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Guest TSMAdmin

Goldberg on Warpath

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Guest TSMAdmin

At 411, they said Goldberg is angry because of Linda McMahon's comments at the last conference where she said Goldberg's return was a failure. Hell, everyone BUT Goldberg knows that right about now.

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Guest Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

maybe he'll talk his way right out of a job. I hope.

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Guest razazteca

Who is to blame for this? Goldberg for not selling for Jericho, or WWE for not pushing Goldberg in the right direction as if it had one to begin with or HHH for not wanting a match at Badd Blood?

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Guest RugbyDiva
maybe he'll talk his way right out of a job. I hope.

I sure as hell wouldn't complain either. Meh.

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Guest BoboBrazil

Goldberg was a ratings draw. He proved that when him vs Christian in a steel cage did a huge rating. The problem is WWE is fucking clueless and have no idea how to use someone. Once WWE realizes that the problem isn't the talent they have, but the storylines they might start getting somewhere. I don't see them realizing it though, since they fire or take everyone off the booking team that disagrees with Steph.

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Guest Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

so we get someone to karate chop Steph's throat(can't talk). And then we take away all her pens.

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Guest teke184

I volunteer to give her a donkey punch...


that's not guaranteed to keep her from writing though.

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Guest JMA
I volunteer to give her a donkey punch...


that's not guaranteed to keep her from writing though.

Well, she might not be able to walk straight for a week...

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Guest Choken One
I volunteer to give her a donkey punch...


that's not guaranteed to keep her from writing though.

Well, she might not be able to walk straight for a week...

Well Maybe Hunter will start reminescing about chyna again and go a little more agressive with Steph during the victory party tonight...

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