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Guest Ghettoman

Invent a "crazy"spot!

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Guest Ghettoman

Alright hopefully this is a some what new idea....


I'm sure we've all seen our fair share of silly, insane, or just down right ground breaking spots, whether we wanted to or not, so in this topic lets go ahead and see if we can come up with some damn good ones....


One spot I would love to see goes like this:


Basic tag match, really pro-indy style with about five minutes per spot set-up. One man out, one team fresh and and a man getting beat, One guy from TeamA, takes the beaten man to the outside and hits him with some kind of weapon that just makes him stumble with open eyes in the same spot for a good thirty seconds, during that time the first guy from Team A comes back in the ring has his partner backdrop him out of the ring at the beaten man, from there the guy getting backdrop catches the beaten man in a head scissors, which sends him flipping towards the ring, at the other TeamA guy, who catches him by the legs, pulls him up and turns him around to hit consecutive powerbombs as TeamA guy on the outside takes his time to set up a table. From there TeamA guy doing the powerbombing waits for his partner to finish setting up the table and get on the top rope near it, when he does he stops the powerbombing and runs towards the ropes with the guy still up, table side, and hits a toss powerbomb as his partner on the top comes flying down catching the beaten man in a flipping neckbreaker, through the table.


Now thats a spot!

Edited by Ghettoman

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Guest the 1inch punch

Inspired by Foley-Micheals, @Mind Games, i always thought a belly to belly off the top rope, through the announce table would be boss

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

I always liked the idea of hitting a 450 Splash off the top of a cage through two stacked tables...


...hey, CZW...did you do it yet?

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Guest Nevermortal
I always liked the idea of hitting a 450 Splash off the top of a cage through two stacked tables...


...hey, CZW...did you do it yet?

Ric Blade did it, but I don't think there were two tables, just one.


Anyway, my spot....


Tag Partner A stands on the top rope, attempting to jump off on Opponent A who has his back towards Tag Partner A. Tag Partner B ignores Partner A and attempts to spear Opponent A, but Opponent A leapfrogs it, and Partner B crashes shoulder first into the post, crotching Partner A on the top. In a swift motion, Opponent A runs towards the ropes, uses Partner B as a launching pad and goes up top for a Kurt Angle-esque pop up Belly to Belly Suplex.

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Guest NoSelfWorth

A 360 DDT.


Wrestler A is on the top rope, and Wrestler B is standing a little way in front of him, dazed. Wrestler A leaps off in an SST-like move, flips a complete 360, and as he crashes down on his ass, he takes Wrestler B down in a DDT.

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Guest Ravenbomb

tag team HIAC match, one guy on team A is unconcious. one guy on team B sets up 4 tables in the middle of the ring and sets them on fire while other guy on team B has other guy on team A on the roof of the cell. OGOTB powerboms OGOTA through the cell roof, OGOTA falls and crashes through the 4 flaming tables, the second before he hits, OGOTB jumps through the hole in the roof, lands in a double stomp on OGOTA

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Guest bravesfan
Inspired by Foley-Micheals, @Mind Games, i always thought a belly to belly off the top rope, through the announce table would be boss

As I'm trying to imagine this spot in my head, I don't think the attacker would be able to shield himself from any damage to his body.


What I mean is, with a regular belly-to-belly (no release), he will never be able to reach the table himself (protecting the victim, but floating backwards with no way to brace his fall? Yeesh.


With the overhead release, his victim will have a great bump, but the attacker will have MAJOR difficulties finding a safe area for himself to land.

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Guest William E

A shooting star press done off the top of a hell in a cell onto an opponent lying on the announcers table. Keep the medic's ready :D :headbang:

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Guest Nevermortal

I'd just like to say that William E has one helluva avatar. What's that from?

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Guest WhenDanSaysJump

*thinks of random stupid death spot*


Vertebreaker off a ladder onto light tubes/nails/barb wire/steel chair/weedwhacker (delete as appropriate).


Something less contrived would be a reversed superplex, or a release super german suplex over the ropes to the outside.

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Guest The Last Free Voice
A 360 DDT.


Wrestler A is on the top rope, and Wrestler B is standing a little way in front of him, dazed. Wrestler A leaps off in an SST-like move, flips a complete 360, and as he crashes down on his ass, he takes Wrestler B down in a DDT.

I do that. I call it the death wish. seriously.

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Guest saturnmark4life

The reversed superplex must have been done by now, it always pops up in threads like this. I don't know why the inverted superplex that Phil LaFon did on Al Snow @ SurSer96 isn't used more often. I LOVE IT.

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Guest Goodear

A backdrop into a corner that sends the one taking the move over the ropes and impales the guy on the actual ring post.

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Guest DawnBTVS

Have let's say Rey Mysterio Jr. and Juventud Guerrera fighting. Rey sets Juvi onto the top rope facing the ring post. Rey climbs onto the apron and springboards off the ropes, nailing Juvi with a Reverse Hurricanranna, sending Juvi crashing head first into the mat.

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Guest Dace59

A Reverse Suplex has been done loads.


Nick Modon's done (or was it taken) one onto Lightbul tubes.


There was one i Jericho/Ultimo 95.


Lyger's done a mean Superplex to the outside as well.



Reverse Sunset Flip Lyger Bomb:


A is by the corner, facing out of it. B jumps up the corner, and reaches backwards, hooking their legs around A's head. B uses his hands to balance on the top turnbuckle/ropes. B then hooks his legs under A's arms. B bounces on the ropes with his arms, and launches himself backwards over A's and sits out in a Lyger Bomb possition.


Swining Triangle Bulldog:


A is standing by the corner, facing out of it. B runs at A, as if to lariat him into the corner. B wraps his arm around A's neck, and swings round. B leaps onto the right hand second/top rope as he swings, and swings right round A's body (so his arm now forms a side headlock) and as he bounces off the ropes on the lef hand side, dives into a Bulldog.

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Guest The Son of Sting

Hell in the Cell - The cage is rising while the wrestlers are fighting on top of it, wrestler A sets wrestler B on fire and throws him of the cage while its moving.

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Guest Sturgis
A 360 DDT.


Wrestler A is on the top rope, and Wrestler B is standing a little way in front of him, dazed. Wrestler A leaps off in an SST-like move, flips a complete 360, and as he crashes down on his ass, he takes Wrestler B down in a DDT.


Jody Fliesch does a 720 DDT off the top rope making this move not as imressive.


I always thought a suplex off the top rope to the outside would be cool.

Edited by Sturgis

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Guest notJames
The reversed superplex must have been done by now, it always pops up in threads like this. I don't know why the inverted superplex that Phil LaFon did on Al Snow @ SurSer96 isn't used more often. I LOVE IT.

I concur wholeheartedly. I think the only problem is the victim getting enough push off the turnbuckle to "backflip" into the full rotation.


I don't know if this has been done yet, but having seen the Dragonrana, it would probably make more sense mechanically to moonsault onto the guy instead of forward flip. Say the guy is facing away from corner. You moonsault onto his shoulders, then the momentum of your backflip segues neatly into the rana. I guess the only dilemma would be catching the guy perfectly on the shoulders.


Here's a double team sequence I'd like to see:


A=tag team partner 1

B=tag team partner 2



C is whipped to ropes. A stands in front of B ala 3-D. A back bodydrops or vaults C over his shoulders into B, who powerbombs him and folds him over. A grabs the legs immediately into a wheelbarrow suplex position. B can then run the ropes in either direction. If he runs behind A, he can come off the ropes and do a bulldog while A slams C gut first into the mat. Or, B can run the opposite ropes and catch C in a hooking clothesline while A does a proper wheelbarrow suplex.


A simpler sequence would be A catapulting C into B, who then does a spinebuster. Simple but effective. Of course, some out there has probably already done it.

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Guest the 1inch punch
Inspired by Foley-Micheals, @Mind Games, i always thought a belly to belly off the top rope, through the announce table would be boss

As I'm trying to imagine this spot in my head, I don't think the attacker would be able to shield himself from any damage to his body.


What I mean is, with a regular belly-to-belly (no release), he will never be able to reach the table himself (protecting the victim, but floating backwards with no way to brace his fall? Yeesh.


With the overhead release, his victim will have a great bump, but the attacker will have MAJOR difficulties finding a safe area for himself to land.

I dont mean an overhead, i mean the sort of Belly-to-belly done in Smackdown SYM, i see your point though

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Guest Dace59

Well, Dragon Kid also does a Backwards leap into a Rana. I think he could add a moonsault int that mix, with someone good enought to catch him.

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Guest DawnBTVS
A simpler sequence would be A catapulting C into B, who then does a spinebuster. Simple but effective. Of course, some out there has probably already done it.

That looks pretty sick in my head and could be a sweet move if done by a team like the APA. Bradshaw can launch Rey Mysterio Jr. vertically into the air(Like Rey's leapfrogging him) and Faarooq can flow into a Spinebuster on Rey taking him down from mid-air(Rey's waist about head level to Faarooq)

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Guest NoSelfWorth

Spike piledriver on the floor with the person doing the spiking coming off a Hell In A Cell.


Hey, I can dream.

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Guest Dace59

Twist SSP has been done.


Sasuke does a 450 Moonsault AKA Moonsault Senton

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Guest The Metal Maniac

What about a Super-Perfect-Plex? I can't honestly ever recall seeing one, though Dace probably has.

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Guest DawnBTVS

How about a Top Rope Superplex reversed into a Tornado DDT?


A & B are on the top rope, A has B up vertically but B comes back down and nails a Tornado DDT onto A off the top turnbuckle.

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Guest Breetai

Supafishermansbusta to the OUTside.


A shooting star belly to belly. Start with both wrestlers on the top-rope, the wrestler facing towards the ring grabs his opponent and does an SSP with his opponent still in his arms, splashing him to the mat.

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Guest Sandman9000
Can we say....Shining Wizard with Light Tubes?

Bad Boy Hido's done that, over in BJW.


Super-Perfect-Plex would just be a Super Fisherman's Buster, more or less. Being able to go directly into the bridge and whatnot is probably impossible. Stupid physics.


As for mine, Pedigree onto a board of nails. It's humanly possible to live, but I guaranfuckingtee you no one will try it.

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