Guest bob_barron Report post Posted March 28, 2002 Grudges, Gripes and Grunts Randy Savage is the studio host while JR and Brain call the matches. This tape was released a little after Summerslam 1993. Macho Man says this is gonna be a double thumbs up hour while pestering the crew and previews the matches. Shawn Michaels v. “Hacksaw” Jim Duggan for the WWF Intercontinental Title This is from RAW in the Manhattan Centre. ‘U-S-A’. HBK bails as Duggan hooos. Back in- Duggan gets the U-S-A chants going so HBK bails. ‘Shawn is gay’. Ha. Lockup- Duggan kicks his ass. Three clotheslines and HBK bails. Duggan hammers away and HBK falls out of the ring. HBK decides to take a walk but Duggan chases him and brings him back in but HBK bails again. HBK drops him on the ropes and works him over. Duggan breaks a chinlock but misses a blind charge and HBK elbows him-2. Back to the chinlock but Duggan hammers away but walks into a knee. HBK chucks him outside. Back in- Duggan fights back but gets rammed into the turnbuckle and HBK continues to work him over. Back to the chinlock. Duggan breaks and comes back. Ten punches by Duggan and a slam. Clothesline by Duggan. HBK bails and takes a walk. Duggan gives chase and clotheslines him over the railing and we got a Double Countout. ½* HBK wasn‘t into carrying Hacksaw. Duggan demands a rematch and decides to sit in a chair. Some guy mocks RaZor, HBK and Yoko. All three kick his ass. Ric Flair v. Tatanka This is from December 1992 probably. Flair fixes his hair, woos and does the Flair walk. Lockup- Flair pushes him back and gives him a clean break. Jim Korderas had hair! Lockup- Tatanka gets headlock, Flair rolls him over, Tatanka goes back to headlock. Flair woooooos while giving Tatanka and overhand wristlock. JR calls it a battle of Tarheelia. Brain of course makes fun of it. Flair works on the arm but Tatanka counters and drops a leg on his bicep. Flair cheapshots him and chops away. Kneedrop but Tatanka comes back with punches and chops. Backdrop and Flair begs off. More chops by Tatanka and we get a Flair flop. Six punches by Tatanka but Flair catches him with an inverted atomic drop. Brain wooos! Flair chucks him out. Flair brings him back and gets a snapmare for two. Wristlock by Flair. Tatanka tries to come back but Flair goes to the hair and uses the ropes. Flair gets caught using ropes so he just chucks Tatanka out. JR and Brain talk about the plane crash in 78 as Tatanka comes back with a sunset flip-2. Chop by Tatanka, Flair flop #2. Flair begs off and gouges the eyes. Sleeper by Tatanka but Flair breaks with suplex. Chop war, Flair gets the figure four. Brain: Hey-how-are-ya, hey-how-are-ya. JR: Will-you-stop-that, will-you-stop-that. Funny stuff. Tatanka reverses, Flair makes ropes and bails. Flair goes up top but gets slammed down. Flair flop but he gets chopped coming down for two. More chops by Tatanka but Flair punches him as Tatanka comes down. Flair flies after him and they both go over the top for the double countout. *3/4 Started off hot but really dragged. Post-match Flair figure-4s him on the floor but Mr. Perfect makes the save and floors Flair. Tatanka offers a hand- Mr. P doesn’t take it. Savage recaps what we saw and brings us the next match. Beverly Brothers v. Megamaniacs (w/Jimmy Hart) Hogan looks really small. ‘Hogan’ chant. This I believe is before WM IX. Brutus struts and tells Blake to kiss his ass. Brutus tags Hogan who shoves Blake around. Jimmy Hart and Hulk have a pow-wow as Hulk works over Blake. They thumb Blake’s eyes and toss him. Beau runs in, same result. Hulk tags Beefcake and Blake kicks his ass. Blake misses some elbowdrops and Beefcake beats on him. Tag Hogan and we get double big-boots. Thumb to the eye and rake to the face by Hulk. Ten punches by Hogan and he tags Beefcake. Double elbow by faces but Beefcake gets beat on. Tag Beau. Beau works over Beefcake and they choke him out with tag ropes. Blake misses splash and boots Beau coming off the top. Hot tag Hogan who cleans house. Big boot and he bops Beau with the megaphone. DUD The Megamaniacs do some posing. We get a profile of Bam Bam and Luna on a boat. Papa Shango v. Mr. Perfect Shano attacks to start and works him over. He chucks Perfect out and beats on him outside. Perfect comes back and dropkicks Shango out. Brawl on the outside- Perfect kicks his ass. Back in- Perfect lays in the chops but gets whipped hard. Shango works on the back and headbutts his lower abdomen. Backbreaker-Perfect comes back with kicks but Shango just rams him. Slam and Shango drops the elbows. It gets two. Shango gets a chinklock. Perfect fights back but gets kneed. Shango works on the back and goes back to the chinlock. Shango puts his foot on the ropes. Arm drops twice, not thrice. Perfect fights back and kicks his ass. Necksnap, bodylsam. Elbow-2. Shango rams him into turnbuckle but misses headbutt. Perfectplex wins it. Pretty boring match. * Randy Savage recaps last match, previews next match. What a whacko. The Undertaker (w/Paul Bearer) v. Repo Man This is from an episode of Prime Time. Choke, big boot, punches. Repo hammers away- Taker no-sells all. One-handed slam by Taker. Taker misses an elbow but feels nothing. Choke. Repo hits him with the medal edge of a rope and hammers and stomps away. Taker no-sells all. Chokes and Taker dumps him out and they brawl on the outside. Repo hits him with a hubcap but he doesn’t feel a thing. We go Old School and Taker hits the Tombstone. Squash city. DUD WWF Yokozuna-Gozilla promo The Bushwhackers-n-Tiger Jackson v. Beverlys and Little Louie Fayetville I think this is from the Road to Wrestlemania 9 special. Tiger and Louis are midgets. Basic comedy match- Bushwhackers and Tiger win. DUD- Brain’s commentary kept it above negative stars. Randy Savage praises the midget and hypes the next match. Shawn Michaels v. “Hacksaw” Jim Duggan in a lumberjack match for the I-C Title The lumberjacks are- Typhoon, Backlund, Yokozuna (who Duggan nails), Terry Taylor, Tatanka, Bam Bam Bigelow, Mr. Perfect, and Mr. Hughes. HBK comes out on crutches and sadly looks badly injured and won’t be able to fight. Perfect nails him and throws him back in and we learn the injury was all a sham. Atomic drop by Duggan and a slam-2. Duggan rips his shirt off and hammers away. ‘Shawn is Gay’. Suplex by Duggan-2. Flair Flip by HBK and JR totally oversells it as Duggan continues to kick his ass. Bearhug gets two and HBK goes to the eye but Duggan shrugs it off and continues to kick his ass. Flair flop by HBK (half-assed one) Duggan throws him out and Backlund and Perfect carry him back in. CLIP! Duggan misses an elbow and HBK bops him with a boot. Duggan goes flying out. Lumberjacks throw him back in as HBK works him over. Duggan starts no-selling and starts a comeback. HBK gets rammed into the turnbuckle but Duggan misses blind charge. HBK goes to the chinlock. Duggan breaks it and clotheslines HBK. Backdrop- HBK begs off. Duggan chokes him right in front of Yokozuna. HBK goes up top but Duggan slams him on the way down. It gets two. Duggan hits the chinlock and clotheslines him out. CLIP! HBK misses a blind charge but Triple B distracts Duggan. HBK knees him and tosses him out to where Yoko is. Yoko kicks his ass. HBK pins him with one foot on his chest and Perfect attacks for the DQ. ¼* This match seemed to go on FOREVER. Huge brawl breaks out out between everyone. Wrestling Lessons with the Steiners. Rick Steiner and some calm nervous man with long black hair show us some wrestling movies. Oh wait- its Scott Steiner. Unintentionally hilarious segment. Money Inc. (w/Jimmy Hart) v. Natural Disasters for the WWF Tag Titles JR: Did Typhoon trip? Brain: No- Typhoon never trips. He’s a very agile man. Ouch! This is from July 20th,1992. Money Inc. bail but Disasters cut them off and throw them back in. Pier-4 brawl. ND kick ass. Earthquake misses blind charge and falls to the floor. Money Inc. of course kick his ass. Back in- Quake plays face-in-peril as the heels work him over and cheat to take control. Quake comes back by ramming Dibase into turnbuckle but he can’t make the tag and the heels continue to work him over getting some near falls and of course cheating. Money Inc. switch off twice with Brain slapping his hands together to create the illusion of them tagging. Funny stuff. Quake hiplocks IRS but Dibase prevents him from making the tag as Quake gets in some good lines about Quake. False tag to Typhoon. Quake quickly double clotheslines both heels and hot tag Typhoon who cleans house. Double noggin knocker and a pier-4 brawl erupts. Jimmy Hart distracts Earthquake allowing the heels to double team Typhoon. IRS accidentally whacks Dibase with the briefcase and Quake splashes Dibase for the tag team titles. Not bad at all and it was cool seeing Money Inc. get theirs. ** Shawn Michaels (w/Sherri) and Ric Flair (w/Mr. Perfect) v. Bret “Hitman” Hart and Randy “Macho Man” Savage YES! YES! YES! This is sometime between Wrestlemania VIII and Summerslam 92 because Bret and Macho are title holders. HBK and Bret start. Lockup- HBK armdrags him and struts, Flair wooos. Lockup- HBK gets hammerlock, Bret counters, HBK counters, Bret elbows him and gets an atomic drop. Tag Savage who cleans house. Tag Flair. Wooooo! Flair is walking the aisle, stylin’ and profilin.’ Lockup- Flair pushes him back, woos him and flexes. Savage gets a hammerlock- Flair goes to the ropes. Savage smacks him on the back and they shove and slap each other. Lockup- Flair gets headlock. Savage takes him down and just smacks him across the face. Lockup- Flair chops away. Tag HBK as Savage fights his way out of the corner but the heels soon kick his ass. HBK works him over but misses blind charge. Tag Hitman. Bret hammers away and works for the arm. Tag Savage who gets a double axehandle and works on the arm. HBK comes back with punches but gets clotheslined. Tag Hitman who works on the arm. HBK breaks by ramming into corner and slams him. Tag Flair. Wooooooo! Flair misses elbow but goes to the eyes. Flair chops away and wooooos. More chops and more woooooos. Bret gets a back bodydrop and tags Savage. Flair begs off but Savage punches away and nails HBK. Savage jabs away and gets the ten punches but at four- Flair atomic drops him. Flair goes for figure 4 but Savage blocks but soon the heels double team him and kick his ass. Perfect gets his shots in as they ram Savage into steel. Flair chops and tags HBK. HBK gets a high knee and taunts Bret. HBK stomps away and chokes him out as Flair chokes him and even Sherri gets his shots in. Tag Flair and they hit a double elbow. Perfect cheapshots Savage and HBK chokes him out with tag ropes. Chop-2. Flair taunts Bret and tags HBK who nails Savage from the top. HBK puts his head down and Savage punts him but Flair cuts off tag and chops away. Snapmare. Pin with feet on the ropes-2. Chops and punches but Savage gets backslide-2. HBK cheapshots him and gets tagged in. HBK small packages Savage, Savage reverses-ref is distracted, Flair puts HBK on top-2. HBK gets a near fall and hits the chinlock. Savage fights back but it goes nowhere and Flair is tagged in. Chop by Flair. Savage fights back but Flair gets a sleeper. Savage rams him into the turnbuckle. Flair goes up top but gets slammed down. Hot tag Hitman who cleans house. Flair Flip and HBK gets kicked to all hell lying on the top. Backbreaker on Flair-2. Savage runs in and nails HBK and rolls him up for two. Savage whips HBK into Sherri and rolls him up for the win. Excellent match of course. ****1/4 Savage wraps it up. Bottom Line- A pretty eh tape until the last match. The ‘main event’ of the tape is really awesome and makes this tape worth watching. The rest pretty much sucks though and is FF city. Mild Recommendation Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Tony149 Report post Posted March 28, 2002 Good review. I own this tape and it's one of my favorites. I'm a mark for Flair. So his tag match with HBK vs. Hart & Savage is awesome. The tape is very good for nostalgia. It shows the WWF in a different way than today. Since wrestling was totally different back then. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Big McLargeHuge Report post Posted March 28, 2002 I have got to find this tape. HBK & Flair vs. Hart & Savage is the very definition of a dream match for me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bob_barron Report post Posted March 28, 2002 At ebay they have G, G and G for $2.99 (plus shipping) But yea- the tag match was the only reason I even looked at the tape Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RetroRob215 Report post Posted March 28, 2002 I also like this tape. The tag-match is great (****, IMO), but it is a bit of chore to get through the rest of the tape with nothing going above **1/4 (Flair-Tatanka). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites