Guest nWoScorpion Report post Posted March 28, 2002 Speaking of Tuesday in Texas, i just purchased supertapes 2, 3, 4, 1992 and plan on doing this show along ith the other tapes. -Gene Okerlund pushes Supertape 1992, with a special feature of the Undertaker. - action figures! Hogan! Warrior! Savage! Dibiase! Dusty! Taker! Hammer! Piper! Snooka! Bossman! HTM! Duggan! Rockers! Demolition! BushwhackerS! Talkin Hogan & Warrior!! -Highlights from Superstars of the Wrestling the weekend of Survivor Series. Jake Roberts unleashed his King Cobra allowing it to bite Randy Savage. Jack Tunney santions a match at TTIT vetween Savage/Roberts. Survivor Series 1991 Joe Louis Arena Detriot, Michigan November 27, 1991 -Opening Match: "Rowdy" Roddy Piper, Bret "Hitman" Hart, British Bulldog, Virgil Vs. "Nature Boy" Ric Flair, "Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase, Warlord, The Mountie. this year managers are banned for some reason. sherriis lookin UUUUUUGLY. Flair Tag Team Title is blacked out, although its noticable which it is. The Main Question in this match is who will do the job? The Faces all get their own entrances. Hey its Mike Tysons little brothe rVirgil. that was a good movie btw, Tyson. Heenan calls bulldog a Bullfrog. "Million Dollar Body 10 cent mind. Whoopy goldberg hairdue." "The tough guy from scotland who wears a little mini skirt." Heenan: "Hes pointin to the guy sellin cokes and hotdogs!" Gorilla: "You kidding me!?" Dibiase starts with Piper. roddy chant to start. flair with a knee to Piper and dibiase gets caught with a clothesline and gets hung in the ropes. Sherri gets pulled in by Piper. He kisses her. (vomits). Piper goes muhhamed Ali on Dibiase. Armbar by Piper tag to Bulldog. Knee to the wrist and tag to Virgil. He stomps his wrist and tag to Bret. Legdrop and knees tag to Piper. Running fistdrop and tag to Bulldog. Running stomp and knees tag to Virgil. he gos uptop and nails a double axhandle. Bret in. Punches to the shoulder and back to an armbar. Dibiase with some knees and elbows. Bret misses a charge annd Dibiase gets pushed into thje buckle for a 1 count, reversed and reversed again by Bret for 2. Arm drag to armbar by Bret. Heenan: "If savage gets reinstated, whos gonna do the dishes?!" gorilla: "Oh please..." Bret gets caught with a hip toss tag to flair. He misses an elbow. Inveerted atomic drop and tag to Bulldog. Slingshot to the buckle anmd the face first flop. flair chop. Bulldog with a gorilla press slam. Pipe in and he GOES NUTS!!!! Both men trade punches and chops. Piper goes Tyson on Flair. He falls outside and does the face first flop again. He eats steel steps. Chop by Piper and back in the ring. Warlord in. Test of Strength teased and Bulldog tags in. Both men shoulderblock doesnt workj. Dropkick takes down Warlod. boot by Warlord. Heenan: "The immovable object just kicked the limey right in the face." Dibiase boot. Mountie in. jImmy hart sound slike hes having an orgasm talkin about how he gets his man.. Bret in. Dibiase back in. Colar Elbow tieup. Bret punches to the sternum. ?Backbreaeker and 2nd rope elbow for 2. Headlock, irish whip by Dibiase and the collide heads. Mountie & Bulldog in. Running Clothesline and elbow by Bulldog. Gorilla PRess Slam. flair in and Bulldog manhandles him. no selling chops. Couble clothesline to Dibiase & Flair. running Powerslam to mountie. Flair with a elbow off the top to Bulldog for the 3 count at 10:55. Piper in. Dibiase and Flair take a beating by Piper. Dibiase stomps him while Mountie works on him on the outside. flair chop. WOOOOOOO!. Snapmare and knee to the forehead. WOOOOOO. 