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Guest gangsteruwa

My anger is building up

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Guest gangsteruwa

The following is nothing new, but I just wanted to get my opinion out there.


I don't think I have ever been so angered and so worried about wrestling then now.  All I want is someone to come and stop all the insanity.  I have almost been driven to vomiting due to horrible storylines, shotty booking, and backstage b.s.


Vince is a complete moron.  I just want him to wise up to what is going on, realize his daughter is a stupid no talent whore, and get some real fans to do the booking and writing.


There should be a revolt in the locker room if they truley don't like what is going on.  Wouldn't Vince shit himself if Angle, Jericho, RVD, and the rest of the non kilq members, said that things needed to be changed.  What would he do?  fire them?


I don't want to sound like an ECW mark, but they had the right formula.  Political bs was kept to a minimum up until the end came, the wrestling was great, and the fans were great.


now what do we have?  lots of political bs, wrestling that is not so good, and fans that chant "what" every pause in a promo.  wow i love it..........


I'm sorry for dwelling on the past, but that is the only place to look to for anything good in the world of Vince dominated "sports entertainment."


Lets hope that wrestling becomes what it should be.  Great Athletes, putting on one hell of a show.

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Guest teke184

I'd say that the most effective threat was the one Al Snow toyed with when he thought up the JOB Squad.  


Having wresters who are shit upon decide to start no-selling the entire offense of guys who can't back it up with shoot moves (nWo, Hogan, etc.) would kill whatever credibility they have and would, theoretically, put them out to pasture.


Then again, Vince would fire whoever did it on the spot unless a union springs up instantaneously and he would still probably push the leaden lumps to the moon despite horrible crowd reactions and TV ratings.

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Guest tominator89

Flame me if you will, but I say this: Vince is doing a nice job of proving Bret Hart to be true.


Foley is already gone, who knows what's up with Austin, and I'm sure there are countless others in the back who are afraid to speak up because there is no other major company for them to go to should they lose their WWF spot.

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Guest godthedog

things in the wrestling world just continue to get weirder and weirder, without any signs of stabilizing.  i'm sensing that something incredibly big (like, big on the scale of the wwf going national or steve austin's rise, or even the collapse of the company) will happen in the next 12 months.

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Guest One Bad Apple
I don't think I have ever been so angered and so worried about wrestling then now.  All I want is someone to come and stop all the insanity.  I have almost been driven to vomiting due to horrible storylines, shotty booking, and backstage b.s.

Good gravy ... calm down.


I just want him to wise up to what is going on, realize his daughter is a stupid no talent whore, and get some real fans to do the booking and writing.

Yeah, call her a "whore" because you don't like the writing.


And by "real fans" ... you mean people from here?


now what do we have?  lots of political bs, wrestling that is not so good, and fans that chant "what" every pause in a promo.

I'd say the in-ring performances and the politics are mostly the fault of the wrestlers themselves.  Maybe you also think that ... but that's not the impression your post gave me.

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Guest gangsteruwa

The Whore comment was a bit low brow, i apologize for that.  i was on a rant.


by "real fans" i do mean some people on this board, because they have had some of the best storylines i have ever read.  20 times better than that the current crop of wwf writers have put out.


I'd say the in-ring performances and the politics are mostly the fault of the wrestlers themselves.  Maybe you also think that ... but that's not the impression your post gave me.


yeah i was referring to some of the wrestlers.  the wrestlers that are causing trouble in the back (ie the Kliq), which i shouldn't care about, but do because it is affecting the whole "product".  the poor in-ring performance goes to the fact that some of the upper card gets pissed because the younger, and sometimes better talent "steals" their heat by doing great matches.  this leads to the uppercard crying to vince and the better wrestlers are told to "tone it down a bit."  well thats my opinion on that part.  you can't tell me that RVD, the Hurricane, and Tazz, to name a few, are giving it their all, something has to be holding them back.


Good gravy ... calm down.


I wish I could.  Oh how I wish I could.

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Guest razazteca

RVD is sloppy.


Yup the WWF just seems to be running in circles with the storylines and some fan favorites are being left behind due to their wrestling talent being greater than the main eventers.


To me a union will only help the wrestlers health, not their job stablity.

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5.3 for RAW last week

5.4 for RAW this week


I think Vince has a plan going.  It is kinda obvious.

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

I agree with gangsteruwa pretty much 100%.


It would be ironic if Vince, having been the man who created sports  entertainment was also the man to kill it.

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