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Guest 5_moves_of_doom


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Guest 5_moves_of_doom

Ok, Backlash is like two or three weeks away and no matches have been announced, and we haven't been told which half of the WWF is going to have the ppv, or if they both have it, so, what are your cards for Backlash? What should the matches be? Try to keep the card down to about 9 or 10 matches.



Goldust vs. Big Show vs. Bradshaw

Raven vs. Tommy Dreamer: Hardcore Title

Jazz vs. Trish: Women's Title

Mr. Perfect vs. Brock Lesner

Kane vs. X Pac

Hardyz vs. Buh Buh and Spike Dudley vs. Outsiders: Tables Match

RVD vs. William Regal: Intercontinental Title vs. European Title

SCSA vs. Booker T

HHH vs. Undertaker: Undisputed Title



Scotty 2 Hotty, Rikishi, Albert vs. Tazz, Al Snow, Maven

Tajiri vs. Kidman: Cruiserweight Title

Perry Staturn vs. Val Venis

Jaqueline vs. Jazz: Women's Title

Billy and Chuck vs. Christian and Test: Tag Title

Lance Storm vs. DDP

Edge vs. Angle

Rock vs. Chris Jericho

HHH vs. Hogan: Undisputed Title


Attempting to make decent cards for each fed scares me, if they DO have 2 ppv's a month, out of those ppv's only about 4 or 5 matches out of a 10 match ppv will be good or have any heat.

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Guest buffybeast

WWF will do what the always do: Announce the card on the RAW prior to the ppv and expect us to buy it.

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Guest Tony149

I think both rosters will be on the PPV, but in promotional matches ie. Raw vs. Raw & Smackdown vs. Smackdown. I think the WWF plans on adding 4 new PPV's next year. Like buffy said, the card won't be announced until the Raw the week before the PPV.

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Guest El Luchadore Magnifico

Tony's right, this is the last PPV before both rosters begin producing individual Pay-Per-Views. Even so, they have very little time to build this up, and have a small chance of producing a good card. But hey, I never buy PPV's anyway, soooo...


It looks like they'll never top Backlash 2000...

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Guest buffybeast

Backlash 2000, wasn't that the ppv appearance with a fat Stone Cold?

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Guest Tony149
Backlash 2000, wasn't that the ppv appearance with a fat Stone Cold?

Yup, Stone Cold was fat. WCW got off a good line about that on their internet show when Goldberg came back from injury in 2000. Saying "At least our top guy can come back and take his shirt off." The line was hilarious.

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Guest KOR420

I can't believe I bought that PPV just to see SCSA run out with a chair and get winded from swinging it

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Guest El Luchadore Magnifico

Well, even though SCSA WAS a little out of shape, the PPV itself was terrific. Benoit vs. Jericho, HHH vs. Rock, Eddie vs. Essa, Dean vs. Scotty...it was a pretty damn good card.

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Guest Anglesault

All I know is that Kurt is losing the curtain jerker to Edge at Backlash.

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Backlash 2000, wasn't that the ppv appearance with a fat Stone Cold?

Lol, I remember that. The Smackdown before the PPV Austin somehow blew up the DX Express by dropping a giant steel beam ontop of it.

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