Guest Zack Malibu Report post Posted June 12, 2003 OAOAST HeldDOWN~! Brought to you this week by: OAOAST Action Figures-so the stars can play with themselves! We now join our fearless announce team, the men who be holdin' it down week after week on HeldDOWN~!... Take it away Michael Cole and The Coach! Coach:"Whassup fans, welcome again to OAOAST HeldDOWN~!, the greatest brand of wrestling entertainment going today. I'm the Coach, alongside my main man M.C. here, and what a show we have for you tonight!" MC:"You said it, Coach. Tonight, we'll have the in-ring debut, finally, of Mad Matt. The only question is, we don't know who he's facing! He's had an open challenge prepared for this evening, and we'll find out who took him up on that a little later." Coach:"Also, after costing her, as well as himself, a chance to be in the Three Way Dance last week, Brock Ausstin will team up with his mentor, Anglesault, as they take on the Female Phenom Crystal, and her partner...SOME GUY!" MC:"Don't forget this week we'll have Caboose vs. Hex Machina, one on one...Peter Knight will have another member of Totally Endorsed to deal's gonna be a great show, so let's get to the ring for our opening bout!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Zack Malibu Report post Posted June 12, 2003 “ANOTHER BRICK IN THE WALL” by Pink Floyd hits and the arena goes pitch black. The lights turn back on and The Blacker Scorpion is in the ring. Coach:"This match is going to be VERY interesting, Michael. For weeks now, The Blacker Scorpion has promised he has something up his sleeve to drive CWM out of retirement. CWM has not given in to his threats as of yet, but TBS did succeed in bringing Angle-Plex out of exile!" MC:"AP was frustrated with the direction that many in this company had taken, and felt like a lost soul here in the OAOAST. However, the actions of that man in the ring have brought him back home, where he belongs!" “EVERYBODY DANCE NOW” By C&C Music Factory blasts over the speakers as the fans rush to their feet and cheer in approval of Angleplex. MC:"This match is a NO-DQ Match, and if it's the AP we know and love, you know that he's going to use everything in his power to keep this guy down." TBS turns his back to AP and starts removing his trench coat, but AP doesn’t waste a moment and charges TBS hitting an AGNES Splash. TBS falls into the corner dazed and AP starts to stomp on TBS’s shoulder and then picks him up and whips him towards the opposite corner but TBS reverses sending AP in with a thud. TBS goes for a spear but AP jumps out of the way and TBS goes shoulder first into the steel post. AP pulls TBS to his feet and tries to strip the mask off TBS but TBS fights him off and hits a jawbreaker. TBS rolls out of the ring and grabs a chair from under the ring. TBS tosses the chair into the ring and then pulls a fire extinguisher as well. TBS gets into the ring with the extinguisher only to get nailed in the head with the chair by AP! AP picks up the limp TBS and hits BAN ME DDT! 1...2…NO! TBS kicks out. Agnes sets the chair up in the middle of the ring and puts TBS’s head on it. Agnes goes up top and he takes flight but TBS moves out of the way at the last moment and Agnes hits the chair with his knee! TBS picks up the fire extinguisher and drops it right on Agnes injured knee. TBS goes for a figure four but Agnes boots him in his bad shoulder. TBS stumbles away and Agnes regains his feet using the ropes for leverage. TBS charges him for a clothesline but Agnes flips TBS out of the ring. Agnes hits a running SPACE AGNES FLIP and both men lie exhausted outside of the ring. TBS regains consciousness first and rolls AP into the ring. TBS reaches under the ring one more time and pulls out a TIRE IRON! CWM’s old weapon is about to be used on Agnes! TBS pulls Agnes to his feet and swings but Agnes ducks and boots him in the stomach. AP picks up the fallen Tire Iron and UNLOADS on TBS! TBS is out like a light! Agnes signals that he’s going to remove the mask! Agnes starts untying the mask and when he removes it there’s another mask! Agnes starts to remove this mask to but TBS comes alive and hits a low blow. TBS hits the WIDOWMAKER and covers for a TWO count. TBS goes for the BITTERSWEET REVENGE but Agnes counters and hits a neck breaker! Agnes locks on a MAIN EVENT SLEEPER! TBS is starting to fade when he grabs the fire extinguisher and sets it off in AP’s face! TBS hits the LIGHTS OUT Spinning Outsider’s Edge! 1…2…3!!! TBS picks up the defeated Angleplex and starts choking him. He throws him into the ropes and wraps them around his neck. AP is turning Purple! The EMT’s try to save him but get laid out. TBS grabs a mike. TBS: CWM! Where are you! Is this the best you can send against me?!? TBS drops the mike and goes back to choking AP. But wait a fan jumps the barrier…IT’S CWM! CWM slides into the ring behind TBS! POLLYCUTTER! The fans go crazy! CWM unwraps Agnes. CWM starts to help AP to the back but turns around and starts back to TBS who is slowly rising to his feet. CWM grabs TBS by the Mask and yanks it off…OH MY GOD! IT CAN’T BE! It’s…. THE SUPERSTAR~! MC:"...WHAT?" Coach:"SUPES!?!?" CWM is shocked! Superstar breaks into laughter. CWM slowly backs out of the ring as the maniacal Superstar laughs at him. *cut to commercial* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Zack Malibu Report post Posted June 12, 2003 MC:"Fans, we are back, and we are stunned. The man calling himself The Blacker Scorpion has revealed himself to us..." Coach:"No he didn't!" MC:"I MEANT HE TOOK THE MASK OFF!" Coach:"Oh. Right." MC:"...he revealed himself to be The Superstar. I for one cannot believe it...doesn't he have a contract with someone else these days?" Coach:"Like that would stop him. Remember the OAOMEF?" MC:"Fans, while we try to figure this out, lets take you now to footage shot earlier this week, as The Dream Machines gear up for the GLASS TABLE MATCH at the GAB!" (Earlier this week) (The scene fades in and we're in the kitchen of The Parka's home. Parka and PK are sitting at a small table. Both men are wearing sweats and eating Wheaties. On the front of the box of Wheaties is our champ Zack Malibu. Eddy Kalm comes in the door wearing pink sweats and jogging in place.) EDDY You guys ready for a full day of training? (Parka and PK give Eddy a dirty look and go back to eating) EDDY (Now speaking through a megaphone) Rise and shine!!! It's a beautiful day outside!! (Parka, after almost having a heartattack from the sudden loud voice, jumps up and goes for Eddy, but PK stops him and shakes his head) EDDY Let's move out! (The Theme from Rocky starts to play as we see clips of the Dream Machines and Totally Endorsed working out) Parka and PK are shown running behind the El Camino, which is being driven by Eddy. Eddy shouts at them using the megaphone as the two of them look pissed. The scene cuts to PK driving the El Camino with Parka relaxing in the bed of the car while Eddy struggles to run behind. Parka smiles as he shouts through the megaphone. The scene shifts to a shot of the Wal-Mart parking lot, where Terry Simmons is driving the official TE Mustang around in circles while Colvid and Calvin try to catch it. Calvin falls over, and starts cussing out Terry for "Making me dizzy, it's like you drink Coke or something." Next we see Eddy leading Parka in some breathing exercises complete with over-the-top arm movements. PK shakes his head in disbelief. The camera pans back to Parka who is breathing like he's giving birth. We shift to the Totally Endorsed locker room, where Colvid, Calvin, and Candie are shown sitting on lawn chairs. Colvid takes a sip of Pepsi and looks at the other two. "Relaxing, isn't it." Parka is shown looking around to see if anyone is coming before taking a sip of Coke, but Eddy grabs the can away and hands Parka a V8 Splash. Parka looks at the V8 and cringes, but drinks it down. Eddy has a goofy smile on his face and Parka gives Eddy a fake smile in return. We switch to a view of the TE locker room, where Calvin sits, his head slumped over, empty Pepsi and Mountain Dew cans littering his area. Colvid comes in and admonishes him for drinking all that sugar, when he could be drinking the new Gatorade flavor. Parka and PK are shown jumping rope. They pick up speed as they go along. The camera then pans to the side to see Eddy tangled up in his jump rope and looking quite confused. Calvin, Colvid, Candie, and Terry are shown, now, playing the jump rope game from Mario Party for Nintendo 64. Out of nowhere Candie and Terry throw their shoulders down in disgust, and Calvin and Colvid jump up, celebrating. Parka and PK are again shown running behind the El Camino. The scene then cuts to Parka and PK pushing the El Camino because it's out of gas. The two of them roll their eyes at Eddy as he apologizes for not filling up the tank. We switch shots of Calvin and Colvid at a gas station, arguing with the cashier about the price of a bottle of Gatorade. As the cashier's voice starts to raise Colvid grabs her by the collar and lifts her up. "I'm in training, dammit!" We see Parka and PK watching tapes of TE matches. As the camera pans over we then see Eddy watching Teletubbies and laughing. The camera pans back to see Parka and PK in shock. We switch to a shot of Calvin and Colvid, watching their recently-bought Coliseum Video of the Best of Mankind. Calvin and Colvid look at each other and give the thumbs up. Parka and PK are laying on tables as Eddy's massage therapist works on the two. We then pan over to see Eddy being massaged by a big ugly woman who's every move causes Eddy pain. We switch to a shot of a different massage table, where two mildly attractive women lay. Calvin and Colvid walk into the scene, cracking their knuckles before beginning to massage them. Finally we see all three men running up some steps. As they reach the top they throw their arms into the air in victory. As the music comes to an end Eddy passes out and falls over causing Parka and PK to smirk before helping him up. (Fade out) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Zack Malibu Report post Posted June 12, 2003 (HeldDOWN~! returns from commercial, as the cameras have taken us into the depths of the arena, into a back corridor. In front of the camera, we see TOUGH ENOUGH JOSH!