2nd one misses.Piper witha figure 4 leglock and its hurting both men. Dibiase breaks it and Heena says Flair did. Dibiase in. Atomic Knee Drop by Ted and Indian Death lock reversed for 2. Mountie with a Boston Crab to Piper. Virgil tags in and clothesline mountie and another. Elbow by Virgil. flair in. Chops & slaps by both men. virgil goes Piper on him. Back body drop. Flair: NOOOOO!. Dibiase in. Dibiase eats buckle 10 times and falls face first. Powerslam by Dibiase. Warlord tags in. He boots him. Full Nelson. Piper breask it with an elbow and pins him at 16:58. school Boy to Dibiase gets 2. Eye Rake and chop by Ted followed by a spinning elbow. Suplex reversed by Piper. Virgil in. clothesline and another. Million Dollar Dream to Dibiase. Virgil gets posted by dibias breakin it. Flair in. WOOOOOOOOO!. Chop-city. back suplex and tag to Mountie. Dropkick by Moutnie "IIIiiiiiiiiiiim the mountie!!!!!!!". Dibiase chops. He tags in. Bionic Elbow to virgil. Gutwrench Suplex and tag to flair. Heenan: "Hogan woulsd be soaking wet by now and lost 30 pounds." Dibiase clothesline. Spinning Neckbreaker by Virgil to dibiase. Flair in and is Piper. He no sells the chops. Poke to the eye. 10 punches of doom. Inverted Atomic Drop blocked and poke to the eyes. He eats buckle 10 times. Flair goes up but gets slammed by Piper. Brawl ensues. Flair flip to the floor. The referee calls for the bell at 22:46. Everyone was disqqualifed for brawling except for one man who was on the outside of the ring, Ric Flair!. Really good match with a cheap ending. I'll go *** with this one. Piper beats Flair out of the ring. Virgil tosses Dibiase and mountie leaves after Bret goes after him. Heenan: "WOOOOOOOOOO! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! WOOOOOOOOOO!" Monsoon: "Will you stop?!" -Mean Gene with "Macho Man" Randy Savage. If you dont know what its about (cough TIT) then die. -"Hacksaw" Jim Duggan, Sgt. Slaughter, Texas Tornado, El Matador Vs. Col. Mustafa, Berzerker, SKinner, Hercules. The faces all come out sperate. Heenan: "he needs a haircut (tornado) Are you sure thats a hat or a chiuaua in his hand (matador)?" Gorilla "Will you stop!?" Tito starts with Skinner. USA chants. "One guy barely speaks enlgish, the other guy, tornado, he barely understands english, and slugahte,r he talks that military jive." Matador with a headlock. Skinner with a pin for 2. Heenan: "Jim Louis arena what a.." Monsoon "Joe Louis Jou Louis. Whos Jim Louis?" Heenan: "Whos Joe Louis?" Monsoon: "Will you stop." Heenan: What a great hockey player he was." Monsoon: "Brain if you keep quiet no one will no how stupid you are." Heenan: "thats the Flying Jalapeno. Since he went back to his rusk." Monsoon: You mean roots" Heenan: No rusk he got his ponytail pulled back. How do youl ike those tights on Santana? Monsoon: "Whats wrong with thjat? Irevesint Green. Heenan: no Irevesant Guakamolie. Beautiful flying Taco. Tornado in and Berzeker pounds on him. He misses a clothesline ad dropkick. tornad goes after all the heels. Heenan: "you realize when duggan looks across the ring he sees 8?!" Duggan in with Hercules. HOOOOOOOOOO! Sideheadlock. Shoulderblock by Hercules. They exchange rights. Berzerker eats a right as does Skinner. The heels quadruple team. Berzerker. Monsoon "Then they forfeit with their hands on their heads." Heenan: Thats to check if any hair grew." Zerk with some kicks. Elbow and tag to Mustafa. He sends Duggan into his boot. Monsoon: He spat on him Heenan: He spit on him. Monsoon: thats what i said he spat on him. Heenan: No he spit on him. spat on the things you spit on your shoes. monsoon: Can you get me a few security guards please? Heenan: Why? Your gonna have