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Guest Anglesault

This can't end well.

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Guest Anglesault
Kurt is over enough and charismatic enough to be a great face, it's just that what he's told to say/do is practically retarded (all of the goofball segments).

You don't think stealing material from such wrestling legends as the MVP (Most Violent Player, gufaw) is good for his image?

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Guest claydude14
Team Spanky with Angle. I'd enjoy it.



Spanky's a face. And Haas and Benjamin are higher than "Team Spanky"

Team (as in team-up, form a tag-team) Spanky, as in Brian Kenderick, with Angle, as in Kurt Angle, to face Team Angle. Spanky is a face, and so is Angle, am I right? But no, this would just drag Angle down wouldn't it? We can't have anything that doesn't make him look like a God.

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Guest Anglesault
Team Spanky with Angle. I'd enjoy it.



Spanky's a face. And Haas and Benjamin are higher than "Team Spanky"

Team (as in team-up, form a tag-team) Spanky, as in Brian Kenderick, with Angle, as in Kurt Angle, to face Team Angle

Absolutely not.



We can't have anything that doesn't make him look like a God.


Yeah, these last two weeks have mad him look SO GOOD!

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Guest nl5xsk1

Angle was blessed with the abilities to overcome really shitty booking; regardless what they throw at him he stays over and gets good response. Sting had the same gift, and to a lesser extent people like Flair and Foley did too (Both get stuck with average angles - for the most part - and can still bounce back from a loss w/out negative repurcussions.) So, to complain about him being "hurt" with crap angles isn't entirely true. It's not like he's one loss away from curtain jerking the weekend shows or anything.


Should he be main eventing rather than participating in BS angles? Yes. But is it the end of the world that he isn't right now? Not really. BUT: He'll help get Team Angle something to do, give them good TV time, and then allow them to put closure on their Team Angle tenure .Then Kurt will go onto bigger and better things, and the artists-formerly-known-as-Team-Angle will be MORE over, and that can only be a good thing.

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Guest Anglesault
Should he be main eventing rather than participating in BS angles? Yes. But is it the end of the world that he isn't right now? Not really. BUT: He'll help get Team Angle something to do, give them good TV time, and then allow them to put closure on their Team Angle tenure .Then Kurt will go onto bigger and better things, and the artists-formerly-known-as-Team-Angle will be MORE over, and that can only be a good thing.


For Angle, this isn't a completely horrendous side feud (Making it better than just about anything he did last year)




He doesn't really appear to have a partner, so this is screaming "handicapped match", like I said.


And nothing annoys me more than a tag team jobbing to one guy.


I'm more concerned with TA

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

I'm more concerned with Benjamin. I don't know why they have Haas as the lead guy when Benjamin is 10x's the talent.

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Guest nl5xsk1

My guess is that it becomes some kind of clusterfuck 6-man circle jerk, with people like Cena, Rhyno, Benoit (fill in the blanks with random upper-middle carders) thrown in to become filler until the Smackdown PPV ... although I'm thinking there's a good chance no one in the fed. has thought that far ahead.

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Guest Anglesault
I'm more concerned with Benjamin. I don't know why they have Haas as the lead guy when Benjamin is 10x's the talent.

Haas is better on the stick.


My guess is that it becomes some kind of clusterfuck 6-man circle jerk, with people like Cena, Rhyno, Benoit (fill in the blanks with random upper-middle carders) thrown in to become filler until the Smackdown PPV ... although I'm thinking there's a good chance no one in the fed. has thought that far ahead.


That could be cool.


Angle/Lesnar/Benoit/Rhyno vs. TA/Cena/Ug..B Show in various combinations leading up to the show.


Next week is more immediate though.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Haas isn't better on the stick. Benjamins voice alone makes he better than 90% of the guys on the roster.

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Guest Anglesault

Well, then, Haas is white. And we all know that a black man can't be the team leader over a white guy

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Guest undisputedjericho

I didn't see it last week sans the ending, but isn't Kurt supposed to have a title match with Brock this week as per his re-debut interview?

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Well, then, Haas is white. And we all know that a black man can't be the team leader over a white guy

Faarooq, back in the early Nation days, was leader over Crush.


The Rock was leader over Owen Hart (though Rock's also Samoan...)

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