~, holding a microphone. He smiles at the camera) Josh: "Ladies and Gentlemen, tonight I have the privilige to talk to one of the few men to hold a victory over Anglesault and who has recieved a World Title Shot against Zack Malibu twice...last Thursday night, he won the tag match against Crystal and Brock Ausstin to have the right to face Zack later in the night...Ladies and Gentlemen...K-Money" (Oddly enough, the usually mixed reaction for Money has become more cheering than before. We suddenly see a man step out from off camera to beside Josh. It's K-Money, accompanied as always by the beautiful Josie. Money's hair has been dyed Jet Black, and he is wearing a black and red "Black Label" t-shirt. Josie looks more dark as well. Her hair is tied up in an elevated Pony-tail, and she is holding a Kendo Stick. What happened to these two?) Josh: "K-Money...last week, you were..." (Josh is cut off when Money slowly raises his hand. Money looks around for a second before speaking in a slightly quiet and slow tone of voice) K-Money: "You know, Tough Enough Josh...last Thursday night, I had a revelation...that revelation was: The fans don't give two shits about me...they really don't...They are nothing but sheep, you know that? When I'm defending my honor against Anglesault, they love me, but as soon as he turns his hatred to Some Guy, it's like I didn't do anything...'Oh, thanks, old sport...but I'm afraid that you just came in at the wrong time...times have changed...You were just a few years too late...we don't want the kid who's trying to make a name for himself anymore...we want the guy who'd rather drink a beer than train for a match...sorry'... (Josie shakes her head as she slowly strokes the black Kendo Stick) K-Money: "Well, ladies and gentlemen...I'm tired of abusing myself for your pleasure...I'm tired of being the sacrificial lamb for you ingrates...from here on in, I'm doing things for myself and Josie...Fuck the Indy Faction...Fuck the OAOAST...and FUCK all of you! Sadly, these times are no longer the good old, we need two or three guys to take down one...sad really..." (Josie smiles and nods, giving Josh a seductive smile. Josh doesn't look for very long, remembering what happened last time someone looked at Josie) K-Money: "So...I have enlisted the help of someone who just doesn't give a shit anymore...and oddly enough, it's my brother...Rags?" (Ragdoll walks out, followed by Melanie. Both are smoking) K-Money: "Ragdoll and I? We just don't care about any of you fact, you all can go home to your trailer your overweight wives and bratty punk ass kids...have a nice big dinner...then shoot yourselves...I don't care...I really don't...and it's all your us...hate us...we are Black Label...and we just don't fucking care....wait for the Blackout...I guarantee it will be a doozy..." (with that, Money takes Josie by the hand and leads her off. Ragdoll and Melanie follow close behind, leaving Josh with a rather scared look on his face) Elsewhere backstage, in the catering area, Peter Knight grabs a Coke, 24/7 title over his shoulder. He turns around quickly while taking a sip and accidentally bumps into Calvin, the Coke spilling on both of them. PK (chuckling): Sorry about that. Calvin looks away, trying to compose himself. Calvin: You’re a real piece of work, you know that? First, you steal my title, and then you cook up this stupid “TE Gauntlet”, thinking you can just tear through us one by one. On top of that, you get the commissioner to save your scared ass by threatening a suspension to anyone who interferes. Oh, it’s going to be SWEET to put your ass through that table and hear you scream in pain. PK (going nose to nose with him): Keep it up, I haven’t decided who to pick yet. Calvin: I want my belt back. He rears back and punches, triggering a brawl that send them both toppling over the caterer’s table and trading punches on the floor. An official arrives and Calvin rolls on top for a two count, another two count, and a third two count. Knight hits him with a can of Coke, the liquid exploding out and into Calvin’s eyes to get him off and Knight grabs his belt and quickly takes off. Calvin gets to his feet, but a group of officials hold him back. (Commerical Break) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Zack Malibu Report post Posted June 12, 2003 MC:"Wow, some more shocking developments tonight, as K Money and Ragdoll seem to have taken on a new attitude!" Coach:"K Money is a hell of a talent, and with the support and help of his family now, that's going to be a dangerous combination to deal with. Keep your eye on the Black Label." MC:"Right now, we're going to go backstage again, as we understand someone is rushing to the building..." (Backstage, we see SPIDERPOET~! in civilian clothes and no mask bursting through one of the arena's rear doors. He is running and brushing past people, bolting through the hall as fast as he can. Finally he skids to a stop at the women's locker room and knocks on the door. He waits nervously for several seconds before taking a few steps back and setting to charge it. The door opens before he bolts off, though, and Widow steps out. A clear look of huge relief crosses his face and they embrace) Poet (Pulls away and takes her shoulders in his hands) I'm sorry. My plane was grounded, couldn't leave on time. Are you alright? Widow (Nods) Yeah. I'm fine. I haven't seen him or anything and I asked Crystal to keep a lookout, too. Poet Alright. You have a match tonight? Widow Yeah . . . new kid. Choko. Poet. I'll be in the Gorilla with the techs while you're out there. I won't be far away at all. Widow (Smiles and hugs him tight) Thank you. Poet Hey . . . it's what I'm here for. (Cut back to Michael and Coach) Coach:"That...that was the WOMENS LOCKER ROOM!" MC:"OK, Coach, the Lawler act of yours, it's REALLY getting old? You can't go around copying a guy who isn't funny in the first place." Coach:"So I should go back to doing the Carlton Banks dance?" MC:"Please don't." Coach:"...then I'll take it to commercial. Fans, when we come back, Peter Knight runs the TE Gauntlet again, with the 24/7 Title on the line!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Zack Malibu Report post Posted June 12, 2003 Oh Hell Yeah blasts through the arena as the crowd rises to its feet, knowing what time it is. Coach: “Well, it’s time to see who’s next in the TE Gauntlet, I guess.” Cole: “Peter Knight introduced this concept last week and picked up his first victory by beating Terry Simmons in a tough contest.” Coach: “Knight’s got a mic; let’s see who he has chosen for tonight.” PK: I said all that I wanted to say last week, so let’s skip the chit-chat and put that picture back up. The group photo of TE is shown on the HeldTron again. This time Terry Simmons has a large red X across him. The crowd once again yells out who they want to see. Knight looks at them, the picture, back at the crowd, and finally stares at the picture for a bit before nodding his head and putting the mic to his lips. PK: Even though I’m already going to tear him apart in a few weeks in the Glass Table match (crowd pops), I think I’ll give him a taste of what’s to come tonight. So, my second selection is…………Colvid. Cole: “Knight has picked one half of his GAB opponents to go one-on-one. I was thinking Calvin was next after that altercation earlier tonight, but Knight seems to be saving him for another time.” PK: But, unlike last week, I’m not waiting for you to get ready. Colvid, get your ass out here RIGHT NOW and let’s do this! The crowd pops HUGE, but those cheers turn to boos as I Ran starts up. An OaOast official jogs to the ring to ref the match ahead of Colvid, who wears a bit of a surprised look on his face as he walks down the aisle. Coach: “He’s so startled, that he doesn’t even have a product to shill with him.” Colvid enters the ring, trying to get into the game as Knight smirks in the opposite corner. They circle each other before locking up. Cole: “Remember folks, no TE member or The Parka can interfere in this one, or they will be suspended for a whole year. The 24/7 title is on the line here, but the 24/7 rules have been suspended.” Coach: “Good for Knight, since he’s already had to defend it once tonight.” Colvid grabs the leg and takes Knight down, but Knight manages to counter and stay on top of him as they jockey for position. Cole: “Knight’s showing some mat skills here.” Coach: “He’s studied each TE member and is trying to adapt to their style. He faced a big man last week and used a calculated attack on the knee to win, but this week he’s facing a quicker man and has to drastically change his approach.” Cole: “Nice analysis.” Knight grabs the arm and wrings it. He whips Colvid into the ropes and Colvid ducks a clothesline, but Knight gets a back body drop and quickly goes for the pin. 1…. 2….kickout. Knight picks Colvid up by the hair and gets a front facelock. Colvid pushes him onto the ropes and gets a knockdown and drops down for the pin. 1….kickout. Colvid backs him into the corner and pounds away, unleashing some CHOPS, the sound echoing through the arena. He whips, but Knight reverses and charges, but Colvid springs off the bottom rope and hits a reverse DDT. He works the head, sending it into the turnbuckles and then getting a jumping knee to put him down. 1…. 2….shoulder up. Colvid locks in a chinlock, and periodically slips his arm down under the throat when the ref isn’t paying attention. The crowd claps to rally behind Knight and he manages to get to his knees, but Colvid changes into a headlock and puts him back down. The crowd continues clapping as the ref checks the arm, and Knight keeps it up and struggles to his feet, backing Colvid to the ropes and suplexing him out of the ring!! Knight shakes the cobwebs out and sees Colvid getting up, so he runs to the ropes and planchas out onto him!! The crowd applauds that. Coach: “WHOA!!” Cole: “It seems a bit of Parka is rubbing off on Knight.” Coach: “But Knight landed on his face a bit and is having trouble getting to his feet.” Colvid takes advantage and tosses Knight headfirst into the ring steps. He tosses the top half aside and stands on the bottom, putting Knight’s head between his legs. Cole: “No, not the Volume Spiker. If he hits this, Knight may not be able to FINISH this gauntlet.” Colvid tries for his jumping piledriver, but Knight is able to reverse and backdrop him, but Colvid hangs on to him and snaps off a powerbomb on the floor. Colvid rolls him into the ring and swings his arm in an “it’s finished” motion and tries for the Volume Spiker again, this time hitting it in the middle of the ring. Colvid walks around the ring, playing to the crowd and soaking in the boos instead of going for a cover. Coach: “What’s he doing? PIN HIM!!” Colvid still doesn’t go for the cover, but instead goes for the kill and climbs to the top, but does it slowly and pauses on top to taunt the fans. He gets himself set and goes for the Colvid Crusher (Lo Down motion with a legdrop instead), but Knight, having a ton of time to recover, moves out of the way and Colvid hits the canvas, holding his leg . Knight quickly grabs his legs and flips over Colvid into a bridge. 1….. 2….. 3! Cole: “He did it!!” Coach: “Colvid did it to himself, Cole. NEVER think your opponent is totally finished. He learned that lesson the hard way.” Knight rolls out of the ring and gets his hand raised. In the ring, Colvid stomps around in a huff. Knight holds his head with one hand and chuckles at Calvin, holding up four fingers and then drawing one back, leaving three. MC:"Great victory by Knight there. The question is now, who's next?" Coach:"I don't know who's next for Peter Knight, but next up on HeldDOWN~!, Hex Machina and Caboose, ONE ON ONE!" 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Guest Zack Malibu Report post Posted June 12, 2003 Cole: Next up we have a match that was supposed to go down last week, but instead we got a bloody brawl. Coach: Yeah, for whatever reason Caboose didn't show up for the match giving Hex a count-out victory. Cole: A victory nonetheless. Caboose however attacked Hex in the parking lot. Coach: All this because Caboose practically retired Hex Machina's old friend Naz Mistry... The lights go out. Strobe lights flash around the arena, and fix to shine into the rafters as 'Cochise' kicks in and the crowd rises to its feet and cheers. Fink: From Derby, England, weighing in at 235 lbs, CABOOSE! Caboose drops from the rafters and begins his walk to the ring. Caboose climbs into the ring, poses on the second rope before calling to the Fink for the micropohone. Caboose remains stood on the second rope and lifts the microphone closer to his mouth. Cole: Looks like Caboose is going to speak before this matchup... Caboose pauses, looks around the arena at the crowd who break out in a 'Caboose' chant. Caboose: Well it seems someone else has a problem with the old train-end. I know what that problem is and I guess its time for me to show them exactly how I deal with my problems. So Naz Mistry! Sorry you like to call yourself Hex Machina nowadays get your ass out here so I can show the world that you are Naz Mistry! You see Naz used to wear a mask and no one ever saw his face. Suddenly after Naz retired at AngleMania, Hex Machina shows up, he doesn't wear a mask but wrestles just like Naz. Then Hex starts to call me out. Well I put two and two together and I got Naz Mistry! Coach: Caboose thinks Hex is Naz Mistry. Cole: Naz is a road agent here in the OAOAST. Coach: yeah but the similarities between Naz and Hex are startling. Cole: Hex admitted they were friends back in Mexico... Coach: Or is Hex just trying to hide the fact that he is Naz Mistry? Caboose: Come on you coward! Get your ass out here now Naz, Hex what ever you call yourself! The lights go out again. Fink: Entering the ring from Hollywood, Florida? Weighing in at 225 lbs, Hex Machina! 'Satan' by Orbital starts up up and strobe lights flash on and off as Satan is repeated over and over again. Hex Machina walks out mic in hand to a chorus of boos. Caboose jumps of the second rope and waits readily in the centre of the ring. Cole: Looks like Hex has a retort... Coach: I wish they'd just shut up and wrestle! Cole: Easy Coach... Coach: Sorry Michael, it's just I get so angry when people blabber on about absoloutely nothing! Hex: I am not Naz Mistry! But I will avenge his humiliation at your hands! Hex drops the mic and charges towards the ring! Hx slides under the bottom rope and gets to his feet but is met with a right hand that knocks him straight back down! Caboose picks Hex off the floor and throws him head first into the top turnbuckle. Hex spins around violently and is met with a series of right hands to the face from the aggressive Caboose! Cole: Caboose has started like a house on fire! Caboose grabs Hex's left arm and swings him into the opposite turnbuckle. Hex bounces out and is met with a vicious clothesline and rolls out of the ring to regroup. The crowd cheers as Caboose stands alone in the ring calling Hex to 'bring it' and the referee starts a ten count. Hex pulls himself up and looks around for an answer to Caboose's opening gambit. Hex composes himself before walking around the ring while Caboose stares at him with violent intent. Hex climbs up the ringsteps and asks the referee to keep Caboose back to allow Hex back in the ring. The referee holds back Caboose back and Hex steps in between the ropes and back into the ring. Caboose pushes the referee out of the way and tackles Hex down to the canvas and follows up with more right hands to Hex's face. The referee pulls Caboose off of Hex and tells Caboose to open up those right hands. Caboose ignore the referee and turns his attention back to Hex... ...Hex however pulls Caboose by the front of his tights and face first into the turnbuckle! Hex gets up and throws Caboose's head into the turnbuckle several more times as the fans start to boo. Hex then tries himself to whip Caboose into the opposite corner, but Caboose reverses Hex and follows with a charge. Hex however slinshots back over Caboose using the top rope and dropkicks Caboose into the turnbuckle! Caboose dazily steps back and into a german suplex bridge! 1! 2! ...Caboose throws a shoulder up! Cole: Hex is looking to put Caboose away early with a big move! Coach: Yeah, but Caboose is one of the most resilient wrestlers in the OAOAST. It's going to take more than that... Hex doesn't waste any time and bounces off the ropes and delivers a quick leg drop across Caboose's chest. Hex gets up turns his back to Caboose and delivers a standing back somersault splash into another cover... 1! 2! ...Caboose kickouts! Coach: Hex is really going for it in the early going! Hex picks up Caboose and hooks him up and delivers a snap butterfly suplex. Hex climbs the ropes, blows a kiss to the crowd and come off the top with a Senton bomb! Caboose rolls out of the way and pulls himself up, as Hex lies sprawled on the mat. Caboose picks up Hex and swings him into the ropes. As Hex bounces of the ropes, Caboose bends down to deliver a back body drop, but Hex simply rolls off Caboose's back and bounces off the opposite ropes! Caboose stands up straight and turns to face Hex, but is met with a diving cross body! Caboose however catches Hex and throws him into a Fallaway slam! Caboose gets up and stands over Hex's shoulders, looks down at Hex, and then back up at the crowd. Caboose pulls off his right shoulder pad and tosses it into the crowd who cheer loudly. Caboose runs to his left, bounces off the ropes, skips over Hex, bounces off the opposite ropes, and comes to a stop and tries to drop an elbow on Hex, but Hex rolls out of the way! Caboose is to slow to react and grabs his elbow in pain. Hex bounces off the ropes to deliver a dropkick to Caboose's face! Hex slides under the bottom rope and stands on the apron in anticipation as Caboose slowly picks himself off the floor. As Caboose stands up, Hex jumps onto the top rope, springs off it and looks to nail a hurricanrana on Caboose!... ...But as Hex's body falls towards the mat to twist Caboose around, Caboose fixes his position and instead uses his strength to pull Hex back into a Powerbomb position! Cole: Oh my word what a counter! Coach: Hex is going to get it now! As Caboose goes to Powerbomb him, Hex suddenly regains his leg momentum and finally pulls Caboose though with a Hurrincanrana! The referee makes the count!... 1! 2! 3! No! Caboose just manages to pull his legs out of Hex's arms and kickout! Cole: Caboose is holding on here by the skin of his teeth! Coach: Everything he tries is just reversed by Hex! And when Caboose reveresed Hex, Hex just countered him right back! Hex looks slightly frustrated and argues with the referee as Caboose pulls himself up very slowly. Hex grabs Caboose and whips him into the ropes, as Caboose comes off the ropes, Hex catches Caboose and nails a tilt-a-whirl back breaker! Caboose grabs his back in pain as Hex taunts the crowd to boos. Hex pauses and a evil smile comes across his face. Hex lifts his right arm in the air and raises his index finger, he spins it around like a lasoo... Cole: What the hell?! Thats the signal for the MistryFyer! Coach: Naz Mistry's finishing manouever! Hex picks up Caboose and hooks him up in the MistryFyer position! Cole: Hex seems a bit too adept at applying the MistryFyer... Coach: Well he was Naz Mistry's best friend in Mexico, they would have trained together. Cole: Maybe Caboose was right, maybe Hex Machina is Naz Mistry! With the evil grin still spread across his face, Hex drops Caboose with the MistryFyer as the crowd go into shock! Hex makes the apparent academic cover... 1! Cole: Caboose has been simply destroyed by Hex today! 2! Coach: Hex was simply too much the man himself Caboose! 3! No wait! Caboose throws the lightest of shoulders up off the canvas, but it's enough to sae himself! Cole: Oh my god! How the hell did Caboose kick out of that!? Hex looks shocked and despairingly holds three fingers up at the referee, who shakes his head. Hex stares at Caboose with a wonderment as to how exactly he is goint to put Caboose away. Hex stomps on Caboose until he falls out of the ring. Hex waits for Caboose to start pulling himself up before taking a running jump off the inside second rope and landing on Caboose with a body splash! The move's dangerous nature garners a few small cheers from the crowd while most break out in another 'Caboose' chant. Hex pulls himself up and stands Caboose up against the ring post. Hex grabs a chair and swings at Caboose's face, but Caboose somehow manages to dodge the chair and drop-toe hold Hex into the chair! However Caboose is simply too battered to follow up on his fightback and slumps to the floor. Cole: Caboose is really going to have to turn it up a notch, otherwise its only a matter of time until Hex gets the win. Coach: It's almost like Caboose doesn't know what to do out there. Caboose slowly pulls himself into the ring to stop the referee's count and rolls staright back out again. Caboose walks over to Hex and picks up Hex in the Piledriver position, but Hex reverses it into catapulting Caboose onto the ring post! Cole: See what I mean, Hex has an answer to all Caboose's offence. Coach: Its like they've fought before... Cole: What like if Naz Mistry was fighting Caboose again?! Coach: Yes, just like that! Hex grabs Caboose and throws him into the ring and then climbs to the top turnbuckle. Hex does the robot dance while perched atop the top rope before coming off it with a Shooting Star Press!... ...Caboose gets his knees up however and once again Caboose's inability to follow up leaves both men down on the mat. The referee starts a standing ten count. 1, 2, 3, 4... ...Hex starts to come to as Caboose remains motionless... ...5, 6, 7... Hex has pulled himself to his feet and turns to face Caboose... ...8, 9... ...Hex cockily leans against the ropes... ...But Caboose kips up before the ten and Hex's eyes widen in surprise! On his feet Caboose glares at Hex with a distasteful look and Hex looks angry. Hex charges at Caboose, but Caboose sidesteps Hex who runs shoulder first into the ring post! Caboose grabs Hex by the back of his hair and talks trash to Hex's face before pulling Hex into the reverse DDT position! Hex however uses the ropes and to flip himself up and over Caboose! Hex lands on his feet and jumps into a reverse Hurricanrana on Caboose! Caboose lands on his head and seems out for the count as Hex makes the cover... 1! 2! 2.99999! As Caboose shoots a shoulder up at the very last possible millisecond! Hex dives out of the ring and grabs a chair, he slides back into the ring and goes to nail Caboose, but Caboose springs to his feet and Superkicks the chair back in Hex's face! This time however Caboose is up on his feet ready to take the advantage. Caboose gets himself in a ready position and waits for Hex to get up. As Hex stands up and turns, Caboose pulls Hex into his version of the flatliner, the EndOfTheLine! Caboose nails the EndOfTheLine as the crowd roar for Caboose's comeback. Caboose looks over at the corner raises his hand and signals to the crowd. Caboose slowly climbs the ropes the match having clearly taking it's toll on Caboose. With a slight pause Caboose flies off the top rope looking for the OneWayTicket (Lo-Down)! Caboose hits the move perfectly and Hex's body reacts violently to Caboose's 235lb body landing on him! 1! 2! 3!... No! This time Hex shocks the crowd and kicks out just as the referee's arm was coming down! Cole: Hex is showing us his resiliency now! Coach: Yeah but don't forget who else has kicked out of these very moves before... Cole: ...Naz Mistry. Caboose looks surprised that Hex kicked out and looks slightly frustrated. Caboose signals for the Emerald Fusion and the crowd gets to its feet. Caboose picks up Hex and throws him over his shoulder... ...But Hex wriggles out and pushes Caboose into the ropes. Caboose bounces into a rear waistlock from Hex, but Caboose reverses it to his own waistlock and then shifts into a full nelson before leaning back and delivering a relase dragon suplex to Hex! Cole: Oh my god did you see that! Coach: Hex is finished! Caboose makes the cover and the referee makes the count... 1! 2! 3!... ...NO! Again Hex throws a shoulder up at the last possible moment! Caboose sits up and his eyes widen with absoloute shock as to Hex's resilience. The crowd go into an almost stunned silence after seeing Hex kick out. Cole: I don't believe it! Everything Caboose tries it either countered or kicked out of by Hex! Coach: Maybe Hex isn't Naz! I don't remember Naz being this good! Caboose stands up and stands over Hex in an almost psychotic manner. Hex is still out on the canvas and Caboose sees the chair lying on the mat. Caboose steps over to chair, picks it up and stares at it in an almost loving manner. The referee steps in between Caboose and the prone Hex but Caboose simply pushes the referee out of the way into the turnbuckle. Caboose rears back with the chair... ...Suddenly out of nowhere Ricky Lee Givens runs down the entrance ramp and slides into the ring diving at Caboose! Caboose readjusts his stance and blasts Givens straight in the face with the chair! Coach: Goodbye Ricky, nice try! Cole: Caboose and Hex used Ricky in a game of one-ups-manship a few weeks back! Coach: I guess he wanted some payback. Cole: Well all he got was a Caboose chair shot to the face! Caboose picks up Givens and causally tosses him out of the ring. And turns his attention back to Hex. However Hex is up and delivers a dropkick to the chair into Caboose's face! Hex makes the cover but the referee is down. Hex gets up looking slightly peeved and picks up the chair. Caboose dazily gets to his feet and turns around into an oncoming chair shot from Hex... ...But somehow Caboose ducks the chair shot and then kicks Hex in the gut. Caboose follows up with a big time DDT! Caboose turns to see the referee still down and again signals for the Emerald Fusion... ...But just as Caboose goes to pick Hex up, he notices medics and road agents surrounding helping Givens to the back. One of the road agents is wearing a mask, a Naz Mistry mask! Cole: Look it's Naz Mistry! Coach: I guess Hex Machina isn't Naz Mistry after all! Caboose stands over the ropes and shouts at Naz. Naz simply points behind Caboose. Caboose turns around... ...SMASH! Hex blasts Caboose across the face with the already battered chair! Caboose goes down like a shot and Hex turns to taunt the crowd who start to boo! Hex looks at the referee who has started to come to and then back at a now bloody Caboose who has somehow already got to his knees but is very groggy! Cole: Caboose just won't stay down! Coach: Well Hex better make him stay down! Before Caboose can get up, Hex runs at the ropes, bounces off them and nails a Shining Wizard on Caboose! Caboose slumps straight back down on the mat and Hex makes the cover as the referee slowly counts... 1!... 2!... ...3! DING! DING! DING! Winner: Hex Machina @ 13:47. The Crowd is stunned into silence, but there is also some deserved applause for Hex. Cole: I don't believe it! Hex beat Caboose! What a feather in Hex's cap! He has just defeated a former OAOAST World Chapion! Coach: Hex is also the first person to beat Caboose in an OAOAST match since July 22nd of last year! Hex leaves the ring and taunts the crowd all the way up the ramp. Caboose slowly pulls himself up using the ropes and stares straight at Hex who steps through the curtain. Caboose is left standing in the ring, hand on hips, his face a crimson mask. Coach: Something tells me this isn't the end of this rivalry! Fade To Commercial... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Zack Malibu Report post Posted June 12, 2003 "Working Man" suddenly hits as Foshi makes his way out. He looks back and motions for someone to follow. Paul Stanley catches up with him and receives a huge ovation. The two get in the ring as the music dies down. Foshi: I'm not going to go through anything unnecessary, we are out here for one reason. A few weeks ago, Paul was attacked.... Stanley: What? Foshi: I said you were attacked a few weeks ago. Stanley: No, I wasn't. Foshi: Yes, you were! Stanley: I would remember something like that. That definitely never happened. Who would want to attack me anyway? Foshi: I intend to find out. Stanley: You can't just start poking fingers at people for something that never happened. Foshi: But it did happen! Stanley: Damn, you are stubborn. Foshi: you remember when I came and got you in Detroit? Stanley: Yes. Foshi: What were you doing in Detroit? Stanley: I live there. Foshi: Tell me what you did the day before I found you. Stanley: What I was doing when you found me. That's basically all I do. Foshi: What about the week before that? The month before that? What were you doing then? Were you always in Detroit? How old are you, Paul? Where did you go to school? You certainly weren't always a grown man performing KISS. Stanley: It's possible....... Stanley looks visibly disturbed as he cannot come up with a reasonable answer. Suddenly, the lights flicker and the arena darkens quite a bit. Without music to acknowledge his arrival, the masked man appears, drawing attention to the entranceway. Foshi stares at the figure, puzzled as to whom this person could be. Paul takes notice as well. The masked man pulls off his mask, and reveals his face at last. Paul Stanley's remarkable average antagonist speaks once more in a fairly cryptic manner. MC:"...It's...It's..." Coach:"Who is that guy?" "Look at me, Paul. This is the face that will force you to remember everything. You may not remember me today, or even tomorrow, however... You will remember me eventually, you pretentious bastard. You bourgeois son of a bitch! Even now, you can't remember the suffering that I went through at your hands. You can't remember the way that you destroyed my life before anything could come of it! "As for you, Foshi, well. You're no better than Paul. Perhaps you're even worse than he is, as you're the one defending him! You're blind, Foshi. Utterly blind. Don't you realize what he's done to me? Can't you understand my agony? Do you have no conscious? No soul?" He pauses, gauging the reaction he's getting from Paul Stanley. There's no recognition. Paul's attacker laughs a little, then continues: "Paul, Foshi... You two will understand my plight. I will make the both of you into martyrs for MY CAUSE!" With nothing more to say, he simply walks away. Foshi turns to Paul, questioning him. Yet Paul simply cannot remember this man at all. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Zack Malibu Report post Posted June 12, 2003 In the backstage area, newcomer Mad Matt has arrived. He starts putting his gear on, taking a seat on a locker room bench, when in walks OAOAST World Champion Zack Malibu! ZM:"Mad Matt, right?" Matt stands up, and shakes hands with Zack. MM:"The one and only. How are you?" ZM:"Truthfully, I've been better. Seems a good buddy of mine, K Money, has had quite the attitude change." MM:"Oh yeah? So what, you gonna teach him a lesson tonight?" ZM:"Sure as hell gonna try. Thing is, he's got this tag team going now, Black Label. Which means as of right now, the odds are in their favor. Unless..." Zack gets a smirk on his face. Mad Matt thinks he knows where he is going with this. ZM:"...I can take you up on that open challenge of yours, except you'd be my partner." Mad Matt gets a smirk also. MM:"You and me against Black Label, huh?" ZM:"Yeah. What do you say?" MM:"I say I'll see you out there." Mad Matt extends a hand, which is accepted by Zack. The champion walks off, leaving Matt to get himself geared up. The newcomer and the champion face off against Black Label tonight~! MC:"What a twist we had there! Zack Malibu has recruited Mad Matt to be his partner tonight, and their opponents are the newly formed Black Label!" Coach:"Remember what I said earlier about Black Label being something to be reckoned with, MC. Zack never takes anything lightly, but I'm wondering if they'll try to make an example out of Mad Matt. I guess we'll find out later." MC:"Indeed we will. Right now, we gotta go to Tough Enough Josh, who's standing with the Female Phenom, Crystal!" Josh Matthews: “Crystal, it seems you have had problems with “The Current Big Thing” Brock Ausstin as of late. Let’s take a look at what happened in last week’s tag team match for a shot at the world title.” ::Clips of last week’s tag match are shown, including Brock giving Crystal, who was his partner, a monstrous clothesline. Brock walks off and a knocked out Crystal is placed in the Bounced Check from K-Money, ending the match:: Crystal (an icy glare in her eyes): “I don’t know what Brock was thinking, and frankly I don’t care. All that matters is that he messed with me and no one screws around with Crystal. Oh, speak of the devil.” ::Brock is seen coming towards Matthews and Crystal, with Heyross in tow. He grunts at Matthews, sending him scurrying. Brock gives the death glare to Crystal:: Heyross: “Why look who it is! (dripping with sarcasm) ‘The Female Phenom’” Crystal (ignoring Heyross and focusing on Brock): “So Brock, why did you cost me a title shot at the World Title, huh? Were you feeling a little overshadowed? Maybe a little jealous?” Heyross: “My client…” Crystal: “Shut it, Heyross. I want to hear it from (also dripping with sarcasm) “The Current Big Thing” himself. So Brock, why?” ::Brock just glares at her. Instead of responding, he steps towards her, coming face-to-well, chest to her. Crystal isn’t going anywhere and glares right back.:: Crystal: “I am NOT intiminated by you Brock. I don’t care how big and strong you are. You don’t fuck with me, and guess what? You have. You want to fight me so badly? Why don’t you do it face-to-face in a match at the The Great Angle Bash? (smirks) That is, if you have the guts.” ::Brock is fuming at this point:: Heyross(smirking): “Brock would just love to kick your ass in a match, Crystal. See ya at Great Angle Bash...kid.” ::Fade to Black:: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Zack Malibu Report post Posted June 12, 2003 Coach:"Man, and those two don't have to wait for GAB...they get to go at it tonight in that tag team contest!" MC:"Crystal can handle herself quite well, Coach." Coach:"I mean, I'd protect her and all...just not against Ausstin." MC:"Coach, she'd wind up protecting you against Matthews if she had to." Coach:"HEY! Josh is a tough know, he was Tough Enough...ha...ha..." Cole stares blankly at Coach. MC:"Right." The crowd begins to murmur as Alix Spezia makes her way towards the ring. Cole: Hey, it's Alix. What do you think she wants? Coach: Me. Cole: Get real!! Alix steps into the ring and grabs a microphone Alix: Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me to introduce you to the epitome of male beauty, the icon of sexual healing, the savior of the OAOAST, my first, my last, my only, the incomparable Shattered Dreams!! "Fighter" plays over the loud speaker as Shattered Dreams emerges from the entrance way. He blows kisses to crowd then gets on his knees and starts to "worship" them. Some of the fans respond by "worshipping" him while the rest boo him. Cole: This is odd. Last week a good portion of our audience wasn't thrilled with this kid's actions. Now they cheer him? Coach: You can't stay mad at him. He's Dreams! He's my main playa! Representin B.Hills! Dreams enters the ring and grabs the microphone from Alix. Dreams: Last week when I was lying on the mat face up, staring at the lights and hearing the roar of the crowd, I had to ask myself a few important questions. What am I doing? I'm bleeding from the nose. Why am I here? Because Slacker hit me with a chair. Why is this female trainer trying to cop a feel on me? Because I'm one sexy bitch! Coach: True dat. True dat. Cole: Will you stop. She was trying to get him on to the stretcher Dreams: After those questions were answered, I had to play closet psychologist and I had to wonder why Slacker continues to assault me and conspires with OAOAST officials to screw me out of proper medical care. After deep thought and personal reflection, I think I figured it out. He attacks me because he's a petty, jealous man. Cole: Jealous? Dreams: That's right he's jealous. Jealous of me. J-e-a-l-o-u-s. Let me tell you why; he knows I'm the most entertaining showman in the OAOAST. He knows that I'm the only reason people watch this sad ass excuse for a television show. He's upset because I make the rest of the talentless hacks on this show look like a group of paraplegic children with a bad case downs syndrome. Cole: Now wait just a hot minute. Coach: It's true! Shoot on me next Dreams! Shoot on me next! Dreams: He's upset by the fact that I have each and everyone one of you wrapped around my little finger and hanging off my left nut. I take one little step, you people go crazy. I take off my shirt and all the babes in the audience whip out the vibrators. Let's do a little test. Dreams takes off his shirt and the women in the audience cheer wildly and the men start to boo. Dreams: It's quite sad really. I can spit on you people, throw bricks at you people and rape your little sisters, but you'd keep on coming back to see me. Because you simply can't live without me. Crowd: You suck! You suck! Dreams: Oh my god! That's like totally not nice....I mean, shut up! Listen Slackmeister. You can't be me. You can't have the connection I have with the crowd. You'll never be able to do things I do, or say the things I say. You'll never amount to anything. You'll never be successful. You're shit. You're lower than shit. You're not worth the dry ass pussy you crawled out of. The only reason you're in this company, is to make guys like me look even better. So just give up and get on my dick like the rest of the OAOAST . "Back up" plays over the loud speaker causing Shattered Dreams to break into a cold sweat. He drops the microphone and rushes out of the ring. He jumps the railing and runs through the crowd towards the nearest exit. A confused Alix shrugs her shoulders and picks up the microphone. Coach: It's time for Alix to profess her love for me. I've been waiting so long for this. Put it on me baby girl. Cole: Get a life! Alix: Hi! Let me tell you the real reason my boss came out here. He came out here to issue a challenge to the OAOAST world champion Zack Malibu. He's sick and tired of watching less talented sports entertainers, like Yoshi and G.Money, get a title shot. My boss thinks that Zack Malibu is a sissy little girl and he demands a title match at once!! Thank you and good night. P.S. : Buy a T-shirt! The crowd boos as "Fighter" plays over the speaker and Alix leaves the ring. Cole: A challenge? To Zack Malibu? Things are really heating up here on heldDOWN! (Commerical for OAOAST Divas:Toned, Tanned and Tasty, featuring Crystal, Candie, Alison, Black Widow, and all your favorite females!) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Zack Malibu Report post Posted June 12, 2003 Cue: "Imaginary" by Evanescence The house lights drop low as the opening orchestral strains start. As Amy Lee's voice sings, purple lights swirl all around the arena. The guitar strikes hard and BLACK WIDOW~! emerges from the back. She makes her way down the ramp, smiling and playing to the fans along the way as the first verse plays. She slides in the ring and hits the corner as the chorus hits, and backflips off to the center of the ring as the music dies down. Cue: "Stupid Girl" by Cold Choko emerges from the back, her cute features drawing a face-like reaction from the crowd. She grins as she looks around as she makes her way down to the ring. She slides in and throws both arms up and jumps up and down, grinning beautifully. The ref chats with the ladies briefly before we're set to go. DING, DING Circle and the lockup. Struggle for power but Widow shifts her weight and unbalances Choko, and follows through with a whip to the ropes. Choko on the return, goes for the clothesline herself but Widow ducks, slides behind her, and locks in a waistlock. Struggle, Widow goes for a German early but Choko blocks and elbows her way out. Choko turns, boot to the gut - DDT! Widow is stunned and Choko takes advantage, rolling Widow over and going for an early pin. 1 KICKOUT. Choko grabs Widow's head and pulls her up as she gets to her own feet, but Widow delivers a forearm to the belly. And another! One more and Choko is forced to break and retreat a step or two. Widow is on it, powering to her feet and snagging Choko's arm to whip her to the ropes. Widow launches back and rebounds off the opposite ropes and takes to the air - FLYING CLOTHESLINE! Widow scrambles to her feet and drops a quick elbow on Choko before Choko can get up. Widow grabs Choko's arm and tries to lock in an armbar, but Choko wrenches free and scrambles away. She pulls her self to her feet by the ropes, and Widow charges. Choko drops low and flips Widow overhead, sending Widow to the mat outside. While Widow nurses her rattles body, Choko bolts to the opposite side of the ring and comes off the ropes - DOUBLE FLIP- MOONSAULT OVER THE TOP ROPE! Both ladies are nursing their poor bodies and trying to get back to their feet now. Choko is first, and she meets Widow with a right hand. Widow staggers back but returns a right of her own. BRAWL~! The two trade hits before Widow finally gets aggravated and pitches the younger woman back into the ring. Widow slides in but is met with a quick leg drop before she can really get up. A second later she's kept down with an elbow drop from Choko, and then another! Choko is on fire and she makes a run for the ropes. Widow is up on the return, however and she meets Choko with a quick BELLY TO BELLY SUPLEX! Both ladies trying to get their feet back under them now. Widow again charges but Choko changes tactics and this time hits a MISSILE DROPKICK, which sends Widow rocking back off of her feet. She bumps and rolls with the sell. Choko is all over it, getting in a few quick stomps before running the ropes and coming back with a DROPKICK TO THE FACE! Widow is sent sliding to the ropes. She nurses her face as she tries to haul herself up with the ropes, but obviously can't see very well. She makes vague moves towards Choko, but is stumbling dizzily and confused. unfortunately, this leaves her wide open and she walks right into a KIRA-KIRA~! from Choko! Cover! 1 2 3~! After the match, Choko stands back as Widow gets to her feet. The two stare at one another for a brief moment before Widow extends a shaky hand. Choko smiles an alarmingly cute smile and takes it, and Widow holds her hand up and points to her in respect. The two embrace briefly and Widow leaves the ring as we fade to commercial on Choko's debut victory. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Zack Malibu Report post Posted June 12, 2003 MC:"How about that Choko, eh Coach?" Coach:"Not a bad way to kick off her career here on HeldDOWN~! Still, my #1 gal is coming up right now!" Cue: “War Ensemble” by Slayer MC:"Brock Ausstin?" Coach:"Nimrod." Announcer: Coming to the ring, being accompanied by Rick Heyross, from Victoria Minnesota, “The Current Big Thing”, Brock Ausstin! Brock walks slowly to the ring, to a chorus of boos. He looks unaffected by this, and just waits for his partner. Cue: “Dream On” by Aerosmith Announcer: And his partner, hailing from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Anglesault! Anglesault is met with massive boos. You know, same old, same old. He gives a dirty look the crowd and makes his way to the ring with Brock, waiting for their opponents. Cue: “Just a Girl” by No Doubt Coach:"Whoo! I'm just a girl in the world..." MC:"You act like it sometimes." Announcer: And their opponents, introducing first from Coquitlam, British Columbia, Crystal! Crystal is met with a nice pop. Instead of heading to the ring, Crystal wisely decides to wait for her partner at the bottom of the ramp. Cue: “Sexy Boy” Announcer: And her partner, hailing from Boston Massachusetts, Some Guy! Some Guy comes down to a huge eruption of cheers. He meets up with Crystal at the bottom of the ramp. They look, nod, and rush to the ring to attack. Cole: Here we go! Crystal and Some Guy clear the ring, waiting again to attack. The ref forces Crystal out, and Anglesault comes in, looking to start the match. Ding! Ding! Ding! Stare down to begin and Some Guy and Anglesault are in each other’s faces, talking trash. AS backs away, smirks, and tags in Brock. Coach: It looks like Some Guy will be starting it out with Brock Ausstin. SG and Brock Ausstin lock up, and Brock pushes SG away. SG, unfazed, comes back to Brock and ducks a punch and kicks Brock hard in the stomach. He whips him to the ropes a dropkicks him. Brock gets up, fustrated, charging at SG only to be met with a drop-toehold. Brock is seething now. SG goes to whip Brock into the corner, but Brock reverses it and charges at SG. SG gets his foot up, and Brock eats boot. SG goes behind Brock and hits a bulldog! Some Guy then goes and makes the tag to Crystal. Crystal ascends to the top rope, waiting for Brock to turn her way, and hits a hurricanrana. Crystal goes for the pin 1… Kickout. Brock effortlessly kicks out and kicks Crystal hard, in the guy. Brock goes for a powerbomb, but Crystal slips behind him and dropkicks his back. Crystal goes on the second rope and uses the height to kick Brock in the head. She goes for the lionsault, but Brock moves. Crystal lands on her feet, but is viciously clotheslined. Brock tags in Anglesault and holds Crystal in place so AS can punch her. He does a snap-suplex on her and goes for the pin 1.. 