Guest Sandman9000 Report post Posted June 15, 2003 (edited) Blatantly stolen from the board. Quick results first, PBP later down in the thread. Nick Gage d. Nate Hatred & Messiah in a Cage Match. Stips were that if Messiah was pinned, he would lose the World belt; if Hatred was pinned, he would lose the BJW deathmatch belt; if Gage was pinned, he wouldn't recieve any title shot for six months and would never get a 1-on-1 match with Hatred. Nick Gage new BJW Deathmatch Champion, Messiah still CZW Heavyweight Champion. Sonjay Dutt d. Deranged Jon Dahmer d. Niles Young & Grim Reefer GQ d. Chri$ Ca$h B-Boy d. Jimmy Rave Intermission Reckless Youth & Tony Mamaluke d. Nick Berk Ruckus d. Ric Blade, still CZW Jr. Heavyweight Champion Backseat Boys d. Briscoe Brothers, still CZW Tag Team Champions Rockin' Rebel d. Zandig, I Quit Strap Match (BIG SURPRISE RUN-IN'S during the match!) Also, there is a video screen above the entrance way, which has been there for a couple of shows now. During the event, live promos being cut in the back are being shown over the screen. No word on whether any will make it to the tape, although one did from BOTB3, if that's any indication. Edited June 15, 2003 by Sandman9000 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Sandman9000 Report post Posted June 15, 2003 (edited) Nick Gage vs. Messiah (CZW Heavyweight Champion) vs. Nate Hatred (Big Japan Deathmatch Champion): Cage Match Nick Gage was first to the ring, followed by Nate Hatred. Hatred ran down to the ring and the brutality began. Messiah slowly walked to the ring while Nate and Nick beat the hell out of each other. Messiah got the first pinfall of the match,m reversing a gorilla press slam from Nate Hatred. Messiah was brutally run into the cage a few times though, which took a toll on him early im the match. This running into the cage continued for a minute or so, and Nick Gage got cut open pretty badly. While Gage and Hatred battled it out in the ring, Messiah climbed the cage but Gage followed and Gage hit Messiah with a huge piledrive, popping the crowd into a huge "CZW" chant to begin the night. Now, Nate Hatred was also gushing from his forehead, as was Messiah. Nate Hatred hit a nice chokeslam onto Messiah, and sneakily, Gage crawled over and attempted a pinfall, much to Nate Hatred's disliking. Again, Messiah tried to climb outside of the cage, and Dewey hopped onto the apron to try and pull him to the other side. Nick Gage got up though, and instead of Messiah leaving, Dewey entered the cage! Nate Hatred was still a little woozily knocked out on the mat, so Dewey and Messiah proved to be too much for Gage after a few minutes. Messiah got the cage door open so Dewey could leave, and in the process, began to whack Gage's injured knee in the opened cage door over and over. After Dewey exited, Messiah got on the top of the cage again, but Nate Hatred rushed over and tried to put Messiah into the position for a SUPER vertical suplex from the top of the cage. Gage quickly got up though and got under Hatred's legs, setting Hatred up for a SUPER powerbomb from the ropes. Simutaneously, all three men went off from their positions resulting in a HUGE move from the cage and huge pop from the fans. After they got up from this huge move, Nick Gage climbed to the top of the cage, looking to jump onto the downed Messiah on the mat, but Nate Hatred got up and gorilla press slammed Gage from the top of the cage! Hatred picked Gage back up and put him into a standing choke, and while this was going on, Messiah finally got up and attempted to splash both men, but both men ducked, and Messiah splashed the cage. All three men look to be a little out of this one now. This is anyone's match. After Nate Hatred ran Nick Gage into the cage, Hatred waited anxiously for Messiah to get up! Suddently though, Hatred tells Messiah to get Gage, and both Messiah nd Nate Hatred shake hands!?!? This is turning into a 2 on 1 now!! WTF is going on!? After minutes of beatdown, Nick Gage finally catches a break when Nate Hatred accidentally clotheslines The Messiah. Nick Gage battles Messiah and Hatred, keeping the upperhand somehow. This just shows how much he wants this win. Nick Gage runs The Messiah into the cage door, knocking him the hell out as Dewey thought it was Gage going into the door, thus he slammed it into the face of Messiah. Ouit of nowhere, Nick Gage gains a huge rollup on Nate Hatred and with this, he gains the 3 count!!! Your new BJW Deathmatch champion, Nick Gage!! After the match, HI V members Acid, Kashmere, and B-Boy kick the living hell out of Nick Gage, as does Messiah and Hatred. Following this, all five wrestlers give the HI V sign and it looks as if we finally have a fifth member to HI V, Nate Hatred! Hatred, along with Messiah, Dewey, Acid, Kashmere and B-Boy leave the ring together and leave Nick Gage a bloody mess in the ring with his new Deathmatch title. Edited June 15, 2003 by Sandman9000 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Sandman9000 Report post Posted June 15, 2003 Sonjay Dutt vs. Deranged After both wrestlers get to the ring, this match is begun with both men calling for the crowd support. Sonjay and Deranged lock up, and with an armbar from Deranged, this immediatley goes into some fast paced back and forth whips, kicks, arm tosses, etc. After a few back and forth slaps, a stare down begins. Both men circle each other and it is Sonjay who begins the action back up as he asks for a test of strength. They lock up and it is Deranged who wins the test, but Sonjay reverses it and sends Deranged down. Deranged fights back and with a flatliner from Sonjay, the test of strength is broken. Sonjay nails a leg drop on Deranged, and gains a 2 count. Sonjay locks Deranged into a ground sleeper, and with the crowd's support, Deranged fights out of it. Deranged gets thrown out of the ring by Sonjay, and Sonjay bounces off the opposite rope, jumps onto the top, and 480s onto Deranged. Very nice spot! Back in the ring, Sonjay bodyslams Deranged and does his Bollywood Elbow onto the downed Deranged. Deranged, back up, hits a huge spinning DDT onto Sonjay, and after Sonjay gets up and tries to powerslam Deranged, Deranged turns it into a nice hurricarana! Deranged keeps the temporary control of the match when he locks Sonjay into an STF on the mat. Deranged is looking very impressive with Sonjay here tonight. After he gets Sonjay down for a bit, Deranged hits the outside and grabs a chair from ringside. Deranged throws this to the standing Sonjay, and nails Sonjay with a huge spinning heel kick, followed by tossing Sonjay out of the ring. Deranged sets up the chair near the ropes, and after bouncing off the opposite ropes, Deranged springboards onto the outside for a very nice move onto Sonjay!! Finally, both men get back in the ring and referee Brian Logan gets the chair out of the match. Deranged puts Sonjay into the middle of the ring and attempts a huge spinning 480 but Sonjay moves right in the nick of time, allowing him some much needed recovery time. Now, Sonjay has Deranged on the top, and Sonjay nails Deranged with a huge cradle breaker for a 2 count. Deranged is right back up however, and he nails Sonjay with a stiff looking Diamond Cutter for a 2 count. The crowd is getting very into this one now, with Deranged landing a huge 2 count rollup onto Sonjay. Back on their feet, Deranged hits Sonjay with a boot, and from the apron, he springboards to Sonjay, but Sonjay catches him in mid-air and slams him down to the mat! Sonjay takes advantage of this break he received and jumps onto the top rope. With a down Deranged, Sonjay nails his finisher from the top rope, getting the 3 count onto Deranged! After the match, both men shake hands and raise each other's hands much to the crowd's liking. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Sandman9000 Report post Posted June 15, 2003 Niles Young vs. Jon Dahmer vs. Grim Reefer With some back and forth moves, this match is underway. Grim Reefer and Niles Young carry out most of the action, as Jon Dahmer gets the wind knocked out of him early in the match. With a very nice small Swanton bomb onto Jon Dahmer and a splah previously onto the floor onto both Jude and Niles Young, Grim Reefer looks to have this match is his control right now. Jon Dahmer finally gets himself into it though, locking a huge boston crab onto Niles Young on the second turnbuckle. With Dahmer on the top rope (giving Young a Boston crab), Grim Reefer jumps up and starts a 10 count punches onto Dahmer. Dahmer stops it at 4 though, and gives Reefer a huge slam onto the mat from the top. With his finisher the move of 1,000 maniacs onto Young, Dahmer gains a 3 count as Kastle and Dahmer celebrate after the match. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Sandman9000 Report post Posted June 15, 2003 Rebel's Army (Greg Matthews, Z-Barr, & Derek Frazier) w/ Rockin' Rebel vs. The Rachies (Adam Flash & Danny Rose) & Ian Knoxx Before the show however, during the live promo, it must be noted that there seems to be trouble between ZBarr and the rest of Rebel's Army. Evidently, he has been no-showing Rebel's "Army roll call" and no one knows where he has been. After Rebel, Matthes, and Frazier come down to the ring together, ZBarr's music hits and he comes downs to the ring dancing by himself. After his music cuts, Rebel asks where the hell he was, and ZBarr says that he is Army through and through, but he is not making an ass out of himself looking like a Bushwacker in the Rebel's Army gear. Rebel says that if does not do his job tonight, he's fired. Knoxx, Flash, and Danny Rose then make their way down to the ring, and as they dance down and into the ring, it appears as if they have formed a little faction of their own. (As they were dancing, it must be noted that the "Enforcer" Rob Hartog was dancing with them! Great stuff, lol). To begin this one, Flash and Matthews begin it off, but Flash tags in the bigger, Danny Rose to go at it with Greg Matthews. With some back and forth irish whips, Danny Rose takes control of this one early when he nails a huge piledriver onto Greg Matthews. Rose tags in Flash and both men do a nice double team move onto Matthews, allowing Flash a quick 2 count. Flash does another nice move onto Matthews, and he tags in Knoxx. Matthews soon gets a tag out to Derrik Frazier, who gets some stiff kicks on Knoxx before ZBarr tags himself in. Frazier immediatley tags himself in again, and he begins to take a beatdown from Ian Knoxx. After a minute or so, Frazier tags in ZBarr, and ZBarr comes in and does a standing flip onto Ian Knoxx for a 2 count. Greg Matthews gets tug in, and on the outside, it looks as if Rebel is setting up a table. Ian Knoxx puts Greg Matthews on the top rope to try his chokeslam type move. This does not work, and Matthews throws him off the top ropes. Instead, Matthews picks Knoxx back up and powerbombs Ian Knoxx onto the outside for a HUGE powerbomb through the table!! A 'holy shit' erupts and Ian Knoxx is essantially out of this match. Back in the ring, ZBarr begins to push Matthews and Frazier, pissing them the hell off. Rebel gets on the mic and calls for all 3 men to get front and center (meanwhile, Flash and Doomer ahave two chairs that they plan to use). Well, Rebel says that ZBarr just earned his pink slip, and he is fired. Rebel's Army left ZBarr for the Rachies, as they went back to the back. Doomsday gave ZBarr a HUGE DVD onto an opened chair, and Adam Flash picked ZBarr back up and hit him with another HUGE piledriver onto a folded up chair. After this, Flahs pins ZBarr for a 3 and Ian Knoxx gets up to celebrate with The Rachies after this win on ZBarr. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Sandman9000 Report post Posted June 15, 2003 Chri$ Ca$h vs. GQ To begin this grudge match, Ca$h looks pumped up and ready to win with a new haircut and fierce look in his eyes, showing his hunger for a victory. After some back and forth moves from Ca$h and GQ, GQ exits the ring and a big 'wussy' chant begins. After some stiff back and forth punches, both men clothesline each other over the top rope. On the outside, Ca$h whips GQ into the guard rail. Both men get back in the ring and Ca$h flips GQ onto the apron as GQ attempts to run at him. After several chops, GQ falls to the ringside and Ca$h tries to jump onto him, but GQ catches him in mid-air, running his back into the post. Both men fight on the outside, making use of a chair, and after a few mnutes, GQ slides Ca$H and a chair into the ring. After some 'boring' chants, GQ pisses the fans off even more by laying on the ropes. Ca$h shows his disliking for this and rapidly gets up and begins to punch way at GQ. Ca$h gets on the top rope, doing a huge hurricarana onto GQ. Ca$h maintains the upperhand until he attempts to kick GQ in the stomach. While attempting this, GQ moves and Ca$h kicks Hartog in the stomach! GQ nails Ca$h with some brass knucks while Hartog is out cold, and after doing this, GQ nails his finisher (waking up Hartog and pulling him over) for the 3 count. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Sandman9000 Report post Posted June 15, 2003 B-Boy vs. Jimmy Rave To begin this one, B-Boy and Jimmy Rave stare each other down as the crowd chants 'fuck em up, B-Boy' and 'fuck the armbar'. B-Boy and Rave lock up, with Jimmy Rave attempting a standing armbar onto B-Boy. B-Boy reverses it, and the staredown begins again with the fans very much in B-Boy's corner. B-Boy locks on a leglock on Rave, but Rave reverses this into a an armbar, with the crowd finally popping for the armbar. B-Boy socks Jimmy Rave with a stiff punch to the mouth, and after he got up, B-Boy sent him to the corner for some hard chops. B-Boy puts Rave into a tree of woe, and as he runs to the opposite corner, Rave tries to pull himself out of the tree of woe. After a few ground submissions from B-Boy, B-Boy locks on a full body submission and the fans begin to chant 'tap'. B-Boy gets Rave back up and hits the roll of the dice move onto Rave. Immediatley afterwards though, Rave locks on a huge armbar and the fans begin to chant 'tap' again. It seems that they are very split for this great techincal matchup. After both men gain composure, Jimmy Rave is placed on the top ropes and B-Boy attempts a super German suplex, but Jimmy Rave reverses it, knocking B-Boy off the top ropes and splashing onto him. Rave keeps the flow of the match by hitting a huge Shining Wizard. B-Boy doesn't let Rave gain a 3 count though, and he kicks out at 2. B-Boy gets right back up and nails one his own piledrivers onto Rave. Rave kicks out of the pin though, and Rave gets back up, powerbombing B-Boy. The powerbomb gives Rave a 2 count, but Rave turns the powerbomb into a very nice armbar where it looked as if B-Boy was almost near tapping. B-Boy did get to the ropes though, and the hold was broken. Rave soon -there-after locked on another huge armbar though, but again, B-Boy was able to get to the ropes to save the match. B-Boy somehow was able to gain some composure, and he hit Rave with a huge Tazzplex into the corner. This gave B-Boy some time to get in the other corner, where he looked as if he was going for the Shining Wizard. He did indeed nail the Shining Wizard on a dazed Jimmy Rave, and with this, B-Boy gains a 3 count, keeping his great winning streak unbroken. Your winner, B-Boy!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Sandman9000 Report post Posted June 15, 2003 Intermission, still on the card, Zandig vs. Rockin' Rebel in a strap match, Ruckus vs. Ric Blade for the Jr. Heavyweight belt, Briscoe Brothers vs. Backseat Boys for the Tag Belts, Nick Mondo in action (defending the Iron Man belt I assume), the CZW return of Reckless Youth Ring announcer Dennis Shock announces that he's retiring after 5 years with CZW, Robbie Mireno takes over as ring announcer. Looking at the card so far, the ME was run first. Nice to see CZW actually do something with the BJW DM belt, other then using it to hold Hatred's pants up. Also means that something else needs to main event the show. While Briscoes/Backseats could work, my money is on Rebel/Zandig as the ME, which means they better have something big planned. And while the excuse of running a cage match first is that you don't want to have the fans sit through putting up a cage, they have to sit through taking down the cage instead. So, I dunno, they better have something big planned. Sonjay/Deranged was supposed to be hot, crowd more into Deranged then Sonjay. Reefer/Young/Dahmer was short, don't see the point of putting Dahmer over anyone right now. Z-Barr out of Rebel's Army? Dunno if they are going to try a face push with him now or what. B-Boy/Rave supposed to be a good match, with the men working around Rave's limitations. (Rave got bit by a spider while on vacation, has a nasty fever, all other kinds of problems, said to been around 50% at best but still wanted to go) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Sandman9000 Report post Posted June 15, 2003 Nick Berk comes to the ring and starts to bitch about how no one cares about him anymore. Berk says that he never tapped out to Tony Mamaluke, yet, fans are disrespecting him by not caring. This brings Mamaluke to the ring, saying that the reason Berk didn't tap out, because he was knocked out. Mamaluke says that he has proved himself overt the countless number of years if working in Viking Hall that he is the purest tech. wrestler ever to come to CZW. This brings RECKLESS YOUTH to the ring, and the fans erupt in a 'welcome back'. Youth says that the CZW fans known him as Reckless Youth, but there are some places that know him as "quite the technician". Youth says that he has come out here to have a little match to see who is TRULY the best tech. wrestler. "Last Resort" hits, and the crowd pops HUGE for the Ironman champ, "Sick" Nick Mondo. Mondo says that it's been a long night, and he does not want to see or hear any discussion of a best technical wrestler. Mondo directs a comment to Reckless saying "where do you come off calling yourself Reckless? I am reckless". And then Mondo goes onto say where does he come off calling himself Youth? He (Reckless) is 36 years old. Maybe when he broke into the business in 87 he was in his youth. Reckless Youth does not take this from Mondo, beginning to beat down on him as this 4 way (?) gets underway. However, Johnny Kashmere sneaks down to the ring and takes Mondo out of this match, making it a 3 way techincal brawl! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Sandman9000 Report post Posted June 15, 2003 Reckless Youth vs. Tony Mamaluke vs. Nick Berk With Mondo gone, this is turned into a fantastic technical match with constant back and forth submissions by all 3 men. Midway into the match, Mamaluke locks an excellent cross between an armbar and another submission, getting a "Mamaluke" chant out of the fans. Reckless Youth breaks it up, and Nicl Berk does a nice stomach first slam onto Mamaluke. Berk then continues with Youth, taking him down with a move similiar to Jeff Jarret's Slap nuts moves he used to do in WCW. Reckless is able to gain a breather while Mamaluke and Berk battle it out, and he gets up and clotheslines Berk, continuing the onslaught with a huge brainbuster onto Berk. This gets a 2 count, but Berk kicks out. Mamaluke then jumps onto Berk, getting another 2 count. Mamaluke then begins to brawl with Youth, putting him on the top rope and pulling his head off, locking on a full body submission. Berk breaks up this fantastic move, and after Berk and Youth begin to double team Mamaluke, Mamaluke reverses their move into a double half crab onto both Berk and Reckless Youth. Mamaluke puts Nick Berk onto the top rope and hits a very nice super Vertical suplex, and from the other top turnbuckle, Reckless Youth frog splashes onto Berk for a 2 count! Very nice set up of moves here. A few minutes after this, Tony Mamaluke locks Nick Berk into a painful STF, and Reckless Youth takes Tony Mamaluke's legs and locks them into a very painful looking boston crab. Simutanously, Nick Berk taps out to Tony Mamaluke, and Tony Mamaluke taps out to Reckless Youth. The ref of the match gave the win to both Mamaluke and Reckless Youth... After this confusing finish, Youth gets on the mic saying that he did not come back to CZW for this "bull". He proposed that at the next show, he and Tony Mamaluke should go at in a 1 on 1 to truly find out who was the best technician in CZW. Mamaluke accepts, and it looks like we have our first match for July 20 in Viking Hall! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LucharesuFan619 0 Report post Posted June 15, 2003 Sandman, I'm still waiting for your response to my post in the other thread. Why must you make such a big deal about a little thing and criticize me and then not even have the character to give me at least some response? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Sandman9000 Report post Posted June 15, 2003 CZW Jr. Heavyweight Championship Match: Ruckus © vs. Ric Blade This match starts off with some back and forth fast action, with Ric Blade keeping the other hand with some submissions onto Ruckus. After Blade is able to get Ruckus off his feet, Blade does 2 nice springboard moves (from the apron) onto the downed Ruckus. This match is taken to the outside, and after setting Ruckus onto the guard rail, Ric Blade gets onto the apron and does an AWESOME Swanton Bomb onto Ruckus, getting a 'holy shit' from the fans. Back in the ring, Ruckus changes his style a bit and locks Blade into a figure four leglock, receiving some "whoo's" from the crowd. Back on their feet, the two men eat up the "whoo's", continuing the action with some very Flair like chops. With more back and forth action, this match continues. Ruckus tried to do his Razzle Dazzle, but Ric Blade jumped up and onto Ruckus' shoulders, turning it into a rollup for the 2 count. After some more action, Ruckus is finally able to hit his Razzle Dazzle, knocking Blade down for a brief moment. Ruckus takes advantage of Blade being down, and goes to the top. Blade immeditaley gets up and knocks Ruckus down into a sitting position on the top turnbuckle. Blade goes onto the adjacent turnbuckle, and he walks all the way across the top rope, to the turnbuckle where Ruckus was, giving him a super-hurricarana when he got to Ruckus. Ruckus turned it into a rollup in his favor though, and after he only got 2, he turned it ito a boston crab leglock. Blade does not let this daunt him though, knocking Ruckus to the mat and attempting to go to the top turnbuckle. Blade goes to the top and tries to hit his spinning finisher from the top, but Ruckus moves right in the nick of time. Ruckus then goes to the top rope and nails his finisher from the top (480 type spinning move). This doesn't keep Blade down though, and Blade attempts to perform some type of maneuver with Ruckus on his shoulders, but Ruckus falls back onto Blade, and grabs both of Blade's legs solidly, keeping them held back for the 3 count. Your winner, and still Jr, Heavyweight champ, Ruckus!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Sandman9000 Report post Posted June 15, 2003 CZW Tag Team Championship Match: Backseat Boys (Trent Acid & Johnny Kashmere) © vs. The Briscoe Brothers (Mark & Jay) Note: The PBP got messed up and cut short. After this started very slow with the BSB getting a TON of heel heat, Acid and Kashmere started the whole beginning of the match off cheating the Briscoes out every thing they could. The ref was trying to restrain Jay Briscoe from entering the ring, so Acid and Kashmere sneakily double-teamed the hell out of Mark Briscoe. After Jay was finally able to tag in, this turned into a five star match with the fans into it COMPLETELY! What an excellent match this was...anyhow, here goes: It basically was VERY fast throughout the rest of this match, with the Backseat Boyz kind of dominating. Nearing the end of the match, The Backseatz hit the dream sequence and got a 2 count (TONS of heel heat). Jay Briscoyou however picked up Trent Acid and nailed a HUGE piledriver in the corner of the ring, and just as everyone thought that was going to be the finish, Dewey pulls the ref from the ring as the refs hand was going down to count 3. Jay thought he won. The Backseatz got back in the ring and nailed the T Gimmick for the pinfall in this one. Again, I am sorry for the shortened results, but you REALLY need to see this one on tape. Your winners and still CZW Tag team champs, The Backseat Boyz Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Sandman9000 Report post Posted June 15, 2003 Rockin' Rebel vs. Zandig: Strap Match Before the match got underway, the CZW staff hung a pole on the one turnbuckle that contained at least 5 UV straps for the 2 combatants to use. The two men got down to the ring and this was made into an "I Quit" match as Ref Hartog asked both men if they would tap after certain moves and holds. This one immdiatley started on the outside, with Zandig slamming Rebel with a chair. Back in the ring, Zandig grabbed a kendo stick from pole, but Rebel got this off of him and knocked Zandig around with it until Zandig was sent over the top rope. Rebel went to the outside and set up a table laying closed between the ring and guard rail. Rebel got back into the ring but Zandig was waiting for him. Zandig bodyslammed Rebel from the inside of the ring into the ring, where Rebel was sent flying through the table. Rebel said he would not quit though. Zandgi sends Rebel back into the ring, as Zandig goes to the pole for a belt that is covered in tacks. After Zandig whips Rebel against the ropes though, Rebel reverses with a huge clothesline, gaining the upper hand in this one. Rebel begins to whack away at Zandig's back, but he refuses to quit as Rebel goes to the outside for another table. Rebel lies Zandig ontop of the table, and he goes to the top rope. Zandig gets up though, and begins to whack away at Rebel with the kendo stick. With Rebel still on the top turnbuckle, Zandig pulls from his pants an envelope full of tacks. He pours these all over the table, and gives Rebel a super-vertical suplex onto the table covered in tacks. SUDDENLY OUT OF NOWHERE, IAN ROTTEN, CORPORAL ROBINSON, AND JC BAILEY COME RUNNING TO THE RING AND BEGIN TO BEATDOWN ON ZANDIG!!! ZANDIG WILL SITLL NOT QUIT WITH 4 MEN BEATING HIM UP!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Sandman9000 Report post Posted June 15, 2003 As all 4 men hold Zandig pressed against the ropes, one of the motherf'ers from IWA Mid-South begin to staple dollar bills to Zandig's chin and chest!!!! HE STILL WILL NOT QUIT AS THE FANS CHANT 'CZW'. Again, these assholes begin to show how low they will go when they pull Zandig's wife into the ring. All four men tie Zandig's wife to the ropes as they continue to obliterate Zandig with the staple gun. As they begin to tease at hitting Zandig's wife, Zandig quits because he loves his wife and does not want to see her hurt. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Sandman9000 Report post Posted June 15, 2003 Ian Rotten gets on the microphone and says this invasion is not through. We may see a 'Mad Man', a 'Butcher' or other hardcore maniacs in CZW in the very near future. As Zandig is still knocked out, and his wife tied to the ropes, the fans begin to throw cups, beer, and trash at IWA. Rotten taunts them though, saying they are missing. The fans begin to launch all of their chairs into the ring though, and in a matter of 10 to 20 seconds, 30 chairs are slung into the ring hitting all of the IWA MS men along with Rockin Rebel!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Sandman9000 Report post Posted June 15, 2003 Frank Talent leads the police down to the ring and Talent says that due to them coming down and doing these obliterations to Zandig, they will all pay the price. They are taken out of the building in handcuffs by 3 police officers. At this point, I can't here myself think because the "CZW" chants are SO loud. Zandig gets on the mic with a ring full of chairs and says that at Extreme Eight, Rotten can show up with anyone he wants because they are going to be given a rude awakening. This (the CZW chants) is the sound of the most ultraviolent chant in the world, and at the Extreme Eight, IWA MS is going to feel the wrath of Zandig and CZW! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Nevermortal Report post Posted June 15, 2003 Damn. I gotta see this show now. The end sounds so fucking boss. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Sandman9000 Report post Posted June 15, 2003 End of the show, Extreme 8, Dover, Delaware, June 28th. Thoughts on the second half of the show: Nice to see Reckless back, and that three way should be good. Don't see the point of having Mondo there to do nothing, or continuing his feud with Kashmere. Also nice [/sarcasm] to see Berk and Mamaluke keeping their jobbing streaks alive. Mamaluke/Youth for the July 20th show, Berk to Jobberville, I guess. Dunno what they're going to do with Berk at all. I was not looking forward to Blade/Ruckus at all. Supposedly it was a good match, but I'm wondering who carried who, and how sloppy/spotty it was. At least Blade didn't win; I'd have to hit someone if Blade won the belt. Backseats over Briscoes, clean I believe. No one in CZW has been built up enough to take the straps away from the Backseats at all. They've got a superteam vibe to them right now, where it's gonna take two ME'ers to take the straps away, or the team breaking up (again). Zandig, Rebel, and the IWA-MS shit. HOLY FUCK. Ian, Corp, Bailey all showing up, Ian hinting at bringing in Pondo and Necro (PLEASE bring in Necro!), among others (Webb better be one of those others). At first, this just looks like a hard sell for the Extreme 8, which CZW needed badly. Although names have not been officially announced and we have no clue what the format is going to be (since four people advance from the extreme 8 to TOD2, it was thought to be 4 singles deathmatches. Now, it's either an 8-man tag or an 8-man free for all), people are pumped for it. HOWEVER, it also kinda looks like an IWA-MS vs. CZW invasion angle, and I HATE invasion angles. The last one with Wildside was horrible (ask PFL how he feels about it, must be 18 or older to hear rant), and hopefully IWA-MS will look good this time, and CZW won't dominate the feud. Interesting note, Zandig is the 16th man for the IWA-MS KODM, and with TOD2 the week before KODM, it's going to be a brutal two week stretch for some people. Thoughts? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest meanmaisch Report post Posted June 15, 2003 I only stuck around until intermission but here's my opinion of what I saw: As usual, the show didn't start on time or even close to it. The cage match was decent enough, but the introduction of Nate Hatred to HIV really doesn't seem that great. Sonjay vs. Deranged was decent although it was finisher overkill at the end, which took away from the match. The match was a total spotfest. The first 3 way match was total filler that didn't seem to interest the crowd in the least bit. The six man tag was pretty pointless as well, but it was at least energetic. Cash vs. GQ was pretty slow and never really picked up any steam. Considering that both guys are very fimiliar with each other, the match looked very disjointed. Neither of them seemed happy with the match when I spoke with them afterwards. B-Boy vs. Rave was a decent match in which the crowd clearly favored B-Boy. This match had a bit more psychology and flow than the Sonjay/Deranged match. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest ShooterJay Report post Posted June 15, 2003 No comments on the IWA invasion? That sounds like a Mark-Out Moment of the Year Candidate. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest j.o.b. squad Report post Posted June 15, 2003 i thought the show was good a bit odd due to them starting off the show with what schould of been the main event(messiah gage hatred) the first three way was decent for having one of the current graduating class from the school in it and 2 by ring side the six man tag was ok for what it was an excuse to kick z barr out of rebels army. there was one cool spot where knoxx went thru a table at ring side from the ring the 3 way submision match was real disjointed at least it set up reckless mamaluke for the next show if you do a technicle match it schould be one on one imo the dutt deranged match was good a few missed spots at the end but all in all a enjoyable match ruckus was smart enough to start his match against blade off slow so that he coude keep blade under control to keep it from being a complete spotfest ruckus wore the john house sucks t-shirt bboy rave was good i fully expect it to come down to bboy vs ruckus for the junior heavyweight title at cod 5 I am glad to see they continued to build on the dewey briscoes hate. a great tag match also good to see the backseats keep the briscoes strong due to dewey having to interfer and get chased by one of the briscoes(yeah like you can tell them apart) while the second roped t-gimmicked the other briscoe for the win. the zandig rebel strap match oh god when iwa guys where in the ring it was just nuts people were throwing everything that was not held down i did not throw anything due to the fact that i did not want to get arested. the iwams czw angle could be good depending on how it goes down i woude expect them to put over the iwa guys in the extreme 8 and tod2 to come down to someone like necro vs gage with gage going over or necro going over and gage geting the rematch and the win at the third delaware show Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LucharesuFan619 0 Report post Posted June 15, 2003 I hardly consider it an invasion when only three wrestlers "invade," one of which is a guy who's been working for the company that is "invading" for only a few months (Bailey). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest j.o.b. squad Report post Posted June 15, 2003 barber during ian's promo he droped several hints of who he was going to bring with him to extreme 8 including axl rotten pondo necro and bull pain Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Youth N Asia Report post Posted June 15, 2003 So does this kill the XPW/IWA MS relationship? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest ShooterJay Report post Posted June 15, 2003 (edited) Ian Rotten OWNS IWA-MS, and Zandig is now #16 in their KODM tournament-this is a fully sponsored interpromotional angle by both sides. Pondo, Bailey, and Nate Webb are probable (Mondo has been trying to get Webb booked for months) along with Necro (who severed ties with IWA-MS quite a while ago) in TOD. The majority of the wrestlers from IWA who will show up will be deathmatch workers- as the Gold Bond Mafia has heat with the company (well, Punk and Hero do- Cabana will likely stay loyal to his friends.) Although, I have heard rumors that 1 or 2 well-known non-DMers from IWA may hit CZW. While CZW doesn't have a good track record with interpromotional angles (BJPW, NWA Wildside) this has more potential than the others, as both companies have complementary styles. Funny how an "XPW development territory" (I can barely type that without laughing) is now working with Zandig. I'm not even a bloodmark, but I'm super-hyped for this, especially since I've just gotten recently hooked on the Mid-South product. Edited June 16, 2003 by ShooterJay Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LucharesuFan619 0 Report post Posted June 16, 2003 "as both companies have complementary styles." Yeah, and CZW and BJPW CLEARLY didn't have complementary styles. Please... "Funny how an "XPW development territory" (I can barely type that without laughing) is now working with Zandig." Seeing as how XPW is now in hiatus, I don't see it as "funny." The IWA-MS guys have to work somewhere, and seeing as how IWA-MS isn't doing too well right now, they took the offer from Sandig. I don't see what's wrong with that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest ShooterJay Report post Posted June 16, 2003 BJPW and CZW on the surface do, but for whatever reason, the interpromotional matches never clicked. A lot of them are very disjointed and hard to watch- either because of the language barrier, the relative inexperience of the CZW guys at the time, or they do ultraviolence differently overseas. Plus, the BJPW feud brought such stellar moments as Ric Blade breaking Winger's face, Winger stinking up BOTB1, and Wifebeater almost killing Yamakawa. I didn't make the offhand comment on development leagues in terms of finances, I was referring to the haughtiness of the company when IWA, FWA Rev Pro etc. have far superior products. None of those promotions, by the by, got a dime out of those deals. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Phoenix Fury Legdrop Report post Posted June 16, 2003 Well, this sounds like a great start to a potentially great feud. But I have to bring up the shitty Wildside invasion that made Team Wildside look like jobbers with an awesome mic man. They got maybe 4 wins the entire feud, and none came clean. Bailey took a quadruple superkick from the Softcore Connection twice in as many months, when he shouldn't have even been touched for 6 months to a year. If this feud turns out like the Wildside one, we should all give up hope in John Zandig. An analogy to leave you with. Hiatus is to dead and buried as Jonathan Barber is to... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LucharesuFan619 0 Report post Posted June 16, 2003 BJPW and CZW on the surface do, but for whatever reason, the interpromotional matches never clicked. A lot of them are very disjointed and hard to watch- either because of the language barrier, the relative inexperience of the CZW guys at the time, or they do ultraviolence differently overseas. Plus, the BJPW feud brought such stellar moments as Ric Blade breaking Winger's face, Winger stinking up BOTB1, and Wifebeater almost killing Yamakawa. I didn't make the offhand comment on development leagues in terms of finances, I was referring to the haughtiness of the company when IWA, FWA Rev Pro etc. have far superior products. None of those promotions, by the by, got a dime out of those deals. " IWA, FWA Rev Pro etc. have far superior products. None of those promotions, by the by, got a dime out of those deals." This is debateable, especially with Rev. Pro. Considering the roster XPW had when the agreement was made, their roster was - in simple terms - really fucking talented. "BJPW and CZW on the surface do, but for whatever reason, the interpromotional matches never clicked. A lot of them are very disjointed and hard to watch- either because of the language barrier, the relative inexperience of the CZW guys at the time, or they do ultraviolence differently overseas. Plus, the BJPW feud brought such stellar moments as Ric Blade breaking Winger's face, Winger stinking up BOTB1, and Wifebeater almost killing Yamakawa." The feud produced many memorable matches. What about the death match between Zandig and Honma? That was one of the best death matches I've ever seen. The BJPW guys carried Wifebeater on not one, but SEVERAL occasions to an actually PASSABLE TECHNICAL match, not to say he was Bret Hart, but their talent was so abundant that they were able to carry him to passable matches. BSB had some great tag team matches with Teioh, Sekimoto, Fujita, etc. and Gage and Hatred had many teriffic singles matches and tag team matches with Kanemura, Honma, WX, Kasai, etc. Their styles are quite similar. Kanemura's style is VERY similar to Gage/Hatred's styles. Teioh and Acid's styles blended beautifully. Kasai's style and Mondo's, Pain's, etc.'s blended great. And dude, IWA-MS' roster is far and beyond that of CZW's roster. You're going to compare Zandig, Mondo, Messiah (a guy a rival company made), Hatred, and Gage to Ian, Hero, Punk, Cabana, Gooch, Tony, Webb, etc.? There's no comparison. CZW is working with a company that is considerably ahead of them in terms of talent, just like XPW and it's "developmental" promotions. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites