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Guest justcoz


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Guest justcoz

Ric Flair approaches X Pac backstage at Raw after an NWO promo earlier in the show which see the guys bitching about having to work with Ric Flair but then joking about the fun they used to have at Flair's expense complete with Nitro clips of the Horsemen parody, etc.  Flair tells X Pac that he holds no grudge over the past and in fact has brought it upon himself to reestablish the cruiserweight division, a division which X Pac has dominated his entire career and was carrying prior to a near career threatening injury.  Flair presents X Pac the cruiserweight title belt and tells him that he's now not only a member of the NWO but a World Wrestling Federation champion.  X Pac gloats about how he's the best cruiserweight in the world and Flair agrees but then announces the signing of a new addition to reestablished cruiserweight division in the WWF.  Flair then introduces Rey Mysterio, Jr. and announces that X Pac's first title defense since his return will be tonight against Mysterio.


Mysterio defeats X Pac to win the championship but is attacked by a luchadore after his victory.  The luchadore removes his mask to reveal Latino Heat Eddie Guerrerro...


Raw becomes the showcase for cruiserweights to make up for the big name talent lost to Smackdown.  Gradually, Shannon Moore, Jamie Knoble, Jeff Hardy, Gregory Helms (the mild mannered cruiserweight alternative to Hurricane on Smackdown), Josh from Tough Enough, maybe a trade which sees Vince McMahon send Tajiri and Billy Kidman for someone like The Big Show (Vince is stupid enough to make a trade such as that).

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Guest goodhelmet

sounds reasonable but judging from the draft results, Smackdown will feature the cruiser division..

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Guest Some Guy

Someone else had the idea for Greg Helms to be on 1 show and Hurricane to be on the other and I loved then and love it now.  The announcers could pretend not to have a clue and never even mention the other gimmick from the opposing show.  It would be pretty damn funny IMO. Gregory could be a total jobber on one show and Hurricane could get a push on the other.  He would lose intentionally as Greg to protect his secret identity.


As for the idea for bringing in the cruisers, it's cool with me.

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Guest X-Factor Corperation

Sounds good, but X-Pac's already a champion and Tajiri is the WWF Cruiserweight Champion.

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Guest justcoz

is tajiri the champion?  i thought x pac won both titles and unified the cruiserweight and lightheavyweight championships, i don't remember if he lost either before getting injured, i could be wrong though...

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Guest Smeghead

The WWF is not recognizing the Light-heavyweight Championship anymore.  It's been replaced by the Cruiserweight Championship, currently held by Tajiri.  So X-Pac is no longer a champion, unless there has been a sudden change of plans (which is entirely possible, this is the WWF we're talking about).

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

xpac is the lightweight champ and tajiri is the crusierweight champ. not that that seems to means hit any more

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Guest X-Factor Corperation

Look at WWF.com. He's still a champion.


X-Pac lost the title to Billy Kidman and he lost it to Tajiri.


-Essa Rios............

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Guest justcoz



First I post my name to the topics of two threads by goof and now this!  I'm having an off night.


You know, if they didn't have so many title changes during that whole Alliance thing!  It's not my fault!


Well, if X Pac is still the lightheavyweight champion, I guess Mysterio could beat him for that?  I wanted to bring back the cruiserweight title though - has a better ring to it...

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Guest X-Factor Corperation

Aw, it';s okay Justcoz.


The cruserweight title still exists, on smackdown.


-Essa Rios.

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Guest justcoz

Thanks X Factor.  I think Raw needs to have the cruiserweights though because they have no workrate standouts from the draft while Smackdown has big names and a great undercard.   Let's not rule out a trade to send Tajiri to Raw or something along those lines.

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Guest Mystery Eskimo
Someone else had the idea for Greg Helms to be on 1 show and Hurricane to be on the other and I loved then and love it now.  The announcers could pretend not to have a clue and never even mention the other gimmick from the opposing show.  It would be pretty damn funny IMO. Gregory could be a total jobber on one show and Hurricane could get a push on the other.  He would lose intentionally as Greg to protect his secret identity.

I really like that idea too. I'd rather Helms got to be Sugar Shane and serious again, but for comedy and a new angle on the Hurricane that is great.

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Guest Spaceman Spiff
Someone else had the idea for Greg Helms to be on 1 show and Hurricane to be on the other and I loved then and love it now.  The announcers could pretend not to have a clue and never even mention the other gimmick from the opposing show.  It would be pretty damn funny IMO. Gregory could be a total jobber on one show and Hurricane could get a push on the other.  He would lose intentionally as Greg to protect his secret identity.

I like the idea, too, but it would only work if the 2 shows were in the same vicinity.  Otherwise, you'd be flying Helms all over the country to make shows (which I doubt the WWF will want to do).

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