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Guest pochorenella

The Hulk movie reviews

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I just read a review in the Detroit Free Press that it was wishy-washy, that it was caught between trying to make it an action flick and a psychological drama.


I don't put much stock in "professional" movie reviewers because 99.9% don;t have the outlook on a movie that I might have.


So I'll see it for myself, but first I'm going to go see Matrix Reloaded on an IMAX screen this weekend.


Now THAT I can justify spending ten bucks on.

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Guest The Grand Pubah of 1620

Yeah, the Hulk can jump long distances at a time, but that has already been said.


I saw it earlier today and I must say, I was highly impressed.


The storyline was excellent, even though alot of it wasn't from the comic. Lee went out of his way to make this story interesting and he did a great job.


I'll post more as more people come in here that has seen it.

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!
Hey, I love James Berardinelli's reviews

doesn't everyone?

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

Just saw it. If it wasn't for my three friends badgering me to go see it I would have waited until it came out on DVD.


Oh, and I didn't get the end either...


Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

What happened to his dad after the jet sent in that rocket?

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Guest Dmann2000
Just saw it. If it wasn't for my three friends badgering me to go see it I would have waited until it came out on DVD.


Oh, and I didn't get the end either...


Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

What happened to his dad after the jet sent in that rocket?

Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

I think because his Dad had transmutated into some sort of ethereal being the rocket was able to vaporize him when it hit him. Just don't hold me to it

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Guest Dmann2000

Hey, I love James Berardinelli's reviews

doesn't everyone?

Hell yeah, where's that man's book

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20
BTW, the teaser for The Punisher was simply awesome. I hope that mother is Rated-R when it comes out...

I doubt it.


The rating will end up as PG-13.

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Guest Dmann2000
BTW, the teaser for The Punisher was simply awesome.  I hope that mother is Rated-R when it comes out...

I doubt it.


The rating will end up as PG-13.

Nah it's Artisan releasing the film, I'm betting it ends up R, not like kids haven't figured out ways to get into an R-rated film.

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Guest SP-1

I saw it last night and I thought it was wonderful. The CG didn't bother me very much at all and looked pretty good in most instances. I also refuse to judge a movie based on it's visual effects.


And I'm glad. Hulk is a damn fine psychological and emotional movie and Nick Nolte is awesome as David Banner. Eric Bana and Connely turned in fine performances as well, and I can't think of anyone else that might have been able to pull it off like they have.


More comic book movies should be like this.

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Guest wildpegasus

Spoiler question: Can anyone give any information on Lou Ferrigno's appearance?

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Guest Lethargic

Artisan has already announced and made a very big deal out of the fact that the Punisher will be a gritty, adult, R rated, violent movie and not a PG-13 kiddie superhero movie.

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Guest TonyJaymzV1

I loved The Hulk, and I thought it'd be disapointing. Ang Lee's panel style was entertaining as hell, yet didn't clutter the film. It also helped set up some flashbacks without the whole "wavy screen" effect.


Ang Lee took the story serously and it shows. Yes it was moody, but thats the story, it isn't going to be a fun filled movie. Bruce Banner is a tragic character, hr dhoulfn't br a jokester.


Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

The ending, from what I got, was David Banner, who could abosrb and become whatever he touches i believe, wanted the Hulk's power, industricity, and the like. But The Hulk's real power came from Bruce's pain and anger, which was unleashed on David Banner. The power was too much, and it ultimetly led to David's demise. That and the big bomb. It was kinda confusing.

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Guest Boomer Sprinklespax

Was David Banner supposed to be The Absorbing Man or something? The Absorbing Man was a main Hulk villain in the comic series, but most definitely not Bruce's father. If David was intended to be The Absorbing Man...well, that's just kind of stupid. I suppose, if this is the case, then that is this film's version of Peter Parker getting web shooter powers rather than inventing actual web shooters.

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Guest HHH123007
Artisan has already announced and made a very big deal out of the fact that the Punisher will be a gritty, adult, R rated, violent movie and not a PG-13 kiddie superhero movie.

:does a happy dance:

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Guest JMA
Was David Banner supposed to be The Absorbing Man or something? The Absorbing Man was a main Hulk villain in the comic series, but most definitely not Bruce's father. If David was intended to be The Absorbing Man...well, that's just kind of stupid. I suppose, if this is the case, then that is this film's version of Peter Parker getting web shooter powers rather than inventing actual web shooters.

I don't think David was the Absorbing Man. His powers may have been loosely based on his, but that's all.


EDIT: Hopefully, the sequel will have some better villains. Villains such as the Abomination and The Leader.


"So says the LEADER~!"

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Guest Smark-Raving Mad

Overall, I liked this movie, but it got too caught up in its own artistry to rank up there with the Spidermans and X-Mens for me.


Some of the dream sequences made no sense and were totally unnecessary. And I found the comic paneling style distracting at times.


But the acting, dialogue and story were all good. And I liked how they made Hulk just totally invincible.

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Guest newblood03

I thought the movie blew ass if i knew it was gonna be a borefest i woulda saw sumthin else

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

Easily one of the most inane and outright shitty films I've seen in *ages.*


Three writers credited in the opening, countless others obviously working on it, and an absolute incoherence of styles. Every moment--and I mean every moment--where Nick Nolte was onscreen and speaking was LUDICROUS. Who on the staff thought it was a good idea to give him a half-dozen incoherent monologues?


I was with the movie for the first hour or so. Enjoyed Hulk fighting the dogs. Loved the first 15 minutes or so, with incredibly textured art direction and expressionist exposition...and then, it kept going on. Rule 1 of writing a movie about an iconic superhero: YOU DON'T NEED TO SPEND ENDLESS SCENES OF NICK NOLTE BEING CRYPTIC ABOUT WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN. This film was 140 minutes, and could have *easily* been a slimmer, smarter movie at 100. None of the characters are consistent, and all the blather about "a deep comic book movie" is nonsense. This is about parent/child relationships to the extent of "I don't like you" vs. "I know what's best!" Nothing's resolved in either relationship, and the ending devolves into absolute ridiculous surrealism as Nick Nolte stands in front of black backdrop ranting for two minutes before chowing down on an electrical cord and apparently sort of being the Absorbing Man but not really, and then...good god. There's no substance here. If you see it, you've been tricked.


It's a soulless movie, flat-out. What's worse are the pretensions attached to it, the mind-numbing editing (or, more directly, the lack thereof), and nearly every minute in between. The only thing that made this a tolerable experience was that I'd just seen X-2 for the second time earlier in the night and was still marveling (ho-ho-ho pun) at how wonderful and layered a piece that is.


Absolute highest recommendation to avoid. This is absolute dreck.

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto
Spoiler question: Can anyone give any information on Lou Ferrigno's appearance?

Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

He's some sort of security guy walking with Stan Lee and doesn't say a line.

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Guest Muzz

I'm interested to see how the movie will go, hopefully well, but I'm more interested in how Eric Bana's performance was. Being Australian, I always take a big interest in home grown talent making it big. So... how was he?


*crosses fingers*

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Guest Nanks

I'm interested to know how he went too. I just finished watching Chopper again. If he's got a good enough character to play, I know he can be fantastic. It's unfair to judge him by Black Hawk Down. That character was just pathetically awful.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
Well, ok, maybe not ALWAYS, because I know the character was fucked with at times (Like when he was grey, or smart) but the bottom line is, it's what the Hulk does.

Dude, you know NOTHING about The Hulk comics. Peter David's run on "The Incredible Hulk" when he supposedly "fucked with" the character was the definitive run on the mag.


Maybe you should READ some of those issues before you diss them.

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Guest TonyJaymzV1

I think Black Hawk Down was pathetic in itself.


I like how directors have been pushing for young, not well known actors for leads. I remember back in 2000, nobody knew Hugh Jackman, now he's a big star. Hopefully Bana, whom I enjoy alot, will get alot more staring roles.


Oh and people who were disapointed may have been expecting more than me...I went in expecting nothing so I was very suprised and happy.

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto
I'm interested to see how the movie will go, hopefully well, but I'm more interested in how Eric Bana's performance was. Being Australian, I always take a big interest in home grown talent making it big. So... how was he?


*crosses fingers*

Sorry, Muzz. Bana was poo. Honestly though, I don't think much of that was his fault. The majority of his scenes were against a severely overacting Nick Nolte, and he probably had about 60 or 70 lines in the whole thing. He was utterly uncompelling, but he basically disappeared from the movie for stretches of 20 or 30 minutes at a time when he transformed into the Hulk.


And I rather liked him in Black Hawk Down. It was a silly movie, but he did well with the part.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway
I loved The Hulk, and I thought it'd be disapointing. Ang Lee's panel style was entertaining as hell, yet didn't clutter the film. It also helped set up some flashbacks without the whole "wavy screen" effect.

I liked the "panel" technique as well. Perhaps I didn't catch it, but it seemed a lot of the action sequences (Hulk fighting) didn't incorporate the panels. It would have been interesting to see Hulk destroy something from 3/4 different panel-like shots...

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Guest TonyJaymzV1

The on;y instance of Comic book style fighting was when the sniveling bad guy blew himself up

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Guest The Grand Pubah of 1620
The on;y instance of Comic book style fighting was when the sniveling bad guy blew himself up

That statement isn't true.


Since the HULK is a comic book character all the fight scenes he was in were all comic style fighting scenes. I know I have never seen a human being tear a tank apart, ride a jet into the atmosphere, or fight three huge mutated dogs.

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