2.. Kickout. AS picks up Crystal by her hair and gives her a short-armed clothesline. He taunts SG and begs him to attack him. SG is furious on the outside, and AS just laughs at him, not paying attention to Crystal. She rolls him up 1.. 2.. Kickout! Both are up at the same time, Crystal the worse for wear. She takes a swing at AS, but he ducks and catches a german. Crystal blocks it though, and goes for another rollup. 1.. 2.. Kickout. AS is pissed now. He plants Crystal with a DDT and goes for the cover. 1… 2… Kickout. AS whips Crystal to the ropes and goes for the clothesline. Crystal ducks and whips off the ropes again, and hits the spear! Crystal can’t capitalize, and both are down. 1… 2… 3… 4… 5…both are stirring 6… 7…both are staggering to their feet. Crystal makes the move to tag SG, but AS’s got her foot. Crystal regains her balance on one foot and hits an enzugury and makes the hot tag to Some Guy! Some Guy is a house ‘o fire, knocking down a charging AS and Brock. Brock knocks down SG, but Crystal comes off the top rope with a missle dropkick! It’s a Pier 4 brawl! SG knocks AS out of the ring. He waits for AS to get up and planchas into him. Him and AS continue to brawl outside the ring while Crystal and Brock are in the ring. Coach: Isn’t Anglesault and Some guy the legal participants? Shouldn’t they be the ones in the ring? Cole: When has THAT ever mattered? Coach: Point taken. Brock goes for a clothesline and Crystal ducks and hits a spinning heel kick. She signals for the Diamond in the Rough, but Rick Heyross is one the apron, and grabs her hair. Crystal knocks his arm away and pulls on his collar, ready to punch. Suddenly, Brock comes charging, but hits Heyross instead of Crystal because she moved at the last minute! Crystal quickly rolls up Brock in his confused state. 1…. 2… 3!!! Announcer: And your winners are Crystal and Some Guy! MC:"Crystal did it! She gave Brock his first loss!" Coach:"Atta girl Crystal!" Crystal’s celebration is cut short when Brock attacks her from behind, pissed at losing to her. Brock picks her up and hits the F-STUNNER-5! Coach:"You sonuvabitch!" MC:"Go take care of 'em, Coach." Crystal is motionless in the ring. Brock, Anglesault, and Heyross make their way in the back as Some Guy and the referee check on Crystal. Coach:"Cut to break. This is ridiculous." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Zack Malibu Report post Posted June 12, 2003 Cole: Wow, what a break we just had... Coach: Or a lack of one! Both teams are in the ring. The first defense on HeldDown for the new champs, the Trinity! Cole: Jacob X isn't here tonight, his contract really lets him show up whenever he pleases! Coach: Like a certain aging yellow-skinned star of the WWe! Cole: The Trinity came down after our last match, beat up a fan, and called out any team! To our surprise, the OAOAST X Champion, The Amazing Rando answered the call, alongside a newcomer known to us as Amazing Zero. Apparently, they'd like to be known as Toy Machine." Coach:"Rando could very well be a dual champion after this matchup, Michael!" *DING DING DING* Stephen Joseph and Rando start off. Many a war of words has gone on backstage over which guy holds the crowd in his hand the most. If you want your job though, you'll say Joseph out loud, and quitely pine for Rando in whispers. Joseph stands by the ropes, leaning on them talking to Edward. The two men act as if this is some sort of joke going on, that they're facing...toy...machines... Rando pulls Popick out of his corner, and Popick splashes Rando's eyes with Hot HOLY WATER! Several right hands from Stephen push Rando back to the ropes, Whipped off, Rando rebounds on the otherside as Popick telegraphs a back body drop, which Rando lands on his feet behind Popick! Quickly, Rando wraps his arms around Stephen's neck, and hits a BreakDown! Popick puts his foot on the ropes after a 1 count, and Rando breaks things up. Stephen, near to his corner, Toe-holds Rando into the turnbuckle whilst tagging in Edward. Edward comes in with an inverse DDT on Rando, and Joseph senton splashes from the outside for added effect, till the ref removes him from the ring Ed squares off with Rando, locking him down in a front facelock with Rando fighting to stand up, but Ed maintaining leverage. Joseph yells to Ed, who looks at Joseph first, making the fatal flaw to NOT look at what's coming. From the turnbuckle, Amazing Zero comes flying in with a thundering clothesline on the back of Ed's head...landing on Amazing Rando. Both men crumple as the crowd chants, and Zero runs back to his corner yelling for the tag. Ed and Rando slowly, slowly crawl to the corners, Ed pausing once too often clutching his head, and his tag to Popick isn't fast enough to prevent Popick from stopping Rando...Amazing Zero is in! Zero comes in and is a house on fire, hitting Popick down with hard rights once, twice, thrice! Zero rebounds of the ropes with a sitting snap legrop, and then works the arm in some very weird MMA style submission, with Popick's arm wrapped around his Zero's right leg. Popick is fighting the hold, and to Zero's suprise, Popick's left hand grabs left leg, and Popick stands up, with Zero drapped across his back, head in between Popick's legs! Quick snap drop, and Popick drops Zero ON HIS HEAD! Zero crumples and Popick rolls him over 1... 2... NO! Rando hits Popick with a diving hit to the head to break it up. Popick drags Zero to the Trinity corner and tags in Ed again. Zero fights in Popick's headlock, throwing Popick down but turning around into a cross-body by Ed... Ed covers... 1... 2... NO! Zero Rolls through! 1... 2... 3!!! NO!! Ed kicks out! The crowd and the Toy Machines can't believe it! Cole: What's this...a commercial! Coach: NO..The writer just needed a break... Cole: Why? Coach: So we'd be suprised when they both made tag outs! Cole: OH MY GAWD HOT TAG! Rando and Popick again run into each other, exchanging a flurry of fisticuffs. Fighting Frantically, fellow foes (ohh what consonation!), it ends when Popick hits a low blow that goes undetected by the ref. Cole: Why don't wrestlers wear cups? Coach: Same reason I don't wear underwear..It just feels good! Popick goes to pick Rando up for the SYnCHorNIcITY, but Zero dives from the turnbuckle with a missile dropkick! Rando falls on top of Popick.. 1...! 2....! 3! NO Popick gets his shoulder up! Edward comes in dumps Zero on the outside, with him following...the two brawling around the ring. As the referee is attending to them, warning them to get back to their corners...Stephen Joseph pulls a metal ROSARY! from his boot, laces it in his fingers, and NAILS Rando Across the head. He throws the Rosary out of the ring and covers! 1... 2 3....! NO!!!! Rando kicks out! Popick runs after the referee, not believing the call. Rando gains a second wind as Popick has his back turned...Popick turns around into a kick to the stomach! Cole: COULD IT BE? Coach: He's Gonna! Rando picks Popick up...but Popick's too much dead weight, his insides STILL rolling around his stomach. Rando tries again, but Popick claspes a frontal full nelson and hangs on again...He picks Rando up again for the SynCHorNIciTY! but Rando sweeps his legs up holding onto Popick's shoulders and blocking the move! Rando tries firing shots to Popick's gut, but upside down its rather tough, Rando's head near Popick's knees... Edward screams "DO IT!" at Popick right before Zero slams him down to the cold concrete outside. Disregarding Safety, Zero hits a ChokeSlam! But meanwhile...Stephen has heard Evenflow's voice, and looks down at Rando. Goodbye. Stephen drops down to his knees, jamming Rando's head against the canvas, the life limping out. Crowd: OWWWWWWW...OHHHHHHH.ECK Popick rolls over to cover, and finally Zero notices the pinfall...He runs to the ring! 1....! Zero starts rolling under the ropes 2....! Zero can almost reach Stephen 2.5...! Cole: What the hell..A 2.5? Coach: Suspense! Zero sticks his arm out to bat at Popick! 2.9!!! And Edward grabs Zero's shoe! 3!!!! Your winners, by pinfall, and STILLLLL OaOasT Tag Team Champions, The Trinity! Cole: My Gawd, Toy Machines came so close tonight.... Coach: But what off that move Stephen did to Rando Cole: One day he'll get what he deserves... Coach: But will Rando be the same again? Cole:"Folks, don't change that channel. The debut of Mad Matt, the tag team debut of Black Label, and the World Champion are all gonna hook it up NEXT!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Zack Malibu Report post Posted June 12, 2003 Knight walks down the halls after taking a shower, still holding the 24/7 title. He holds his head, still woozy from the match. He turns the last corner to his dressing room, but runs into the OaOast’s Female Phenom, who is up and walking around after being revived by smelling salts. Crystal: Great match out there, PK. PK: Thanks. I’m starting to rethink this whole idea, though. Well, when my head isn’t pounding like a bass drum, that is. *chuckles* Crystal: Here, let me try something. This just helped me after what Ausstin did tonight. She places her hands at the sides of his head and rubs the temples. Knight seems to relax a bit more. PK: Hmm, that’s nice. Thanks. Crystal continues the massage, letting Knight get so relaxed; he begins to drift to sleep. Gently, she sets him on the floor and quietly covers. An official quickly hops over and makes the count 1…. 2…. The ref’s hand slaps snap Knight out of the trance and he quickly kicks out. He grabs his belt and stares at Crystal incredulously for a moment before sprinting to his dressing room and locking the door. Crystal snaps her fingers in an “oh, damn” motion, but just shrugs her shoulders and walks away. MC:"Disappointed?" Coach:"After that F Stunner 5 earlier, she deserved some type of reward tonight." MC:"What about a kiss from you?' Coach:"Aw c'mon Michael, you know what would happen if I tried that. She'd melt, and get all lovey-dovey...totally out of place for her." MC:"I just think she'd kick your ass." Coach:"..." MC:"Forget it, it's MAIN EVENT TIME~!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Zack Malibu Report post Posted June 12, 2003 The classic "TNT" by AC/DC starts up, used for the first time on an OAOAST program to introduce K Money and Ragdoll, now collectively known as Black Label. The sight of K Money leads the crowd to begin jeering and cursing the formerly popular star. Money bounces from side to side, as if on an invisible pogo stick, wiping his hands near his eyes with a "crying" taunt to the crowd. Ragdoll paces menacingly behind him, as his much more flamboyant brother stops hopping, and sprints to the ring. Coach:"I'll tell you what Michael, K Money's stock sure has fallen since we went on the air tonight." MC:"Sad but true, Coach. This kid has all the makings of a superstar. He's proven that time and again. Now with some added help in the form of his brother, and their, well I don't know if they're newfound...but with their holier than thou bad attitudes, we could be looking at a dominant force for some time to come!" Black Label stand in the ring, talking to each other and facing the entranceway, waiting on their opponents, as the girls take their spots at ringside. The arena goes dark, save for a purple spotlight focused on the entranceway. "Higher" by Creed starts playing, as the glowing AngleTron lights up the arena with the words "Mad Matt". For the first time ever, the much talked about youngster comes out of the backstage area, and into the arena. Fans give him a warm welcome, as we've seen the videos for weeks, and his debut is now upon us. Mad Matt gets to ringside, and as he's climbing onto the apron, K Money charges and kicks him off with a baseball slide! Money slides to the floor, and starts stomping Matt, and Ragdoll follows suit, coming outside the ring and helping Money beat the kid down. MC:"Good lord, the bell hasn't even rung yet!" Black Label pick Matt up, and just as they do, the lights again go dark... BOOM~! "Bring Me To Life" brings the crowd to their feet, as Zack Malibu comes racing down the aisle! K Money gets up and goes to meet Zack, but gets SPEARED OUT OF HIS BOOTS~! by the World Champion! Zack unloads on K Money, firing off several fists, then picks him up, drags him towards the ring, and throws him into it. Mad Matt mounts a comeback of his own on Ragdoll, and then follows Zack's lead and rolls his opponent into the ring. The official bell rings, and now the actual match can take place. Alison has also made it to ringside, carrying Zack's belt for him as he rushed out to save Matt earlier. Black Label recover from the brief prematch brawl in their corner, while Zack and Matt talk strategy a bit. Mad Matt opts to start out for his team, while K Money starts out for Black Label. Matt and Money meet in the center of the ring, staring each other down. K Money runs his mouth a big, but the youngster doesn't seem phased, and stands his ground. Taking the taunting to the next level, Money slaps the taste out of Mad Matt's mouth, attempting infuriate him and make him lose focus. Instead, Mad Matt rears back and comes around with a slap of his own that sends K Money spinning! MC:"Oh the irony! K Money slaps his fans in the face, and he just got a nice wakeup call courtesy of Mad Matt!" Money comes back with a wild shot, but Matt ducks under it, runs the ropes, and comes off with a headscissors that takes Money to the mat! Money jumps right back up and comes at Matt, who tries to hiptoss him over. Money blocks it, and then tries a hiptoss of his own, only for that to be blocked and countered with a backslide by Mad Matt! Money floats over, landing on his feet in front of Matt, kicks him in the stomach, and lifts him for a suplex, only to have Matt fall behind him. Matt grabs a waistlock, running forward while holding Money, and trying a rollup, only for Money to hold onto the ropes to break it. Matt rolls back, lands on his feet, and swats away the oncoming K Money dropkick. Matt tries to follow up with a dropkick of his own, but K Money knocks his away as well! Matt gets up to his knees, looking at K Money, while the crowd roars with approval for that little standoff. Money looks down at Matt and mouths "Fuck You!" as well as flipping him off, only for Matt to reach up, grab his wrist, and then flip Money over with a Judo Throw, into a sitout armbar! Matt locks his legs around the arm, and pulls back, as K Money yells in pain. Matt breaks the hold, and quickly grabs K Money in a headlock as he gets up, but gets shoved off to the ropes. K Money catches Matt coming off, throwing him up and then bringing him back down on his knee with an inverted atomic drop variant, and then leaping up and taking him over with a huracanrana! Money pulls the newbie up, and takes him to the Black Label corner, where the tag is made to Ragdoll. Money stays in the ring, as he has Matt backed into the corner and SMACKS him with a vicious chop to the chest. He pulls him out, and goes to Irish Whip him into the opposite corner, but Mad Matt reverses in midswing and sends Money crashing in! He turns back to Ragdoll, kicking him in the ribs and then firing off two chops to stun him. Mad Matt takes his arm and tries to send him crashing into his brother, but Ragdoll reverses the whip, and sends Matt towards the corner, where K Money comes racing towards him and nails him with a lariat that makes Mad Matt do a spin bump! MC:"WHOA! That was as close to a decapitation as you could get! Even I felt the impact on that!" Ragdoll picks Mad Matt up and sends him to the ropes, grabbing him and spinning him through the air before smashing him on the canvas with a tilt a whirl slam. Ragdoll gets up, wipes the sweat off his brow, and flicks it at Zack Malibu, who is watching from his spot on the apron. Ragdoll then looks at Mad Matt, jumps in the air, and comes down on his sternum with a standing senton splash! Coach:"He CRUSHED him!" Ragdoll covers, but luckily for the face team, Mad Matt gets a shoulder up at 2! MC:"Another kickout by Mad Matt, who does not want a blemish on his record the first time around!" Ragdoll goes to pull Matt up, but Matt stops him in his tracks by firing off forearm shots to the gut, trying to fight to his feet. Matt upgrades from forearms to the gut to standing up and dazing Ragdoll with a punch...and another...and another...until Ragdoll reaches out and jabs a thumb into Matt's eye! Ragdoll grabs Matt by the head, and TOSSES him to the corner, sending Matt crashing shoulder first into the steel post, and then sliding out to the floor! Coach:"Nevermind the blemish on his record, Michael. That kid could be hurt badly!" Matt lay on the ground, as Ragdoll keeps the referee occupied. K Money runs across the apron to the other corner, and climbs the turnbuckles. He stands on the top rope, and then comes off, dropping an elbow FROM THE TOP ROPE TO THE FLOOR, ONTO MAD MATT! MC:"WHOA!" Coach:"Joey Lawrence is SO gonna sue you for gimmick infringement." The crowd starts up a "Holy Shit" chant, as K Money pops up and waves his arms out to gloat. Mad Matt seems lifeless on the floor, and K Money goes to pick him up, until he's stopped by Zack Malibu! Zack fires off several shots on Money, and then takes him and Irish Whips him into the guardrail! Money hits hard, and Zack follows up by charging forward and clotheslining K Money over the railing, into the first row of fans! The referee slides out of the ring, and rushes over to stop Zack from fighting on the outside. While that is going on, Ragdoll motions for both Josie and Melanie to pick Matt up and roll him into the ring. They girls take the lifeless body of the newcomer and roll it under the bottom rope. Ragdoll drags him into the ring a bit more, and then goes to the top rope. He leaps off, coming down with a Senton Bomb, but Mad Matt rolls out from under him! Ragdoll manages to roll through with the move, and lands on his feet. He turns to see Matt trying to pull himself up by the ropes, and charges, trying to knee him in the head, but Matt falls back to the mat, and Ragdoll's knee hits the middle turnbuckle. He falls to the mat in pain, reaching up and tagging in K Money before rolling to the floor to recover. Mad Matt crawls across the mat towards Zack, but Money stops that by dropping an elbow across the back of his neck. K Money sits on Mad Matt's back, and applies a Camel Clutch. Money pulls back as much as he can without snapping MM's head off his body. Matt doesn't even have the energy to yell in pain, as he gasps and grunts while trying to reach out for the ropes or the tag, whichever comes first. Zack stands on the apron, stomping his feet and leading the crowd with an encouraging cheer as he rallies for Matt to make the tag. Money lets go of the Camel Clutch, stands above Matt, and then turns and forearms Zack in the face, knocking him off the apron! Zack jumps up to go back in after him, but the referee blocks his path. K Money pulls Mad Matt even further back from his own corner now, and again locks on the Camel Clutch! MC:"That little move right there bought K Money the time he needed. Matt was so close to the tag, and now it's like he's going to have to start all over again!" Coach:"If he doesn't pass out from the pain first!" Again, Money has the hold cinched in tight, but Mad Matt will not give him the satisfaction of giving up. He starts to struggle a bit more, seemingly getting a second wind, before standing up with Money on his back, and falling backwards, crushing K Money in the corner! MC:"He broke the hold!" Matt falls forward, and starts moving towards Zack. K Money shakes the cobwebs loose, and dives at Matt, grabbing him by both legs and causing him to fall face first to the canvas. Money tries dragging Matt back again, but Matt rolls onto his back, and kicks free, then monkey flips K Money over, only to have Money land on his feet...RIGHT IN FRONT OF ZACK! Zack DECKS K Money, who stumbles backwards into a backdrop suplex, drilling his head into the mat! Mad Matt takes a moment to catch his breath, and then makes the tag to Zack Malibu! Zack comes roaring in, just as Money makes it to his knees. He sees Zack and begs for mercy, but Zack pulls him up to his feet and reddens his chest with a chop. He continues with the barrage, backing Money into the ropes with chop after chop. He grabs Money's arm to send him in, but Money uses his other arm to hook the top rope. Zack tries to send him again, but while Money blocks the move, Ragdoll sneaks in behind Zack and clubs him across the back. Black Label each grab an arm,and Irish Whip Zack to the opposite side, but he ducks their double clothesline attempt coming off. Rather than bounce off the other side, Zack puts the breaks on, and spins around, nailing Ragdoll with the ROARING ELBOW~! As he does, K Money grabs him and lifts him for a back suplex...into a sitout powerbomb! The referee goes for the cover...2 Count! Money pulls Zack up, but Zack grabs his legs and lifts him up, then carries him over and drops him over the top rope, onto the apron. Money fires a shot at Zack, but it's blocked, and Zack nails him, staggering him. Zack goes for another shot, but Money ducks it, and shoulderblocks Zack through the ropes, then slingshots in with a sunset flip...1...2...NO! Zack rolls backwards out of the move, and grabs Money by the legs, and catapults him backwards, into the recovering Ragdoll, who just got back up on the apron! Ragdoll takes a spill back down to the floor, and Money falls back into a pinning predicament...2 Count only! Money rolls through and gets to his feet, running at Zack, who ducks and backdrops him over the top rope, right into Ragdoll's arms! Lucky for Money his brother caught him and broke his fall, and sets him down, just in time for both guys to be wiped out by a springboard bodypress from the World Champion! Zack comes crashing down onto both members of Black Label on the outside, as the fans go wild! Zack stands up, as both members of Black Label regain their composure around him. Zack waves on Mad Matt, who enters the ring from his spot on the apron. Matt comes running, and Zack slides back in under the bottom rope, just as Matt's feet leave the canvas, and he spirals through the air with a corkscrew plancha onto both members of Black Label! MC:"Incredible!" Coach:"That was simply breathtaking!" The crowd is on their feet, chanting Mad Matt's name. The newcomer gets to his feet and looks pleased at what he's done, and raises an arm to salute the crowd back. He picks K Money up and rolls him in, where Malibu is waiting on him. Zack calls Matt up onto the apron, and takes K Money, dropping him on his knee with an inverted atomic drop! With Money hunched over, Zack points to Mad Matt, who leaps up, springboards off the top, and somersaults into the ring, bringing K Money face first to the mat with a SOMERSAULT ROCKER DROPPER~! MC:"Did he just...he..." Coach:"Spit it out, Michael! This kid is awesome!" Zack and Matt high five each other, and Matt goes to exit, while Zack goes for the pin on K Money... 1! 2!! 3!!! NO! Ragdoll reaches in and pulls Zack off his brother! Coach:"That was it! No doubt in my mind, and Ragdoll saved his brother!" Zack gets up, and shouts down at Ragdoll. He reaches over the top rope and lunges for him, getting him up on the apron. Zack calls out to the crowd, and then suplexes Ragdoll in from the apron, however Ragdoll floats over and lands behind Zack! He grabs him in a waistlock...GERMAN SUPLEX...NO! ZACK FLOATS OVER, LANDING ON HIS FEET...RIGHT INTO A GERMAN SUPLEX BY K MONEY! MONEY BRIDGES...2 7/8 COUNT ONLY! ZACK KICKED OUT! MC:"I thought THAT was it, Coach! Money STUFFED Zack!" Money pulls Zack up by his hair, the champion standing on his two knees. He calls for Ragdoll, who eyes Zack and comes running with the DEVIL DOLL...NO! ZACK JUMPS UP AND SPEARS RAGDOLL OUT OF THE AIR~! MC:"MID AIR COLLISION!" Ragdoll rolls over to the corner, curled in the fetal position. Money pounds on Zack's back as he's getting up, preventing him from gaining a decisive advantage. He picks Zack up and rushes forward, slamming him back first into the corner. K Money then backs up, and starts doing a little dance... Coach:"You know what this means..." Money stops the dance and races forward, jumping up and kicking off Zack with the DSSR~! He smirks in Zack's direction, and then dropkicks him while he's in the corner! MC:"Right in the face!" Money pulls Zack up out of the corner, and then scoop slams him down, leaving him on the mat. Money then goes to the top rope, facing out to the crowd, and comes off with an awesome moonsault, gliding through the air...and hitting NOTHING BUT CANVAS! Coach:"He moved! Zack, make the tag!" Zack is on his back, but rolls onto his stomach,and starts moving for the corner. K Money is hurting, trying to reach out and grab Zack while he is down as well, but Malibu lunges forward and MAKES THE TAG TO MAD MATT! The crowd goes nuts, and Matt immediately climbs the ropes, leaping off and taking Money over with a flying huracanrana! Ragdoll comes racing in and Matt goes low, hitting a drop toe hold to take him down. Mad Matt is cleaning house on Black Label! Zack watches from his position on the apron, as Matt has the situation well in control. The cameras then cut to the aisle, as a figure is slowly making his way down the's Edward Robins! MC:"What's he doing here?" Coach:"C'mon Michael, you already know the answer to that. The Trinity wants nothing more than to haunt Zack Malibu forever!" Edward makes his way to ringside, and turns to his left, glaring at Alison, who cowers back in shock. Zack looks down, catching a glimpse of his former best friend, and is locked in a staredown. He tries to keep his attention on the action in the ring, but can't shake the fact that he's being stalked by Trinity members. Zack turns back to the action, and gets tagged in by Mad Matt, who still has K Money in his grasp. The face team both grab Money in a facelock, and level him with a doubleteam snap suplex. Zack goes for the cover, but doesn't hook a leg, as he's distracted by the presence of Edward. K Money kicks out of the pin attempt, and Zack is still preoccupied with Robins' presence. MC:"He could have had the match won right there, but this whole thing with the Trinity has affected him greatly!" Zack yells at the artist formerly known as Evenflow to go back to the dressing room, while Edward gleefully stares at him, not moving a muscle. He turns back to K Money, who catches him off-guard with a lowblow, and then grabs Zack...SLICED BREAD #3...NO! ZACK MALIBU TOSSES K MONEY OVER THE TOP, ONTO EDWARD ROBINS! Coach:"That's one way to eliminate the problem!" Zack looks down, and then is warned by Mad Matt to turn around. Zack turns to see Ragdoll running, and he ducks, backdropping him over the top, right onto his own partner as well as Robins! Malibu climbs to the top rope, and Mad Matt climbs the turnbuckles in his corner. The three heels start to stand up, and are then WIPED OUT~! by Stereo Flying Bodypresses~! Zack picks up K Money and rolls him in, and Matt does the same with Ragdoll. Mad Matt enters the ring to continue the offense, while Zack picks up Robins and tosses him HARD into the guardrail! MC:"Zack has had enough!" Coach:"He's not going to let the Trinity break his spirit, Michael!" Matt goes to pull K Money up, but gets grabbed himself, and lifted into a bearhug. Ragdoll runs the ropes, and Black Label takes the new kid out with a variation of the old Hart Attack finisher! Ragdoll kicks at Mad Matt, kicking him out of the ring and to the floor. Zack turns his attention back to Black Label, punching each one of them, switching off to keep the offense even. With both men dazed, he goes to bounce off the ropes, but is tripped up by Robins! MC:"DAMN HIM!" Money and Ragdoll pick Zack up, and deliver a DOUBLE-TEAM BRAINBUSTER to the World Champion, spiking his head off the mat! K Money hooks a leg in the center of the ring! 1... 2... 3..NO! NO! MAD MATT IN TO BREAK IT UP JUST IN TIME! Coach:"YES! It's not over yet, Michael!" Edward Robins looks on in disgust at the perserverance of Zack's team. Mad Matt pulls Ragdoll up and back him into a corner, unleashing a flurry of chops to daze him. As Edward watches on, Alison comes over to him, spinning him around and standing face to face. She then knocks the taste out of his mouth with a hard slap, and the crowd roars as she bitches out her former flame! Edward can only laugh, and inch closer to her, forcing her to backpedal. As this goes on, Ragdoll hits a knee to Mad Matt's gut, allowing him to bust out of the corner. He grabs him for a suplex, but instead lifts him and then drops him down, face first, over the top rope and to the floor! MC:"He's splattered in front of us!" Mad Matt is out on the floor, and K Money has Zack. He picks him up and sends him to the ropes, but Zack uses the momentum to slide out with a baseball slide, kicking Ed away from Alison! Edward goes toppling into the guardrail a second time as a result of that blow, and as Zack gets up to look down on him, K Money rushes up behind him, grabs him in a waistlock, and takes him over with a German Suplex, combined with a neckbreaker by Ragdoll at the same time! MC:"Ragdoll nearly pulled his head off!" K Money hooks the leg, and Ragdoll stands guard, though Mad Matt is in no shape to make the save. The referee makes the count... 1! 2!! 3!! MC:"No...NO!" WINNERS:Black Label (German Suplex/Neckbreaker Combo, Money pins Malibu in 19:46) Coach:"That was a hell of a match, and what a coup for Black Label!" MC:"It was an impressive debut for the team of Black Label as a duo, as well as the first appearance of Mad Matt, who won this whole crowd over. But look, just look at Edward Robins..." Money, Ragdoll, and the girls exit the ring, cocky and happy all the way up the aisle, as Money gets in a few fans faces, while Ragdoll remains stoic. Mad Matt is just coming to on the outside, and Alison tends to Zack in the ring, while Edward Robins looks on. He dusts himself off, and then returns up the aisle, as if nothing has happened. The cameras close in on Zack laid out in the ring, and Alison looking on in a combination of anger and fright, as we close this weeks edition of HeldDOWN~! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Zack Malibu Report post Posted June 12, 2003 Uberprops go to: Canadian Chick-who I hope is doing as much work for her exams as she does for us The Blacker Scorpion aka Superstar aka CWM aka Agnes-whichever one of you does the writing, keep it up. The ones that don't, continue to get drunk, pack for your move to MA, or hook me up with your sister K Money-who cannot complain after tonight KingPK-Also known as KingPictionary these days Shattered Dreams-for hooking me up with girl-pop to download Spider Poet-for NOT flirting with "Tiffani" Foshi-who comes through no matter what time I ask him to write something The "Mystery Man"-who is his own biggest critic Caboose-for not getting sent on a spur of the moment vacation and/or drinking binge this week Big Poppa Popick-for contributing to his shows MUCH BETTER RIVAL OMG ANTIMOSITY La Parka Your Car-for building up what will no doubt be a bloodbath at the GAB I think that's everyone. Also, this show is dedicated to the memory of Tiffani Malibu. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites