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Guest Trivia247

Rob Van Dam interview

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Guest Trivia247

The Voice of Wrestling

Date: 06/15/2003

Guests: Julio Dinero & Rob Van Dam



This week, Julio Dinero from NWA-TNA and "The Whole F'N Show" Rob Van Dam, joined the Voice of Wrestling. Dinero discussed this week's one year anniversary of TNA where Sting will be making his debut, plus his future goals, and his thoughts on Vince Russo. Visit www.voiceofwrestling.com to listen to this show, plus visit the archives section to hear interviews with many past guests. Now, let's get to the recap with Rob Van Dam:


- Rob started off the interview by talking about the Bad Blood PPV and how someone needs to worry about Kane and doesn't know what his deal is, but he thinks he'll pull through at the PPV. He said that La Risistance is alright, but they are definitely not Rob Van Dam.


- The World Championship is something that he has yet to accomplish in the WWE, thus far, and Rob said he thinks that goal will be replaced by the wrestlers of yesteryear coming back that WWE can pay a huge portion to and feel guilty for not using. He said that he thinks every guy that isn't dead yet that we used to watch as a kid is going to come back to satisfy the preset notion of who the WWE offices think the best representation for WWE is.


- If the WWE offices don't think RVD fits with the traditional standards of the WWE, Rob Van Dam agrees with that. He thinks that his ECW experience best showcases him in a hardcore environment. His fans respect him though, so he will let them be his voice.


- He said the WWE World Title doesn't look like it will be in his immediate future, but he will keep doing what he is doing and that's being RVD.


- In regards to the Hardcore Title being dropped, Rob believes that the WWE didn't want it to mean anything. He said that the Hardcore title before he got there was being related to going to the bathroom and using a plunger on each other, or tipping over a taco stand, and it was stupid. That was their take on what ECW was doing and RVD said that they totally didn't get it. RVD thinks that he took that title and made it meant so much, the other belts were threatened by it.


- As response to being at the top of the Intercontinental Division and whether he was satisfied with that position or not, he answered, "Whatever." He is going to keep doing what he is doing and let the fans speak for himself. If they keep chanting that they paid to see RVD, then he is happy.


- Paul Heyman was recently let go from being Head Writer on the Smackdown Brand, RVD said that although he doesn't watch it, he assumes it probably has taken a new direction since then and that it was probably a direction that is not in a good way.


The Voice of Wrestling is hosted by Chris Chisum and is posted every Sunday afternoon. To hear this interview with Rob Van Dam, as well as an interview with Julio Dinero of TNA, visit www.voiceofwrestling.com.

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Guest newblood03

Watch him get buried then what he already is now. Did it not seem like he was a little in character in that interview?

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Guest Youth N Asia
- He said the WWE World Title doesn't look like it will be in his immediate future, but he will keep doing what he is doing and that's being RVD.

RVD: "At least that's what HHH told me."

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Being cocky is just who he is.


There's more of that in this interview than in his current "character" anyway.


There's nothing for RVD to do anyway...so I guess it could look like a burial.

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