another hotdog? Duggan shoulderblock and runs into a thrust to the neck. Bake rake. Duggan with the 3 punches of Doom. 2 count by Sheik. Duggan with a suplexala Bulldog, Slaughter tagsin. Atomic Drop and clothesline sends Mustafa packing at 7:54. bezerker in. Zerker with a clothesline and boots to the stomache. Slaughter bump in the corner. Heenan: "Hes like the energize wabbit. He never stops he keeps moving." Hercules in. Slaughter eats post for 2. And again. Boot to the head. Berzerker in. Slaughter hangs him on the ropes and has him ride them. Kick to the knee and Zerker splits ghis legs. Duggan in. Kick to the head and clothesline over the top rope. He rushes Duggan and gets dumped over the top rope again. Tornadoin. He attacks Skinner and goe sback to Berzerker. Hercules in tornadot ags Tito. He nails a fist to the ribs. Monsoon: The Paseo Del Muerte Heenan: did you El Paso de Salsa? I guess the taco king rang his bell. As in Taco bell i guess. Hercules was pinned at 12:01. by tito. Skinner works over Tito withpunches. Berzerker in. He nails some punches. clothesline sends Tito down. Skinner in and a slam. Shoulderthrust by Tito. Slaughter tag and school boys skinner at 13:27. its down 4 to 1. Slaughter sling shots Zerker back and forth and Duggan nails the 3 point stance for the pin at 14:14. God that was horrible. *. Heenans commentary alone mad eme not pay any attention. -Coliseum Video exclusive with Duggans team going to the locker room. -Mean Gene with Jake "the Snake" Roberts. Trsut me. Trust me. This is a damn good interview. -Superstars of wrestling recap from2 weeks ago. hogan is on the funeral parlor. Flair comes out and gets in Hogans face. hogan punches him and UT sneaks up on him and clobbers him with the Urn. Savage & Piper try saving him and they both hit UT with a chair, which he no sells. He rips off the cross but it burns his hand and drops it in fear. -WWF-Championship Match: Hulk Hogan © Vs. The Undertaker Hulkster Rules Brother! Hogan is being cheered like nutz. Hogan destroys the coffin with his logo painted on it. Ut shoves hogan and misses an elbow. UT has only 1 TATTOO! sideheadlock by hogan. Irish whip by Taker, shoulderblock sends Hogan down and out of the ring. UT with a choke on Gogan and we get a shot of my no eyeballs. Throat Thrusts. He tries to rip off his face. He chokes him on the top rope now. Bearer chokes on hogan and Gorilla calls hima piece of garbage. Heenan: "My Moniter went out." Monsoon: "Your brain went out!!" UT elbow misses. Hogan with a few roundhouse rightrs. Clothesine staggers him. Slam doesnt work as UT fights out. Eye Rake. And another. Running elbow. Punch and chop. He eats buckle. He eats another. Punch. And another. clothesline and 360 by the undertaker but lands on his feet. hogan eats ring steps by going to the outside after him. He chokeshogan now with the microphone cord. UT with more chokes and Bearer gets in another cheap shot. UT chokes hogan in the middle rope. The Hulk-a-maniac i just noticed who dresses like Hogan all the time is here. Face grip by Taker. Hulkster choke on his face. Hulk getiing up. He breaks the grip. Kick and another. Shoulderblocks stagger him but UT comes back with a flying clothesline to a huge pop. Tombstone Piledriver and hogan hulks up! UT is shocked. Punch, Punch, Punch,running fist. Punch. And another, he drops to one knee. Hogan eye rake, Scoop Slam!! Flair coming to the ring. Legdrop stopped by Bearer. Hogan attacks Flair. Big Boot by hogan but UT is up and scoops up hogan and tombstones him onto a steel chair for the win at 12:43 for the WWF Title. *1/2. Hogan is layed out for the next 5 or so minutes as Heenan cheers. -Mean Gene is with roddy Piper. Hes pissed that UT is the new champion. -Sean mooney now with Mr. Poifect & Nature Boy. More Hogan reffered promos. -Gene now with Natural disastors & I.R.S. No more hogan talk here. -Mooney with LOD & Bossman. Funny bit as Hawk says EUUUUUUUUUUUUAH and Mooney inerupts him. Hawk says dont you ever" and "what a rush.". -Mean Gene is with tunney. UT will defend against Hulk hoganat Tuesday in Texas. -FINALLY LIVE ACTION!! -The Rockers & The Bushwhackers Vs. The Nasty Boys & Beverley Brothers. This match isnt going to be pretty. Look at 1/2 the mugs in it? (shudders) Rockers entrance wakes up the dead crowd. Butch i think is starting with Knobbs. Knee lift by knobbs. Eye rake by butch and they exchange punches. Knee by Butch and a knee lift. double clotheslinne andthey double noggin knocker the nasties. Beverleys turn to get whooped. Battering Ram to both men. Dropkicks by the rockers to the nasties. Marty looks high. Monsoon: whos the captain of the team the beverleys> Heenan: I think its the ones in long tights. Monsoon: They all got long tights! Monsoon: I thought the brains were Luke. Heenan: Luke!?!? (gotta be heard to be apreciated.) Beau with a backbreaker to Shawn. Knobbs in and gets caught with a highknee. Luke in. 2nd rope clothesline ends his night at 5:19. Shawn gets caught with an axhandle to the back. Sags works him over. More T.I.T buildup. Body Press by Shawn to Sags and an arm drag. a dumb retard gets in the cameras way. The Card for T.I.T.... The Undertaker vs. Hulk Hogan Randy Savage vs. Jake Roberts Bret Hart vs. Skinner British Bulldog vs. Warlord Tito Santana & Virgil Vs. Ted Dibiase & Repo Man Marty works an armbar on Sags. Shoulderblockby Sags. Marty with a for armdrags and an armbar. Blake beverley in. Poifect like snapmare. Backflip and thrust kick by Marty. Armbar by MJ. Side headklock bu tBlake takes him to the ropes. Marty messed up a leap frog. Gutwrench suplexby Blake. or Beau? Monsoon: I have trouble telling Blake & Beau apart. Heenan: Beaus the one with the blond hair Monsoon: that helps alot. Butch tags in as does Beau. Clothesline. Clothesline to Blake. Beverley Bomb elimates Butch. Imagine a 3d except the x-factor minus splitting the legs. The time of the fall btw was 10:12. Marty with a spinning elbow. Monkey Flip and huricanrana by Marty for 2. Enziguri by Marty and Beau tags in. shawn back in. Armbar. Beau with a headbutt. Beau chokes shawn on the second rope. Blake in. he trhows him out and Knobbs works him over. Heenan: I wonder if any of shawns girlfriends is singing that song "my boyfriends back." Side slam reversed and back slide b yshawn gets 3 at 13:58.. 3rd person other then Steamboat & Haynes ive seen do that. Knobbs punches him. Sunset flip by Shawn for 2. Monsoon trying to make MArty to be a heel. Dropkick sends Sags out. Shawn debuts the diving clothesline from the apron to the floor on Sags. He eats a Sags fist. Beau with a legdrop. Or Blake? Kick by HBK and Marty tags in. Punches to Knobbs. He runs wild. Flying elbow ans snapmare for 2. Forearms by MJ. Blake/Beau in whatever. He walks into an armbar. Gutwrench sunset flip gets 2 by Jannetty. Knobbs in. Axhandle to the back. More TIT spluring. Sags in. :Pumphandle Slam by sags. Backsuplex and a tag to Knobbs. splash hits knees and Shawn tags in. Clothesline and a slingshot on Beau. Triple noggin Knocker aka Sandwich job. Marty slams Sags but his feet nail Shawn and Knobbs pins him at 19:40. Shawn gets in Martys face. They calm down and shawn tells him to get 'em. Monsoon says Heenan only looks at the picutres of WWF magazine and can;t read. Knobbs eats feet and a top rope bulldog gets 2. or a 0. Marty gets tossed over. Marty pulls Konbbs out and whips him in the buckle. Marty up top, he nails a body press on the nasties inot the aisleway. Spinng Hair pulling face slam to Beverley. small package to sags by Knobbs turns him over for the win at 23:11. Good match after the whackers left. **1/2. Beau/or Blake & Nasties win. -Big Boss Man & Legion of Doom vs. IRS & Natural Disastors. Finally. the end of the line. Boss man starts with I.R.S. Kneelifts by Irwin but gets tripped up. Heavutt by Bossman. Boss man pulls out the spinning around running move with a boot to the face to finish. He runs under the botom, runs back around the post in the ring, ducks a clothesline and nailks a clothesline or big boot. Animal in and faces off with Earthquake. sideheadlock by animal. Shoulderblock does nothin. Quake with a backbreaker and misses a big splash. Dropkick by animal and a shoulder tackle for 2. IRS and Hawk in. Armbar by Hawk. IRS gets to the ropes and gets pounded. Scoop Slam and gets tosses into Typhoon followed by a dropkick gets 2. Animal and bossman work over Typhoon in the corner. Quake in. Hawk headlock. IRS in, He puts the boots on hawk. Hawk slam and nails a jumping fist. Bossman in now and he clobbers IRS. He gets the um splash into the middle rope. Heenan: "Hes standing on his tongue! Monsoon: "On his tongue? Its his tie!" IRS grabs his briefcase and nails bossman and pins him for 3 at 6:22. Heenan: "he has a bad case of the losing" LOD obviously are gonna win. Phoon attacks Animal with knees and Quake and him double team on animal.Belly to Belly Suplex for 2 by Quake. IRS with a forearm off the to prope. Bearhug by Typhoon. Animal breaks free and hot tags Hawk. Right hands by him on typh. Diving shoulder tackle. IRS nails Typhoon with the breifcase and Hawk pins him at 9:35. Quake gets pissed a tI.R.S and walks off with Typhoon at 10:40 or so. Hawk & Animal work over IRS. Hawk powerslam. Hawk bites buckle and gets tossed outside., Chinlock by I.R.S. Suplex blocked and Hawk with one. Animal in. Shouldertackle. Powerslam. Bossman forces a fleeing IRS to get back in the ring. Hawk clothesline off the top rope finishes it at 15:20 with LOD being the survivors. -Mean Gene is in the basement with the Undertaker. More TIT pushing. Mild Recomendation to Watch, unless you find Bobby heenan annoying. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Shaved Bear Report post Posted March 28, 2002 ugh, i cant read all of that Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest nWoScorpion Report post Posted March 28, 2002 Too Long to read? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Jericholic82 Report post Posted March 29, 2002 Great review. Heenan is classic on this one, but not to much to see here. ORDER TUESDAY IN TEXAS NOW!!!! all kidding aside, i remember watching this with my family and then when they said another oov, i was like what? good thing i had a black box then. and its not too long, apparently some people cant read past grade 4 level. later Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest MiloMahoney Report post Posted March 30, 2002 Tuesday in Texas! Tuesday in Texas! I think this ppv is better, but what the hell do i know.(shrugs) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Drury37 Report post Posted March 30, 2002 I have the tape of WWF Tuesday In Texas and I thought it was pretty good,the Bret Hart Vs. Skinner match is good and so is the Randy Savage Vs. Jake Roberts after match activities. Savage's interview after the match was so crazy I thought he was really flipping out. Thanks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites