that allowed the championship to change hands on a DQ. This was then overturned and the championship made vacant and given to the winner of the World War 3 battle royal, which turned out to be Macho Man.


- Overall: There are a couple of decent matches on the card but most of it is crap that isn't worth your time. Recommendation to avoid.


Feedback Apreciated!

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Guest nWoScorpion

Pretty good review as usual. It seems like your ratngs almost match mine for every match (except for Hawk/Kurasawahasa whatever).


How bout a review for Great American Bash 1991...or an old school WCW PPV From 1990-91.

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Guest Si82
Pretty good review as usual. It seems like your ratngs almost match mine for every match (except for Hawk/Kurasawahasa whatever).


How bout a review for Great American Bash 1991...or an old school WCW PPV From 1990-91.

Thanks for the feedback.


As for WCW reviews I have a fairly limited collection of WCW videos. We didn't get many released here in the UK. However, I can do a review of Great American Bash 1990 for you. I don't when but I'll get to it as soon as I can.

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Guest kingkamala

Good review of a fairly pathetic show. Kudos for fufilling my request!

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Guest Si82
Good review of a fairly pathetic show. Kudos for fufilling my request!

Not a problem man, although it was a pretty bad show.

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