Guest Report post Posted March 28, 2002 Have they both been known as the Shooter? Thats an awesome nickname, and I always thought they called Dean that in ECW and Japan and whatever, but I noticed that was the name of Benoit's song on WWF Vol. 5. I do vaguely remember them calling him that, too. I'm not really sure about Dean, but thats always what I thought, but I think I'm wrong. So who was the Shooter? And what were some of both of their other nicknames? I know Benoit was Wild Pegasus in Japan, thats his name in the Super J Cup 94 and 95 (awesome tapes). Thanks! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Some Guy Report post Posted March 28, 2002 To the best of my knoweldge Benoit was never called teh "Shooter" it's just the name of his song. He has been the Pegasus Kid, Wild Pegusus, Canaidian Crippler (due to breaking Sabu's neck in ECW, was that a work?), and the Rabid Wolverine. Malenko was the Shooter in ECW, and the Iceman and Man of 1000 holds in WCW, in WWF I'm not sure if he got an official nickname, but he played a failed ladies man. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Masked Yodeler Report post Posted March 28, 2002 It wasn't a work. And Malenko was called "The Self-Proclaimed James Bond of the WWF" by JR on numerous occasions. And I'm sure Cole, Coachman, etc parroted it as well. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest art_vandelay Report post Posted March 28, 2002 They were also known as the "Vanilla Midgets" back in WCW. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted March 28, 2002 Yeah, the Canadian Crippler nickname was given to Benoit for two reasons: One, he broke Sabu's neck. Two, after he did it, he walked around the ring like he couldn't possibly care less. THAT is a badass. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest 5_moves_of_doom Report post Posted March 28, 2002 Wasn't Malenko called the "Man of 1,000 Holds" in the WWF as well? I thought JR called him that a few times back when he was with the Radicalz. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest treble charged Report post Posted March 28, 2002 Yeah, the Canadian Crippler nickname was given to Benoit for two reasons: One, he broke Sabu's neck. Two, after he did it, he walked around the ring like he couldn't possibly care less. THAT is a badass You know what the funny thing is. If Undertaker, Nash, or someone else that all the Smarks hate had broken someone's neck and not cared, we'd all be screaming about how big bastards they are, but since it's Benoit, we think it's cool. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Some Guy Report post Posted March 28, 2002 "Wasn't Malenko called the "Man of 1,000 Holds" in the WWF as well? I thought JR called him that a few times back when he was with the Radicalz." It was more like, "Malenko has been known as the Man of 1000 holds in the past" So I wouldn't count it as an official WWF nickname. Same goes for The Canaidain Crippler" or just "Crippler" for Benoit in WWF despite it being on his tights at first. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Mighty Damaramu Report post Posted March 28, 2002 "You know what the funny thing is. If Undertaker, Nash, or someone else that all the Smarks hate had broken someone's neck and not cared, we'd all be screaming about how big bastards they are, but since it's Benoit, we think it's cool." Probably not because it would get rid of someone we dislike. Get the D-Lo Brown treatment and go to Puerto'll be good for Undertaker or Nash. And I still maintain that it was Sabu's fault. Benoit tossed him but Sabu didn't take himself over enough. Instead of attempting to roll into it the guy took a headfirst dive. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest cobainwasmurdered Report post Posted March 28, 2002 i've seen that match and it was most definetly sabu's fault. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest muzanisa Report post Posted March 28, 2002 Wasn't Dean's Brother called "Shooter"? I remember when Jericho was ragging on Dean and had defaced the Boris portrait. His Brother (Joe?) came out and Jericho backed off going "Hold on Shooter". Saturn was called Shooter backstage which apparently pissed off Rick Steiner and caused him to stiff him on a PPV. I think it may be a generic name for any legit tough guy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Mystery Eskimo Report post Posted March 28, 2002 Ric Steiner got stiff on Saturn? Old dog face must be braver than I thought. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Dace59 Report post Posted March 28, 2002 Benoit had the Crippler name BEFORE he borke Sabu's neck. Dean Malenko doesn't have a brother, I think. Just a close freind he trained that took his surname, just like Debbie Malenko. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest muzanisa Report post Posted March 28, 2002 Dean and Joe were a top tag team in Japan and were referred to as Brothers in Dynamite's book. That means nothing of course as most of the Andersons aren't related and the guy who confronted Jericho looked nothing like the guy who teamed with Dean on my best of Dynamite Kid tape. I've never heard of Debbie Malenko who she? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Dace59 Report post Posted March 28, 2002 She's a Joshi worker I think. I've only heard of her a few times. On a few charity shows. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest muzanisa Report post Posted March 28, 2002 Thank you Dace Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Dace59 Report post Posted March 28, 2002 No problem, anytime. Someone else might be able to give you better background. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Ripper Report post Posted March 28, 2002 "i've seen that match and it was most definetly sabu's fault." Dude, that was totally Beniots fault. he did the backdrop from his shins. Beniot just went to low and Came up and flipped sabu directly on his head. I mean everyone makes mistakes and this was one of Beniots but point is that was Chris's fault. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest saturnmark4life Report post Posted March 28, 2002 Ric Steiner got stiff on Saturn? Old dog face must be braver than I thought. haw haw. Damn right. SON OF A BASTARD STEINERS! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted March 28, 2002 [Dude, that was totally Beniots fault. he did the backdrop from his shins. Beniot just went to low and Came up and flipped sabu directly on his head. I mean everyone makes mistakes and this was one of Beniots but point is that was Chris's fault.] No Way, I have that tape and you can tell Sabu tried to flip around and ::WHAM:: right on his head. Sabu always tried to do flips and it wasn't the first time Sabu landed on his head. As far as Benoit not "giving a Damn." Benoit didn't see Sabu land on his head and by time he turned around Sabu was rolling around in the ring and then finally rolled out to the floor. I doubt Benoit really knew what was happening and just played it off. Benoit just did like he was suppose to do, work the crowd while Heyman and who ever else checked on Sabu. Owen Hart did the same at SummerSlam 97 when he "broke" Austin's Neck. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest starvenger Report post Posted March 28, 2002 You know, I'm shocked that Marvel Comics hasn't gotten on WWF(E)'s ass for both the Crippler (3rd rate Spidey Villain) and Wolverine (well, duh!) nicknames. I know they aren't "official" names but I'd figured the corporate suits would be all over it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted March 28, 2002 Well, of course Benoit would have some kind of concern, and you are correct, he didn't see what was going on until a little bit later. But, it sort of comes of as him not really showing much concern, until he turns around. It really looks like Sabu's own fault. I just watched it again, and it looks like Sabu tries to do a flip in midair, but obviously, it goes hidiously wrong. And its not like it ended Sabu's career or anything....I mean, the man is STILL wrestling......some people just don't know when to quit. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest muzanisa Report post Posted March 28, 2002 On my old I mean my friends old that's right my friends old Hulk Rules top at the bottom in small type it had copyright Marvel Comics. Wolverine is a JR animal, Vader = Mastadon Benoit = Wolverine see the Brock thread never seen the crippler but you might be onto something maybe that's why Austin had to ditch the Ringmaster gimmick. They probably got residuals from Raven and his shirts too which is why they made him go shirtless. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest dreamer420 Report post Posted March 28, 2002 The move wasn't a backdrop. Benoit just grabbed Sabu and tried to suplex him over his head. Sabu got high enough but didn't flip his body and he came down right on his head. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest starvenger Report post Posted March 28, 2002 >never seen the crippler but you might be onto something maybe that's why Austin had to ditch the Ringmaster gimmick. That's pretty much why the Crippler's a 3rd rate villain. >They probably got residuals from Raven and his shirts too which is why they made him go shirtless. I actually thought that it was funny back in WCW when Raven wore Punisher and Inhumans shirts (Time-Warner also owns DC comics). And apparently HIS punishment is that Raven is co-writing an issue of Spider-Man: Tangled Web. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest muzanisa Report post Posted March 28, 2002 Oh yeah about the wrestler that Savage is playing in the film. or OHHHHHHHHHHHH YEAHHHHHHHHH Savage is playing him in the film. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest muzanisa Report post Posted March 28, 2002 Sorry double post The WCW Raven action figure had a Daredevil shirt on, which was pretty cool. Or not maybe Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest areacode212 Report post Posted March 28, 2002 I actually thought that it was funny back in WCW when Raven wore Punisher and Inhumans shirts (Time-Warner also owns DC comics Then, when he came to the WWF, he started wearing "Batman: Dark Victory" shirts, which is sorta funny. And Raven has apparently appeared in an issue of 100 Bullets, since he's pretty good friends with the writer of that comic. As for Debbie Malenko, I've never seen her, but Dean Rasmussen talks about her like she's some kind of god. He's selling a tape that contains nearly every one of her matches: I've always thought that the "Crippler" fit Benoit's personality and style more than the "Rabid Wolverine", which makes everyone think of Wolverine, the X-Men character. He can be described better as "methodical" and "cold-hearted" rather than "rabid". Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest starvenger Report post Posted March 29, 2002 >I've always thought that the "Crippler" fit Benoit's personality and style more than the "Rabid Wolverine", which makes everyone think of Wolverine, the X-Men character. He can be described better as "methodical" and "cold-hearted" rather than "rabid". Well, Benoit's Canadian, a "midget", sometimes develops odd facial hair, and has claws that pop out from his hands, so it's probably with good reason that they call him a Wolverine. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites