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Guest Random Hero

Bull Buchanan

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Guest Random Hero

Am I the only one who thinks that they missed a great opportunity to get Bull over, by not going with a Mitch Buchanan rip off? I mean me and my friend were discussing this the other day, and it started out as a joke, but the more we discussed it, the more it sounded like a good idea. Of course he wouldn't be a serious title contender, just comic relief in the midcard. Just think of the possibilities...


The video packages they could've done. He could've ran down to the ring in slow motion even when running down to make a save.


JR: So and so is getting a mud-hole stomped in him...BUT WAIT!!! Here comes BUCHANAN!!!............If he ever makes it to the ring.


He would come down with his float, and throw it into the ring, then dive under the bottom rope. They could even stage shitty choreographed punch ups, of course no one ever gets the better of him in them though. It would be comedic GOLD.


He could run in on matches where he had absolutely no business, like Mitch used to interfere with everything regardless of whether it was Lifeguard business.


The possibilities are endless, this is comedy, not redneck triathlons. Bull would be SO over if they did it right.



Edited by Random Hero

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