Guest treble charged Report post Posted March 28, 2002 Has anyone here ever been visible during a wrestling show? Me, if you watch last week's SmackDown (Mar. 21), you can see me during the opening. Right when they show the guy with the old school Hogan doll, I'm holding a sign saying, "BLOB IS POUR". (Click here to see what the sign looks like) Also, if you watch Heat (and I know you do), when Val Venis calls the girl into the ring, I'm the guy in the background with a Mets hat looking like a dumbass. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest El Luchadore Magnifico Report post Posted March 28, 2002 Whoo! Go Mets! Can't say I've ever been noticable on Wrestling TV...I didn't bring any signs and wasn't in the good seats when I went. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Mik at Cornell Report post Posted March 28, 2002 November 8, 1999 Raw from Penn State University. During the Too Cool entrance, my buddy is holding up a sign (that I thought of) that said Too Cool are the bomb yo. This was before they got stupid and it was right at the very very beginning of their run when they were still kinda making fun of public enemy. Either way, we just brought it to get on TV and sure enough we did. Also Royal Rumble 2000 at Madison Square Garden there are people behind us with R O C K Y things and you can see me during Sunday Night heat. I haven't seen WM X8 on TV yet but somehow I doubt I made it on TV. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest teke184 Report post Posted March 28, 2002 On October 1, 2001, I was on RAW right across from the hard camera. You may have noticed me holding up a sign that was unreadable, as it said "X-Pac is Wrestlecrap" and I had it right behind the little bastard's head on camera. I learned my lesson, though, and used MUCH thicker letters on my signs when I went to RAW in December. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest TheDames7 Report post Posted March 28, 2002 On the Smackdown the night after HHH's big return, during a Steph promo, they showed a big "Iron Cross" logo, and I was next to I was on tv for like .3 seconds. Oh, I'm on the hard camera all night for the first Ring of Honor show from what I've heard. Dames Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest commish13 Report post Posted March 28, 2002 i was on TV once at the beginning of a RAW back in 2000(sometime in october i think) underneath a big JR's BBQ sauce cut out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest tominator89 Report post Posted March 28, 2002 I was at Summerslam 1997, and when they play the slow-mo of Owen breaking Austin's neck I am visible. It sucks what happened to Austin, but everytime they show that footage I'm on TV. Weird... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest cobainwasmurdered Report post Posted March 28, 2002 i was at Rock Bottom . I was holding up a sign saying VINCE SCREWED BRET. it wasn't origanal but it's canada and when Vince came out before the ppv to warm up the crowd he pointed at the sign and fingered me. what a class act. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RedJed Report post Posted March 28, 2002 Way back in 96, I went to a Nitro in my hometown of Mankato, MN and me and two buds painted our chests so that it turned out WCW. We were right in front of the hard camera the whole time (lower level seats, right above ringside) so we were on alot. We even got a closeup shot of us when Luger came out, Bischoff said something tonight like "quite the hot crowd tonight" or something lame like that. Wish I still had the tape......damn. Was on TV alot when ECW had a TNN taping here in 2000, had 2nd row seats right again in front of the hard camera, I was all over the place. My "F U TNN" sign too. Got on somewhat last June when Raw was in Minneapolis, was in front of the hard camera again, but I was up a lil farther so I wasn't on as much, just when they did more panned out shots. MY "Vince fears Benoit" sign got a closeup though. Just recently got on quite a bit when I went to No Way Out. I had 4th row ringside, right in front of the hard cams over on the left side. I am the guy in the white shirt right next to the guy in purple, we're both standing up way left.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Laizen Report post Posted March 28, 2002 I was on Heat before the Rumble when they showed the crowd yelling WHAT at Angle. I also was on The Rumble quite often, I had 5th row seats across from the camera. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest KOR420 Report post Posted March 28, 2002 I went to the July 23rd Raw after Austin screwed the WWF and sided with WCW i can be seen at the end in the top corner with my mark ass RVD sign as Austin runs through the crowd and out of the HSBC arena Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest muzanisa Report post Posted March 28, 2002 I'm waiting with bated breath for the full tape of revival. I don't hink I'm going to be on it but there's a good chance my better half is going to be on during a match between Ulf Hermann and Brian Christopher while they brawl through the crowd following them shouting "fucking kill him Ulf" "Get the wanker" "Hit him". She's such a quiet girl normally. i was at Rock Bottom . I was holding up a sign saying VINCE SCREWED BRET. it wasn't origanal but it's canada and when Vince came out before the ppv to warm up the crowd he pointed at the sign and fingered me. what a class act. He fingered you! I thought the Kiss my Ass club was extreme;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest caboose Report post Posted March 28, 2002 if you watch summerslam 1992, just when bret locks on the sharpshooter on the bulldog, about seven rows from the front, there is a little kid on someones shoulders, thats me! i was 8 at the time i couldn't see shit when everyone was standing up. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest gizmo Report post Posted March 28, 2002 Just recently I went to No Way out and got on camera a bit during Austin-Jericho. We were in the right corner of the screen waving our signs. My cousin also got interviewed by a canadian news station because he had a huge Jericho sign, but since we live in the US we never got to see if it made it on the air. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest jimmy no nose Report post Posted March 28, 2002 I was third row camera side at KOTR '98. I haven't had a chance to see the whole tape, so I'm not sure if I ever made it on TV. I'd assume I did as I was just behind the ring the entire show. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest treble charged Report post Posted March 28, 2002 I forgot to mention this, but I'm also sort of visible during the October 15, 2001 Raw. During the main event, Austin takes Angle to the outside and smashes his head into the steel steps. I can see myself, but I bet I'm the only one who would recognize me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted March 28, 2002 I'm visable on Steel Domain Wrestling Twin Cities Ringside every saturday at 2:00 PM on channel 45 in minnesota. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest DebilitatorX Report post Posted March 28, 2002 I'm visible on: WrestleMania X-8 WrestleMania X-7 SummerSlam 2000 KOTR 2000 InVasion This week's SmackDown! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bps "The Truth" 21 Report post Posted March 28, 2002 Front row camera side when RVD beat Bam Bam Bigelow for the ECW TV title. I'm 4 people in on the right hand side...right next to the guy in the black Cartman shirt. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Imarkout4chrisdaniels Report post Posted March 29, 2002 I was on Nitro from Charleston, WV in 2000, which happened to be where Mike Awesome's "Fat Chick Thriller" character was born. The ladies that were in the ring to sing and were wearing viking hats.......remember that horrible stuff? Anyway, me and some buddies scored awesome seats, 3rd row opposite of the camera. So for the entirity of the show, I was in the middle of the screen holding up signs that let everyone familiar with me know it was indeed me. On a different note, I might have been on the very last Nitro had I not had to come back from Spring Break. WCW (WWF too) were in Panama City for the last four days I was on Spring Break. I entered a Mr. Nitro contest on the beach and one. The winners of each contest were to be on Nitro (maybe just before Nitro) for the overall Mr. Nitro contest. I had to leave (and so did most of the other winners) so I have no idea if we would have been on air in the ring or anything. However, I have a kick ass video, hung out with a lot of the wrestlers, and Mike Sanders pointed me out to everyone every day I saw him. Sanders was the guy that asked me to sign up for the contest. Oh well. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest dreamer420 Report post Posted March 29, 2002 I was visable at the May 29, 00 Raw where Kid Rock performed live. The show was in Vancouver and I actually ended up staying on the same floor as Vince and his family at the hotel. I never got to harass Vince or anything but I got to have a chat with the Coach so alls well. A story from that same Raw is that when the WWF crossed the border a lot of their gear and merchanise got held up at the border. So I'm sitting in the arena wearing a WWF Attitude t-shirt and a security guy comes up to me. A few minutes earlier I had noticed he was talking with a couple other guys and they were both scanning the audience. I thought Ohh shit because I was a little drunk and I had just smoked a doobie before entering the arena. The guys says to me that a lot of the WWF's stuff got held up at the border and he asked me for my t-shirt, saying he'd give me a different one. I asked why and he said that it would be for Shane McMahon to wear while on the show later. I found it really hard to believe but ended up giving it to him anyway and I received a Rock shirt. Later on out came Shane-O-Mac wearing a WWF Attitude shirt for his match with Rikishi. Later on at the hotel I mentioned it to the Coach and he said it was most likely true because of the border troubles earlier. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Jericholic82 Report post Posted March 29, 2002 well recently I was seen onscreen at the WWA ppv. After the first match, when Mark Madden stars to talk about steiner they cut to the crowd and im in the middle sitting there with an austin skull shirt one. I have spiky hair and a goatee. later they showed me again and i was waving. that event was so sad, they were handing out signs. but I had fun and got some good pics of wrestlers like steiner, jarrett, brian christopher,crowbardisco,kronik,sabu,shark boy,lenny and lodi,nova,terry taylor, bill apter (of pwi), reno,alan funk,tony mamaluke, at the meet and greet, it was cool i got to meet the guys. also I was on xpw tv once in june 2000, i am especilly visible during the abdullah vs axl rotten match (if anyone has that) im in the second row with a wwf hat and a rock shirt. i was at smackdown in la august 01 when austin and dudleys fought angle and hardys and austin pillmainized angles leg. it was cool though as i saw both the wwf and wcw tag belts change hands (ddp/knayon won wwf, taker/kane won wcw) but i was sitting far away behind the tron so i cant be seen. but that didnt stop the dumb people from brining signs up there and waving them during the DARK MATCHES . actually the seats were good, close to the ramp but we couldnt see in front of it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted March 29, 2002 On the November 8th SmackDown! (2001) from Continental Airlines Arena in NJ, I'm heard screaming "What?" at the top of my lungs from second row upper deck when Austin asks Hurricane if his shtick is supposed to 'impress' him. I yelled it several other times, but I'm pretty sure this was the only time on TV. (The what thing hadn't caught on yet) And according to a friend I was on TV during the last Hitmen home game of the XFL season where Chicago scores their final (and winning) touchdown, and some of the players taunted at us, since we were in the endzone second row. (And the tix were $25 each-I could only imagine what that seat goes for for a Giants/Jets game) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Nevermortal Report post Posted March 29, 2002 Backlash '99.....When Road Dogg ascends the ropes to give the "X" to the crowd, you can see my torso/legs in the upper right corner. NO HEAD THOUGH. I'm wearing a red shirt. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HBK16 Report post Posted March 29, 2002 When I went to Raw is War on September 11 (2000), I sat in the section right in the middle right across the camera. I was in row 7. When I got home all I could see was my shit. My face was never shown. I was pissed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Some Guy Report post Posted March 29, 2002 I was at the Smackdown before Invasion in Boston and when I watched the tape I could see the morons sitting in front of me a lot but the damn camera never panned up any higher, I was pissed. I was sitting it the back row "green seats", just in gront of the luxory boxes at the Fleetcenter right in the middle and directly across from the hard cameras. I could have sworn I would have gotten on TV, but I just wasn't meant to be, I guess. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Austin3164life Report post Posted March 29, 2002 I was on TV once on November of 1999, during the Thanksgiving Episode of SD in Rochester. The one where Triple H and DX gathered all those bums and there was a food fight. Anyway, Big Show comes out and he's all chatting......then Y2J's music hits. He's supposed to be a heel but we here in Rochester give him a HUGE pop. I have a sign saying "Y2J RULES!!" with Christmas lights on it to make it shine, and the camera zoomed in once..... Another moment I was on was the November 2dn, 2000 edition of Smackdown here in Rochester. Rock came out first to a decent pop, started shpieling. He began mentioning Austin, so Austin came out to a much louder pop, and then after the promo, Austin stunned the Rock and we all cheered hard for Austin. I was the guy in the fourth row who jumped up and popped as soon as he kicked The Rock and Stunned him..... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted March 29, 2002 I've never been on, but does anyone else remember the geeky dude who is visible in the front row at tons of ppv's from the late 80's and early 90's? I think he had glasses and I was a big Hogan mark, I was watching a bunch of videos last year and was amazed at how this dude got around. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites