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Guest Downhome

Goldberg vs Mick Foley: Who will dethrone HHH?

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Guest Downhome

Ok, I'll start by saying that I in no way expected Kevin Nash to pin HHH tonight for that World Title. I really didn't feel WWE had it in them to go that far over the edge, and luckily I was correct. That brings us to the here and now however, and it looks to me that there are a few things that could take place now.


Now obviously, the "talk of the town" has been Goldberg being the man to take down HHH finally, more than likely at Summerslam. I never liked the idea of that, not that early. I thought Goldberg should be kept away from the title untill the last few months of the year. Wish the reaction he got tonight, that just goes that much further to say that he in no way should be against HHH, not as early as Summerslam at least, not for the title. So unless WWE decides to take a chance and run with him anyway, I really don't see Goldberg ending HHH's streak. I still think he'll get the title, but he wont be the guy to do this.


Now we have Mick Foley, which could make for some damn interesting possibilities. I don't know about all of you, but it seems to almost be setting up for Mick Foley to take on HHH in the ring, possibly even leading to him being the guy to take the title from HHH. Add to that the news that came out today which stated that WWE has long term plans for Foley in WWE, which DO involve him wrestling, and we just might have a winner here.


I mean, really, who better to take down HHH than the man that HHH once took down himself?


After Goldberg and Foley, I can honestly say that I don't know of anyone else who could be inserted into the new Main Event slot. It certainly isn't going to be RVD, I don't see Booker T getting another shot at it already, Kane looks like he's in store for a heel turn, Flair and HBK seem to be tied up with one another, so who else is there?


I wouldn't have said this a week ago, but my pick is Mick Foley. Fuck it, he just might beat HHH for the title on a RAW here pretty soon and hold on to it untill Summerslam (which would be where HHH takes it back once again, lol).




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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Foley wouldn't be able to work a regular schedule. Champs should always work house shows.


If anything, a match between the two is just to get more heat on HHH... like before.

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I personally love Foley to death, however, do you think it is a smart decision? The guy is obviously over, but didn't he retire to spend time with his family? I can't imagine him having a very good run. And what happens after that? He drops the title back to HHH? I agree it would be better then Goldberg, but they should really put the title on someone who can entertain the crowd, and wrestle.

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Guest Downhome

Is there anyone else on RAW who is as over as Mick Foley is that could even look like a threat at all to HHH?


I mean, seriously, they're running out of guys to feed to HHH, and they're doing it very fast.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

So Foley, a retired, washed up, fatass is able to beat HHH... what does that say about everyone else on the roster? What does that say about RVD? Jericho? Kane?

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Guest Jobber of the Week

Ever read his second book?


The guy takes his retirement so seriously, I'd be sad if he got back into it.

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Guest Downhome
So Foley, a retired, washed up, fatass is able to beat HHH... what does that say about everyone else on the roster? What does that say about RVD? Jericho? Kane?

What does it say by having HHH beat them all in the middle of the ring week after week, month after month?

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I don't know the likelyhood of this, but it makes more sense to bring over a top guy from Smackdown! to go after HHH. Maybe if they traded a top guy from Raw who has gotten stale for someone deserving of a push from Smackdown! But I doubt HHH would job to a rising star. As of right now, I cannot honestly envision HHH ever losing the title. Except to Rock, who will hold it for a month before going back to film another crappy movie, and then drop it back to HHH.


Boy, Raw is in bad shape.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

It says that HHH is better than them. I know, it sucks. But if the only people who are able to beat HHH is fucking washed up cripples, then all those wins over the healthy houseshow working crowd will be meaningless.

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Guest Jobber of the Week
What does it say by having HHH beat them all in the middle of the ring week after week, month after month?

As much as I hate Fuck Goldberg, I have to say that it would be better for everyone (particularly those who have already been squashed) if a guy who has been pushed to Immortal Superbeing like HHH has was beaten by a guy who is pushed as a serious badass such as Fuck Goldberg, and some semi-retired guy lingering around like Foley.


Hell, Goldberg hasn't jobbed for anybody yet so if he steamrolls over HHH it makes sense. Sure, he's getting the Steiner Comedy "Go Home" heat, but a megaheel turn could change that.

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Guest Downhome

Oh fuck, don't give it to Rocky just to drop it again. Hell, I don't want ANYONE to win it just to give it back to HHH.


Whoever wins the title this next time, I want THEM to keep it for a while, and NOT in a feud with HHH.

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Guest Human Fly

I don't think Goldberg will touch the title after what has transpired over the last few days.


I see only HBK and maybe a face Jericho (major longshot) with a legit shot at taking the title. I agree that Foley is a major option here. I don't want him to win the belt, or even wrestle again, but at this point the WWE is desperate and will try anything.

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Guest Downhome

Just out of curriosity, who here would NOT mark out like a fucking bitch on crack if Mick Foley won the World Title in climatic fashion?


I'd love to see Jericho take it as a face, more so than Goldberg/Foley at this point in time.

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Guest Austin3164life

It's pretty obvious Goldberg will dethrone Triple H sooner or later (depending on if McMahon still keeps his contract). But Mick Foley? I don't think so. How about that young kid named Chris Jericho? He seems popular and healthy enough.

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Guest Downhome

Maybe RAW will pick up Albert, TBS, or Taker somehow. Or, ooooooooooooooooo...


...Nathan Jones could jump ship and "start fresh" against HHH~!

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Guest Lightning Flik
It's pretty obvious Goldberg will dethrone Triple H sooner or later (depending on if McMahon still keeps his contract). But Mick Foley? I don't think so. How about that young kid named Chris Jericho? He seems popular and healthy enough.

Considering Y2J got pretty vocal cheers against Goldberg this match, I'd say that we have a winner in him facing Triple H.


Yet again, it would be just to feed Triple H's appitite.

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Guest Downhome
It's pretty obvious Goldberg will dethrone Triple H sooner or later (depending on if McMahon still keeps his contract).  But Mick Foley?  I don't think so.  How about that young kid named Chris Jericho?  He seems popular and healthy enough.

Considering Y2J got pretty vocal cheers against Goldberg this match, I'd say that we have a winner in him facing Triple H.


Yet again, it would be just to feed Triple H's appitite.

Exactly, do any of you really see HHH laying down to Jericho of all guys? Much less after he just lost to Goldberg?

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Guest jester

I think Jericho should turn face, and then steamroll all the heels in a mega-push, culminating with him beating HHH.


Not gonna happen? Probably, but they are really running out of options. Even if they ship HHH off to Smackdown to squash the talent there, he still has to drop the belt to somene.


Word is that Jericho is getting smarter backstage, politics wise.


And even now, HHH has to praise Jericho in order to avoid dropping the belt to him. "Do you uh hear them boo Goldberg, and uh cheer Jericho?"

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Guest Choken One

I actually WOULD NOT be shocked if We do get an Faced Turn Jericho to be the one HHH elects to lay down for.


HHH is ADAMANT about his refusual to job to goldberg and Goldberg refuses to play ball with McMahon...


So what does HHH do? He shows GOLDBERG an nice little FUCK YOU by putting the guy who took him down in the position at Summerslam instead.


We know that Jericho and Hunter are friends or at least Mutal Aquitancees via Shawn....So they wont have any bad blood between them whatsoever.


You can go ahead and make your old tired excuses like "BUT JERICHO IS VALUELESS BECAUSE HE JOBBED" ummm not really since he STILL garners intense heat regardless...


He is invincible to any booking decision unless they KANE him....


Look, I like Foley as much as the other guy and while it would be poetic justice that Foley took it back from HHH...


It just not right...and Foley wouldn't approve of it...

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Guest Human Fly

If HHH holds the title long enough, and the WWE smokes enough crack, I could see them giving Orton a title run after a face turn. They seem obsessed with getting him over, like they were with Brock last year.

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Guest Choken One

So the list is down to this


An Retired 40 Year old ORDINARY MAN


An Ego-centric Self-Asorbed Prick


A Hollywood Star by Day, Wrestler By Night


The Long Shot of a Face turn of a Man whom has been shafted for years and yet continues to wow the crowd and plays better political games...






Oh fuck it...Who we kidding? If it's anyone it's Shawn or Orton.

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Guest JMA

I've always wondered why Triple H hated Jericho so much. Was it just because Nash didn't like him? After all, Triple H used to be a great wrestler and smart mark darling.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Jericho is (or was) a threat to HHH's spot. He's not anymore, of course.

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If HHH holds the title long enough, and the WWE smokes enough crack, I could see them giving Orton a title run after a face turn. They seem obsessed with getting him over, like they were with Brock last year.

For whatever reason, when I picture Orton with the title I laughed out loud. Then I pictured what the WWE would be like if pushes were based on talent.


Around this point during the post I went to the Raw roster to look at the "talent" on it. After reveiwing the roster, I have come to the conclusion that keeping the title on HHH may be the best move unless they do some major roster trading. I mean, its not like Hurricane will be on a PPV, nevermind get a title.

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Guest jester
If HHH holds the title long enough, and the WWE smokes enough crack, I could see them giving Orton a title run after a face turn. They seem obsessed with getting him over, like they were with Brock last year.

It's scary, but I can see this too.


As part of the whhhores, he can be pushed around by HHH, before finally snapping and turning, and then feuding with HHH for the belt.


It might not work, because the guy is seriously not over. I caught him on Raw two weeks ago and he came out to...no exagerration, TOTAL SILENCE despite the pimping from Flair.


So if they run with him, the question becomes does HHH use Orton's unoverness to keep the belt yet again, or will WWE's insane desire to get someone over no matter the cost over-rule him?

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Guest Human Fly
So if they run with him, the question becomes does HHH use Orton's unoverness to keep the belt yet again, or will WWE's insane desire to get someone over no matter the cost over-rule him?

Brock wasn't really over until late fall or early winter but the kept going with him. It just seems to me that they have the same attitude with Orton.


I thought they were going to have Orton feud with Hurricane, but instead they had him squash Hurricane and (it looks like) move up to HBK. That's ME level, and Orton has no business around the IC title right now. They are trying to combine Brock's major push with the Rock's major push.

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Guest Choken One
If HHH holds the title long enough, and the WWE smokes enough crack, I could see them giving Orton a title run after a face turn. They seem obsessed with getting him over, like they were with Brock last year.

It's scary, but I can see this too.


As part of the whhhores, he can be pushed around by HHH, before finally snapping and turning, and then feuding with HHH for the belt.


It might not work, because the guy is seriously not over. I caught him on Raw two weeks ago and he came out to...no exagerration, TOTAL SILENCE despite the pimping from Flair.


So if they run with him, the question becomes does HHH use Orton's unoverness to keep the belt yet again, or will WWE's insane desire to get someone over no matter the cost over-rule him?

If that does happen...



Let's Just hope That Triple H pulls an Austin and walks out on the show..


He can take his Vanity belt if he wants...



We got the I.C title BAYBAH!

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Guest Choken One

It doesn't matter...


Orton Breaks body doing a drop kick



Vince:Orton handicapped? In a wheel chair for life?


Shane: Do does that mean we go to Plan Z and push Jericho and RVD?


Vince: Whoa! Let's not get desperate her son...WHEELCHAIR WRESTLING! It's the WAVE OF THE FUTURE! and Randy is the man to lead the future like an modern day Triple H!


Shane: Ummm..Wheel chair wrestling?


Vince: YEAH! Get that Blond fella with the beard in a chair and tell him to put a LITTLE more EFFORT for once!


Shane: Yes Sir.


Vince: God Damn It! Im vince mcmahon!



Meanwhile...Raw ratings sink to 493rd in Nielson ratings...Just behind "Paid Programming at 4 am"

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