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Here's an idea. What if Kane loses to Triple H Monday, and Triple H demasks him to reveal...




Triple H freaks out in anger, but before he can rip off the second mask, Kane chokeslams him. Before he can continue the assault, Flair and Orton run to the ring and save Triple H, and the end of the show is Evolution standing on the ramp (Triple H holding his title like a newborn child) and Kane standing in the ring, then he does his little exploding turnbuckles dealy and the show ends.


Makes sense, doesn't it?

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Guest Choken One

McMahon read that and he likes it!



Vince: Screw the Logical Cosmetic Surgery angle and go with the screwjob! I'M VINCE MCMAHON DAMNIT!

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Guest The Old Me
Vince: Screw the Logical Cosmetic Surgery angle and go with the screwjob! I'M VINCE MCMAHON DAMNIT!

I almost spit soda out of my nose when I read that!

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