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Guest Choken One

Ultimo Dragon

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Guest Choken One

As we all know Ultimo Dragon will be making his WWE debut very shortly...I was wondering how do you think they should bring in this legendary cruiserweight?



So far they have given Dragon the Mysterio treatment with special hype videos and it appears that according to his SWANK enterance and the money they put into Dragon, WWE is high on this guy and plan on using him for something more then filler...


As I see it...They have 4 options for Ultimo Dragon...


Option A


Have him debut as an Heel.


During Smackdown 200, have an Special CW Title Match between Mysterio and Shannon Moore. Mysterio has the match won but Dragon appears and lays Mysterio out and cuts a quick promo saying that the CW title belongs to him because he is the TRUE cruiserweight legend. Mysterio says he had all the respect in the world for Dragon but he lost it when he attacked him and says it would be an honor to prove to Dragon that he ISN'T the greatest of all time as long Mysterio is kicking ass...So he grants him an Title Shot at Vengence.


Dragon makes his Debut against Crash Holly and MURDERS him...showing the fans that Dragon is a killer and won't take Mysterio lightly.


Dragon makes sure he reinjures Mysterio's Groin just before Vengence...with a severe ass kicking in the parking lot.


Dragon and Rey Rey go at for 10-15 minutes and Dragon MURDERS mysterio and cleanly defeats him to a STUNNED crowd.


Dragon cuts a Promo the following week saying Mysterio was inferior to him...but Mysterio rushes the crowd and sneak attacks Dragon and cuts a promo saying he had lost his Killer inscint and after losing his title...he realized that was what he needed and they sign for a rematch at Summer Slam.


They go at it and Mysterio gets a Cradle Pin for the win.


After the Match...Mysterio celebrates with Eddy and Tajiri (whom had regained their tag titles over Haas and Benjamin in a CLASSIC 2/3 falls match) but Dragon interupts the party and offers his congrats to Mysterio and BOOM! Tajiri NAILS Mysterio with a Upper Kick to the head...Laughing as Eddy is stunned by this...Tajiri walks off with Dragon and throws the title down and spits RED mist into Eddy's face...


Tajiri the next week cuts an Promo saying that EDDY turned him into a comedy act and an Joke...when Dragon reminded him that he was the Japanese Buzzsaw and the most lethal killer in the world and wasn't taking anymore of eddy's crap.


Eddy is stripped of his Tag Team title and they have an special 4 way Tournament for it


Haas/Benjamin Vs Eddy/Mysterio

Tajiri/Dragon Vs Rikishi/Gunn(Random tag team)


Tag and Drag win easy and Mysterio fights through his injury and gets the win for his team...


Setting Up the MEGA Main event of Eddy/Rey Vs Tajiri/Dragon on Smackdown...


They go twenty minutes with Tajiri and Dragon stealing the match to win the titles...


Mysterio is deemed unable to wrestle at No Mercy to defend his CW title and the title will be held up between Dragon and Spanky whom defeated Knoble to get a shot at the title...


Dragon calls Spanky a kid and a joke to the cruiserweight legancy...They sell Spanky as an Major underdog here...


meanwhile Tajiri and Eddy have a CLASSIC match with Tajiri getting the win due to nefarious means...


Dragon has the CW title won but Mysterio returns and helps Spanky get the win...


Thus setting up an Tag Team title Match between Tajiri and Dragon against Mysterio and Eddy at Survivor Series...


Dragon and Tajiri get both Rey and Eddy out cold but the Lights go out and it's Chavo whom LAYS out Dragon and Tajiri and Eddy hits the FROGGY on Tajiri to win the titles Back...



Eddy and Mysterio drop the titles back two later and they sperate into seperate careers.



Option B


They debut Dragon as an Face and have his DEBUT match at Vengence against Nunzio. Dragon puts on a display and gets over MAJOR for the crowd. Mysterio calls Dragon an Cruiserweight ICON and says he would be honored to fight him for title at Summer Slam. Dragon accepts.


They hype it as LEGEND VS LEGEND and face vs Face...


Mysterio squeaks through with a victory...and Dragon shakes his hand and BLINDSIDES mysterio...leaving him dead.


He returns on SMACKDOWN saying that he went into Summer Slam happy to be performing against a crusier the calibar of Mysterio and forgot what it takes to win and says what it takes is what he had before he left...A killer inscint. This time he wants Mysterio and he won't take it easy on the boy.


They have a SPECIAL rematch two weeks later on Smackdown and Dragon pulls one over Mysterio and takes the title...


Spanky comes up to him the next week and congradulates him and says he really looked up to him but Dragon blows him off when he sees Spanky staring at the title and goes "You want this title? Son? Take a damn good look at it...it's the closest you'll ever get"...that gets heat...Spanky has an Match against Knoble later that night and He wins...and He walks past Dragon afterwards and he goes "Nice Job Kid...Not good enough for me but still good job"...Spanky scarastically thanks him...


Spanky wins another good match the next week over Shannon Moore and Dragon dismisses him as a joke again...


Dragon the next week fights against Crash Holly in an non-title and Spanky does commentary...


Dragon MURDERS holly and Tells Spanky to take notes and Dragon hits his Rana but Spanky takes a shot at Dragon and gets Holly to cradle Dragon for the SHOCKING upset...


Dragon is furious and vows to destory Spanky...but won't grant him an title shot...


Stephanie McMahon thinks otherwise and says if Spanky can beat Dragon in an non-title match the next week...he'll get his shot at No Mercy.


Dragon promises to kill Spanky...but Spanky pulls the upset and will get his shot...


Dragon claims he took it easy on the kid and will not tread lightly come No Mercy...


They have an vicious Match and Spanky pulls of the THE UPSET and wins the title...


Dragon is humbled and shakes hands and calls him a superstar...



Option C


Have Him debut with an Special Interview with cole. He talks about his past, his legancy and his career ending injury and his comeback and gets himself over as an good face.


Jamie Knoble whom has broken up with Nidia and is on a losing streak happens to walk into the room during the interview and gets all condescending towards him...Dragon tries to remain civil and calm but Knoble continues to get in his face...and Dragon apoligizes to cole and starts to walk away and gets attacked by Knoble...


Knoble runs away when Dragon makes a comeback...


Knoble cuts an promo sayin he doesn't care if Dragon is some LEGEND...He is nothing compared to Jamie Knoble...They ink a deal for Vengence.



Knoble wins via nefarious ways due to the returning Nidia whom reunites with Knoble...


Dragon is cheesed and gets to face him again at Slam and finally gets his redemption and goes over...


and then He goes after the CW title in a Respect fued with Mysterio...climaxing with a ****** Match at No mercy where he wins the gold...


Or Option D


He debuts against Zach Gowen and gets beat and trades jobs to Nunzio on Velocity until he gets a "Oh Yeah forgot ya" push around WM time and wrestles an unispired match with Mysterio and leaves WWE afterwards.

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I'll go with option D, Mr. Trabek. The problem with all the other options is that it involves, you know, a storyline in the cruiserweight division. Can't have that ya know. Gotta keep them little fellers in their place. Matches like Rey vs. Ultimo and Spanky vs. Ultimo do sound like fun though. They oughta let em go pure lucha, with them just pinballing all over the place and pretty much no selling everything until the finisher.

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Guest the 1inch punch

I go with Option E, have Test squash him for no reason 5 minutes into his debut



Oh wait, that was Rey


Replace Test with A-Train

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Guest INXS

This would never happen, but I would kill for a Eddie/Tajiri Vs Ultimo/Mysterio tag match. Have a respect Babyface Vs Babyface tag title match and then go onto a Rey/Dragon fued for the Cruiser belt.

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Guest claydude14

I would kill for options A or B. C is acceptable. D is what will happen.

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Guest razazteca

I say have a sitdown interview about his past, show some footage of his time in WCW and get some comments from the wrestlers that he has worked with. Maybe get Tajiri and Funaki speak some Japanese with subtitles of course with them saying that they respect Ultimo Dragon. Also get some comments by Eddy and Rey about their time in WCW and finish with Eddy speaking some spanish in Rudo fashion.


Have a face vs face match up between Rey and Dragon with Eddy interference for the title change. Ultimo would act stunned that he won but he did not know that Eddy helped him. Dragon agrees to give Rey a rematch on Smackdown. Eddy could get involved again cheating 2 win for Ultimo as he wins again without knowing that Eddy helped, but after watching a replay of the match Dragon confronts Eddy. During an interview segment by Tazz the 2 wrestlers start argueing in ESPANOL. Rey Mysterio Jr comes in to prevent Tajiri from blindsiding Dragon, this would set up the main event tag match for Smackdown. This would also set up a tag team title match for the PPV using Lucha Libre rules 2/3 falls.


Rudos over Technicos


1st pinfall would be Dragon Sleeper after the Tajiri Tranjula spot which gets countered with 619 by Rey then submission by Ultimo.


2nd pinfall El Passo Lasso and Tajiri kick spot.


3rd pinfall would be Eddy counters the Hurricana by Rey with a roll through and hold the ropes for the 3 count.

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Guest cynicalprofit

ya know, there was probably more thought put into the start of this thread then what the wwe writers have come up with. You're writers, how can you not come up with something for someone, hell why arent you fired when you cant.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

... well, for the next 3 months, then after that he's pretty much well a lock to get squashed by a hoss and then work velocity for the rest of his tenure.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

I'd say have a 5 minute "documentary" on Ultimo Dragon - talking about his past: his beginnings, his J-crown win, his debut in WCW, his win over Rey, his innovation, his injury, his promotion, etc. And basically have it say that "Ultimo Dragon is the greatest cruiserweight in history" - when Ultimo debuts have all the cruiserweights (well, all 6 of them, throw in some heavies like Benoit and Eddie) surround the ring to watch his match, and after he wins have them all congratulate him and generally ignore Rey - the cruiserweight champ. Have them all talk about how the cruiserweight division will improve 10-fold with Dragon here as if to insult Rey. Then have a tag match with Rey and Dragon where they win the match and Dragon gets all of the attention. Week after week this sort of thing happens to Rey until he finally can't take it any more - goes to the ring and calls out Dragon and challenges him to a match. Rey wins the match (on a PPV, or a really big smackdown match) but does so questionably (say Knoble comes down and takes Dragon out) so people still don't recognize Rey as a true champ. Build that up some more, and have the blow off at Summerslam or some big ppv.


This doesn't turn Rey heel, it just adds another dimension to his character. I think we can all understand his frustration - he's basically the-older-child-getting-pushed-out-of-the-way-by-the-new-born-brother.

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Guest Downhome
I'd say have a 5 minute "documentary" on Ultimo Dragon - talking about his past: his beginnings, his J-crown win, his debut in WCW, his win over Rey, his innovation, his injury, his promotion, etc. And basically have it say that "Ultimo Dragon is the greatest cruiserweight in history" - when Ultimo debuts have all the cruiserweights (well, all 6 of them, throw in some heavies like Benoit and Eddie) surround the ring to watch his match, and after he wins have them all congratulate him and generally ignore Rey - the cruiserweight champ. Have them all talk about how the cruiserweight division will improve 10-fold with Dragon here as if to insult Rey. Then have a tag match with Rey and Dragon where they win the match and Dragon gets all of the attention. Week after week this sort of thing happens to Rey until he finally can't take it any more - goes to the ring and calls out Dragon and challenges him to a match. Rey wins the match (on a PPV, or a really big smackdown match) but does so questionably (say Knoble comes down and takes Dragon out) so people still don't recognize Rey as a true champ. Build that up some more, and have the blow off at Summerslam or some big ppv.


This doesn't turn Rey heel, it just adds another dimension to his character. I think we can all understand his frustration - he's basically the-older-child-getting-pushed-out-of-the-way-by-the-new-born-brother.

That would be beautiful, but there is NO f'n way that WWE would ever pull something that big off, not for just a cruiser.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Well I think they should do the "superstars surround the ring" for everything, and they haven't done that... ever... so I know it won't happen - but it would be the best way IMO to get into a Rey vs. Dragon feud. Rey won the title with a hurt groin and had support from one guy - Dragon comes in and does nothing but everyone loves him. Then you can have the feud end with Rey realizing that Dragon deserves everything he gets, and they become friends, and even team against the next big threat to the cruiserweight title (whatever that would be... I'd sign American Dragon and Low Ki and have them come in as a sort of Outsiders gimmick and destory everyone, but I'm whacky like that)

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